April - My Life on the Game Ch. 02


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She's exhausted....I'm fuckin' exhausted, boo!

She's flushed.....in a daze...and starts getting her shit together and pulling up her panties...quickly the moistness of her vagina soaks through and stains the thin material of her panties. She pulls up her jeans and gets back into the driver's seat.

I get back into the passenger's, put on my jacket, and do up the seatbelt...and off we go back to my patch.

She thanks me, profusely, for the sex act and hopes to see me again soon. I smile...thank her...kiss her on the cheek...and leave.

As she drives off, I spot Gemma....and call her over.

She always carries wet wipes....so I ask for one, to wipe this sticky residue from my fingers. That done, I bin the wipe and offer out my cigarettes, lighting both myself and her up.

We talk for a while; Gemma's doing good business tonight. I like her. She's nice. Fun. Mass of dark hair, just like me...pretty skinny....model looks....bit of a drinker...in her early 20's.

We get on well.

Another car....another punter.....then another...and another...

Bit of a break, head down the alleyway to do a couple of lines of coke....past Felicity who's being fucked up against the wall.

There's a fair few used rubbers around, I notice, as I inhale deeply....couple of hits.... pack up my gear...then off I go.....Felicity's punter is just putting his cock away....I'm back on the streets and lighting up another cigarette.

The punter walks behind me and back on the streets, just as Felicity comes past, cigarette between her lips and seemingly looking in her handbag for her lighter. I come to her aid and light her up.

"Thanks luv." she says, bringing her cigarette from her lips, blowing the excess smoke - sexily - over my head.

Felicity is cool. She's one of the 'Trinity' as we call them....some of the other bitches call them the 'Charmed' sisters....after the TV show, y'know? Her, Amber and Sarah are tight. They have very similar hair and makeup...similar heights...they could pass as sisters.

How the fuck she squeezes into those tight leather jeans...let alone pulls them down for a fuck and then back up again....I'll never know.

Bitch does good business.

She pulls another punter...."Gotta go, girl.." she says, taking a last drag of her cigarette before being hot on her heels towards the car.

I nod to Elena, who's just finished with her punter and is getting out of another car, on the other side of the road...a bit up....that focusses me on Emma - that bitch - that is just getting out of a car a bit further up than Elena.

Then I pull. Van driver. We're suppose to be wary of van drivers. I don't give a fuck. It's all about earning for Martika, right? So, even after a quick look around - there could be another person in that van - I decide to take the cash and get in. He wants a fuck. He'll get one.

I always smile to myself on the fact that tight leather skirts might just make us look like hot pieces of ass, but climbing into a truck or van? Never fuckin' easy, boo!

Anyways, I'm in....and we're off to the car park.

So...the dangers of vans and shit. Not just vans, boo. My owner's mum, Samantha, I remember her tellin' me that she was multiple raped by some guys in a car...or maybe it was in a van? I can't remember, boo. I was more than likely shitfaced at the time. Whatever.

But, the story goes that she was picked up...and then another guy was there...they beat her up and gang fucked her...stole her jacket...stole her handbag...and went off.

That was, like, at the start of the night....so, Sammy Jo had to go to work and pay for her rubbers...doin' her first couple of punters bareback....as well as bruised and battered....and dealing with all the emotional shit around being raped.

Martika tells of her mum, for something like 3 months, rocking in a corner...rarely eating...even rarer showering and shit....just chain smoking and doing coke...awaiting the results of her HIV test.

Thankfully the bitch was negative.

So there's that thought there. Thankfully I've never been attacked in my 7 years of vice. I'm alright. I'm street smart. Trained by the best. Owned by the best. Martika has a rep and, you fuck her over and she'll fuck you over...big time.

So, I'm in the back, knees bent...skirt up.....and getting banged hard. The punter has an old mattress in the back, which certainly makes the sex more comfortable, and as he fills the condom with baby batter, breathlessly gets off of me and pulls out, he certainly states that "...that was fuckin' great!"

What can I say? All that moaning, purring and groaning down his ear must have helped. "C'mon, fuck the shit outta me, boo..." probably did too!

Nice way to get laid. So, back at the spot, back out and thanking the driver and then being picked up again and again. All told, just after 12am, I've done 14 punters. Earned a lot.

Just hanging around, waiting for Martika to finish....then....after her...Felicity rolls up late.

Then it's handing over the money and Martika making note of who did what, giving out what their 25% and encouragement and praise in equal measure...for those that did great, and those that only did well.

