Ascension of Azaron Pt. 06

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Azaron is lost in Hell and at the mercy of the queen of lust.
4.8k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/28/2022
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This is part 6 of my Ascension of Azaron series, the plot of which is heavily reliant on events in the previous chapters. I encourage you to read those for context before jumping into this story, unless that's your thing, in which case welcome.

Part 6: Ambition

As the fire died down, Azaron the smell of perfume replaced the burning sulfur smell. Azaron stood in a large summoning circle, he assumed that's what it was, with a pentagram in the middle. At each point of the pentagram stood a woman wearing thin purple and black robes of silk; their skin was a deep red and their eyes had a yellow glow. Small horns protruded from their heads of full black hair. They had large red wings like a bat, and it seemed they had thin tails as well.

One of the women wore a gold, spiked crown with a red gem in the center. She had round, full lips and soft, young features. Her eyes seemed innocent, and yet the whole situation argued against that look.

She smiled with excitement "It worked!"

"Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" Azaron growled.

"I apologize for the intrusion, but I need your help. I- "As she stepped towards him, she was cut off.

"I don't care about your problems; you just ripped me from my home." He pointed angrily at her.

"I understand, but you can't return yet."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because you're in Hell. You can't just teleport or open a portal out of here."

"You've trapped me in another dimension, and you think I'm going to help you?" Azaron stepped closer again, more than ready to fight her if necessary.

"I understand your frustration, but I can and will help you out of here once I am able to do so." The woman insisted, putting her hands up as if to calm him.

"And why should I wait for your help?"

"Because I can make you king of this realm."

Azaron went silent for a bit as he glared down at her, considering her words. "How?"

"There is currently a civil war across Hell. Several of the lords of the circles have aligned against the current ruler and his loyalists to overthrow them. You could be what I need to win this war and take the throne for myself." She stepped up to him and put her hands on his bare chest. He hadn't been able to get dressed after the events of the night back home.

"I did a ritual to summon the being with the most powerful connection to the veil, someone with the potential for magic greater than any other, someone I could turn into... perhaps the most powerful Grand Incubus who ever lived." she excitedly explained.

Azaron glared at her skeptically. "You expect me to believe you kidnapped me to make me more powerful?"

"I expect you to believe I brought you here to be a weapon in my war, and in exchange for your service, I will empower you."

"Why empower a stranger? What if I betray you?"

"As a grand incubus and King of Hell, your powers would be tied to mine. Besides, I might have taken for granted the lust for power of great mages..." she looked over his muscular form, brimming with magic "and it seems like you've found quite a bit of magic to empower you already. What's a bit more?" she enticed him, running her hands down his chest. "If you need to be assured of my offer, I can make a magic pact with you." She offered, looking into his eyes.

Azaron grumbled as he thought this over. He could look for alternatives, but being a well of powerful magic wandering around Hell didn't sound like the best idea, looking for an escape he may never find. Then again, how did he know anything she said was real?

"Show me around, then I'll consider your offer" He crossed his arms as he stepped away from her touch.

"Of course," she agreed without hesitation.

One of the women opened the nearby door and led the group up the stairs. They crossed a hall with luxurious furnishings and entered an empty lounge covered entirely in a magenta cushion material. Several pillars stood across the room with seats ringed around them, and a bar stood at the wall to the right.

The woman in charge dismissed the other women and closed the door to the lounge before leading Azaron over to the balcony across from them. As Azaron approached, he could see several large towers looming over a dark city while heavy rain fell from the blackened sky.

"This is the second layer of Hell, Libidus. It is the realm of lust and the layer I rule. Our armies march toward the ninth layer so that we can take control of it."

Sure enough, as Azaron looked down from the balcony, he watched a long procession of demonic soldiers march through the streets far below.

"My name is Apollyon. Polly for short." The red woman said as she put her hand on his back and stood next to him. She watched as Azaron tried to come to grips with the situation and ran her hand down his back soothingly. "Would you like a drink?" she offered.

"... Yeah, might as well" He agreed, still trying to process what all this meant.

