Ascension of Azaron Pt. 09

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Azaron battles the Queen of the Venuses for dominance.
4.7k words

Part 9 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/28/2022
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This is part 9 of my Ascension of Azaron series, the plot of which is heavily reliant on events in the previous chapters. I encourage you to read those for context before jumping into this story, unless that's your thing, in which case welcome.

Part 9: Conquest

The mage council was dispatched quickly, and while many mages defected and would need to be hunted down, most fell in line and began a more direct rule over the mortal worlds.

This event was the final straw, and the gods began independently mobilizing their forces; monsters, mortals, and angels alike against the armies of Azaron. But Azaron, with his powerful connection to the veil, caught them off guard and opened portals across the heavens, unleashing his own armies against the gods before they had finished their preparations. This surprise attack, while effective, was not enough to knock out the gods, who recovered and held many strong points, but it kept the initiative in Azaron's hands while he searched for more allies to his cause.

The opening months of the war had worked in Azaron's favor as the gods were not united and some held back. While the Norse, Egyptian, Slavic, Babylonian, and Aztec gods were at war with him, many other pantheons had not committed to war yet, and Azaron was keen to try and knock out his current enemies before others joined. Speed was of the essence.

As his advance slowed, he was searching for anything that could tip the scales back in his favor. One day, Cosima informed him that an emissary had been sent to discuss a potential alliance. Azaron agreed to meet her, and soon he was shaking hands with Pheamiril, a powerful woman possessed by the spirit of the phoenix god.

Pheamiril was rather tall, slender, and beautiful with soft young features. However, her youthful appearance was betrayed by crystal blue eyes which held the wisdom of ancients. She had clearly seen much but held it away from prying eyes. Her fiery red hair flowed elegantly down her back and rested behind a small silver crown with iron wings. She wore light armor of polished steel and leather and kept a sword at her side. Her hilt hung from a braided gold belt, and she stood as one who knew herself well.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he politely asked.

"I came on behalf of the Venuses. Warrior women known also to many as Amazons or Valkyries."

"You are not one of these Venuses?"

"I am not, I know their queen and she asked this of me as a favor."

"I see, and do you personally have any investment in this venture?"

"I would like to assist the queen as she has been a friend of mine in the past. I am also providing my home as a neutral meeting place."

Azaron nodded and thought this over, then agreed to go with her to her home.

Pheamiril opened a portal and stepped through, gesturing to Azaron to follow as she did.

Azaron joined her and found himself in a dense jungle in some unknown realm. They walked for a short time before coming across a large house resting on the mighty branches of a massive tree. They flew up to the front door together and entered her home.

"So, this is where you live?" Azaron wondered aloud as he scanned the area. While there were some trophies of past battles, skulls, weapons, bones, and armor as well as old furniture strewn about. There was nothing extravagant to denote that she was the phoenix goddess. The home was made of strong wood but was most likely built by her or a friend. It lacked any defining qualities and was very simple in design.

"It is, for now." she sighed, going through her cabinets to get some ale.

"Not what I would expect."

"No, I travel a lot. Having a permanent place isn't... isn't really my thing," she explained absentmindedly as she inspected a glass for dust.

Azaron nodded as he looked at the huge skull that sat in the center of the room. "And where might this..."

She looked up "Oh, a cloud giant was terrorizing a kingdom, taking half their crops and livestock. I was asked to slay him and when I did, I brought his skull home so I could remove the gold teeth and sell the eyes."

"And the money went to?"

"Well, that's my business," she rebuffed him as she filled the glasses.

"Of course," he relented. He said nothing more but took note of the various scraps of armor, weapons, and body parts which she collected.

She held out a glass to him, pulling from his investigation.

He took it with a smile and they drank together in silence for a time before he turned to her. "So how does she know to come?"

"She was going to come anyway; it was just a matter of if you'd be here or not."

He nodded, then looked back to the skull. "You are clearly a very skilled warrior."

She shrugged, "I help those who need it, and take anything I might need."

"You must know magic, No one harvests giant eyes or manticore tail without knowing what they're doing," he insisted before taking another swig.

"I have a variety of skills. I've lived a long life and I find it practical to have a wide base of knowledge."

"Where do you primarily operate?"

