AU Ch. 08


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"I would have stayed, but I knew my family would love you. My mom will probably try to make you gain ten pounds before you go. My dad will like you too. We should probably go meet him, when you' are ready."

Mark nodded. He'd needed this moment with Maddox. He took a deep breath, collecting himself, and

followed Maddox back down stairs.


Dean was sitting at the table, munching on the candy corn that had been set out as part of the table decorations. "Hey, son." He stood up and gave his oversized son a man- hug, complete with clapping him on the back. "Hey Mark." He extended his hand, "it's good to finally meet you."

Rachel listened unobtrusively as she stood nearby in the kitchen, shelling a big pot of shrimp for tonight's dinner, and tomorrow's appetizer.


Dinner went by smoothly. Mark had sandwiched himself between Maddox and Cassie, though really no one made him feel uneasy.

He was surprised how well he and Trissta had ended up getting along. She wasn't as bad as Todd had made her out to be. He supposed he would be upset if he had been married, only to found out the guy he loved wasn't interested in him after all. The divorce had been messy, he'd heard, but it was good they were all able to get along now.

The shrimp was fantastic. Mark ate so much he actually felt bloated afterwards. The contented feeling had grown during dinner and extended long after it had ended, as they all watched a movie and played board games together, drinking the hot cider and cocoa Rachel had made. He'd been especially relieved after they'd asked the usual questions asked of the new boyfriend when he is brought home for the first time. Nothing had been asked beyond his plans for the future, and what he was doing in school.

He'd been surprised that no one had asked him about his family. Maybe they had just sensed that it wasn't a happy topic.

As the night went on, Mark felt Maddox getting heavier beside him, leaning on him. Rachel and Dean had long ago gone to bed, when he heard Maddox's first' soft snore.

Trissta laughed a little. "You two really do make a good couple. I'd have pushed him off long ago." She stood up, stretching. " 'Night, you guys."

Cassie stood up to go to bed, too.

Todd sprawled out on the couch vacated by the two women. "Alright, take your man to bed so I can get to sleep before the snoring sets in."

Running his fingers through Maddox's hair, Mark kissed him and nudged him to semi- consciousness. Then they walked up the stairs, to bed.


Once in the room, Maddox had awoken a little more, having been up and moving around. He stood sleepily, listening to his bedroom door click behind him, and then enjoying the feeling of his lover's slender fingers hooking and lifting up the hem of his shirt.

"Come on, you could at least make getting you ready for bed a little easier."

Lifting his arms, Maddox felt the shirt being peeled up and away from his body and over his head. "I told you it would work out."

"I know, I just always assume the worst of families."

Maddox was fully awake now. He slipped Mark's shirt over his head, kissing his neck in the process, then moved to undo his belt as Mark's hands went for his. He looked into Mark's eyes briefly as he said softly, "I'm here if you want to talk about it."

"I know." Mark kissed his lover's forehead, then let his gaze roam, looking him over now that they were both down to their boxers. His body still heated up the same as it had the first time he had seen Maddox. "I'm glad you are here."

"Me too." Maddox ran his hands over Mark's back in long strokes, then stepped over to the bed, pulling him down onto it.

Mark sank into the pillow top and groaned. After sleeping mostly on either a dorm bed or hard floors, this bed was a welcome comfort. Once under the covers, it was as if his body gravitated to the heated furnace that was his lover.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Maddox thumbed Mark's lip, and wrapped his arms around his slender waist. Somehow, Mark felt small to him, now.

Mark wanted to; he needed to talk about it, actually. He had to tell Maddox about his family, and also about Noah. Mark felt horrible for abandoning him when Maddox had revealed his secret. Mark had been weak in keeping his own secrets, and weak in not being able to handle the news of Maddox's lover. "I'm sorry."

Maddox held him tighter.

"I left you every time even a little bit of trouble came up." Mark felt shame wash over him. "It was because I have my own demons. Ones I think you might not be able to get over."

"I would stay with you through anything."

