Are All The Good One's Gone? Ch. 01

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Pre-Birthday dinner.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/08/2022
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A very frustrated Hannah had just finished talking to her overbearing mother about her love life. She was going to turn 35 this weekend but was still unattached. Her mother had been pressuring her every year since she turned 30 to settle down and have a family. She had told her mother it wasn't that easy to just get married and have children, she hadn't found the right man yet. As she thought about it, Hannah remembered back to a time when she had plenty of opportunities but had not been ready to settle down. Now there didn't seem to be any men that were interested in her and she felt like all the good ones were gone. Either they had settled down themselves or moved away.

Hannah planned to go out on Saturday night with her friends and party for her birthday, which was actually on Sunday. She would recuperate Sunday morning and then go visit her parents for the usual cake and ice cream celebration along with her brother and his family. It was a tradition in their family and she would receive some nice gifts and then go home and probably slink off to bed and have a good cry before falling asleep. She wondered at this point in her life if any man would want her.

Sure, Hannah was still attractive, though of average height she had womanly curves that she hid probably too well underneath her conservative clothing. Her pretty face was framed by lovely brown curls and her sparkling blue eyes were quite attractive as well. Her lips were a bit plump but not grotesquely so, making her overall appearance quite pleasant. But Hannah was quiet, not bubbly and vivacious like many of her friends. She liked quiet nights at home, reading books or articles on the internet. She watched TV occasionally but loved to read almost anything that interested her. She had quite a collection of classic novels, the ones you had to read for literature courses. The writing and the stories intrigued her, transported her to faraway places and allowed her fantasize about living a life portrayed in the incredible tales.

As she was leaving work on Friday the Vice President of Finance, Neil Daniels called out to her. Hannah was surprised he even knew her name. She didn't work for him or anywhere near his area. She was on the opposite side of the building in Human Resources and though she knew who he was and how much money he made, she didn't really know him personally.

"Have any plans for the weekend, Hannah?" Neil asked.

"Um, actually I am going out on Saturday night with my friends and then to my parents on Sunday for my birthday," Hannah replied.

"Oh -- Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun weekend, maybe some other time," he said and held the door for her as they left the building, walking beside her toward the parking lot. As they reached the parking lot Neil started to turn toward his car as Hannah headed towards hers when he stopped and hesitated, raised his hand as if to say something, then turned back toward his car.

Hannah noticed but kept going when he turned away and got into her car and started the engine. Suddenly Neil was right there beside her car and he tapped on her window. Startled at first, but then blushing when she realized it was Neil, she rolled down her window.

"What are you doing tonight, Hannah?" Neil asked.

"Probably just go home and relax, read some more of my book," she answered.

"Could I come by around 7 and take you out to dinner at least?"

" -- Sure," Hannah said as she hurriedly wrote down her address and apartment number on a piece of paper and handed it to Neil.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7!" he said and strode confidently away from her car, back to his own.

Hannah put her car in drive and immediately drove away, waving to Neil as she drove past him, he was climbing into his pickup truck. She thought about how handsome he was and knew that he had just turned 40, it was in his personnel records. She had recently adjusted his salary rate, they had given him a substantial raise. She couldn't help but notice, he was a handsome man with brown wavy hair that was beginning to turn gray on the sides. He had the most captivating gray eyes and was tall and slim, seeming to be in good shape and Hannah couldn't help but wonder what he did to keep himself fit and attractive.

She almost drove past her turn down the road to her apartment complex she was so lost in thought. She pulled up in her assigned parking space just outside her apartment, quickly grabbed her purse and locked her car before rushing into her apartment. She looked at the time on the clock which said it was just past 5:30, she had plenty of time to shower, wash and dry her hair, do her makeup and get dressed. She wondered where he would take her and how much she should dress up. She didn't have his number so she couldn't call him to ask.

Hannah quickly stripped out of her work clothes, leaving a trail of clothing scattered across the floor as she reached her closet and started looking for something to wear tonight. Her heart was racing and her breathing was quick as she thought about Neil. He started working for the company over a year ago, and at his age, she had assumed he was married. She barely ever saw him at work and sometimes would see him when he entered or exited the building, but that was rare. As she stood there contemplating she looked down and noticed her naked nipples were hard as little pebbles. She gasped as she realized her nether region was also warm with arousal and reached down to feel the moisture forming between her legs. Get ahold of yourself girl, it's just a date. But it was the first time she'd been asked out in years.