Polly went to the bar and made them each a drink, then sat at one of the pillars. "Join me, don't worry about out there." She called with her velvet voice, holding a violet drink with some strange red fruit in a martini glass out to him.

Azaron finally stepped away from the balcony and sat with her, taking the drink. He stared at it for a moment, then looked up at her with suspicion as he thought better of the situation; his eyes narrowed as he glared at her.

"I made us the same drink, and I promise if I was going to fuck you over, I would've done it when I summoned you." She chuckled, sipping her own glass.

Azaron wasn't convinced and placed the drink next to him. He sighed and stared out the window again as he thought back to Mab and Persephone. Would his absence bring them together, or tear them apart and this delicate stage? Could Mab hold onto power without him there? Could he ever really leave Hell, or would Polly just keep him here for eternity?

"You said you'd make a magic contract ensuring my safe passage home?" he asked without looking at her.

"Certainly. As much as I'd love to keep you, you seem eager to leave and I'd rather win this war than antagonize you... We're in a pretty desperate situation." She admitted with great reluctance.

"How can you be so sure I'll turn things around?"

"I mean I don't know for certain, but you possess great power, and we can certainly enhance it even further which means you'll outclass most enemies on the battlefield, and even though things aren't going great for us we are far from collapse. The scales can still be tilted in our favor, and I am confident you'll be the tipping point." Polly spoke with conviction as she placed a hand on his bare thigh.

This reminded Azaron that he was nude, which only embarrassed him slightly as there was much more going on. "You wouldn't happen to have clothes I could wear, would you?"

"I think you're fine as is. Perhaps this will make things less awkward." she said with a snap of her fingers. Her clothing disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving her deep red skin to his full view. Her body was perfectly proportioned, with large breasts resting proudly, her tight waist curving into wide hips and strong legs. "The ritual to turn you into a grand incubus will involve sex, so it's for the best that we get comfortable with this now."

Azaron drank in the sight of her even as his mind told him this was dangerous. Regardless of how he felt about the situation, he couldn't hide his quickly growing cock from her view, and if they had to fuck anyway there was no real sense in being shy.

"You have such a strong cock..." she cooed, her hand moving from his thigh between his legs, running her fingers across the length of his stiff rod.

"Is this part of the ritual?" He chuckled.

"No, but I think it might be useful to get to know each other a bit before we start, don't you?" She pressed, moving from her seat to the floor, kneeling in front of him and arching her back just enough to put her heavy breasts on full display "As the queen of the realm of lust, I know a thing or two about how to please..." she moaned, her hand reaching out to stroke his ever-growing cock.

Azaron removed her hand from his cock "I think I'll keep our relations professional until we make that contract." He insisted, staring down at her darkly.

She smiled coyly, "Of course." As she stood up, her eyes stayed on his fully erect dick. "Perhaps we should do that now then?" she asked absentmindedly, her focus clearly elsewhere.

Azaron rolled his eyes "Get me clothes so you can focus on the task at hand, then we can write up the contract." He grumbled. He did want to rail her, but security was a much bigger priority at the moment.

Polly let out a small growl and she grit her teeth, her eyes still trained on his cock which seemed to look back at her smugly. When she finally pulled her eyes away, she smiled at Azaron as if nothing had happened "Of course, right this way."


She got Azaron a loose silk robe and gave herself some clothes as well. The gold bikini top that struggled to hold her bust and tiny silk fabric that hardly qualified as a skirt were not meant to hide much.

Afterwards they went to an office and Azaron wrote up a contract under Polly's supervision. She mostly stood next to him with her boobs at eye level, but Azaron remained focused on the task at hand. Once they cut each other's hands and signed in blood, the deal was struck, and Azaron kept it with him.

"We win the war, I install you as queen, and you get me home" He insisted.

"You will be my beloved champion, we will be wed, and you will be master of Hell..." she cooed, running her hand down his arm.

He stared back at her, unimpressed.

"Then you may return home" She agreed, rolling her eyes.

"Excellent" with this he stood. "We should get to this ritual."

"You're so eager... what's back home?" she queried, leaning on the large onyx desk.