"I had a lover, my first and only lover." Mark bit his lip, "until you. I mean I do love you. Even if you aren't ready to say it or if you don't feel it."

"I love you Mark, no matter what you have to tell me."

"You aren't mad that I had someone before?"

"No, I had a wife before you. What matters is now. Nothing in your past would make me afraid of the future I would like to have with you."

Mark took a deep, shaky breath. "When I was younger, I fell in love with the boy next door. His name was Noah. We started by being best friends, and we grew up together."

Maddox just let his lover talk. Truthfully it didn't matter to him, but he had a feeling Mark needed to get something off of his chest.

"Soon enough we were curious. I remember talking about girls and what it would be like to kiss one. So we kissed each other. That's when we realized we only ever wanted to kiss each other. We snuck off one day and got caught kissing in the woods. My parents kicked me out."

Maddox felt warm tears streaming down his chest.

"After that it was sleazy foster homes. A few were nice people, then they found out why my parents didn't want me and did the Christian thing by sending me back. Noah's parents shipped him off to the military. I didn't see him again until years later." Mark snorted. "I was already used and filthy by that time. All I could afford to give him then, was time in a gross cheap motel."

The room was silent. Mark's fingers trailed up and down Maddox's chest. He listened to his heart beat knowing if Noah had come home after his second tour of duty, he wouldn't be here right now. He wouldn't be in these wonderful, safe arms, listening to the heartbeat of a man who loved him. It was strange how this felt right, as if the man who had loved Noah had lived during a different lifetime. He still loved Noah, and always would, but their time had passed. It was almost as if he could feel Noah's hands on his back nudging him, telling him that this was how it was meant to be. Noah had given him the strength to get here. He had been what had pushed him to make something of himself and become a better person.

"Then he went back, and didn't come home again." Mark took a deep breath and looked up into Maddox's eyes. "He died, in battle. He was the one who wanted to help people and become something. He is the reason I met you. I'll always love him. I took his last name, and he will always be part of me." Mark looked at Maddox, wanting him to say something. He hoped Maddox understood there was enough love for both of them.

Hours seemed to pass and then Maddox's lips were on his: firm with the conviction of his love, and gentle with patience and understanding. "I would never ask you to give him up in your heart." Maddox placed his hand over Mark's chest. "As long as you say there is room in here for me, that is all I need to know."

Pressing his lips and body against Maddox, Mark assured him that there was more than enough room. He knew he would always love Noah, and that everything that happened had had to happen, in order for him to feel this happy now. He sensed that Maddox truly understood, and was willing to stick by him. Mark cuddled up to his man, his fingers moving to Maddox's waistband. He wanted to touch him, to have him go further than they had before. He wanted tonight to be special. It meant a great deal to him that he had been accepted into the family, and it all added up to Maddox being a permanent part of Mark's life.

Maddox seemed to read what his lover was thinking and he lifted his hips so Mark could roll his boxer's down.

"This is ok? I mean its good timing and a good place."

"Yes, I've wanted this for so long." Maddox knew they were talking about more than just hands and mouths. Tonight he would give himself fully to Mark. The walls were finally down. "Please." He whispered tugging at Mark's bottom lip with his teeth.

Mark ran his hand up and down Maddox's inner thighs before finally squirming out of his own bowers. His breath caught as their skin touched and the heated organs slid between them. "Do you have any lube?" Mark asked realizing Maddox probably didn't and that their plans might have to wait.

Exposing his neck and stretching out his torso Maddox stretched to his bedside table and pulled out a half used bottle. "Needed something to use when I was in high school." He whispered as if it were a great taboo to have it.

The bottle quickly transferred hands and Mark squeezed liberal amounts onto his palms. He rubbed some off onto Maddox's hand and wrapped his hand around his lover's heated shaft. He thumbed the thick mushroom head, caressing his slit.

As a hand wrapped around his own shaft Mark gasped. Maddox had definitely gotten more confident. He felt him stroke his shaft in long firm strokes. Mark's slender hips bucked into the hand having not cum yet now felt like a mistake since he doubted he would last long.

