Around & Around


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Ken reached over and spun. It stopped on male. Bob would be searching Sharon. Sharon muttered another "Shit."

Bob, clearly remembering what had just happened to him at her hands said, "Stand up Sharon and face the group; hold out your arms and spread your legs."

Sharon stood and turned to face us. Bob went behind her. His hands quickly went to her breasts and started squeezing them. His fingers moved to her nipples and it was obvious that he was rolling them in his fingers. With his left hand still on her breast, the other hand went to her vulva. He massaged her through her skirt and then moved his fingers down her slit. His fingers continued pressing and tracing her slit up and down. His other hand left her breast and went down to her ass. He squeezed it several times and then went lower. His right hand kept teasing her vulva, while the two fingers of his left hand tried to push into her asshole. The timer rang just as Sharon moaned.

Bob's payback to Sharon had aroused all of us. My erection was back. Kim's face was flushed—it was obvious that she was very excited. I looked at Linda she was staring at me.

The room was silent recovering from what they had seen when Linda asked, "Maybe I went too far?"

Bob quickly jumped in and said, "No, you didn't. There was no harm to anyone. If we were virgins before this game, then we still are."

Kim quickly said, "I liked the game. You guys are lucky I didn't write up the actions. Maybe the next time we play, I will be the writer of the action cards."

Sharon finally concluded, "Part 1 of the game was a success although I seemed to have taken the brunt of it. Let's have a soda and see how part two goes."

The Game – Part 2

We were back to sitting around in a circle.

Linda said, "The rules of part 2 are very simple and you all agreed to them. One of us will end up naked in front of the others. Remember, the game ends when the first person is naked, but all of us must then have one slow dance with their partner. When the song ends, the night is over and everyone leaves.

"The spinner will go around the table just like before. When the spinner selects a couple, the second spinner decides whether it is the male or female who must remove a piece of clothing. There are five pieces of clothing in the game.

"Any questions?"

No one said anything. Linda looked at Sharon and said, "You did so well in part one, I think you should start the game in part 2. Spin it Sharon."

Sharon replied, "As long as the ending isn't the same...I did my part for your game."

Sharon reached over and spun. The spinner stopped at four. Ken and Sue were the selected couple. Bob spun the other spinner. It stopped at female. So the first person to lose some clothes was Sue.

Linda said, "Sue, the first article of clothing is both shoes and socks."

Sue giggled nervously and said, "That one I can handle."

Sue kicked her shoes off. Her socks came next. She threw them behind her.

The spinning continued around the table. After seven turns, seven different people had taken off their shoes and socks. The only one left with shoes was me. It was certainly not a game of skill.

It was Sue and Ken's turn to spin. It stopped on number four. They had spun their own number. Ken spun again to see which of them would lose. Sue was staring intently as the arrow went around. Her staring didn't help. She was the loser. She looked at Linda as if asking a question.

Linda answered, "The second piece of clothing is the upper outer. So in this case you have to take off your sweater Sue."

Sue looked nervous as she stood up. Her face had turned red to match her hair. She looked around as if searching help, but then sighed and pulled her white sweater over her head. She was wearing a white bra. Her breasts were on the small side, but since she was only a petite girl, they complimented her figure. Her chest was covered with freckles. She quickly sat down and didn't look at any of us.

The game continued as the boys were hit hard. Each of us lost one time with the girls losing nothing. I lost my shoes and socks, and Bob, Ron and Ken all lost their shirts.

Sharon had begun to agitate again; cheering as each boy removed his shirt. The gods of luck struck back. Sharon was the next loser.

Sharon with her extraordinary command of the English language said, "Shit. OK everyone, I guess a little skin is coming."

Sharon was wearing a blouse. She quickly unbuttoned it and pulled it off her shoulders and threw it behind her. Sharon was also wearing a white bra. Her breasts were large, maybe even bigger than Linda's. The bra was somewhat low cut as you could see the start of the aureoles of her breasts. She cupped her breasts with her hands and said, "Bra, don't leave me now."

We all laughed as she sat down.

The game continued and the men lost two in a row. I lost my shirt and Ron lost his pants. When Ron lost his pants you could see his penis pushing against his shorts. It almost broke loose, but he quickly pushed it inside his shorts and sat down. The game was starting to get dangerous.

Linda lost next. As she stood up, she glanced at me. I looked back and winked. She smiled nervously. She was wearing a red sweater with matching skirt. She reached for the bottom of her sweater and quickly pulled it over her head. Her bra was red and her breasts were straining against the material. It was a modest bra and it enclosed her breasts entirely. I think Sharon's breasts were bigger, but not by much. Linda sat down. She looked at me and when she saw me staring at her breasts, she stuck her tongue out at me.

Linda commanded, "Next spinner."