"The Etherscape."

"-I am unfamiliar with that realm," he admitted with confusion and great interest.

"When the gods put the veil up, many mortal worlds were left on our side of it, and they were much closer to the wars between the gods and other entities, so they had to adapt quickly. They have technology and magic far beyond anything that can be found on the mortal side of the veil. They entered into a pact and crowned an emperor to govern the many worlds to help secure them from the many outside forces that sought influence there. Law is very important to them, and they've been through a lot, but the system has endured, even in the absence of an emperor."

"They lack a leader?"

At this point someone landed like a sack of bricks on the front porch, then entered with a confident stride. She wore the furred hide of a great beast as a cloak clipped by a small gold chain. Her short blonde hair was clipped back with bone and rested just over her right eye. Her large white wings resemble that of a pegasus as they curled up to hug her back. Her blue eyes pierced across the room and found the man she was searching for. Her cold eyes locked on to Azaron as she slowly approached the dark man.

"You are Azaron?" her strong voice carried surprisingly softly across the large central room.

"I am, and you must be-" as he reached out to shake her hand he was interrupted.

"Istoril, Grand Venus," she proclaimed as she took his hand with a firm grip.

"Of course. You wanted to negotiate?"

"Yes, once I've been given a drink," she glanced at Pheamiril with a small smile.

"I wouldn't be a good host if I didn't provide ale," the red head chuckled as she made her way to the cabinet. "Please, sit you two."

Istoril and Azaron sat across from each other as they relaxed.

"You must be hot in that," Azaron pointed out, gesturing to the large fur cloak.

"My internal temperature is always well regulated, I wear this because it looks fantastic and it shows my second greatest kill," she smiled smugly as she looked down at the white and gray fur that encased her.

Azaron chuckled, "I can't argue its visual appeal, and what did you kill to obtain it?"

"I killed the winter wolf of the frost giant king Laufrey," she proudly proclaimed.

"Fascinating. And what was your greatest kill?" he asked with excitement.

"I killed the great dragon Sakaroth and made armor from his scales!"

"Oh, don't get her started, she'll go on for days," Pheamiril interrupted, handing everyone another mug.

"I find this to be quite interesting actually," Azaron insisted.

"She is right though, I come here on important business, and we should focus on the task at hand," Istoril sighed.

"We will continue another time then," Azaron smiled, and raised his glass to her.

Istoril chuckled "Indeed we shall," then knocked back her ale.

"I should've just rolled the keg over here," Pheamiril sighed.

Istoril finished her drink, wiped her face with her arm, and placed the mug on the small table in front of her with a satisfied sigh. She then cleared her throat and sat up straight. "I came here because word of your conquests has spread and the gods have asked me to assemble my forces to come to their aid. I was ready to do so until another thought hit me." Istoril grumbled uncomfortably at this and paused for a moment.

Azaron raised his eyebrow, wondering what exactly she wanted from him.

"Long ago there were adonises," she continued "Great men who we would copulate with us venuses to continue our race. They died out ages ago, having died in wars of the gods, or being lost to the mortal realm where they had offspring. However, it was prophesied by Cosima that one day one with lineage linked to an Adonis would rise and his blood would hold the great power that the adonises used to have hidden within himself."

"And you think I am the adonis?" he inferred.

"That is the theory, in which case I'd be more likely to side with you than the gods since you could breed with our people and produce more venuses. We do have a substantial population, but our numbers have dwindled over the millennia, and we are unable to replenish them. If you are the adonis, then our crisis would be solved."

Azaron nodded and considered this "And I assume we'd have to... copulate for you to be sure?"

"-What gives you that impression?" Istoril asked with shock.

"Every time I become more powerful it's because a queen sleeps with me. It's sort of become a pattern so I figured it was worth a shot," he shrugged.

"I see... well your instincts serve you well," she admitted with a shrug.

"And what if I'm not the adonis?"

"Then I capture you and turn you over to the gods."

"And what makes you think you can do that?" Azaron scoffed.

"You are not exactly the scariest foe I've ever faced," she quipped with a smug smile.

Pheamiril laughed into her drink.

Azaron laughed and shook his head, "Well hopefully that means sleeping with me won't be much of a chore."

