Augmented Confidence


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This monotony was why her heart skipped a beat at the end of one segment when CAT indicated there was a new DLC for Confidence: hard mode.

"I must warn you this mode is much more difficult than you have previously engaged in. For starters I have an internal measure of how supportive I am, in hard mode that it turned to 0. The tasks are more embarrassing and tend to break into the real world more. As a failsafe I have been given a preview homework assignment, you may only download hard mode if you can complete the task."

Seraphina eagerly waited for CAT to load up the task, practically salivating at the possibilities, her hand working furiously between her legs.

"Tomorrow at 11am there is a life drawing class at the nearby arts college. I have volunteered you to model there." Seraphina was a little impressed at the ingenuity of the program but still felt that volunteering to nude model wasn't too difficult, people did that all them time. "Your homework is that you are to ensure you are kicked out of that class for being too sexually explicit."

Seraphina's fluttering heart made her all the more determined to reach the next level


Seraphina booted up the PlayStation with her heart on edge. She was still reeling from her performance at the life drawing classes, not only showing off her naked body to complete strangers, but picking the most erotic poses she could think of and at one point even touching herself a little until she was given her coat and firmly asked to leave. Her thoughts swirled around what was in store for her if that was the opening challenge but she didn't care, she was hooked on the lessons and her new found confidence had only improved her life so she was ready to take it to the next level.

"Good morning Seraphina!" CAT's chirpy voice announced. "So how did the life drawing classes go? Let me check... hmm, so this morning I tried to book you in for another class and was informed that you are banned. Does this mean you want to go ahead and install hard mode DLC?"

"Oh God yes!" Seraphina replied.

"Very well, the installation has begun. So far we have been developing through giving you tasks that require confidence and helping you through it. In hard mode not only are the tasks more difficult but you will not be given any support or encouragement, in fact we will do everything in our power to reduce your confidence, we look forward to you overcoming the odds. We will however continue to provide motivation in the form of deleted pictures from your phone and recordings of some of your earlier lessons, which will be distributed in a variety of interesting ways should you refuse to complete the tasks set for you. Installation is complete, this is your last chance to back out, please touch the button below to begin."

There was a small amount of hesitancy as Seraphina outstretched her hand, but then she realised that the reason she had done all this was to get more confident. She stood up straight, and confidently pushed the button in front of CAT.

Immediately CATs lycra gym outfit dissolved in light, rebuilt in front of Seraphina into a smart business suit. CAT became taller and more imposing, losing the cheery chirpy atmosphere she had previously radiated.

"Welcome to the shark tank guppy. Today's lesson is about not caring what other people think." CAT announced. "You are to leave your lounge, go out the front door and sit on the steps leading up to your house, there you are to masturbate to orgasm three times no matter what happens. Just as an FYI from now on I won't be holding your hand on these lessons, every time you are outside of your house, you're on your own."

Seraphina stood agog at CAT's transformation while the program got increasingly impatient with her.

"Did I stutter, come on outside masturbating now, or would you rather I emailed your mother with a picture of you throat deep on Tristan's cock?" CAT threatened, bringing up a large version of the picture to illustrate the point.

Seraphina rushed out her front door and sat open legged on her front porch, her hand peeling apart her wet lips to begin pleasuring herself. There was a wave of light and suddenly the streets were full of her friends and family, only instead of encouraging her, they began to laugh. It started with a slight chuckle from her son's private tutor, before her uncle joined in, calling everyone over to come mock the horny idiot masturbating in front of her house.

Before long a whole crowd had gathered, pointing and laughing as Seraphina tried to ignore them, focussing on the pleasure welling up in her body. After the first orgasm rocked her body another wave of light added more people to the crowd. Cameras and journalists swarmed on her location and helicopters hovered above her.

"Hello Seraphina Kensington, it's David Thompson from BBC news. You're being broadcast live to every home in the country, yet you won't stop masturbating, what do you have to say for yourself?"

In thin air above the cameraman's face a small text bubble emerged that read.

