All Comments on 'Arbitrary'

by NoTalentHack

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JcbxJcbxover 1 year ago

Great one of the best stories I read in a long time hope you do a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow! This story has realism, believable dialogue, and angst by the boatload. In the final analysis, I feel sorry for Joan for her terrible analysis and decisions. Five stars ⭐️ for this one.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonover 1 year ago

Loved it. I think the people complaining about his hypocrisy or just "wanting to jump" his best friend need a refresher in reading comprehension.

robinhodrobinhodover 1 year ago

Long comments! Simple enough story. Develops gradually and rather obviously. Actually not really much of anything there at all that hasn't been done many times. Writing was fine though. Rather enjoyed it.

muskyboymuskyboyover 1 year ago

No likeable characters, all scumbags.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 1 year ago

Well done.

Enjoyable story with a good plot.

Fine work from a new writer.

Top ratings from me.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelyloveover 1 year ago

Hi Anon, I am uncertain which “Anon” you are but thank you for your thoughts on my comment. I guess you dislike the “Calvinist” comment, though I am unclear why. Anyhow.

As for sophistry? Hmm. OK, I’ll bite. What do understand about my claims as being sophistry? I am assuming that you are not using it in the positive sense but the pejorative sense? Since you like ad hominem assertions wouldn’t you agree that you indulge in t? Why call out something out as bad, when you do it yourself? Please enlighten me.

In a nutshell, I was commenting on the creative way the author put together the use of the Martian Slut Ray trope with the Delusional Self-Righteousness trope, using some textual support. In other words, I don’t buy the claim you advance that since she started it, he gets to go nuclear on her, especially given his worldliness and the context of his former and still ongoing relationship with his ex. Our values can be different and lead us to different views. “Two wrongs do not make a right…” I get that you like your interpretation, and the need for “an eye for an eye,” but reading the comments suggests about a similar number of people disagree with your take. Can you explain why I and others who hold somewhat similar opinions are wrong—apart from advancing the claim that her words were so heinous that they fulfilled some kind of “fighting words” doctrine? He had a perfectly good option in telling her he was divorcing her. Why not do that? So, he wants to hurt her badly instead to “teach her a lesson” in this way? You think that makes him a morally justified person. I do not agree, no matter how much you or the point of view of the character that the author created wants us to process events through this lens. You and I have different values here.

I also believe that it sets up an opportunity for the author to explore these tropes in entertaining ways in a sequel centered on Joan, set a few years in the future, when she has more life experience to “understand the lesson she was taught” by these two narcissists. An accidental meeting in which she gets to lay out her understanding of things, owning her shit, but not letting the two narcissists off the hook. And she can do that without having their worldliness or experience, just a hard won re-embracing of her integrity and putting up a mirror to their internal ugliness. Closure can be healing and I have a feeling, fun reading in this instance. That is my view and I know you disagree with it and I am ok with that.

PS. Please consider getting a “handle” as opposed to being “Anon.” I understand the argument that having a handle is “like being” anonymous, but I disagree. Authors have handles and are known by them; as are commentators. There is a body of work associated with a handle that is not the case with Anon. I think I understand your style, so if you would like me to engage you in the future in Comments, I am much more likely to do so in future if you decide to take on a name with which your work can be identified. Be well and may the New Year keep you safe.

SarahwithloveSarahwithloveover 1 year ago

My wife sobbed on a park bench in the bright noonday sun as I walked away.

Such a powerful and well placed sentence in a powerful piece of literary brilliance. You gathered the "hall pass" idea and drove it down to a psychological depth that won''t be soon forgotten. Cheers!

Pinto931Pinto931over 1 year ago

Opening up a marriage comes with lots of risks and I expect is very rarely successful.

jocko_smithjocko_smithover 1 year ago

Another outstanding story, thank you.

Paul tried to teach a much-needed lesson, his last gift to her (And yes, some lessons must be painful). Perhaps Joan will be less stupid in the future.

I realize women are programmed by biology to be hypergamous, just as men are programmed to be promiscuous. But if we choose to do otherwise, we can avoid the innate "I wanna, I wanna" after making a vow of fidelity.