"A kingdom of my own. My wife." He told her flatly.

"Oh...of course..." she thought for a moment "Will the ritual bother your wife? Or your new position as king of Hell?"

Azaron thought it over for a moment "I don't think so. She might be confused, but as long as I return to her, she will just be happy I'm safe."

She nodded "Good, I wouldn't want to cause problems in your home life." She assured him with her words as her smile betrayed that notion.

"We are on a timeframe here. We should conduct the ritual. I assume you have the necessary components?" he asked, moving out of the office.

"Of course, I'll have my servants prepare the circle, in the meantime we ca- "

"I'd be interested to watch them set it up." He looked at her seriously, opening the door.

"... I was going to suggest we check out the tomes I keep?" She countered.

Azaron considered this for a moment, then agreed.

She led him to her wing of the castle and her personal library. Despite Azaron wanting to keep a wall up, they ended up talking quite a bit about spells and rituals, looking over old scrolls and manuscripts, and discussing which items and flora work best for such things. As they spoke of magic, they also shared stories of their quests for power.

Polly was old, having been one of the first angels banished to Hell, and her ambitions ran deep. She helped cause the war and was determined to come out on top. She staked everything on this move in a desperate gamble but was confident of victory now that she had brought forth Azaron.

Azaron couldn't help but admire her ambition, tenacity, and will. As she told him of the eons she spent working towards this moment, he knew her dedication was real, and she needed his help to fulfill her dreams, and he had a soft spot for women with a dream.

"How did you know I could help you?" He wondered aloud.

"I didn't. Like I said, I called forth whoever had the strongest connection to the veil, I'm hoping we can expand those powers for mass teleportation of armies. And perhaps with some help, you can use it to get home."

"-You think I can return home with my own powers?" He tried to contain his excitement at the prospect.

"I do. If you're as powerful as you say. The powers of an oberon, sanguinarch, and grand incubus combined with your deep understanding of magic... I think there is very little you can't do." She admitted with awe, as if the full extent of his powers had just occurred to her.

Azaron stared deep into her eyes for a moment, and she looked back curiously. He took her hand and leaned forward, resolutely proclaiming "I will help you win this war."

Polly melted at his words and gripped his hand tightly. "Thank you." She breathlessly rejoiced at his commitment. "And I... I will do what I can to help you contact your home" she offered.

Azaron couldn't help but smile with relief. "That would be wonderful. Thank you."

As their emotions swelled one of Polly's servants entered the library. "My queen, the circle is ready." She said with a bow.

Polly didn't pull her eyes from Azaron's "...We should go."

He simply nodded in agreement.


The ritual was possibly the easiest Azaron had done so far. Polly had done this several times and had no issue pacing her movements on his dick so as not to excite either of them too much. She was responsible for all the incantations and movements up until the end. She rode his cock with slow, strong thrusts and her pussy felt like a dream, which was unsurprising for the queen of the succubi. Azaron watched as his veins filled with black magic, pulsing out from his dick and reaching across his whole body. He closed his eyes and just focused on the sensations of the tight, wet pussy that ran up and down his shaft.

As Polly started losing her breath, she looked down at Azaron "You're turn. Finish me."

Without any further prompting Azaron rolled her over onto her back and plowed away at her. All he had to do was cum in her, and the ritual was complete, which would be easy, given how her body responded to his. Her legs wrapped around his back with ease and ran her hands up his arms as she gasped and moaned. Her pussy rhythmically gripped his cock, trying to milk it of his seed as he thrusted deep inside of her with purpose. In just a few moments they came together in ecstasy, Then Azaron's eyes glowed bright with new energy as the powers of hell invigorated his body.

For a moment it felt as if his body might break, like his skin would tear and muscles snap, unable to hold the ever-growing magic that fermented in him. But he held together, yet another magic ritual done, the energies of another plane absorbed into his being, and he held together. He sat up, breathing deeply as he tried to calm himself.