After the bitches are all satisfied it's over to the Brothel and being greeted by Jackie, front-of-house, and Donna just taking a punter upstairs. Sarah is just helping herself to a glass of white wine and Candy is coming down the stairs, cigarette between her lips, with her punter behind her.

The guy goes out and Martika tells Candy to wait there. She takes the cigarette from her lips, strikes a pose and waits for the guy to go.

"Right. You and bitch here..." she points to Candy "...you have your appointment at the Clap Clinic. It's 11am and 11:15am respectively. I want you...", pointing to me "..to go with the fucker tomorrow. Get yourself checked out, make sure everything is ok, and then back here, ok? Don't want no fuckin' diseased ol' slag working for me. Got that?"

"Sure, boo.." I answer. "Yep, fo' sure.." from Candy.

"You know how to dress. Make sure you look on point, the both of you....or I will fuckin' batter you."

We both nod.

We know what that means. Martika always insists that her girls look like slags, 24/7. We are there to advertise. Any reason to wear tight and low cut shit, we take. Neither of us have normal clothes anyways, but it's important - to her - that we look what we represent; two hard working hookers.

She is our owner, after all. What she says goes. Me? I'm down with that, naturally. Candy is these days too.

Anyways....home.....get in...pint of vodka for me....tea for Martika and Mark....then bed.

Woke up, as usual, by Martika with a kick in the back....very early....up with the kids...Mark's having his breakfast, the kids are watching TV....little Suzanne is being fed....I'm having my pint of vodka, coffee - black, of course - cigarettes and a little later a couple of lines of cocaine. Nice.

Martika takes the kids to school as I get my shit together with shower and all that stuff.

By the time she's back I'm dressed - red leather mini skirt, white blouse, black fishnets, red heels - and all my pendants and other jewellery. I'm playing with the one with my name in script as Martika comes up the stairs.

She smiles as she looks at me.

"looking slutty enough, boo?" I giggle. She smiles.

She showers and changes and then we head out to the brothel. The girls are all there. Wendy is just making tea and coffee's for the others. Donna is just stubbing out her cigarette and Sarah is lighting up.

Candy's all dressed up - black leather jeans, red off the shoulder long sleeved top, red heels and, again, shitloads of jewellery bangles, pendants and crap like that. Martika even got her name in script, just like mine, as a pendant - and heavy makeup.

She gives the other bitches the pep talk...Sarah listening intently....and then turns and gives us both a bit of a talking to.

Candy grabs her coat and we leave. Naturally, lighting up on the way.

It's a fair old walk to the clinic, but we take our time. The sun is out. It's warm. Life is good.

I like this time. We're away from the brothel. Time together. Time to talk. Time to listen. We always talk shop and I always tell Candy that I think she's doing well and that I am proud of her. She tells me that, whilst she's not sure why that she enjoys this new lifestyle that she is now, like, 2 years in.

"I never thought that I would do this, April. Never thought that I'd sink so low. Always taught it was wrong and shit. But I am liking it. It's a turn on. Yeah, it's fuckin' brutal..."

"Well, you didn't get with the programme, boo, from the start..." I interject.

She snap inhales her cigarette...pauses...then continues..

"3 months, April. I was fuckin' beaten and raped. Beaten and raped into submission. Drugged to shit too."

"I know boo. I know..."

"But I came out the other end, like you. Martika broke me and made me in her image. She says I'm thriving on all this shit."

"I mean, look at me? Would I wear this shit when we were back home? Would I fuckin' swear? Would I be allowed to fuckin' swear? No. Dad would hit me hard. Then start on you for leading into this crap. The smoking...you taught me! That's your fault. The drugs and drink? That's on Martika..."

"..but I so fuckin' love it. I love looking like this. I hate going outside, letting the world see me..us...like this. You? Fuckin' hell, girl; You love that. Me? I'm very self conscious. I love the sex too."

"Most of all, I love the praise..."

"Sure, boo..." I take over "..I love being Martika's slave. I love being owned by her. She has a way about her. She's a tough fucker. Pleasing her makes my day."

"The rest? That'll come. That shit was beaten out of me....plus buying rubbers, day in day out, from that chemist looking like this? You get over it. I did that for 3 fuckin' months. The sneers and giggles. The disapproving looks. It get's to the stage, boo, where you don't give a fuck. You get on with shit."