Not railing against mutually-agreed-upon open relationships, or those who never promise or even imply fidelity. Both of those are also choices. Ones best made in the light of day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I had a similar experience but wasn't as kind to my ex. She told me even though I sais no, she was going her. Sara said she had a date Friday and they would use "our house and our bed" I could be home, leave or lock myself in spare bedroom. She saw my eyes tear up and said "grow up". I did her one better, on Friday, in the spare bedroom I assembled for surprise party, both our parents, our neighbors from both sides of house, our two teenage children, her schoolteacher coworker friends, our church pastor & wife, a school board member friend of mine. I had video sand listening devices that no one else could see or hear. When Sara & friend were naked & she was telling him how she liked to suck his cock, I told the group lets go to bedroom & yell surprise as we enter. I was not first in line, there they were naked in "{our bed" & Sara sucking his cock. WHAT A SURPRISE! i FAKED NO PRIOR KNOWELEDGE, CRIED AS DID SARA & HER PARENTS. After screams, trying to cover themselves the two lovers showed anger and hate being caught. Sara'a lover was her married principal who was fired, divorced & left town. Sara was disowned by her parents, friends, our children and neighbors. I made sure the audio and video made seen around town. Two weeks later Sara shot herself in the dfirty motel where she was living. I never felt better hearing the news.

Alberto_MBFAlberto_MBFover 1 year ago

As an actuary, I find it hard to reconcile her risk analysis in this situation with her being a good quant.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Nice twist of an old dilemma. I loved it.

SweetswinginSweetswinginover 1 year ago

Very well written and told story by this author. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very well written. Husband was assertive and knew their marriage was dead on arrival with Joan's twisted "contract". Well executed BTB. He burned their marriage down in a pre-emptive strike refusing to be a cuckold. Well played. Joan was a self-centered bitch who took for granted what she had, while giving into her fantasies. My one quibble is her risk analysis. She completely misunderstood the damage of even making her demand, let alone putting amendments into a contract and her abhorrent behavior after delivering her ultimatum. For someone who is a mathematical intellectual, she missed the risk boat entirely. If she was so obsessed with getting strange, she would have recognized that (as abhorrent as it would be from a moral perspective), she should simply sneak out and cheat behind his back a couple of times. Proobably would end up being more encounters with the illicit nature of extramarital sex, but probably wouldn't be too many given, she was likely to find inferior lovers. The point being yes she would be cheating and deceitful but the penalty if discovered is the same as what happened anyways even without the husband beating her to the punch. Sure she could not foresee that, though that is why she put in the "no friend" amendment, but even if Rachel were unavailable, the marriage was over. She throughly miscalculated the amount of disrespect the way she tried to open their marriage. A lot of stories on this site have "we need to talk" theme with the wife delivering an ultimatum ahead of time. In real life that will virtually always break up thr marriage under all circumstances. Even if divorce leads to a bloodbath. It is the aggrieved spouse knowing the premeditated intent to harm the marriage and attempt to leave them powerless. Hate to say but cheating in secret, while it breaks trust and involves deceit and lying, has a chance to pay off without getting caught (unless the cheating spouse goes overboard) and even if caught doesn't have any worse outcomes than giving an ultimatum upfront. Yes it hits different emotions but the offender can also lie if caught about the depth ofnthe betrayal. Is it right? Hell no. Adultery and betrayal of a marriage are sins. But a risk analysis expert doing quant, would immediately recognize better yo lie and cheat behind their spouse's back than go upfront with a bull rush. Regardless cheating either poisons a marriage from within (even when not caught or no confession), destroys it via discovery of the betrayal, or erodes it by having emotional intimacy with another person outside the marriage, not to mention the very psychological tolls on both parties (unless one is a psychopath). Besides men are much more likely to seek divorce if the aggrieved party (61% vs 39%) vs the opposite scenario. Everything gets so much worse with kids involved. Since the adultery is a betrayal of the social compact of the entire family. And lastly 80% of marriage end in divorce within 5 years of discovery if no confession, vs 40% with a confession. So a married woman with no kids, early in marriage, with a husband who is an eligible bachelor (and good at sex) once divorced, who plans to have one or more affairs with no confession, is basically dead in the water when the truth comes out. Joan delivering an ultimatum the way she did has even LESS chance of her marriage surviving. Heck her best option would be to keep quiet, have a couple of affairs behind his back, stop, get pregnant with his child, and then confess to one or more of them, if she had the slightest clue that he might be onto her. Conference trips out of town with some random stud for a weekend, that she tosses aside and never speaks to again, using a burner phone and email for setting up and executing the tryst, is almost impossible to discover unless already looking, there are obvious behavioral changes, or blind accident. In the latter two, unless thenhusband plays coy and hires a PI, are possible to mitigate or lie about what happened. Again they are pernicious acts but they are the smarter play from a risk analysis standpoint. And she still would have the option to confes up until the moment then aggrieved husband confronts her. Joan played the odds poorly. Guess shebstacked the deck and was too worried her husband would stray. But why woukd henif he did not know? Maybe she is a terrible liar and the husband can read her face and body language well. If so then why was he clueless about the ambush?