Istoril eyed him over "No, I think it should be fine."

"Alright well I'm glad I could help but this is moving beyond what I agreed to so how about you guys move along now." Pheamiril announced, standing to gesture to the door.

"You've been a wonderful host, as usual," Istoril giggled. She then stood and made her way to the door.

"Yes, thank you for hosting us," Azaron agreed as he stood and turned to her. "I plan to keep in touch."

Pheamiril sighed and nodded "So be it. Best of luck with the sex thing."

"Thanks," he laughed, then followed Istoril out the door.

You don't mind being carried?" the broad-shouldered woman asked, wrapping her arm around his waist.

"Oh, I prefer it," he teased.

Istoril rolled her eyes but failed to hide her smile as she took flight.

As she parted the clouds she chanted in old Greek and a portal opened above them, then flew through it and to the home of the venuses.

She flew over a beautiful land of hills with clear water and lush forests. Farmland lay beyond the hills and a sprawling city of marble loomed overall, with a large acropolis in the center at the top of the highest hill in the city. A tall cliff stood next to the large city. A waterfall fell into a winding river that crisscrossed the building and streets. They landed by the Acropolis, and she let go of him.

They landed without much notice at first, until the many muscled women of the city started to notice Azaron and whisper to each other. Azaron didn't mind the attention but followed Istoril into the building. Inside, several women had already assembled in the seats, anxiously waiting for their queen's return. All eyes fell on the pair as they entered, and a hush fell over the assembly.

"Great venuses, I have brought Azaron the Conqueror to us to see if his is indeed the adonis that was prophesied!" she proclaimed, her voice booming with strength and magic. She then turned to Azaron, "Anything to say before we get started?"

"Yes," he cleared his throat and stepped up. "Great venuses, I offer you a deal. I know that if I am not the adonis you have waited for you will be forced to hand me over to the gods, however I would fight back and many of you may fall trying to capture me. I offer this: if I am the adonis then your queen and I will be wed, and you will commit your forces to my cause, and if I am not then I will willingly surrender myself to you and avoid any bloodshed. What say you?"

The women whispered to each other as Istoril chuckled at him, shaking her head. She admired his gall and to some extent hoped he was the adonis for his own sake.

After a few moments the women either raised their thumbs up or put them down, but when Istoril tallied them all, a slim majority had agreed to his terms.

"Very well. I agree to wed you if you are the Grand Adonis, and if not we will take you prisoner," she stuck out her hand to shake his.

Azaron nodded and they shook on it.

Istoril then snapped her fingers and her clothes disappeared.

"-Oh, we're just doing this here?"

"Yes, the council must bear witness to your transformation," she explained, placing her hands on her hips. Her body was wide but lacked no feminine beauty. Her breasts were firm and proud despite their large size, and her toned body curved wonderfully from her chest to her thighs. Her skin was pale, and she had surprisingly few scars of battle, but her stance and confidence showed she was very experienced.

For a moment Azaron forgot they were about to have sex and not punch each other. He then snapped out of it and removed his clothes. Gasps and giggles escaped the women as he undressed, which Azaron enjoyed more than he cared to admit. He then stood across from Istoril with equal pride.

"Let us begin," Istoril declared, then lunged at him and tackled him to the ground.

Caught by surprise, Azaron fell without much resistance.

Istoril giggled. "I thought you would be a mighty foe," she teased, planting her arms on either side of him as she gazed down at him smugly.

Azaron growled and took hold of her neck, then pulled her into a very aggressive kiss. His other hand squeezed her firm butt as their tongues wrestled and fought in their mouths. After some time of this fight, Azaron's tongue darted deep into her mouth and explored freely as her own tongue was trapped beneath his.

Istoril pulled back from the kiss "You think your games impress me?"

"Need I do more?" he asked with a grin. He then grabbed her butt with both hands and brought her down as his heels dug into the dirt and his hips raised. Soon she was planted firmly on his cock.

Istoril let out a gasp as she was filled with his dick. It had been some time since she had last been with a man, and certainly no man had filled her like this in eons.

"You're pretty damn wet from someone who's unimpressed," he whispered in her ear before he kissed her neck roughly.

"You are a demon of lust, I have no doubt your magic was at work here," she growled, thrusting down hard on him.