She abandoned her search for clothing and rushed into the shower, quickly washing her body before washing and conditioning her lovely soft curls. She exited the shower and dried off with a big fluffy towel, wrapping her hair in another towel and she hurried off to select what she would wear. Suddenly her cell phone rang and Hannah rolled her eyes, probably her mother again, reminding her to come over on Sunday. She didn't recognize the number but answered anyway.


"Hello Hannah, I would like for you to wear that lovely blue dress you wore to the Christmas party, it brings out the pretty blue in your eyes," Neil said, shocking her. How did he get her number? She stood there dumbfounded for a moment. "Hannah?"

"Um, yeah sure, OK Neil, I'll see you soon," she said as she pressed the off button for the call and plopped down on her bed.

What the hell just happened? Did he just tell her what to wear? Or was he just suggesting because he really liked it and he was taking her somewhere fancy and expensive? But again, how did he get her number? This made her feel a little uneasy, but also heightened her excitement. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? And why am I more excited than I can ever remember before a date? Hannah couldn't answer those questions right now but she looked at the clock and realized it was almost 6:30 she needed to hurry. She quickly dressed in the same sexy lingerie and blue dress with the six inch high heels. They were hard to walk in, but oh so sexy! She quickly changed her things over from her regular purse to the matching purse she bought for the dress.

She sat down at her makeup mirror and started applying it as quickly as she could without making a mistake or a mess. She remembered she had put on her makeup a little heavier that night, so she did it the same way again. Damn I look good! She said to herself as she added the finishing touches. She unwrapped the towel and shook out her hair as her curls cascaded down onto her shoulders. She quickly grabbed the blow dryer and brush and began drying her hair. It seemed to take forever and she thought she was going to be late, but she finished just a couple of minutes before 7. She stood and gave herself a once over to make sure everything looked just right, grabbing her best pendant necklace and quickly putting it on. She scooped up her purse and headed for the door.

Just as she arrived at the door, the buzzer rang to let her know someone was at the entrance downstairs. She checked the camera and it was Neil. She buzzed him in and opened her apartment door just as he arrived, locking it behind her and dropping her keys in her purse. Hannah turned and smiled up at him.

"Excellent, I like a girl who is on time. You look beautiful," Neil commented.

"Um, thanks," Hannah said, then looked up at him again and asked, "How did you get my number?"

"You gave it to me at the Christmas party."

"I did?"

"Yes, but you were probably too drunk to remember. I helped you outside and called an Uber for you. You gave me your keys and I drove your car home, following along behind. Then had the Uber bring me back to the party so I could get my truck and drive home. You probably don't remember any of that and you slipped me your number on a piece of paper before you went into your apartment, you even kissed me on the cheek."

"Oh god, I don't remember any of that, but thanks for looking out for me. I've never gotten that drunk before, I don't know what happened."

"I do."

"You do?"

"Yes, I saw Dan from marketing slip something in your drink. You had already drunk half of it before I got to you. I told Dan to leave you alone and when he wouldn't we had security escort him out. That's why he no longer works for the company."

"Oh my god, I had no idea! I just thought they were using stronger liquor than I was used to."

"No, we took the drink and had it analyzed, he used a very potent drug, you would have been passed out for hours if you had finished it. I'm sure his intentions were not good."

"I should say not. Thank you for watching out for me," Hannah smiled up at him. Suddenly she grabbed his arm and hugged it, the realization of what might have happened if he hadn't stopped it, hitting her. She was incredibly grateful. They arrived at his truck and he opened the door for her. She climbed up in the cab with some difficulty in her super high heels, but somehow she managed. Neil closed the door and came around climbing in and starting up the engine driving off to wherever he was taking her for dinner. She noticed he had on a suit and tie and looked very handsome and distinguished.

"Where are we going?" Hannah asked.

"The Riviera," Neil replied.