James G 5James G 5over 1 year ago

Good story. Stupid woman but still a woman, they are queens at rationalizing away any accountability to get what they want

ForeverEverForeverEverover 1 year ago

Very nicely done, though I wish the sex scenes were a bit little longer.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitover 1 year ago

Spot-on! - 100% - Recommended! - Well done! . Thank you!


DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

Interesting twist on the "we need to talk" story short, but a full story with a conclusion that's not overly detailed but fulfills all the needs of the story thax for a fun read..

alextasyalextasyover 1 year ago




Ate it up.

Thank you,


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'll try you what I like best about this story. It doesn't have a husband who, even after his wife has made it clear that she is stepping outside her marriage, makes a big deal about how he can't have sex with his new love interest, because he's still technically married. That has got to be the dumbest fucking trope in all the jilted husband divorce stories ever. "My wife's a huge slut and betrayed my love and my marriage so I'm going to burn the bitch so badly that she will wish she was dead and also maim and disfigure her lover and leave a trail of destruction and retribution on anyone and anything that was even remotely involved in the whole affair, but I'm such an upright and moral human being that I won't break my wedding vows. Bravo to the author. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Anonymous27 days ago

Wow! This story has realism, believable dialogue, and angst by the boatload. In the final analysis, I feel sorry for Joan for her terrible analysis and decisions. Five stars ⭐️ for this one.

I loved it and have to agree with the quote above. The document she wanted him to sign was completely one sided in her favor. It's not his fault she didn't screw around before they got married (a common theme with the "We need to talk" stories), as she made her own choices in college (to study vs partying and having sex). That was her choice, just like it was her choice to kill the marriage when "she wanted to have her fun and games". It's also like his and Rachel's conversation about the stories he told her about the games they played in college, that were only of the good times and people they met. It's like Rachel pointed out, that Joan never heard any of the bad or disappointing times they had, or the bad lovers they had run into, or the possessiveness they ran into with some of the couples they met. And it was a good point she made, in that you want to do that sort of thing before you get married, not after. What Joan never realized was that going out and having sex after getting married, was disrespectful to her husband, and their marriage both. And that's what really killed it, as her husband wasn't going to be a cuck. And while actually killing the marriage himself, he got to keep his self respect as a man, and make her understand how hurt she was trying to make him by wanting to have sex outside of the marriage. Yes, having sex with Rachel in front of her was a marriage killer, and the wrong thing to do, but what she had already done had already killed it. He was just beating her to the punch. By them doing it in front of her, they showed her the hurt they she was putting on him. It also showed her that the numbers didn't work like they were supposed to, because she didn't have good data to work with (garbage in equals garbage out), as she really had no experience to go off of like Paul and Rachel did. She really blew a good thing, as she had a man who loved her, and would be with her as they had kids and got older. His vow to her was, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, forsaking all others til death do they part. She wanted to remove the forsaking all others part.

This story was really good and it gave the reader an inside look at what can happen even in a loving relationship and or marriage, if one of the principals in the relationship is unhappy about something. I gave it 5/5 stars, and put it in my personal favorites. Thank You for sharing it with us.

PiratasaurusPiratasaurusover 1 year ago

Talk about disrespect, bragging of your sexual escapades to your partner who didn't have as much of it , that's that.

It's the same as bragging about how I had a lot of fun and you don't. The MC can't hide behind the wifes disrespect. They were doomed from the moment they been friend with this Rachel. That's the reason people avoid ex , sexual partners etc after getting married. You simply can't turn off emotions like a switch. And mind doesn't stop comparing feelings just because you don't want to accept it. All the characters were weak and stupid

SteelPaperTSteelPaperTover 1 year ago

Talking about past experinces may lead to bad results, but Pirantasaurus put a wrong spin on things, nowhere was ther any "I got it an you didn't" in it. No one fordes anyone to marry ahead of getting their fill. But setting up such a manupulative sheme, and in cold blood, everything sje got after that was on her alone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Sorry to say that I believe Rach set this whole thing up to get “her” man back.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

The fundamental flaw in her whole "contract" was she said that it couldn't be anyone that they know....well since she told him she had someone in mind and then confirmed that she had made a date for in 3 days time, then she already broke her rules because she knew this guy. If she was being honest she woulda had to find some random at a bar, not make a date cuz that portends that she knew him already, fucking liar.