"Answer him honestly and confidently or the photo goes out." Seraphina took a second to think of her answer then responded.

"Even though I was told to, the truth is I have a great body and I want everyone to see it and want what they can't have." She sputtered out while intense waves of pleasure ran up and down her body.

After her second orgasm she was wondering what more CAT could throw at her, as the cameras continued to zoom in on her throbbing pussy, she saw a disturbance in the crowd. The the PTA committee of her son's school were setting up a protest in front of her, waving signs reading "Stop this degenerate skank." She was told that unless she stopped now her son would be excluded from school. This didn't even slow Seraphina down as she ignored their wishes, building towards her third and final orgasm.

Then out of the crowd her mother and father emerged. She felt a deep feeling of shame in the pit of her stomach as her parents began to scold her for being such a whore in public. She stopped for a second to cover her face as the hologram had suddenly gotten very dark, but when she looked up again there was a text box in front of her that read. "Attaching photograph."

Out of fear Seraphina's hand shot back down to her clit, working furiously in the hope that the physical sensations could overcome the horrible dread she felt having her parents throw insults at her. Eventually she bit her lip, and struggled over the line to her third and final orgasm. The crowds dissolved and as she opened her eyes she was back in her lounge, breathing heavily and sweating profusely while an unimpressed CAT stood over her.

"Well done, you passed level one. You have a long way to go from here but for now let's talk about your homework." After everything she had been through Seraphina just wanted to curl up in bed and forget the world existed but CAT was not going to allow that. "So your homework for today is as follows, according to your calendar you have a meeting with Quentin's headmistress to discuss chaperoning upcoming school trips. Firstly I want you to volunteer for every school trip coming up, I have some ideas. Secondly the meeting ends at 2:45pm and the school bell rings at 3:00pm. I want to see a naked selfie, taken in the boys toilets between those two times, and no hiding in a cubicle, I want to see urinals in the background. Let's hope none of the teachers let the kids go early." Seraphina's mind began racing with how she was going to achieve that CAT dropped the next announcement.

"Also looking at your calendar it looks like you have a very busy day tomorrow, breakfast with the PTA, lunch with the inlaws, shopping with friends and then taking Quentin to meet your parents. I doubt you'll have time for a lesson tomorrow. So how about I fit my lessons around your life? Tomorrow I will be texting you at random points throughout the day, every time you receive a text from me you have two minutes to take a naked selfie. And just to make sure you can't run too fast, I want you wearing those six inch heels I bought you all day."

The hologram faded to nothing and Seraphina was left alone to contemplate what was ahead of her.


Seraphina squirmed in her chair, the time was rapidly approaching 2:45 and the field trip committee was still talking about unimportant things. If the meeting ran long it would only make things more risky for Seraphina. She had already volunteered for every field trip as CAT had demanded and she was wearing one of her long sun dresses with nothing on underneath ready for her next homework. As the clock hit 2:45 it was clear the mother with a bee in her bonnet about meal options was not going to stop talking any time soon. Eventually she waited for a lull in her rant and interrupted.

"I'm really sorry Vanessa, I know this is important but I have to leave now as Quentin needs to be home early and I need the loo before the end of school when they get busy" the group all agreed to let her go but not before surrounding Seraphina to thank her for being so generous with her time. By the time she actually got out of the room it was 2:55.

Seraphina sprinted to the boys toilets, running in without even checking if there were any boys in there. As luck would have it the room was empty. As she pulled her dress over her head she heard the school bell ring, boys would be swarming into this toilet at any moment and she was stood there naked. Her phone was frustratingly slow loading up the camera, then as her phone gave a click to show the photo had been taken, she also heard the creak of the door opening. She grabbed her dress from the floor and leapt into the nearest cubicle, only just getting the door closed before the toilet was swarmed with adolescent boys.

She put her dress on and waited for the excitement to pass so the boys couldn't see her nipples through the sun dress fabric. Before calmly walking out of the cubicle, apologising to the boys that she had accidentally gone into the wrong toilet. She could feel her juices running down her leg.


