Arrival of The RX-2000


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"Rebel ships coming about. One heading towards the Maw and two towards us. The Phoenix is in control of the Defense Grid and is firing towards the ship coming after the Maw." An Officer said and the screen lit up with small glowing balls of blue light from small black satellites floating around the planet.

"Meet the first ship head on. Shock, you have the MAC, fire when ready." The Captain said, using the front screen to zoom in on the closest ship.

It was an almost exact build of the ship they had just destroyed.

"MAC at one hundred percent. Firing." Shock said.

There was a resounding thump in the hull that shook their bones. A shrieking bolt of thunder exploded from the ship and a white hot round streaked away from them. It was shown with on screen with a trajectory towards the enemy ship. Just before the MAC round hit them, there was a bright detonation from their ship. The ship was blown out of the way and the MAC round struck the upper side of the ship. It cut clean through the ship and left a gaping hole in the top edge of it.

"Scathing hit Ma'am. They activated chemical emergency boosters to avoid." An Officer reported.

"Follow it up. Fire Hive Missiles 4A-5E." The Captain said.

"4A-5E?! That's a thousand missiles?" The Same officer who had questioned her before said.

"Firing." Shock said flatly.

A thousand streaks of smoke flew towards the enemy with increasing speeds. A thousand blossoms of fire exploded down the entire length of the ship, stripping it of all armor as well as weapons. The ship was now a dead floating hulk of metal in orbit around Mars.

"MAC gun?" The Captain asked.

"At fifty percent and charging." Shock said.

"Fire at current percent." The Captain ordered.

There was a dull thump through the ship and a slower MAC round streaked towards the dead ship. It struck it stem to stern and hit it's reactors. The ship was engulfed in an explosion from it's own reactors and less than half of it remained when the fire disappeared.

"Defense grid disabled Rebel ship. One ship remaining. Warning! Warning! Nuclear warhead inbound." Shock said.

"Where?" The Captain asked.

A wire-frame of the Sabre appeared on screen and a red triangle was moving towards them from directly above.

"It was fired while we were attacking the other ship. Not enough fifty millimeter guns on the top side to stop it. Nuclear impact imminent." Shock said.

"Brace for impact!" The Captain cried as a warning siren sounded through the ship.

There was a second of silence as the red triangle collided with their ship.

Suddenly everyone was thrown in the air as the ship was punched downward by the force of the blast.

"Venting oxygen. Punctures in top level, sections C through F." Shock said.

"Seal them off, Evacuate all crew from upper levels and prepare to return fire! Burn all engines, maximum burn towards enemy!" The Captain cried.

"Yes Captain." Shock said and the ship started to rumble with the engines starting up.

They started to move towards the enemy's ship and Josh grew nervous. He couldn't tell what The Captain had planned.

"Shock, prepare the ship for impact. Set course for collision with Rebel ship. We are going to crush them and then infiltrate their ship and take it over." The Captain said, "Fire two pods of Hive Missiles and destroy their main engines."

"Firing." Shock responded.

A hundred missiles flew from their ship and circled around the enemy, out of range of their guns. They circled inward and collided with the enemy's engines, crippling them.

"Get three platoons of Marines at the ready. We're going to collided and make a hole. Then we're using shuttles to transfer ninety marines in there." The Captain said, sitting back down in her chair.

"Collision in twelve seconds." Shock warned and the collision siren started to whine.

"Squelch that siren." The Captain said, "Brace for impact!"

There was a painful screeching of metal as their ship collided with the top half of the enemy. It scratched and scraped their Titanium-4 plating and tore a gaping hole in the top of the rebel's smaller ship.

"All stop! Fire frontal boosters and keep us near them. Send in the Marines and keep me a line of connection with the Sergeant." The Captain said.

"Deploying Captain, we'll sweep and clean that ship before you can whistle reveille." A man's voice came over the Comm.

The screen ahead of them showed three full shuttles heading towards the enemy ship. One shuttle landed in each of the two bays and the third shuttle landed in the gaping wound. Marines flooded the ship and started to take it over. It took a little over ten minutes for the Marines to dominate the enemy ship with minimal casualties and around a hundred prisoners. The prisoners were shuttled back to the Sabre and The Captain opened a line of communication with the Commander.