Wash2015Wash2015over 1 year ago

Great story, I gave 4* as I can understand some of the negative comments but don't fully agree with them. I can understand the husband both his youth of "sowing his oats" and later choice to go monogamous.

Forcing a change to their vows against his wishes, especially in such a blatant way as to be all for her but not really let him do anything was never going end well. Either now or in the future with resentment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, I love it!

This set-up never occurred to me.

Good characterization, plot, and almost enough eroticism

Five for you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, story line, writing, tho I think the beginning dialogue was a bit long. Perhaps it's just me. Say it 2x, why say it 4 more? Joan wanted him to agree on her dating/ having sex with other men until she's contented. Even threatened her husband if he didn't sign her "changes" or suggest something agreeable to HER, she'll bring the man home to fuck in their bed.

... I admire his quick thinking! His, & Rebecca's actions were spot on. Joan realized her huge mistake much too late. As my late wife used to say, "Book smart but common sense stupid", except Joan wound up being common sense moronic. 5 stars Bob

alan_deealan_deeabout 1 year ago

I don't get what everyone is talking about with this mention of a big twist at the end. It was a well written story but very predictable. The only thing that I wasn't sure about was if she had already booked up with the person she was going to date and this was all part of a cover up so that she wouldn't feel so guilty. Him falling in love with his one true love was obvious, and showing his wife what it would look like to see him with someone else was also a given. Like I said, the only uncertainty was if she had already cheated on him or if her knowing she was going to cheat on him was the reason for trying to get him involved in an extramarital affair. I gave it 3 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Catching cheating wives on Literotica, is like fishing for stunted bluegill. There is no challenge.

And for those of you aspiring writers, who try to make the husband forgive her? There is no forgiveness, without regret from the cheater. And any wife to issues ultimatums to her husband, about giving her permission to cheat, is on her way out, like shit thru a goose. 5 stars!

WilCox49WilCox49about 1 year ago

Excellently done story, about an ugly situation. Not one of the standard cliches, either. I gave it 5*—ignoring the "loved it" description that goes with that. Great job on it. The characters ring true—which is big in my book.

remb95remb95about 1 year ago

Loved it, just would like to have heard about her feelings during and after that first date.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I have mixed feelings about this story. Yes, it was well written, and has a tight plot line, but Joan didn’t have a chance after having her head filled with stories about Paul and Rachael’s collage-age escapades. Sure, she made a tragic misjudgment which ended her marriage, but her decisions were made with extreme naïveté. I guess she “learned her lesson “, but such a brutal lesson. In the final analysis, the scales weren’t balanced. Four stars ⭐️ for this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hey, buzzsawlenny, Joan wasn’t dishonest in her ‘not anyone WE know’ condition, since Paul didn’t know her prospective date; only she did! I

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 1 year ago

Very good.

Gotta go with Paul on this one. They made vows. When you can’t n agree on which ‘experiences’ must be exclusive, there really isn’t much left. One or both will be hurt badly.

Joan making a date “with intent” constituted cheating, a date - sex or not - isn’t farsaking. Once he read the contract, Paul couldn’t trust her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A good well planned and written story.

Quite an original take on a well used theme.

Re anon and his comments that Joan didn't stand a chance coz she was naive .

She did have two chances to change her mind.

First her husband tried to explain to her the consequences of her planned actions. And then her best friend also warned her. In her arrogance she thought she knew better than those two. So she ignored their advice and suffered exactly the consequences they predicted. No sympathy for her from me.

JayZipJayZipabout 1 year ago

I missed this line the first time thru:

"...could count [them] on the right hand of a bad shop teacher."

That's really hilarious!

Lots of unexpected pleasures in your writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’m a bit doubtful about this being inevitable. I have friends who have had multiple dozens of partners, but it wasn’t something I wanted or needed. So similarly, Joan did not necessarily need to engage in her behavior.

The contract, as the narrator pointed out, was a ruse. It also was untrue. No one that they knew? Well, clearly Joan knew someone(s) enough to set a date. So she was breaking the rules before the contract was even signed.

Thus, while I have sympathy for Joan, she went into this mess open eyed and ended up losing more than she bargained. It happens and it’s sad, but it’s life.