Mark's slender finger's moved to Maddox's thighs and he felt his lover's muscles tense and flex. "I've heard the first time hurts."

"I'll be gentle" Mark assured him, feeling Maddox quiver under him. "Trust me, if it hurts too much we can stop."

As if to prepare himself for the pain Maddox occupied his mouth with the skin on Mark's neck.

Mark started by teasing his lover's balls. Circling them with an infinity sign and tracing up and down the darker center. On one of these downward stroke he moved to Maddox's entrance, touching the soft taught flesh. "Relax"

"I'm trying."

Mark Decided to switch tactics, and instead he focused on his lover's body. He touched his thighs, rubbing them up and down he could feel him clenching again and shifted the bed creaking loudly beneath them. He smiled a little. "In my head this seemed so much more smooth and romantic."

"I'm sorry, I've never done this before. I mean me and Trissta but... What if I'm not good or if it hurts too much?"

In an effort to silence Maddox, Mark captured his lips. "Relax. Let's just let whatever happens happen."

Mark moved from Maddox's lips to his jaw, down his neck, and then focused on his collar bone. He nipped the skin, leaving a small red mark and then kissing it. His hand traveling back down his lover's chest and rubbing his thighs pleased when Maddox didn't tense.

He kissed him as a reward which had the effect of causing him to relax further. He didn't want to jinx anything Maddox's hands were occupied with his body his mouth was occupied with Mark's and his lower half was relaxing and enjoying the teasing.

Mark slipped a finger inside of him, moaning at how tight and warm he was inside. However it surprised him to feel the vibrations of Maddox moaning into their kiss. He hadn't even touched his prostate yet. "Like that, baby?" He teased.

"It feels strange, but good." Maddox gasped as Mark added another finger and scissored them. "Keeping quiet isn't going to be easy." He shifted a little and then his hips bucked up as the tip of Mark's slender finger touched something inside of him. "F ... fuck!"

"Shhh.... We can stop?"

"Fuck no." Maddox twisted on the bed whimpering a little as a third finger was added and he started to feel some pain at being invaded and stretched. The kissing kept his mind off of the unpleasant feeling. "If we stopped I might not relax again."

Mark nodded, and whispered, "I want to be inside of you."

Maddox parted his legs further feeling Mark move between them. "Please."

Making sure he was completely covered in lube Mark pushed the head of his cock against Maddox's virgin hole. He pushed about an inch in, just enough to get his knobbed head inside of the hot channel and then paused. His lover had hissed and groped for the sheets. "You alright?"

"Yes, just go slow. I didn't...." He inhaled sharply. "I didn't think it would hurt this much." He gripped Mark's ass. "Please, move ... I need you in me. I want to feel it."

"You are going to be sore tomorrow."

"I want it. I've heard it gets easier."

Mark nodded, he knew pulling out now would make what Maddox had already gone through pointless; and it would feel good once his cock touched Maddox's prostate. "It does."

"Go slow."

"I will baby, I will."

Slowly, Mark slid in. He nipped and sucked, raising a dark bruise on Maddox's collar bone. He wanted to moan loudly but knew it would wake up people in the house.

Maddox focused on breathing. It felt like his insides were being smashed into each other to make room for the invading member. Covered in sweat and panting heavily, he felt Mark's body rest against his, and groaned.

"You alright?"

"Give me a minute."

Mark stroked Maddox's face, waiting for him to adjust. When his breathing slowed Mark moved a little, taking it as a sign that the pain had lessened.

This time when Mark moved, Maddox nearly screamed. Mark's cock had bumped against something inside of him and it sent tidal waves of pleasure through Maddox's body. He couldn't stop the involuntary shiver as his jaw slackened. He knew he had hit it and he moved again in exactly the same way. Maddox bit his lip to keep quiet.

Mark knew he could move now, and not cause too much pain to his lover. He rocked his hips into Maddox slowly pressing against him. He felt his lover's legs wrapping around him.