When she next logged in CAT decided to bring up every naked Seraphina had taken the previous day, making her blush in the memory of all the risks she had taken. There was one in the changing room at a department store, in the toilets at her parents and even one in the car outside the school.

"Looks like you passed this test. Time for today's lesson, go and get your phone, then you will give your husband a call at work, while you wash the car naked." CAT had a malevolent grin on her face that made Seraphina suspect that there was more to this than she first thought, she fully expected something horrible to happen while she was on the phone to Tristan and she was actually excited at what it could be.

Seraphina got her Bluetooth headphones and headed to her driveway to get the car (and herself) all soapy and wet while the phone rang. Tristam picked up and Seraphina began making some small talk as she stretched her naked body around the car, reaching every little detail with a sponge constantly on a lookout for what curveball CAT was planning. But it never seemed to come. The road remained quiet, she was turning heads of the people who walked and drove by but nobody was bothering her and no additional instructions were appearing. Eventually when she couldn't think of any more small talk she said her goodbyes and finished the call.

Immediately her phone rang again, this time an unknown number.

"Hello Seraphina it's CAT, just calling with a little update on your situation. It seems that I may have accidentally turned the controller off at the start of this task. That isn't a hologram you really have been cleaning your car naked and everyone who has seen you was a real person. I hope you don't mind." Suddenly it all made sense, CAT wanted her streaking for real and wanted to make sure she had her phone on her so she could suddenly confront her with the reality of the situation. Seraphina screamed and ducked behind her car so she couldn't be seen from the road, then when there was a gap in foot traffic, made a break for the front door and back into the lounge where CAT was standing looking smug.

"Sorry about that, but I think you have been using the belief that this is just a hologram as a crutch and I wanted to take that away from you. Now you will never be sure if our little exercises are taking place in the real world or not. I'm going to call the lesson there and leave you to worry about that for a while. For today's homework, finish washing your car wearing nothing but a white blouse and a thong, I expect you to wave and yell good morning to at least three passers by before you finish. Don't worry, you gave me access to your house's CCTV system so I can check you have obeyed.

From then on CAT cat's lessons were catered to really torment Seraphina, forcing her to always take her phone with her and choosing less surreal tasks that kept her constantly on edge that at any moment she could discover she was exposing herself in the real world again. CAT had also taken to not giving Seraphina homework assignments in advance, instead opting to call her during the day with tasks she couldn't prepare for.

Worst still tomorrow was Quentin's feild trip and CAT told her she had big plans.



The next lesson began with CAT congratulating Seraphina on the formal warning she had just received from the school for her choice of attire on the school trip, promising her that next time she would work to ensure she is banned from a future school trips. Then it came time for today's lesson.

"So I noticed in your diary that Tristan is working late and Quentin is at a friend's house so we have a whole day to give you a project. I figured today you could try getting a job, you've never had a job and I think that is a big blow to your self confidence. I have a bunch of things set up for you to try, firstly we're going to do a bit of training in the virtual world before we go out in the real world and start earning money, so let's get started." Seraphina couldn't help but admit CAT was right, she had never needed a job before and she was interested to see what CAT had in mind.

Seraphina's lounge dissolved into light to be replaced with one of the posh clothes shops her and her friends would visit on a regular basis. With a sparkle of light a name tag appeared, looking like it was pinned through her left nipple, it read "trainee".

"Now for this exercise you will be a naked trainee on her first day behind the customer services counter." CAT stated as if it were the most normal thing in the world, "One by one, the friends you usually go shopping with will come to the counter asking for a refund on an item they have previously purchased. Now I'm not going to tell you how to do your job, I'm just going to say that any friend you give a refund to, I will send the picture of you posing naked in the changing room. But be polite, if at any point you lose your job, I will email your naked picture to every clothes store you frequent with an apology for being a bitch to their customer service team."

"So good luck standing up for yourself, remember the customer is always right."