Great story and well told. Thank you for writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Joan could have had as many sexual partners and adventures as she wanted prior to meeting Paul but it was by her own choice that she didn't do so. Therefore, it is disingenuous in the extreme of her to pitch her stance as levelling the scales. It was nothing of the sort, merely another bored wife with a sense of entitlement trying to put the screws on her husband then throwing her toys out of the bath because he refused to cave in to her ludicrous demands. She got what was coming to her and got it good!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

NTH: You're one of the best writers on this platform and I have thoroughly enjoyed your stories. Until this one. You make Paul and Rachael the good guys and Joan the bad girl who is justly kicked to the curb and gets the pain and punishment she deserved. Feeling left out isn't the worst thing that can happen to a person but it is a disruptive and difficult curse. Joan felt it and it overwhelmed her. Paul's reaction was to argue with her feelings. Feelings are not subject to argument. They must be understood. If Paul would have began by understanding what was truly behind Joan's unreasonable desire to be included in the life experience of having abandoned sex, at least he would have had a chance to redirect things. And what about him? He married Joan because she was convenient. She met his criteria at the time. But he now admits he was in love with Rachael from the beginning and throughout his entire marriage. You say, 'but Joan didn't know that.' Oh didn't she? What was it like to be married to a man whose best friend is a sexy woman who was once his lover? Perhaps Joan didn't know on one level that Paul was still in love with Rachael, but deep within her soul, she knew. And at least in the recesses of her mind she felt 'less than.' Her husband loved another. Perhaps her heart refused to allow her mind to acknowledge it, but she knew. And she felt less than. Paul is not the pure, innocent victim he claims to be. He has his own guilt that he refuses to acknowledge. And he is so very much like so many men and women: blind in their self-righteousness. Perhaps the marriage was a mistake and perhaps it needed to end. But he and Rachael had no cause and no right to inflict unnecessary pain and humiliation on Joan. 'Teach her a lesson?' Give me a break. Joan will suffer for her actions. Up to a point her suffering will be just. Beyond that point Paul and Rachael will suffer for their self-serving actions in adding to Joan's pain. Perhaps they will all learn the lessons life would teach them. I hope so.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Anon starting with NTH, lots of assumptions in your interpretation of the story. To me, Joan unilatterally made up her mind to get some life experiences. When her husband and best friend tried to talk to her or expressed their feelings, Joan was unwilling to listen. Up to the point where Joan refused to listen, Paul was committed to his marriage. Rachel and Paul were friends, with a past, but no more. Joan go what earned by failing to consider other's points of view and feelings.


WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 1 year ago
Love It!

DeanOfMean already stated my thoughts regarding this being a fresh take on the "honey, we need to talk" genre. Refreshing perspective, NTH.

My mind is still wondering if Joan carried through on her Saturday cheating date... Did she join the fuck-anything-with-a-dick club?

The scene at the park bench was the last layers of Joan's blindness being stripped away. Very effective in tying up the loose ends in the story, NTH.

I disagree that marriage vows are cast in stone - I believe it is more like a legal contract. That is, renegotiation of terms results in a new contract, provided both parties fully agree to all the terms. It IS acceptable that one of the "contract" parties refuses to renegotiate, with the expected result that they go to court and negate the contract (divorce).

Thanks for the wonderful read, NTH.

Keep 'em comin'!

Schwanze1Schwanze111 months ago

Really is a helluva story. I probably would have gone a different way than MC, but yeah, damn good story.

shopratshoprat11 months ago

Wow, that was really good. I don't know how often these kind of ultimatums get presented in real life, but the first part of the story (before the show) felt more like something that could really happen than most stories like this. The show itself was over the top, a good combo of fantasy/told ya so/BTB/finis but I can't see it working well in real life (although I'm sure it's been tried, as everything has). But this is entertainment, and it fit well in the story, so I wouldn't change a word. Overall, a great story, well done!

deependerdeepender11 months ago

An excellent contrast between the one who is perched on the edge of the high road and the one who jumped into the morass below. Not many jumpers find their way back out. He did and climbed back onto the high road. As she stood perched, they both knew pretty much the same thing: he from having gone through it to the other side and she from within the innocence that she was born with. And then she decided to prove it to herself.


Humans walk upon two legs and progress by taking one step at a time. The balanced approach is to take a step with either knowledge or experience and then follow with other. Knowledge can provide the opportunity to avoid time and energy consuming experience and whatever danger that may be associated with it. Experience can provide the baseline required to sort through knowledge to identify which nuggets are applicable and which are not. When knowledge is known to be true, proving it is unnecessary. The root of the word "sin" contains a strand which may be identified as "unnecessity".