Maddox rocked against Mark, getting that wonderful feeling again and again as their rhythm picked up. He fisted the sheets and growled. His hips bucked up, almost dislodging Mark. His cock was so hard, he felt it was going to burst like a balloon given too much helium. Each bump inside seemed to only add pleasure and pressure.

Mark knew he wouldn't last long either. It had been too long, and he felt Maddox's body tighten and almost choke his shaft. He reached between Maddox's legs, stroking his cock, and soon they both dove over the edge of reason. Drowning in pleasure together their only tie to sanity was the fear of making noise.

Maddox's cock lurched in Mark's hand as he felt warmth filling him. His own cum splashed across his chest and, as Mark's hand continued to stroke, it splattered up on Mark as well.

In a panting mess of cum, Mark collapsed onto the broad chest of his lover. Their lips tangled again. "How does it feel to not be a virgin?" Mark teased in a whispering voice.

Shaking his head Maddox couldn't stop smiling. "Wonderful." He knew it was a lame word but he was exhausted from the day and pleasantly satisfied. His body was sore and he knew it would be sore tomorrow. He had everything he wanted. He was blissfully and stupidly happy.


Early the next morning the sun came bleeding through the curtains. The first gashes of light warming Mark and waking him. He sat up realizing how truly relaxed he felt. He hadn't felt this good in his life. It was as if his body was a rubber band pulling him in a bunch of different directions. Last night he had snapped, he had told his lover everything and now he was just relaxed.

He sat up in bed and traced Maddox's muscular body. He smiled down at him lovingly, watching him twitch, still in a deep dream- filled sleep. He listened as something stirred in the kitchen, and decided to go downstairs on his own.

Sitting in a chair at the kitchen table, was Trissta. A pot of coffee hissed on the kitchen counter, having just finished percolating. Mark considered going quietly back upstairs when Trissta turned around. "Hey, Mark. I turned the coffee pot on if you want some."

Mark noticed the white cup cradled in Trissta's hand. "You shouldn't be drinking that. It's bad for the baby."

He felt out of line the moment he said it. This wasn't his baby. It was hers and Maddox's. In all honesty he was relieved when Trissta smiled.

"Its hot cocoa, the caffeine- free kind." She nudged a chair with her foot to pull it out. "Though I am happy you are concerned."

Mark sat in the open chair Trissta had just bumped. He wasn't sure what to say, or for that matter even how to feel. It was strange that Trissta was so different from what he had expected. "I care about the baby. It's Maddox's and I love him."

"I know, and I hope that we can find a way for all this strangeness to work. To give this baby a loving happy home." She shook her head. "Never thought I would be pregnant and talking to my ex-husband's lover about being a family. I guess none of this is how I really saw things."

Mark stood by the coffee pot. None of this was how he'd foreseen things ending up either. Still, Trissta was right and they were going to be a family. He tipped the coffeepot, pouring the velvety black brew into a large mug, and sat down opposite Trissta. "I don't think anyone sits down and plans things like this. I would like for us to get along though. At the very least on holidays."

Trissta nodded in agreement. "I'm still signing custody over to Maddox. His life is more together than mine. He just needs to get out of that roach- infested apartment."

Mark could do nothing but nod in agreement. "I guess I can understand where you were coming from. I can't imagine being young, and having a seriously gay husband, was easy."

"No," she smiled and took another sip. "But I guess I figured we would be okay. Maddox was the type of man I thought I wanted to marry. He is smart, and sweet and attractive. I always wondered, and I even asked his parents, but all his life he had never even considered it." She shrugged and then laughed softly. "Funny thing is, when we met, I was only hitting on Maddox because I wanted Todd." She looked over in the direction of the living room where Todd lay sound asleep.

Mark knew all too well how much Todd claimed to hate Trissta. He also knew Todd had hit it off with his friend Cassie. "You will find someone."

The steps creaked and Maddox rounded the corner still looking half asleep. "Morning, you two playing nice?"

"Of course." Trissta smiled, watching Maddox as he sat down and then winced, shifting around uncomfortably. "Rough night,." she laughed. Both men blushed and looked down at the wonders deep within their cups.