I lost my pants next. You would think that losing your pants wasn't a big deal. Everything is covered and it is just as if you were at the beach. Wrong. Shorts are not a bathing suit. When I pulled my pants off, the group giggled. Sharon was laughing. The worst thing in the world was for Linda to show me her bra right before I took off my pants. The erection was in full bloom. The only good thing is that it stayed inside. I quickly sat down.

Ken lost his pants and then Kim lost her sweater. All eyes were on Kim as she stood up. She had a yellow sweater and matching skirt. At five feet ten inches she was the tallest girl in the game. Through the sweater it had not looked like her breasts were large. The sweater came off. She was wearing a pale yellow bra. The bra was made of a sheer material; we could see her nipples showing through. Her breasts were bigger than Sue's and smaller than Linda's, but her thin body seemed to make her breasts jut out to make up for their size.

She saw us staring and laughed, "I guess I made a bad choice for the bra in this type of game." It was obvious that Kim was part exhibitionist—she was enjoying the game.

Bob lost his pants next. Then Linda lost her skirt. She stood up and quickly took off her skirt. Her panties were red matching her bra. Her legs were beautiful and her flat stomach accentuated her breasts. She stood there in panties and bra for a second and sat down. As she sat down on saw some strands of hair sticking out from her panties. Back came my erection.

Sharon lost her skirt. Then Kim lost her skirt. When Kim stood up her face was red. She looked around at us and said, "Not only did I make a bad choice for my bra, but I made the same bad choice for my panties. She took off her skirt and showed us she had the same pale yellow color for her panties. Unfortunately for her, the material was the same also. The see-through panties hid very little. We could see her bush; the front of her panties looked like some of the material was wet. Kim quickly sat down.

Seven of us had only two articles of clothing left. Sue had three. Then bad luck struck the males again. Each one of us lost in succession over the next four spins. All the boys were now down to shorts. If any of us lost again, the game would be over. The room had become quiet. The early teasing had stopped. No one really wanted to lose.

The spinner was passed to Sue and Ken. Sue spun and it finally stopped at number three. Linda and I had lost. The bigger question was which one of us had to take something off. If it were me, I would be naked and the game would be over. If Linda, she would lose her bra. Ken spun and it stopped on 'female.' I was still in the game!

Linda braved it out and said, "Well it is my game so I guess I should lead by example."

She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. She held the bra against her breasts for a second and then let the material fall through her arms. As her breasts fell free of the material, they sagged a little from their weight. Her aureoles were larger than I had guessed; her nipples were big and as we watched, they started to harden. She looked at me and sat down.

Sharon quickly pulled the spinner over and said, "This is going to be the end of the game. One of you boys is going naked."

She spun, and then Bob spun. Sharon was wrong. Kim had lost her bra. Kim stood up quickly and looked at us. She said, "Well there isn't going to be a surprise here since you can see through the damn thing anyway."

Kim unhooked her bra and immediately dropped it to the floor. The breasts were small but stuck out from her chest without any sag. Her nipples were tiny. Similar to Linda, they immediately began to harden. She grinned and gave us the strip dancer breast shake and sat down. She was excited not embarrassed.

The spinner passed to Kim and Ron. Everyone knew that there was a very good chance the game would end with this spin. Ron spun and the arrow stopped at two. Ron and Kim had spun their own number; they had lost twice in a row. Each of them had only one article of clothing left. The game was over, but who would go naked? Kim looked around the group and then spun it as hard as she could. The arrow slowed and finally stopped...'female.' Kim had lost twice in a row! It took a second for it to sink in to Kim, and then she knew. She had lost.

Linda said, "In the middle of the circle Kim."

Kim took two steps into the middle of all of us. She looked around for a second, sighed, and then hooked her fingers into the elastic of her panties. She pulled them down and as they got to her ankles bent over to step out of them. I was behind her looking at her ass which was very nice. Kim was a tall girl with no extra weight, so her legs seemed to go up forever. She straightened up and turned. Her bush completely covered her vagina with no evidence of any trimming. I saw beads of moisture clinging to her hairs.

Music started and Linda yelled, "one dance with your partner and then everybody leave."

Linda had gone back many years to find an old, sophomoric love song. It was Johnny Mathis singing "The Twelfth Of Never." I grinned. Where had she found that?

She came up to me and said, "I think this is our dance."

I took her in my arms and we started dancing slowly. I looked around the room. Kim was naked and clinging to Ron who had only shorts on. Their feet were not moving as they swayed back and forth. They were kissing with neither of them coming up for air.

Sue and Ken were dancing. Sue, for all her worries, was only down to her bra. Ken was in his shorts.

Sharon, with both bra and panties intact, was dancing with Bob who was only in his shorts. They were imitating Kim and Ron; Sharon was clinging to Bob and not moving.

But then I stopped looking around and looked down into Linda's smiling eyes. She asked, "What do you think?"