One of the trade-offs in gaining experience is losing innocence. With that, a person undergoes fundamental change. The experience of deciding to step out on Paul, arguing with him about it, and then setting up a "date" changed Joan. She lost the purity which made her special and smirched her marriage as she did so. Paul and Rachel had already been through it and came out the other side sadder and wiser. Joan knew them well enough to know what they learned and, therefore, already knew what she would find out. Nevertheless, she decided to do the unnecessary. Far better or her to stand upon the high road and thank God that she didn't have to go through what Rachel did. Rachel had reason to regret not giving Joan a balanced account of her experiences. Doing so might well have prevented Joan from focusing her jealousy on the "need" to catch up.


Thank you once again for a most enjoyable experience.

Addicted098Addicted09811 months ago

This is a good creative twist to this category. The part with paul and Rachel reconnecting is even good enough to fit a Romance story.

But they are guilty of glorifying their sex adventures and making Joan crave for it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

A different take. Four stars

Good job.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

the partner,[ man or woman [, who thinks they ;' missed out ' on being with others is ALWAYS a recipe for disaster . don't want to be faithful,want an open relationship ,DON'T SAY VOWS AND GET MARRIED !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Second time reading this, first time I thought Joan was a complete ass, but I hadn't fully realised that this prick of an MC had been talking about his past conquests for sexual stimulus, then we also find out that he wasn't even fully committed as he hadn't gotten over Rachael. The MC tried to come across as all righteous but he's really the rotten core responsible for the whole shit show, and if anything Joan is the real innocent in all this.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The only victim in this whole sorry episode is Joan. Paul's love for Rachael was the tumor at the heart of their relationship and the discussions of his past sexual conquests was the cancer slowly killing the relationship by making Joan feel inadequate and insecure. Paul is an absolute POS and from what little we know we can imagine that Rachael wasn't so innocent in the talking of past sexual conquests.

What sort of pos scumbag brings past relationships into the bedroom of a marriage, the kind that doesn't give a shit about the relationship or the people in it

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

All the comments on how the sexual exploits were glorified and what a POS Rachael and Paul are, I guess you never did bad things in life? Never took too many drugs, too many nights consuming alcohol to excess, talked about sexual conquests etc and later talked fondly about them? Even with significant others? We tend to forget about the bad times and focus on the good when we tell stories unless we are trying to educate someone on the downfalls/pitfalls of these events. I do believe both Rachael and Paul discussed those with Joan. Even with all that said, does it give Joan the right to step out on her husband, set up her new rules sheet to only her advantage? What does that make Joan? She chose to ignore them, people who cared for and loved her and she chose to gamble with her marriage. If she wanted to step out and have new experiences, she should have just moved on and end there relationship rather than try and cuck Paul. There are no innocence people here, however Joan made a conscious decision to move forward with cheating on her husband, an action that should have consequences and rightfully did at the end. I do love all the self righteous attitudes posted here, makes me laugh. In the end, it was an entertaining story. Thanks for taking the time to share.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I found this story as a unique way to portray a selfish spouse who wants her cake and eat it too. Joan obviously didn't feel a strong commitment to the marriage. All the double talk just to cover up her true motives made the husband's analysis all the more pertinent and entertaining. The fact that he and Rach. ended up together was just icing on his cake. I wonder if Joan will become an easy slut for a year or two. I wonder if she will concede to true love when/if she finds it again. I feel very strongly that men and women should experience sex with 5-10 partners before marriage. If they then get a real perspective on their sexual feeling...only then should they consider getting married.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Three very unredeemable characters... Joan, who threw her marriage away by thinking she could control it to her likes and specifications... Paul, who is a womanizer and will never change no matter how he doth protest... and Rachel, who is a hedonist who will give it up temporarily but, will fall back into her old habits when she gets bored of her marriage... there is no real happy ending to this story, just pain, grief, and further infidelity.

NickTeeNickTee10 months ago

Well done. Joan got what she deserved and so did Paul and Rachel

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I like this story a lot, thank you very much, NTH.

As for all the comments about Paul and Rachel being the bad guys in this story? That’s just BS and I can’t believe they don’t see it. It’s really a simple fact, if you want to screw around, if you want to “play the field”, do it BEFORE you get Married! Otherwise you’re going to end up divorced whether you like it or not. It’s just a fact of life, people, live with it.

Like I said, great story, NTH. Five stars.

HighBrowHighBrow10 months ago

The MC is almost everything women hate in a man.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


Sad story, but well plotted and told. The true character of each was revealed.

Paul and Rachel learned from the mistakes of the past, I hope Jane did also.

I only had sex with one woman and that after our marriage. We never worried about comparing what we shared with other experience. We believed we had the best to the day she died. No mistakes! NO regrets!