"Oh my, very fancy, I've never eaten there, too expensive."

"I can afford it."

"I know you can," she said and he looked over at her in surprise.

"How would you know that?"

"I entered your pay raise into the system a month ago."

"Oh yeah, I keep forgetting you work in Human Resources."

They rode on in silence as Neil maneuvered the truck through traffic. Soon they arrived at the Riviera and Hannah was impressed. The place was beautiful, overlooking the lake and the sunset was gleaming off of the water.

"Are you really hungry or would you like to walk down onto the pier?" Neil asked.

"A walk would be nice, but not in these shoes," Hannah noted dejectedly.

"Oh, maybe these would help," he said, pulling out a pair of women's sneakers from behind his seat.

"Hey, those are my walking shoes, I couldn't find them."

"Right you are, I pulled them out of your car to give to you, but you were so out of it I forgot and left them on the hood. When I came back out and saw them I couldn't just leave your shoes there, so I put them behind my seat in the truck. I've been meaning to give them back to you, but never drew up the courage to ask you out, until now."

"You mean you've had my shoes for almost 6 months now?"

"Yes, I'm afraid I have."

"I went and bought a new pair, thought I lost them somewhere."

"May I?" Neil asked, opening the tailgate on the truck and lifting Hannah onto it, her legs dangling off the edge.

"Um, sure, I guess," she said and he unbuckled her high heels, carefully setting them inside the truck then slipping on her sneakers and tying them perfectly, not too tight, not too loose. "Thanks," she murmured, still surprised by the events that had transpired and now Neil being such a gentleman.

Neil helped her down off the tailgate and closed it. He held out his arm and Hannah took it, clasping both hands around his muscular arm. They walked down to the end of the pier and stood looking out over the water as the sunset changed to ever darkening hues of orange, then red, then pink and blue as the clouds looked almost like cotton candy. It was beautiful and she knew he couldn't have scripted it, but it seemed so perfect. She looked up at him and smiled, feeling happy and safe with him.

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret, Hannah, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," Neil said, taking her hands in his and facing her. Hannah let out a little giggle at the thought of keeping a secret for him, she already felt she could trust him and was glad he felt he could trust her.

"OK, what is it?" she asked.

"Do you know what BDSM is?" he asked and Hannah gasped. Neil's brow furrowed in concern at her reaction, fearing the worst.

"Yes Neil, I do know about it, though I've never been in that kind of relationship."

"I have but they didn't last long, it's why I'm not married. I've had plenty of girlfriends, but once I bring it up they look at me like I'm some sort of freak and run away. That's why I'm bringing it up before we even start, I want to know if you're OK with it or not. Do you still want to go to dinner or should I take you home now?"

"No, don't take me home, take me to dinner and we can discuss this further, I'm intrigued," she said and his face lit up as he led her back down the pier to his truck, quickly changing her shoes back to the beautiful heels and then proceeded to lead her into the expensive restaurant on his arm.

Neil gave the host a bill whose denomination Hannah could not see and they were quickly led to a very secluded table for two. Neil swiftly pulled out the chair for her and she sat as smoothly and properly as she knew how. He sat in the chair across the table and looked at her like she had never been looked at before. He wasn't just looking at her, he was appraising her, staring right through to her soul, like he could see inside of her.

"Thank you, Hannah," Neil finally spoke, reaching out his hand toward her. She placed her hand in his, it just somehow felt right.

"You're welcome, Neil."


"Why, what?"

"Why did you agree to continue or at least discuss this with me?"

"Um, well -- I've read about it online and have had fantasies about it," she admitted and his eyes looked more than surprised. At first Hannah was sure he was, but then his eyes narrowed into a smile and beyond, to something more, though she couldn't put her finger on it.

"So you're willing to consider having such a relationship with me?"

"Yes," she said breathily and wondered what she was getting herself into, her body in no turmoil as her pussy convulsed and her nipples hardened at the thought.

"Good girl," Neil said and Hannah could not suppress the moan that escaped her lips. Oh god, what was that? Did I just moan like a whore? His devilish smile told her that she had.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Very good, I see that you know how this works and how you should address me."

