Ascending Lauren Ch. 01

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Wife acquiesces to shared fantasies.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 29 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 08/29/2020
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This narrative is meant to be a multi-part story of a long-married couple who desired a change in their lives and got it, albeit more than they anticipated. It revolves around the exploration of wife sharing, its implications, and eroticism many find in the concept. If this is not your cup of tea, please move on. It is not a quick hit tale of a husband or wife who suddenly decide one day to share their spouse. Rather, it is an evolving story where I tried to cultivate the characters and provide insight on how they arrive at decisions and destinations. Although some may consider this a slow burn, I try not to sacrifice pace too much. See my public profile for position on comments. Thank you.

As stated, this story showcases wife sharing. If that is not your thing and you still read on, any emotions it elicits in you, is on you.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.


The morning sunlight streamed through the small breaks in the window blinds, casting a golden luster about the small bedroom. Corey Miller blinked several times before opening his heavy eyelids to a room that was unfamiliar. He tensed, slightly confused, as his eyes fell upon the shapely woman asleep next to him. He immediately relaxed, seeing it was Lauren Olivia, his wife of 28 years. No need to worry, they were in her new Miami apartment. The clock on the nightstand dimly displayed eight o'clock Saturday morning. Good, no need to wake her yet.

Sitting up in the oversized bed, the 61-year-old noticed two things. First, the sheets had somehow been kicked off during the night, the whites now crumpled on the floor. Second, a raging hardon protruded from the flaps of his boxers. The Florida mid-summer heat was already warming the atmosphere, so missing covers weren't an issue. In addition, their absence allowed him full view of his wife's body lying on her side. He admired her toned legs, curvy hips, and soft shoulders. The thin white cotton tank-top did nothing to hide her small 30b-cup breasts, the darker areolae and nipples clearly visible. Even after decades of marriage Lauren could still get his motor running. A classic 1980s beauty, she could have easily been cast in an MTV music video back in the day. The big hair of that era had been gradually replaced over time with more professional looks. Now at 48, Lauren preferred to wear her jet-black locks totally straight, cascading just below those delicious breasts, and in back, ending in a V at her shoulder blades. When she combed her bangs straight down to just above her sultry eyes, she was very seductive, although she herself didn't realize it. His wife's hair styles were always tasteful, with just enough coloring to keep it black as night and hide the silver that had begun making its appearance. Corey was very proud at how she had kept herself in shape with frequent visits to the gym, Pilates, and lots of power walking. The effort had clearly paid off, as casual acquaintances often guessed her age as early 30s. Her fitness was in stark contrast to his own, with his slightly pudgy middle and the unfortunate relaxation of his salty-haired pectorals. Not yet a "fat slob", but he definitely was experiencing a mature spread.

Corey reached over and began lightly tracing his fingers from her shoulder, over her breasts, through the valley of her side, before resting atop those small and inviting hips. There was no way to ignore the morning wood he was sprouting. He desperately wanted to make love to her. Yet, Lauren needed to sleep. She was starting a new job soon and was exhausted, having spent the last four days moving into this Miami high rise. As he gazed upon his wife's body, contemplating the next move, her phone chirped, seemingly mocking any ideas swirling around in his head. It was a text from one of their daughters. The raven-haired beauty slid to the edge of the bed and snatched the phone from the nightstand. "It's Lilly," she announced groggily, "just wants to know your flight out tomorrow." Lauren fired back a quick reply and stood slowly, yawning and shaking off the sleep. She smiled at Corey as she made her way to the bathroom, scratching her small frame and backside. Yes, even in the morning, she was the consummate vixen.

His flight! Corey's own smile turned to a frown and his erection quickly disappeared. Just one more day and he would be leaving his wife alone in a huge city to fend for herself. He sighed. It was no surprise; there was never any doubt this day would come. They had arranged it thoroughly. A plan hatched together a month ago when Lauren received a job offer from a national fiberglass distributor looking for an experienced office manager in Miami. Fiberglass was used heavily in the construction of boats and ships, and Florida had plenty of those. It was an executive position and the opportunity had come at a perfect time, since both had long been looking to leave Des Moines for greener - and warmer - pastures. Simply tired of cold, snowy winters, the couple had entertained the idea of moving for several years. They were not getting any younger and both wanted to live the rest of their lives somewhere a bit livelier. Now that their two daughters were grown with good careers and living in other states, neither had permanent ties to their current community.