The Hoary Cleric, not a member

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Made me barf!!!

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

pretty average in many ways but I did like Rachel. Would have liked more follow up on Jane... like her getting all the amazing experiences she wanted only to realize they're meaningless without love.

Maybe the Rachel-Paul love should have come more from Rachel than Paul... otherwise it really undermines the authenticity of Paul's love and marriage to Jane.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

@HighBrow “ The MC is almost everything women hate in a man.”

That is sadly probably very true. A guy that won’t let his wife fuck around and take it like a good cuckyboy.

But Joan is certainly everything men hate about modern self absorbed women.

oldpantythiefoldpantythief9 months ago

I was just a little surprised at the way Paul dropped the bomb on Joan, but it sure got the message across in no uncertain words. I'm thinking it was kind of stupid for Paul and Rachel to glorify the wild sex of their past to Joan. I had a couple of girl friends prior to meeting my future wife and while I never denied it, I sure as hell didn't brag about what I had done. Other than that I enjoyed the twist and the story. Just wonder if Joan found being a slut was as much fun as she thought it would be?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

even at the end joan really didn't seem to get it ?? did she go ahead with her plan to cheat or not ?? went from being about her wanting to do what she wanted to him making the first move and never did expand on what she did afterward ??


XluckyleeXluckylee8 months ago

5 stars from Xluckylee

oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

I really liked that, from start to finish, nice character set, planned out the plot well and nicely put down in writing.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19698 months ago

I enjoyed this a lot more after a second reading. felt balanced and complete with a sweet ending.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

the best use of the worst contract, ever read in Lit.

usaretusaret7 months ago

Liked it, we’ll done

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

We never did find out who wifey was set up to cheat with. If it was someone from work, he could have sued them. And I would have brought the new girlfriend to the last meeting, just to rub some salt in the wounds. Decent story, gave it a 4. But it still tasted a little cuckish to me.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ok, liked the story, altho in my mind there was a little unnecessary drama. When the following words were said"I want to go and have a few adventures of my own, you dont own me, and I cld do well for myself w/ other studs, etc etc". I would have said, ok, knock yourself out, go get laid, keep me as an alternate safe cuck while you cheat, and ended the "convo"(as they say today). Next day im at a divorce atty. Irreconcilable diferences and as she earns more than me and i WANT alimony. Went a twat cunt slut gives you 1st a "what if i want" followed by "you dont own me" and then "I need", it, the marriage is over. She might postpone or delay or whatever but she will resent your lack of "true love" ,will start to resent you and the marriage and the accommodations made b/w partners. Then she will rationalize to justify her decision to cheat, blame it all on you, bla, bla, bla. There might be a scenario where a mate suggests something along these lines and depending on how firmly and assiduously she presents her suggestion, the marriage might(though i doubt it) survive, but the way most LW sluts and cheats present the idea, the marriage is over, youve failed to keep meeting her stud needs, dont eat good enuf, dont fuck hard rough often enuf, dick aint filling her enuf, she deserves or is entitled for her past decent wifing etc etc etc. It's over, dont pain yourself over it, divorce her and let reality teach the American female something they can never intuit on thier own(supposedly better common sense, their supposed better empathy etc)that loneliness sucks, that random but frequent sex partners& big dick or not will not make up for lack of friendship and companionship. fuck them to hell at this point. Bitches aint better than us and dont deserve more or better than we do. rk

some idjit anonymouse(3mthsago) thought trhe husband was vindictive, cant get my head around that, cunt was arrogant cunt wedded to her studies, now that she hears that BF/GF sex before marriage or something is exciting etc, of course it is, learning about the female body how to please and get pleased is fun. But you dont get married and then decide your past virginal choice was a bad one and now your hubby has to put up and stay w/you while you get your slut on and make up for past idjit decision. my guess is the anonymouse thinking this still has to experience either sexual congress or a relationship longer than a 1 nite stand, or is a full blown fluffer cleaner cuck. rk

dgfergiedgfergie6 months ago

A lesson learned the hard way. I think it's pretty much the way in real life when wife leaves her husband because he got old or fat or bald and the same when a man leaves his wife and marries a trophy wife. Some are just shallow and there was no real commitment to begin with. You just need to sit outside Walmart and watch couples go in and out. All sizes and shapes and very few you could actually say were 'good' looking. But you can tell there may not be love there but there is a commitment to be a couple. Lessons to be learned. Good story.

TrambakTrambak6 months ago

The shock action was apt but unexpected.