"Honestly, I don't give a shit who sees me do what. Gangbanged? Fucking in the streets? I don't care. All I care about is making coin for our owner. That is it."

We're there. We head in and wait at the reception desk. As usual, it's a tick box fest...IVDU...tick in the box.....anal sex...tick in box....unprotected sex...tick in box...multiple sexual partners.....tick in box. Pretty simple. I've been doing it for fuckin' years now, month in...month out....that I can usually do it without thinking or looking.

I check over at Candy...a few chairs across...and ticking her boxes.

As before...shit, girl....as always....me and Candy are the only ones slutted up to this fuckin' party..the rest...young girls in joggers....older women....most look well-to-do, as they say.

Just us two scrubbers.

Each of us are taken, at our appointment times.....blood tests....swabbing our vaginas....bit of a talk about unprotected sex with multiple partners....bit of a talk back, apparently, by both of us that we hook.

But I guess they gathered that already.

Whatever. Don't fuckin' care.

Just about 20-30 minutes of doing shit or hanging around...me waiting for Candy.... and then we head out, stopping only just to light up. Like always.

Heading home, as per, there's people on the streets staring at us both...cat calls... looks of lust...looks of disgust...but...fuck 'em! We continue. We walk.

Get to the door of the Brothel and we give each other a hug.

"See you later, boo. You earn well for Martika today." I tell her, as I let go.

"You too. Been nice spending time together."

I slap her leather clad arse as she goes through the door...she smiles back at me...and then goes in to start her shift...

FAST FORWARD.....A couple of months.

Martika is becoming angrier and angrier. Emma, we see on the streets, must be a couple of months out from dropping her baby. I know that Martika and Mark now know that it's gonna be a girl...another fuckin' girl..and I think that whole shit is affecting her.

My boo is hitting the drugs hard. She gets like this sometimes. Which means I am hitting the drugs hard. She's getting into altercations with some of the bitches that work the brothel. Not Candy. Certainly not. Candy keeps her head down and does what she's told. But Donna? She gets a slap and an angry shouting at from time to time. Sarah's just the blue eyed girl...she don't get shit. Neither does Wendy.

But I'd seen her lay into Gemma and Elena....verbally, mainly....but occasionally physically.

Martika is also tiring herself out a lot....she's travelling between Nottingham and her home of Derby, between brothel sites, insisting all is going well. She's being a mum. She's being a wife. She's being a whore. Lots of plates spinning.

I do what I can. I take over the Derby brothel, collecting the money for her....giving the other bitches a talking to if needed....picking up the kids from school and shit....and, of course, doing my gig and getting stuffed on a daily basis...making coin for my owner's empire.

Something has to give, boo...

FAST FORWARD.....A couple more of months....

Emma has dropped her baby.....little Rhianna.....Martika is struggling with acknowledging it all. She doesn't want to know the name of the child....or, indeed, she just refers to the child around others, and Mark, as 'the girl'.

Martika also has a bee in her bonnet, as they say, about loyalty at the moment.

It's worth throwing out there, boo, that I am the only one of her bitches that has a tattoo on her saying that I work for her. The others? Nothing. So, over the months it's been a growing feeling - from her - that to show their 'loyalty', the girls have to get the 'company brand' tattoo'd on them.

Think it came from Martika's mum, Samantha. When she had a pimp and shit, all of his girls had a tattoo with their name and standing in the brothel. She's always thought that it sounded cool and now Martika wants all her girls to have this.

Also, during this period of time, Martika has put her 1st born, Miya, into the stable of whores. Bitch works weekends, mainly, but occasionally during the week too. Works brothels as she's underage.

She is quite feral....going wild on drink and drugs....bitch loves smoking too. Just like a chip off the bloody block. Only....Miya really can't handle her drink...to the extent, sometimes, of her being a little fucked up to do her gig.

Which, as we know...in a big no no....and, even though she's her daughter, that means jack shit to Martika. Her reputation is everything. She lays into the bitch, both verbally and physically. She's had quite a few slaps over the months....which helps to straighten her up for a time.

So, anyways, Donna gets her tattoo...well, forced to is the right word. Just like mine, which says "Martika's Bitch" at the top, a swallow underneath that and then "Number 1 - April" underneath that...". Obviously, Donna's has her name and number. Likewise Elena, Gemma, Felicity, Jenny, Amber, Carla, Jo, Kat, Jessica, Carly....Sofia? Bitch has got hers booked next week. Wendy? She's not had hers yet, Candy has, of course. Sarah? Bitch is moaning about having it....going on social media posts about it.