To that end, Lauren had peppered online job boards across the country with her resume. As a long-time office manager for a large paper product manufacturing company in suburban Des Moines, she felt her experience might be noticed by a firm in a more exciting and tepid locale. As for Corey, he had been a construction project manager for over 35 years, working with various companies that specialized in building hospitals and medical facilities. He was quite successful and had earned a great reputation in the industry. Good industrial project managers were in high demand in most large cities, so he was not concerned with finding work wherever they decided to move.

Lauren was genuinely surprised when fiberglass distributor Rekrap Industries responded to her application mere days later. After all, she had just been testing the waters. They were conducting interviews for an executive level office manager to oversee their Miami office, plus a few boat dealerships they also owned. The couple discussed the opportunity that evening. It was not a hard sell. Although the cost of living in South Florida, especially Miami, was astronomically more expensive than Iowa, they felt the new executive position, along with what Corey could earn as a seasoned construction manager, would more than offset the increase in expenses. Plus, it was warm and they both loved the ocean; what more could they ask for? After a methodical evaluation of the offer, the couple decided Lauren should go for it.

A quick round trip to the company headquarters in downtown Miami for an interview proved fruitful. Only a few days later Rekrap reached out with an extraordinary offer. In addition to being given the responsibility for running their offices throughout the area, Lauren's salary would increase substantially, and she would be given numerous executive privileges. The downside was the company expected her to join their executive training within three weeks of acceptance. That would mean finding an apartment quickly in the Miami area. Not an easy feat. Then there was Corey's job. He could not just suddenly quit the project he was on. Although not particularly worried about landing a job in Florida - he knew people in the industry there that would hire him on reputation alone - the very reason he enjoyed such a great name in the business was that he was a stoically committed project manager who saw every job through, no matter how difficult. Leaving a hospital project during its last phase would not bode well for that reputation nor future employment. No, Corey would have to remain behind until the project completed. The mechanics of the plan had seemed so very straightforward, until that very moment when the emotional impact of an imminent separation became all too real.

Lauren appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, toothbrush in hand. Corey looked back at her glumly, and she knew right away what he was fraught about. "It's only for a few months you know, just until you have the medical center built. Then you'll be right back here," she said confidently.

Corey leaned back against the headboard. "You're right, I knew it was coming, but with leaving tomorrow, it seems so much more...real now." Lauren looked at her husband sympathetically, knowing he had mixed emotions about leaving. She shared those emotions as well but realized her state of mind was in a totally different place. Starting a new adventure, in a new city and with a new job, Lauren was not only excited for herself, but what it would mean eventually for their future together. And yet she knew Corey's immediate life held the monotony of the old one and facing the next five to six months alone at that. It was not exactly the exciting adventure unfolding for her.

Lauren began brushing her teeth, then stopped. "I think after a week of moving into this apartment, we've done as much decorating as we can do. How about we spend your last night in Miami celebrating what will become our new life together?" Corey's face brightened. She could always make him feel better. He smiled and nodded. His heart wanted so badly to stay with his wife, change the plans, rearrange the arrangements. But his head knew better. The plans they had made were solid. And after all, he could visit anytime he wanted. As he was trying to convince himself he was doing the right thing, Lauren disappeared back into the bathroom. "And to show me your appreciation for taking you out tonight, YOU can take me shopping this afternoon for work clothes!" she called out to him, closing the door behind her. Moments later the shower water began flowing. All hopes of enticing his wife into a quickie were now dashed.