At the same time CAT dissolved into light and Seraphina's friends appeared in a neat line in front of the counter, waiting patiently. After a couple of awkward seconds Seraphina decided to shout "next customer please!"

The first of Seraphina's friends approached. A young girl called Penelope who had only recently joined their group as her son was in his first year of school.

"Oh hello Seraphina, I didn't know you'd gotten a job here. What went wrong? I never thought you would stoop to being a naked customer service girl." she stated judgmentally.

"Actually I don't need this job, I just chose to be a naked customer service girl so I could show off my body." Seraphina replied, going on the offensive so Penelope wouldn't begin the transaction with the upper hand.

"Well good for you. Anyway could you move your adorable little tushy and get me a refund for this lingerie set I bought? Turns out I don't like the colour." She ordered offhandedly.

"I'm sorry Madam, but I'm afraid we don't give refunds on used lingerie." Seraphina responded, parroting a line she remembered from her time the other side of the customer service desk.

"What! Come on Seraphina I'm your friend, surely you can bend the rules for me?"

"Sorry Penelope it's not allowed."

"Well this is absurd, some upstart naked trainee is going to tell me I can't return my lingerie. Your just jealous that you're forced to be here nude while we buy fine clothes."

Seraphina did her best to continue to be polite to her friend while her attacks became more personal and vitriolic until eventually she dropped the words Seraphina had been waiting for.

"I want to speak to the manager!"

"Absolutely madam, I'll call them over right away, until then would you like to wait to one side while I serve your friends?" Seraphina responded, hoping that would satisfy CATs algorithms as having completed the task. She put out a store announcement asking for the manager and moved on to the next friend in the queue.

Gradually Seraphina moved through her shopping friends, each one following the same pattern of conversation. They would make a backhanded compliment of Seraphina now being the help, then gradually get ruder and ruder until they asked to see the manager and stepped to one side so Seraphina could move on to her next friend. Finally the friend she had been dreading approached the counter, Vanessa. Four children and a lawyer husband meant Vanessa had no qualms about rudeness or overt the hostility, she was not to be trifled with, she had made customer service workers cry on multiple occasions and was widely considered "in charge" of their group of friends.

"Oh Seraphina, your the new customer service slave, how embarrassing. Go on give us a twirl, let's see your work uniform." Seraphina blushed at her friend being so blunt with her, and gave a twirl. "Oh you poor thing. Anyway I would like to return this dress, the fabric has just fallen apart and the receipt says I'm entitled to my money back if that happens." Vanessa stared Seraphina up and down in a way that made her very awkward, nevertheless Seraphina took a deep breath and responded.

"Sorry madam, but we can't offer a refund on that dress right now." Seraphina calmly responded.

"Don't give me that nonsense checkout whore, I pay your salary and you need to do what I say." Vanessa snapped, each word infecting Seraphina with her bile.

"Please don't call me a whore madam, I'm just doing my job." Seraphina replied trying to calm down Vanessa.

"But you are nothing but a petty whore. Does Quentin know his mother spends her day naked serving his friends' mothers. I bet Tristan does, I wouldn't blame him for wanting to fuck someone else while you're here embarrassing yourself. How about you realise where you stand in the pecking order, serve your betters and give me a refund before I have your naked ass in the unemployment line." In response to this verbal onslaught Seraphina felt her blood boil, instead of retreating she decided to fight back.

"I'm earning my money by doing work, you earn your money by fucking a lawyer, from where I'm standing one of us is definitely a whore and it isn't me." Vanessa's eyes bulged out of her sockets, she was just about to yell bloody murder at Seraphina when CAT approached the checkout, wearing a name badge that read "manager".

At once all the ladies rounded on CAT, complaining about how they had been treated, eventually CAT assured them that she would take care of them, she then turned to Seraphina.

"Young lady, you are here to serve these customers, now either give them a refund or you're fired." Suddenly it all made sense to Seraphina, there was no way to prevent her nude picture being shared, it was all an exercise in her choosing who got to see her naked, her snobby friends or the shop workers that she used to look down upon.