Good story.


TLHianhinTLHianhin6 months ago

The story was good until the part where he and Rachel enacted their sex scene. I thought it was a bit too dramatic and over the top. He could have just walked out and not go back and still achieved the same effect on Joan.

26thNC26thNC6 months ago

NTH is the rare writer who can make me enjoy a story that I didn’t like. Joan was totally wrong for what she did, and Paul taught her a hard lesson by his prevenge. Neither was a good person, and they didn’t have a good marriage either. Not your best, but still better than 90% of LW posts.

Just_WordsJust_Words5 months ago

I liked that a lot. There was real depth to the descriptions of emotion and character development. 5*****!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Joan don't care... she's a beautiful woman and will find another sucker shortly... she knows that or she would not of risked her marriage... she's also a narcissist so, the next victim will endure the same fate.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another silly bitch torches a good marriage for stupid reasons, ends up sad and alone (until the next sucker comes along of course). A tale as old as time.

kirei8kirei84 months ago

One of the absolute best stories on this site. Excellent writing skills.

60022Mallard60022Mallard4 months ago

Some sympathy for Joan with the husbamd's ex so close. They should have moved away.

As for a wife asking hubbie to recount his sexual exploits pre marriage, words fail me!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

This was just fucking stupid! He should have dumped the stupid bitch as soon as she mentioned it.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Paul is a fucking wimp. Are all these men weak wimps!! Asshole should have got professional advice not from his fuck buddy, and dumped her immediately!!!

Weak wimpy cuck writer and characters

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Bitch Paul wasn't even worth it. Reads like white trailer trash

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

When I married my wife, she had one previous sexual partner (her highschool boyfriend) and I had, frankly, dozens because I was 10 years older than her. I NEVER would talk to her about any of my sexual hijinks, hell I barely even mention the fact that I had girlfriends before her. I can't imagine that Paul was such a dummy. That being said, Joan is the biggest idiot - she had to know that if she did anything like that to stress her marriage the chances of losing her husband permanently was super high - obviously she tried to game the system so that she could get hers and deny Paul, but I have serious issues with that working because I think Rachel could have hooked him up with a river of pussy.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Reading a selection of the comments posted here it's clear that so many people still believe the ridiculous idea that until a penis enters a vagina it shouldn't be entering no cheating has taken place. Joan set light to their marriage the moment she raised the subject of an open relationship. However, the MC's continuing closeness to Rachel was also highly questionable and arguably a contributory factor in Joan's decision making process. No one really came out of this smelling of roses, that's for sure.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Unfortunately, no matter how well written it feels like a trash story, mainly because of Joan's character and deeds. I've seen a bunch of stories with the same theme and they all share the same problem: the wife wanting experiences she missed is irrational, delusional and stubborn. It just isn't believable.

I wish the story was more about Paul and Rachel, as they seem like an interesting pair.

silverthorne16silverthorne163 months ago

Regardless of some of the criticisms below, I enjoyed it a great deal!

RodzzzRodzzz3 months ago

Should not have been written.......not worth reading.

Booboo12629Booboo126292 months ago

Well done. I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

A good story. As is usually the case there isn't a blameless person. He was stupid talking about what he did in the past and still having Rachel in their lives. Rachel was stupid about saying how good casual sex is even if you're in a relationship, or she was trying to torpedo the marriage to get what she wanted. Joan was totally stupid, she had already started cheating by setting up her dates. She wanted to have flings but not let Paul have them but not be honest enough to day that. She never thought things through and blew the marriage out if the water. I'm not sure if the revenge was a good thing at all. It certainly accelerated the divorce process that was inevitable once Joan started her campaign to get some strange. It mostly felt like thus is the sort of thing that could happen so it had a sense of realism. Overall a good story. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

I would have initially handed three docs back to Joan. One was a demand to see a marriage counseling immedicately along with a signed post-nup that allowed for no outside the marriage sex of any kind, with strong penalties for cheating. The third doc would be a signed divorce papers. Then have her sign the one pair or get served with the other.

Also, love to see a husband who is approached by his wife with this type of contract give her a spanking, with a paddle of course, for a good long period, and then look her in the eye and say "I didn't mean to hurt you". Then take most of the money and leave.

I am surprised that we don't see more stories like this where the husband just packs his stuff and most of the riches and leaves. Doesn't file for divorce, just abandons the cheating skank. Especially after a confrontation where the wife insists that she is going to fuck others and there is nothing he can do about it.

But fucking his friend in front of his wife was a nice touch. Thanks.

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