"It can be overwhelming... the power... especially with how much you've taken in..." Polly explained, pulling herself up on her hands and knees "The energy of different planes concentrates in different parts of the body. If you let me, I can relieve some of your stress..." she offered, moving her hand to hold his growing balls.

Azaron glared down at her with dark eyes. His gaze filled Polly with fear and awe. She was overwhelmed by emotions and could only stare up at him wide eyed. Azaron stood, his massive cock was fully erect, staring down Polly who was still overawed by the monster she created.

"Go on... relieve me." He commanded.

Polly looked at the huge, veiny rod that began to drip precum. Then licked the head, causing more precum to spew up in her mouth as it twitched. It tasted sweet as ambrosia and Polly soon found herself working his powerful shaft with all her might, wrapping a hand around it and moving in circular motions around and up and down the pulsing thing, just beyond her thick red lips as they worked their way back and forth along it. Her head bobbed with great energy, only stopping occasionally to let her tongue swirl around the head and slurp up his precum.

As his orgasm built, Azaron let out a low growl and put his hand on the queen's head to guide her along his throbbing cock. Polly let him guide her, knowing he was close. Her hands hold and rub his massive balls as if to help the cum flow out from them. Azaron's eyes rolled back in his head as the moment Polly was waiting for finally arrived. As the veins in his dick started to glow with magic, she let his hand furiously move her head up and down his empowered dick, letting spit drip down from her mouth and fly out everywhere until finally, with a powerful grunt he drained his cum down her throat. After a few more pumps he shoved her head all the way down his twitching shaft, and she kept rubbing his balls to get every last drop of cum.

Azaron was disoriented for a moment, putting his hand on the wall nearby to keep himself up. Polly looked up at him with mock innocence as she drained the last drops of his sweet cum out from his still fully erect cock, dragging her soft lips from the base of his shaft all the way to the head, letting the rim of the head pass through her lips with a loud pop.

"The magical energy inside you is great... You'll need to drain it periodically. A deep desire to... release some of your energy will overtake you every so often." She explained, knowing he was only half able to process this. "I will always willingly submit my body to your desires, since your cum will empower whoever takes it... we can use it to empower many of the succubi and erinyes in my army, effectively making super soldiers." She grinned up at him with delight as she explained her plan.

"You... you knew this would happen." He scoffed out of breath, hiding how impressed he was.

"I knew you'd have magic cum yes, but I didn't know it would be..." she stared back down at his dick "... so potent." Polly stood up and pet his dick a few times until he moved her hand away. The sensations were too much, and he felt he might cum again with just her touch.

Polly moved her hand to his face to draw his gaze to her "Your need for release will remain constant for the next few hours until you can finally think clearly. Let me take you to my bedchamber and you can have me anyway you like." She offered, bringing her face close to his "Any position, any hole, as hard and fast as you want, until you're satisfied." She purred softly in his ear.

Azaron knew this was just so she could sap his magic, but his enraged dick demanded release, and she had already signed the contract, so he was as safe as he could be.

"Take me there." He commanded.


The next several hours were a blur of passionate lust and sex. True to her word, Polly eagerly let Azaron penetrate and degrade her in any way he desired, and his desires seemed limitless. Things Azaron never dreamed of he suddenly craved with great intensity, and Polly gave in to his every whim.

Several succubi were brought in to satiate his needs as well, and the cum seemed limitless. Azaron couldn't remember how many women took his seed inside them or how many times, but in the moment he didn't care, he simply needed to release the unending stores of cum that continued to swell within him.

The bed was soaked with sweat and sexual fluids and the room reeked of sex. Azaron awoke in a room where several succubi lay strewn across the floor and various furniture, apparently exhausted from serving his needs. Polly was nowhere to be seen.

Azaron sat up and fought the fog that loomed over his head. He tried to remember when Polly had left and how long he had wasted here.

As he finally stood up a purple skinned succubus quietly stood from one of the couches and gestured for him to follow. Without a much better idea, he followed.

She shut the door behind him and bowed "Polly apologizes for leaving abruptly, but she had to meet with some generals in the war room. She asked me to find you when you woke up and offer you a spa, and my body to satiate whatever urges you might have."