"Mars has been defended sir. About a hundred prisoners taken and three of the four enemy ships decimated." The Captain said.

"Well that's better than your usual. I'm leaving the Maw and the Phoenix to defend Mars. I want you to fix up your ship, deliver the prisoners planet-side and await your mission orders." The Commander said.

"Yes sir!" The Captain saluted his hologram.

The Comm was cut and The Captain flopped down in the chair.

"Whew! That was fun!" The Captain laughed, "Bring us back to the maintenance station for repairs. That nuke was a serious kick to my ego."

"That was insane!" Josh exclaimed.

"Certainly exciting." Susan chuckled.

"I don't know about you two, but I could use something to eat. Let's go to the Mess Hall." The Captain said, jumping to her feet, "I could go for a corn dog."


Josh yawned widely. According to the clock, it was about ten at night. They had enjoyed lunch with the Captain and then were shown a tour around the ship. It was almost a floating city. The ship had everything from a military PX to something called an Aquasphere. The Aquasphere was a room about twenty feet across that was perfectly round with a single heavy door at the top. You could climb a ladder down into a twenty foot sphere of water. Apparently the water in the sphere was hyper-oxygenated and you could breath through a small device that would filter the air from the water and let you breathe normally.

Josh and Susan, unlike normal androids on the ship, had been given nice quarters near the Captain's near the middle of the ship on the back end. It wasn't fancy or anything, but the room had a nice double bed and a private bathroom complete with a small shower stall.

The two of them were lying together in the dark room, the only light from the twenty-four hour digital clock on the wall that read twenty-two zero five. Susan was already sleeping, but Josh couldn't stop his thinking. He could force himself to shut down, but there was too much going through his head while he thought about everything that was going on. He looked over at Susan and sighed contentedly. He couldn't argue with where he was or what he was doing as long as she was still there.

He gave another yawn and closed his eyes.


Josh looked down at the shredded bowel in front of him. It had been lacerated by a number of mortar fragments that were floating somewhere inside his bowel. This was his fourth patient in a row. But then again a MASH isn't a good place to be dainty and slow when it came to surgery. Josh was a chest cutter and a Captain in an American MASH in the middle of the Korean conflict. He was part of the 3011th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, somewhere astride the 38th Parallel in Korea.

"Okay, I'm gonna need a number five blade and a nurse who knows how to use the suction. How am I supposed to see in here." Josh said, looking up at the nurse across from him. Susan stood confused and befuddled in her military fatigues and medical gown.

"What? I...A dream...of course...let's see here...number we go." Susan said, grabbing a blade from the tray of instruments on her left.

"That's a number six, but I can use it. Okay, take the little sucky thing and put it down here sweetheart." Josh said sarcastically.

Susan grabbed the suction nozzle and started to suction up the blood around the section of bowel that Josh was cutting on.

"Tray." Josh said.

Susan looked over and grabbed a metal pan from the tray on her right. Josh dropped a metal fragment in it and went back to the bowel.

"Okay...I think we've gotten it all...Now I have to resect this bowel and clean up." Josh said, "How's everyone else doin'?"

"I'm elbows deep in this kid's chest. He's got a serious laceration in the pericardium and a little bit of damage to the heart. I'm havin' a hell of a time cleaning it up." Captain Vladmir Dulkov said. He was an American-born man of Russian decent who had gone to medical school in Boston and got drafted before he was even a year into his first residency.

"I'm done here. Next one?" Colonel Anthony Greene said, stripping off his gloves. Two corpsmen took away his patient and another was brought in, "Damn...this kid has to be eighteen at the oldest. He shouldn't be here, he should still be back at home trying to work his way into his girlfriend's panties."

Colonel Anthony Greene was a quick witted man of mid thirties and the commander of their MASH. He loved a good joke and a good drink and was a legendary womanizer in his hometown of Seattle, Washington. One of his favorite stories was when he supposedly got a pair of busty blonde eighteen year old twins into bed with him and was in the middle of it when he was interrupted by the twins' mother. According to Anthony, he wooed the mother into bed and had sex with all three of them until dawn, when he awoke to find them gone and a thank you note on his bed from the mother.

"Damn I wish you could get us another cutter. We could really use a neurologist here. I've seen so many head injuries go downhill because none of us have the expertise to slice and dice a skull." Josh said, sewing up the bowel, "I'm done, let's close up."