"Yes Sir, like I said, I've read about it, possibly a little too much."


"Well, I've not only read articles describing the lifestyle, but also have many stories favorited on Literotica. I have fantasized about being in some of those stories."

"Really?" Neil questioned and Hannah nodded her head. "What's your nick on Lit?"

"It's CuriousHannahCut."

"Interesting, Miss Cutler," he grinned, using her full last name. "Mine is Neil_Dom_Dan."

"Also interesting Mr. Daniels," Hannah giggled.

"My god, you are adorable."

"Why thank you, Sir," she grinned across the table at him. Just then the waiter approached the table.

"Hello, my name is Pierre, I'll be your server this evening. Would you like to start with something to drink?" Pierre asked, his accent adding a beautiful lilt to his voice.

"Do you like wine?" Neil asked, looking at Hannah.

"Um, yeah, sure," she said stumbling over her words and squirming in her seat. Oh god, why is my naughty pussy on fire? Neil just grinned at her and discussed a specific very expensive bottle of wine with the waiter as Hannah was lost in thoughts of where this relationship could go. She was very attracted to Neil and his gentlemanly behavior coupled with his desire for a BDSM relationship had lit a fire inside of Hannah. Could he be the one? Oh god, don't think like that, it's too early to tell yet. But still, he is quite handsome and a gentleman, plus he's got money, she thought as the waiter left and Neil said something to her, but she didn't hear him.

"Earth to Hannah," Neil joked.

"Huh, oh sorry," she apologized, looking into his intriguing eyes.

"I asked what kind of food you like."

"Oh, I don't know, I'm not overly fussy."

"Do you like seafood?"

"Some, yes, but don't waste your money on lobster, it's OK, but I'm not a big fan. I love shrimp though."

"Perfect," was all he said as Pierre returned to the table with the bottle of wine. He poured a measured amount into two goblets and set them on the table, leaving the bottle for refills.

"And have you decided what to order, Monsieur?" he asked.

"Yes, for the lady, she will have the Shrimp Scampi in that delightful sauce over a bed of linguini please," Neil replied.

"Ah excellent choice, I see you have exquisite taste. And for you?"

"Yes, I'll have the surf and turf, with the filet mignon cooked rare, and the fresh scallops instead of the lobster tail, please."

"Very lovely choices, may I bring you something else to drink?"

"Yes, I'll have some Jameson's Whiskey," Neil replied and looked at Hannah.

"Um, a margarita please," Hannah said barely above a whisper. She seemed to be losing all control of herself and it frightened her somewhat, but it also excited her far more than she expected. Neil whispered to Pierre and he rushed off to put in their order and get the drinks. "What was that about?"

"Just making sure they use the good stuff in your drink."

"The good stuff?"

"Yes, the best liquor, don't want them being cheap and you getting a sub-par drink."

"Oh, right," Hannah responded, wishing she hadn't questioned and just trusted him. After all he did rescue her from at least certain rape, plus God only knows what else. Her mind wandered to whether she would have liked being a captive to someone like Dan but shook that thought from her mind and tried to focus on Neil. She lifted her wine goblet and drank, it was strong and bitter causing her to make a face.

"Don't like the wine?"

"Not particularly, it's very strong and bitter."

"Yes, it is quite expensive and well-aged. This particular bottle is well over 100 years old."

"Oh my god, that must have cost you a fortune!"

"It certainly wasn't cheap."

"I'm sorry I don't have the palate for it."

"It's alright, as long as you have a penchant for spankings and other such things we will get along fine," Neil chuckled.

"Speaking of which, do you want me to continue to call you Sir, or am I already in trouble for not doing that?"

"No, you are fine, we haven't even discussed terms yet, I want to get to know the real Hannah, not the conservatively dressed girl with the beautiful smile that rarely talks or shows emotion. I want to know the real you down deep inside. What turns you on, what gets you wet, what makes you smile, what makes you laugh, even what makes you cry. I want to know everything about you."

"Thank you Neil, no one's ever said that to me before."

"Yes, I'm sure, because no one's ever tried to Dom you before, to take total control of you and your life."

"No, of course not."