"Oh, I have some magic alright," he teased.

Istoril rolled her eyes as she rode his cock, then grabbed his hair and moved him to her large breast "Suckle on my tit like the babe you are," she commanded.

Unfortunately for Azaron this was a weakness of his and he greedily began sucking her brown nipple. He then raised his hand to her other breast and began to twist and pull the nipple there.

Istoril rode his cock with long, deep strokes as a triumphant smile crossed her face. She swung her head back to let her subjects see the mighty Azaron sucking her tit.

The women in the audience cheered and laughed at the sight before them, they loved seeing such arrogant men be conquered by their beloved queen.

"It seems the conqueror has been conquered," she gloated down at Azaron.

While he was enjoying sucking her tit, he still had some semblance of pride, and mustered what will he had to figure out a plan. He pulled himself from her tit only to be placed back on the other one, drawing a triumphal laugh from the blonde beauty atop him. Azaron decided it was time to play dirty.

While Istoril enjoyed her dominance over the massive cock inside her, she could hear the laughs and cheers turn to gasps, but before she could figure out what happened, Azaron's second cock was already burying itself inside her ass.

There was only a moment of pain, but that was enough to get a yelp from Istoril, who's virgin bum was now being filled with his magic precum. "You sneaky bastard! You really are a devil!" she growled, landing a slap on his cheek.

"What's the matter Your Highness, never had it up the ass before?" He teased her.

"You're lucky I don't hate this," she hissed.

"Perhaps you're the lucky one?" he retorted with a wink.

"Let's end this."

"But we're having so much fun."

"Adonis or not, I will beat the shit out of you," she threatened in a low voice as she leaned in to glare into his dark eyes.

"Oh, I know, that's what makes this so hot," he whispered in a husky growl, bringing his face up for another kiss.

Istoril didn't resist. She was greatly annoyed by him and yet he was right, this only made the event much more enjoyable. This time however, it was her tongue which pinned Azaron's, and as she moaned in victory, she allowed the pleasure of the moment to carry her to orgasm.

As Istoril came, her pussy clenched around Azaron's cock in a way he had never experienced, as if it wouldn't let go until he released his seed in her. Unable to resist her pull, his cock twitched one final time and his sperm was released into her womb.

Sure enough, the magic of the adonis was unlocked, and blue energy swirled out from Istoril and into Azaron whose eyes glowed with the new magic.

Istoril looked down at him with shock "It... it is true," she gasped.

"I guess so," he smirked.

Within Istoril's chest was a mix of many emotions and now was not the time to try and sort them all out. After fighting herself for a bit, she pulled herself off his cocks and stood, then took Azaron's hand and helped him to his feet. The pair stood in the center of the silent crowd.

Istoril took a few deep breaths and nodded. "The prophecy was true... he is the adonis... we will be wed tonight, and war preparations will be made.

Murmurs ran across the crowd, but no one could object.

"You are coming with me," she ordered, storming off without her clothes.

Azaron said nothing and followed, unsure of what exactly was going on here.

Istoril took Azaron to her home, a small but lavish mansion down the road from the Acropolis. While Azaron was initially concerned about wandering the streets naked, the walk was not long, and partial or complete nudity was not uncommon from what he saw.

They entered her home and went to her bedroom, then she shut the door and looked at him with a stoic expression.

"At our wedding ceremony, you and I will once again have sex in front of the assembly, but many more will be present..." she said with a flat voice, then knelt before Azaron and looked down at the floor. "... as the adonis, you are allowed to choose what way you will have me, my body will be at your disposal..."

He could hear the tension in her voice and was almost worried she was going to attack him, but she remained prostrate before him.

"I offer my body to you now so that when we do the ceremony you will give me the dignity of being on top," she finally let out.


"I have led the venuses for eternity, I have been the wisest and strongest, and if they saw me be humiliated like I was earlier... I don't think I could handle it," she admitted.

"-Oh gods, Istoril..." Azaron was shocked and yet relieved to some extent. "You will not have to submit your body to me now and I will be more than happy to respect your wishes at the ceremony. I travel a lot and you will still be their primary leader. I need you to be strong just as much as they do," he assured her, doing his best to hide his own internal turmoil.