"Bad news, another chopper just came in, two guys hurt real bad. The Pilot said one of them needs immediate attention." A squirrely young man said as he ran into the OR.

The young guy was a twenty four year old clerk of the outfit. Second Lieutenant James Peterson was a wheeling and dealing master when it came to MASH clerking. It's said he could trade half a cigarette and an old deck of cards for a tank and still manage to talk them into a bottle of scotch.

"I've got this kid fixed up, can you close honey?" Vladmir asked.

"Yes." His nurse said with a nod.

"Okay, I'll be out there in fifteen seconds." Vladmir said, stripping off his gloves.

It took what seemed like hours, but the rush was over and the patients were in the post-op ward. Josh, Vladmir and Anthony were sitting back in Josh's tent and were playing some poker.

"Hey Lantern, you gonna bet or sit there all day?" Josh asked sarcastically.

"Shut it Josh or I'll have you shot." Anthony said, tossing in two dollars, "I call."

The name Lantern was a nickname Josh had started calling him after a fateful night in the officer's club. Josh and Vladmir had been drinking gin martinis when Anthony came in and told them they had post-op duty in five minutes. Josh and Vladmir both proceeded to dump their martinis on his head and walk out of the officer's club. Anthony followed them in a huff. They had a nice chat outside about the lack of patients and lack of reason for them to do their job and Vladmir handed the Colonel a cigarette. He had just sparked the lighter when Josh cried for him to stop. The Colonel's head lit up like a torch from the gin in his hair and he ran screaming across camp. He reached the small bend of the Inchon river that went by the camp and he ran head long into it. The night ended with second and third degree burns and some morphine.

"Full house, kings over queens!" Josh cried.

"Damn!" Vladmir cursed, throwing down his cards.

"Now I really aught to have you shot." Anthony sighed, tossing in his cards.

"Well, thanks for the loot boys, but I must really be going." Josh said, taking the money on the table.

"Whoa whoa player, we've got to earn some of our dough back." Anthony said, tapping on the table.

"I've got a date with a lovely nurse tonight and I'm not going to be late. If your still here when I come home, we'll play more then." Josh said, stuffing almost fifty dollars into his pocket.

"Don't you just like a guy who steals and runs?" Vladmir asked as he walked out of the tent.

"I'd like him shot." Anthony said again.

Josh crossed the compound and opened the door to the supply room. He had a date with a cute young nurse tonight and he was hoping to get a little lucky. The light was off, but he could see a small light in the back corner of the room. Walking past the shelves and down one side, he saw Susan sitting in the back corner on a blanket. There was a candle burning on a shelf near her.

"This is definitely one of your more interesting dreams." Susan said with a smile.

"Your telling yourself this is a dream?" Josh smiled, "Honey, I know I'm a dreamboat, but this is all real."

"Oh shut up and come here." Susan said, holding her arms out.

Josh sat down next to her and put his arms around Susan's shoulders. She leaned forward and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Josh's tongue played around hers and they slumped back onto the makeshift bed and pillows. Susan rolled over and straddled Josh's waist, kissing passionately as their tongues danced around each other. Susan was running her hands through Josh's short hair as she kissed him. Josh's hands worked their way down her back and started to feel her ass. The rough olive green GI pants did not do her curves justice. He reached around and undid her belt before pulling it off. They continued to kiss as he undid her pants and pushed them down.

His hands felt over her white pantie clad backside as her pants fell to her mid thigh. He ran his hands around her ass, feeling her up as they kissed. Susan's hands worked their way down his chest and undid his olive GI shirt. She ran his hands around his chest and then pulled off her own shirt and bra. Susan awkwardly stripped off her pants and pulled his off at the same time. Josh's boxers were pitched up high as she straddled him again and kissed down his neck. Josh pushed his hand down the back of her pants and felt down her ass. He reached the back of her slit and started to rub her wet spot. Susan tingled with pleasure as he rubbed her slit.

"Ohh Josh it feels good when you play with me like that." Susan mumbled in his ear.

"How wet you are...I bet anything could get you off down there." Josh smiled, pushing two fingers into Susan's slit.

"I know one thing that could get me off right now." Susan smiled, pulling the front of Josh's boxers open.