Who was he kidding? The days of morning romps were long gone, in fact, nighttime romps were far and few between these days as well. Ever since Lauren experienced early menopause a few years ago, her interest in sex dropped off significantly. Although they still made love once a month when the mood was right, he suspected her spirit wasn't into it anymore. In fact, he could not remember the last time she had been the initiator. Thankfully, alcohol substantially increased her enthusiasm for fooling around, so there was hope. Even then, they had to deal with the loss of natural lubrication. Lauren never said anything, but he could tell that without the use of artificial lube she had discomfort. It was for these reasons he never pressured her into having sex and would only initiate it when he thought she would be receptive. Sex was still important to Corey, but not as important as his wife's health or happiness.

It wasn't fair to blame all of Lauren's disinterest in sex on post-menopausal conditions. For the last several years his stamina had also decreased considerably. He once could last for at least an hour without coming, then be ready for seconds and sometimes thirds. In fact, it was this prowess that helped win her away from the college boys she was dating when they met. He was 31 and she 20 when they met at a wedding reception. A year later, his maturity and, as Corey liked to think, experience in the bedroom, helped land a ring on Lauren's finger. That was all a distant memory now. These days, once he slipped into his wife, they both knew he was only good for 10 minutes. Repeats? Forget about it. Corey blamed not only his age but his physique as well. Too many doughnuts in the construction trailers, and the stress of managing large projects had contributed to an unhealthy lifestyle, despite Lauren's vigilance in cooking healthy meals. Thankfully, several years ago she had picked up a very large vibrator at a lingerie show, which they nicknamed the Chairman of the Board, after a character in one of the erotic tales he was fond of telling whenever they did make love. The couple now leaned heavily on the Chairman and that storytelling to bring Lauren to orgasm.

Corey made his way over to the bedroom's large floor-to-ceiling window overlooking downtown Miami. Marveling at the view from the 23rd floor of the high-rise, Corey was thankful Rekrap Industries was able to locate such a primo spot in the downtown area on such short notice. The company kept a few apartments on retainer for use by out-of-town executives and potential clients, which the HR department leveraged to snap up this one-bedroom rental for Lauren. It was small and the price was more than the couple wanted to pay, but it was only a temporary living arrangement until they could scope out some houses in the suburbs. With Lauren able to walk to the office only a couple blocks away, there was also no need for her to have the expenses of a vehicle, which remained garaged back in Iowa. It all was falling into place as they planned, yet he could not help feeling apprehensive about the whole thing. Corey took a deep breath and sauntered towards the bathroom to get ready for the big shopping day.


There was no question Lauren loved to shop. Besides her family, it was her favorite way to spend time. The new position called for an extensive wardrobe upgrade and she intended on taking full advantage of her increased income. It was therefore no surprise when she dragged Corey into every clothing shop in the downtown district. He played the doting husband, dutifully sitting outside one dressing room after another in dreadfully oversized chairs and sofas. He didn't mind much. His reward was being able to watch Lauren parade around the sitting areas, modeling various pieces of clothing for him in front of the large mirrors. She looked hot, her toned body making even the most conservative clothing look sexy.

It didn't take Corey long to notice he wasn't her only admirer. From time to time, another husband or boyfriend would invariably walk over and plop down in a nearby chair as their significant other browsed through the myriad of clothing. They would pretend to be noodling with their phones when women came out to whirl in front of the mirrors, but Corey knew better. All guys are perverts, Corey sniggered to himself. At one store, Lauren was the only one trying on clothes, and to his amazement, there were several men whose tired feet just happened to coincide with Lauren prancing out of the dressing room in various states of dress. She seemed oblivious to their presence - she knew not the vixen she was - but Corey noticed. Apparently, these men figured they could get a free runway walk. And why not? His chest swelled with pride, knowing that his wife still turned heads. He also felt a bit peculiar because it triggered thoughts of a fantasy he had long harbored, one that involved watching Lauren make love to another man - or woman. The gender didn't really matter. It was hard to explain these thoughts, which were chiefly about witnessing her experiencing human intimacy at its zenith. It is difficult to see raw emotions develop in someone up close, so Corey felt the only way to really see that explosive build up is to allow it to unfold in front of one's eyes. Such is the appeal of porn, he reasoned; this type of thrill comes from watching the emotions of the participants develop to a crescendo of orgasms, not the actual participation itself.