Martika is livid over this.

I wasn't around at the time, but I heard from Candy that Martika just stormed into the brothel, just around lunchtime. There were some punters around. Martika found Sarah, started shouting at her about the tattoo, started hitting her. Then, the bitch was dragged by her hair upstairs where she was thrown in the bath and Martika promptly pissed on her.

Fuckin' hell!

Bitch was ordered to get her tattoo, which I believe that she did either that day or the next day, something like that.

Anyways, Sarah felt the wraith of Martika. Not sure what happened but, like, next night that bitch was out working the streets, Sarah hated the streets.

So, let's take a break a moment and talk of Sarah; Bitch is bestie with Amber, who dropped out of school when her own mother, Sue - Martika's grandmother - died on the job. She became a full-time hooker. Sarah started her journey to the 'lifestyle' some months later. Bitch got the guts, at 16 when she left school, to face her family and tell them that she's a ho. You can imagine the shit that followed from that, boo!

I wished my family thing went like that....

Anyways, she didn't want her family to see her out hooking, just through embarrassment, y'know? But, also that her own dad was a user of prostitutes... specifically Martika's...and, for a time, it was Amber as his fuck partner. Can you imagine that? Your dad banging your bestie? Caused shit in their

friendship... and then Amber stopped seeing him.

Ok? Got that, boo? Right....back to the story...

So, it's early in the year....weather's cold and shit...got my fake fur on and strolling around, intermittent drags of my cigarette between my fingers...

Across the road there's Sarah....little jacket on....looking like a fish out of water...No Amber out as she's just given birth to her daughter, Suzanne...named after her mother. Just, like, 5 or 6 weeks ago. Girl's healing up. Jen, of course, is selling herself....just up the road from me...actually just pulled...

My boo's pulled and off at the carpark fucking her punter....I'm still waiting to get picked up.

Car pulls up...Martika gets out....hear her shouting at Sarah, calling her shit...really going for it.

Driver gets out the car too....looking frightened....looking upset.

It's a car crash, boo...you can't help but watch...

So, my owner runs over to Sarah...starts slapping her...goading her...taunting her...calling her shit.

The punter? Oh.....fuck! Martika's punter that she's just finished fucking...

That's....that's her dad, boo!

Fuck! Twisted shit!

He's looking upset...looking embarrassed....she's looking beaten...looking embarrassed...

Jen tries to step in.....stopping the carnage....after all, this'll draw the police, right? Don't need that shit when we're trying to earn coin.

Only....Jen get's thrown to the floor by a very irate Martika...hitting the curb with her hip. Someone, an' I'm not sure who, goes off and tells Amber what's going down...

'Cos Amber comes out...in joggers and shit....she lives, like, 10 minutes away from the red light district.

Amber is pissed.

Not only has my boo had a a fight with her bestie, Sarah, but been abusive to her wife, Jen...so she's well pissed.

I hear an "Oi!" angrily shouted by Amber. Everyone is in shock.

She faces off with my boo...says some shit to her...and then it kicks off.

So....Amber. I've mentioned before she's into that martial arts shit, right? Well, she like a 1st Dan in Jeet Kune Do, which I gathered - later - in the style that Bruce Lee created. Quick...economical..to the point.

Well, she gets to the point. She's a blur of motion...punches to the face....the core...I hear this, like, fuckin' crack...then...one of those big kicks....and my girl's on the curb...over it....arm on the floor....Amber comes towards her and stamps on her fuckin' arm...again...another crack...and a big scream.

Fuck...I still hear that shit today....can't un-hear that.

There's some shouting...

"I'm sick of this shit. Don't you ever touch my wife or my friends again or I will kill you, Martika.." are the two comments that I distinctly remember. I was all a huge rush...

Amber was dragging Sarah away....I remember Sarah saying sorry to her dad...who was just standing there.

I attended to my boo. Got Mark. Got her into A & E...Bitch ended up with black eyes, a couple of broken ribs and a broken arm. Bitch was in a lot of pain.

I had no idea of the shit that was going down, outside the hospital. But, apparently, Amber was fuming and went into the brothel to get Sarah's shit from the place. Some of the other's heard what was going down, and Wendy decided to leave alongside Candy....and then, out on the streets, Felicity and Jo decided to join up. She had a colleague, Angela, who worked the brothel in Nottingham, who decided to join with