"A winner," I replied.

I pulled her close. Her breasts were pressing against me. She let go of my hand and put both her arms around my neck. My hands left her back and went to her ass; I felt her thin panties. I pulled us even closer. I knew she felt my prick. I didn't care. Then she moved her body up and down slowly. She was teasing my erection. I looked at her and leaned over. Her mouth opened and our tongues probed each other. We had stopped swaying; we were one.

And the music stopped. The song was over. The game was over.

The room cleared in seconds. The girls put on their sweater and skirts—Kim just carried her panties and bra. The boys were equally quick. Where they were going was not important. What was important was that Linda and I were alone.

When the door closed, Linda and I looked at each other. She took my hand and we went over to the coach. I looked at our clothes on the floor and then at her. Linda's laughing, blue eyes shook no.

We sat down and she looked at me. I said, "I love you."

She looked me in the eyes and said, "That might come later. For now I think you lust me."

She looked serious for a second. Then she said, "We have been teasing our bodies now for two hours. I am so aroused I can't even begin to describe how I feel when your body is against mine. For tonight, I will make you come if you make me come. OK?"

I nodded yes.

She got up and knelt down in front of me. Her hands went to my shorts and as she pulled I lifted up so that she could remove them. My erection sprung into her face. She laughed and said, "This is my first time so don't expect an expert."

I nodded again.

She reached and cupped my balls. Feeling them as if to teach herself what the equipment was like. With her hand cupping my balls she lightly used her thumb and forefinger of each hand to steady my penis. My tip was glistening with sticky liquid. She licked the moisture from the tip with small, gentle licks. She looked up at me. I saw her face and her breasts and her eyes. She put her head down again and brought her tongue up the entire underside of my shaft. Without warning she put her mouth over the tip, and then her mouth went halfway down my penis. She went up and down four times and it was too much. Before I could warn her the first spurt went into her throat. Startled, she pulled out and caught the rest of my cum on her chest.

I said, "I'm sorry."

Her eyes laughed at me. She said, "That's what is supposed to happen, but you surprised me. The next time will be better."

I reached for her and pulled her to my face; we kissed.

She said, "I'm so hot I can't believe it. Making you come made it even worse for me. Now it's your turn."

I parroted, "This is my first time so don't expect an expert."

She laughed as I pushed her back on the couch. The last three weeks of reading strip poker stories had given me ideas on what I should do; the question was whether I could really do it. I leaned over her and we kissed. I cupped her breasts in my hands and lifted them. I kissed the sides and the tops of each breast and then started to lick a circle around her areoles still holding her breasts in my hands. As my tongue touched her nipple Linda gasped, "Oh god." She arched her pelvis up involuntarily. I was going to fast.

I went to me knees and my fingers went under the elastic band; her moisture had completely soaked her panties. She lifted and I stripped the panties from her.

I pulled her so that she sat on the edge of the coach with her back slumped back. Her legs had unconsciously spread open, but my hands spread her wider. Her pussy was completely open to me. Her pubic hair was thick and dark. I kissed and licked her legs from her inner knees up to her soft inner thighs. She was quietly moaning now. I knew I did not want to hurry this first time with her, and Linda had helped me by making me come first.

When my face got to her hair, it was wet. My hands kept her legs spread wide as I lowered my face into her. I kissed her outer lips. My fingers went to her labia and slowly explored—a light finger touch here, a kiss there. My fingers gently opened her lips and my tongue touched smooth, wet skin. Linda moaned louder. My tongue then started exploring—I knew where I was going, but I wanted to taste all of her. My flat tongue made strokes inside her vagina; then my tongue darted into her as far as it could go.

Linda whimpered, "God...I can't wait. You're killing me."

Now I was getting excited. My tongue found her clitoris. My finger gently pushed back the skin slightly hiding it. My tongue lightly touched it. I could feel her start to arch her back so the pressure of my tongue would increase on her clit.

Linda pleaded, "Faster John. I'm almost there"

My tongue went harder, faster. I knew she had to come soon. With my tongue assaulting her, I quickly reached up and rubbed her nipples. She screamed and came. My hands went under her ass and lifted her as her hips bucked into my face. She was moaning. I held my tongue inside her as her body spasmodically sought release. It seemed like a long time before her motion finally slowed. She kept moaning my name as her eruptions subsided. I started to lick her again.

Linda whispered, "No's too soon...I can't take any more." She grabbed my arms and pulled me up her body. My eyes met her eyes and...


The ice was clinking in the glass as I made small, circular motions with the drink. I had almost finished my second drink when I heard the key turn in the lock. The door opened and she walked in. I put my glass down on the coaster and then moved my hand three inches to the right. I looked up and spun.

Linda with the laughing blue eyes grinned...her hands went to the buttons on her blouse.

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