Justin lay curled up on Mark's bed, his pants around his ankles, as he stroked himself. He had gotten back a day early since Mark had told him he was still with Maddox and Maddox's family. "Mark!" he panted. He was in a fantasy world. He had to get rid of Maddox. One way or another, and the thought of being cruel about it turned him on even more as he came all over one of Mark's t-shirts.


((I found a new editor!! Many thanks to Rex Brookdale for editing this. I am very grateful that AU was returned so quickly and now should read more easily and I hope to work with him again in the future. I can't tell you enough how thrilled I am to have someone to send my writing to again and have them return it and be an engaged reader. I hope you all are willing to stick with AU for a little while longer as the end is in sight and I am going back over the chapters that long ago were forgotten and collected dust as I waited for an editor. I am thrilled to have found one and very grateful for the work he has done.))

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
oh no justin

the family and madoxx acceptance of mark was lovely. I hope he can stay relaxed but seeing the other side of Justin, wow. great way to extend the storyline.

looking forward to the Justin arc developing more

WittePietWittePietalmost 11 years ago

You've done a good job with Chapter 8. The various loose strands are coming together. I loved the suspense of Mark in the car journey to Maddox's parents. I had not realized that you had to wait to find an editor. If I had known, I would have volunteered. I wouldn't do it regularly, but I would do it for this story of yours. Please don't be long with Chapter 9. Spelling and grammar are much better, your editor is doing a good job, but the punctuation still needs attention. But the story is the important thing, and that's good.

WittePietWittePietalmost 11 years ago
Great to have you back

I had given up on you ever finishing this story. I'm writing this BEFORE reading Chapter 8, just to tell you how glad I am that you are now back! I had to reread chapters 6 and 7 to refresh my memory. I will post another comment when I've read this chapter.

tonydesire21tonydesire21almost 11 years ago

I can't wait for Chapter 9!

rexbrookdalerexbrookdalealmost 11 years ago
Bring it on

Bury me! I'm ready for more editing of your stories.

We've got to work a bit harder to eliminate double punctuation. Not sure how that happened, but will look into it if/when I get to edit your next installment.

FangsAnarchyFangsAnarchyalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Thank you everyone

It is very nice to be back and I really do adore my new editor. Right now and as far as I know there are two more chapters as well as chapter 1 of a Jin spin off. If I see enough interest that is. Right now I am going back over 9 and making sure I want things to go the way they do.

Thank you all for the comments and feedback and I am very happy to be back and trying to hard not to burry Rex with all the piled up stuff. Some of which is startedand some is started and finished.

I should be re-finished with 9 in less than a few weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
So happy this is back!

I'm so happy you found an editor. This is an amazing story and concept idea! I was almost willing to offer up as an editor when my laptop broke. :'( Many happy will be happily awaiting further installments! …Unless it takes a year, then we'll be blood thirsty for more, and want to seek you out just to find out what you were going for with this. Love it! Continue please.

P.S. How many chapter type installments will there be? I'm sure a lot of people want to know~

lacedaemonlacedaemonalmost 11 years ago

I too had to reread the last chapter to remember where we were at. Great chapter.

Was the entire delay due to the need for an editor? ...hoping for more soon(er, rather than later LOL!!)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Please keep this going!

I read the series last year and reread now to catch up! I hope you keep the chapters coming!

canndcanndalmost 11 years ago

I am glad you continued the story. I just hate how many stories I have bookmarked, that I am waiting for chapters that never come. It is so frustrating. So, I was glad to see this chapter. I think it was worth the wait. I think you did a great job and it is better than the other chapters so far. Maybe it is also the content, but I think you navigated their getting back together, going to his parents, dealing with Trista and telling him about Noah, really well. I love the throw in of that horrible Justin. I know the other shoe is gonna drop and I wonder how evil you will make him. Will you have him do something as unspeakable as we can tell his little sadistic mind is planning or will you go a less scary route? I look forward to seeing. Well, post again soon ~~ you owe us darnit! lol Good stuff!

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