It was only a fantasy, and Corey knew it would never happen. Hell, he was barely getting any himself. Yet, there was no harm in indulging this bit of delusion. After all, it provided him with spank bank material, and when they did happen to hook up, Lauren seemed to enjoy the titillation from the threesome scenarios he whispered in her ear. The idea itself obviously did not disgust her, having orgasmed time and time again to those tales.

As much as Corey enjoyed watching his wife being watched, he was thankful when Lauren finally announced she now had enough outfits to get her through the next few months. Grateful for the day-long shopping spree to be over, he pulled out his phone and summoned a taxi.


Lauren laid in the tub of hot water, lazily gliding the scrubbing mitts over her arms. The oils in the water provided a hint of blooming flowers and she was determined to enjoy every minute of it. With the new job starting on Monday, she knew it would be a while before she'd have time to indulge herself like this again. Plus, Lauren wanted to be soft and smell good for Corey. He was surely anticipating making love tonight. She looked over her body. Not bad for late forties, she thought. Buttocks still tight and small firm breasts had resisted much of the sagging some women her age were experiencing. She was doubly proud of her flat tummy, toned arms and muscled legs. More than once she had been mistaken for her daughter's sister. Well, except for those damn varicose veins in her calves which were starting to become more pronounced.

Those did not seem to matter to Corey. He looked right past any signs of her aging. At 61, he was horny as ever, but unlike his, her libido had diminished quite a bit over the years. Maybe it was the early menopause, maybe to a lesser extent her age, but she just didn't feel the desire for sex the way she used to. And when she did, she needed lube to help pave the way. It wasn't a dislike of sex, on the contrary, when the moment was right, she was all in. But it had been at least five years since she had an orgasm with Corey inside her, and his willingness to initiate sex far exceeded his ability to finish it now; frequently building her up with foreplay, but no longer able to get her off with his penis. She never criticized and didn't blame him. His age, coupled with the weight he had put on over the years, appeared to contribute to his decreased stamina. The age difference in that department was now showing, but Lauren was fully aware of Corey being 13 years her senior when she married him, and she loved him so much it didn't matter at all. He was 32 when they tied the knot and one of the best lovers she had ever experienced, a talent retained well into his fifties. That's many years of spectacular sex, so she was not about to complain.

To be fair, there were additional reasons the frequency of their love making had decreased over time. Let's face it, as one gets older, the physical part of sex can be a bit daunting. Sometimes masturbation is a simpler, faster and less exhausting form of release. It wasn't uncommon for Lauren to detect Corey quietly stroking his penis in the middle of the night, a tent in the sheets growing and contracting until he finally held his breath in an attempt to conceal his release. There were also times she had walked into his home office late at night when he was watching porn. On those occasions he would always feign watching a sports video or something equally benign. But she knew. A wife always knows. She would never confront or embarrass him. Lauren didn't really care, as long as he still found her attractive.

Truth be told, she wasn't a stranger to artificial pleasure either. Corey was a considerate lover, always making sure she achieved pleasure before himself. Of average length, he never filled her up like some past boyfriends, but he knew how to use what he had, and having him inside her made her feel warm, whole, and most importantly, loved. Her husband was still great at foreplay, but once he penetrated her, she knew he would be done for the night in short order. Indeed, her only orgasms these days came from "the Chairman of the Board", the 10-inch vibrator she had purchased from a friend awhile back. They had named the dildo during some ridiculous role-playing Corey had dreamed up whereas he was the COB at her company, she an office clerk, and they did it in a virtual supply closet. She snickered at the memory, but she had to admit, when the Chairman was on the job, she could easily experience the same wanton lust she had before Corey's stamina decreased. It also helped immensely when he talked dirty and whispered those same type of bizarre stories into her ear. Yes, she still enjoyed making love to her husband, but her orgasms - real, thunderous ones - belonged to the Chairman now.