His cock slipped out and stood up hard, rubbing against the front of her panties. She leaned forward and kept rubbing herself against his shaft, the wet spot in her panties growing the whole time.

"Mmm...I want it..." Susan wooed, lifting herself up.

She pulled her panties aside and pressed her wet lips to his cock. Susan gave a long coo as he pushed inside her hot, wet folds. Josh ran his hands down the soft skin of her thighs as she sighed in pleasure. She began to ride him slowly, sliding up and down his shaft. Josh loved the feeling of her tight insides as she steadily rode him.

"Ohh...Josh...I love this...It feels so deep~" Susan moaned as she pushed up and down on him.

"Well let me help." Josh smiled, putting an arm around Susan.

He rolled over so she was lying on her back with her legs around his waist. He thrust deep into her and Susan squealed. Josh kept thrusting and Susan moaned louder with each one. Josh pulled her legs up on his shoulders and pushed forward, rolling her pelvis upward. He planted his feet and started to shove in and out of her harder and faster. Susan was crying with pleasure as Josh plowed her into the makeshift bed roughly. Her eyes started to roll back in her head from the pleasure mixed with all the blood rushing to her head.

"Ohhh~" Susan cried, "I'm cumming! I'm cumming now!"

Josh gave a final hump and pulled out of her. She slumped to the ground in front of her and he spurted cum across her breasts. Susan panted heavily and looked up at Josh.

"That...that was...intense..." Susan breathed.


Josh blinked and looked at the ceiling and across at the clock. It was six forty five in the morning. He gave a yawn and looked over at Susan who was lying next to him. She gave a sigh and opened her eyes.

"Twentieth century Korean conflict?" Susan asked.

"It's from a show in the mid-seventies that was almost exactly like that dream. I assume I dreamt of it because of all the recent talk and experience with military people. I thought it ended well." Josh smiled.

"Yea, with you drilling me like an oil deposit." Susan laughed, "You were really going at it."

"It was good wasn't it?" Josh asked.

"Well yea, but definitely more intense than I had ever expected, especially in a dream like that. I think I got a little wet from it." Susan said, feeling her underwear.

"Would you like to continue?" Josh asked.

"Oh no no, I've had more than enough for today." Susan smiled and gave him a kiss.


Josh, Susan and Captain Anna were sitting around a small table in her private room.

"Our new orders have arrived and we're going to end up fighting rebels on one of their strongholds, the planet Neuvo." The Captain said, "I am going to be planet-side with my Marines and I would like you to be there with me."

"Really?" Josh asked.

"But there's an issue. I want to know if you two can take care of yourselves in a combat situation. I am a marine of four years and can handle an electrosword with ease, but what can you two do?" The Captain asked.

"We have targeting systems for most ranged weapons, but I have little to no combat experience." Josh said.

"We did fight a little with a few Yakuza, but that was a few small shootouts, not full scale battles." Susan said, "That's how we got shot up and thrown forward in time."

"Okay, well I'm going to give you guys the Android Training Program. It will install the skills and programs you need in just a few minutes. Then you'll take an hour or two of Battle Training to get used to it. Then you should be alright." The Captain explained.

"That's all?" Josh asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Learning thing's as an android is as simple as clicking download." The Captain chuckled.


Josh and Susan sat on two android chairs in the tech lab. The android chairs are chairs that connect to multiple places on an android's body in order to download things directly into other parts of their body as well as into their mind. The chair leaned back and the lab tech looked at each of them. He was a young man in his early twenties with a nice black haircut, a five O' clock shadow and a white lab coat thrown over a blue jumpsuit.

"Okay, RX series...a little old, but I can remake the programming for you two." The lab tech said, "Of all the series, why did the Captain pick you two? Your both hundred year old models."

"I'm a person and she's got quite a personality. We're not normal androids." Josh told him.

"So why haven't you been upgraded?" The lab tech asked.

"I know...we haven't even seen any other models of androids...have we?" Josh asked, looking over at Susan.

"Your right, we haven't." Susan said.

"Well you know it would be easier to transfer you two into newer models than it would be to try and retrograde this battle programming and upload it to you two. Definitely would be more compatible." The lab tech said, "If the captain is so attached to you two, I bet she could easily wing it. She could probably get a couple of military grade androids to replace you."
