Aunt Matilda to the Rescue


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"Dick, dear, it's no use to hide things. They've both already seen everything you have. We've been standing here for five minutes, looking at you, before I spoke," his aunt informed him.

Sheepishly, he removed his hands and looked at the two women, both blondes with golden highlights in their hair. The mother, Beth, had hazel eyes, and her daughter, Janet, had piercing blue eyes. Janet looked to be only a year of two younger than he was. Unbidden, his cock stirred as he tried to steal a quick look at their bodies.

Beth laughed. "I see what you mean, Matilda. If you keep a man naked, he can't conceal his interest very well, can he?" She was obviously staring at his traitorous, slowly elongating cock.

"It's fun to watch it grow, isn't it, Mom?" Janet asked, giggling. She was wearing only a thin T-shirt and a very short skirt, so the hardening of her nipples was quite as obvious as the engorgement of his cock, in his opinion.

"Almost as much fun as playing with it, sweetie," her mother agreed.

Dick immediately had the mental image of either or both of them playing with his cock, and he felt it harden until it felt like a steel rod sprouting from his pubic hair.

Aunt Matilda told him, "I'm going to take Beth on a house walk-through, so she can help plan the sale. I also need to set up the 'little show' I promised them. Meanwhile, Dicky, fetch two tennis racquets and take Janet over to the tennis court. The two of you can play until Beth and I are through."

"P... p... play tennis naked, Auntie?" Dick queried, stammering and blushing.

"Of course not," she replied with a grin. "Put on tennis shoes." The two visitors laughed gaily, hearing that.

Dick soon learned that trying to play tennis with an unsecured erection created a handicap. If he stooped and shifted side to side rapidly, preparing to leap quickly in either direction, his swollen penis demonstrated inertia, lagging behind his movements, throwing him off balance. If he bounced up and down, his cock continued bobbing up and down, long after he'd stopped. And as he ran, often as not his ball sack got caught and tugged painfully between his muscular thighs.

On the other hand, Janet's game seemed 'off' as well, since she had bouts of laughter and giggles, watching the antics being performed by Dick's sexual equipment. Needless to say, they actually had a lot of fun, especially when Janet complained that she was getting too hot and made a show of removing her panties and tossing them aside. After that, if her skirt flew up, he got a flash of her pussy. As if that wasn't enough, sometimes between serves Janet would lift the hem of her T-shirt, flapping it to cool her torso, 'accidentally' flipping it high enough to give him a glimpse of her tits.

"OK, Dick. We're ready. Come over to the house," Aunt Matilda called out.

As Dick and Janet reached Aunt Matilda, she gave them fluffy towels to wipe away their sweat. Dick watched her make a beckoning sign to the house, and two naked men emerged. They looked comfortable being naked around clothed women, so Dick assumed they were familiar with the CFNM scene, too.

"I borrowed these two men from their Dominants, for the purpose of our show, Beth. We're going to have a cum shooting contest, for distance. I'll be using Dicky, of course. You and Janet can choose between these two young men. You can make them cum by any means that you wish."

The naked men displayed huge smiles, since it was clear that the contest involved them 'getting their rocks off' which was always a joy. Both of the women were gorgeous, so cumming for them would be especially enjoyable. They stood up straight, hands behind their backs, even pressing their hips forward, to better display their equipment.

"It's nice of you to provide a male for each of us," Beth chuckled. "It seems fitting that you didn't introduce them by name, emphasizing that they're just playthings for this contest. And we can get them off any way we choose, you say. Hmmm." She inspected both guys, running her hands over their muscles, lifting their ball sacks, and hefting their cocks. She seemed somewhat attracted to the dark-haired one, but she said, "Janet, I'll let you pick first."

Janet moved in close, bringing her face so near their cocks when she inspected them that in spite of the warm day, they could clearly feel her warm breath each time she exhaled. Their cocks stiffened even more, feeling those erotic puffs of air. Perhaps that was her intent. She spent all her examination time only judging their genitalia. For some reason, she also spread their ass cheeks, and gently scratched their anal rings with her fingernail, watching their reaction. Finally she lightly slapped the ass of the sandy-haired man, saying, "I choose this one."

Beth looked pleased, since she was left with the dark-haired one anyway.

Aunt Matilda said, "Beth, you can go first. I've drawn a chalk line on the cement walkway around the edge of the pool. It should be easiest to have the contest there, both for the measuring and for clean-up afterward. Here's a tape measure we can use." She noticed Janet was biting her lip, apparently wanting to ask something. "Yes, dear? What is it?" Matilda asked her.

Janet looked slightly abashed to be asking this but she giggled and replied, "Can I measure their dicks before we start?"

"Sure. I don't think they'll mind," Matilda replied, grinning, as she handed Janet the tape measure. She was fairly certain that Janet just wanted the chance to fondle all three cocks. The young girl made a great show of laying the tape along the top of each cock, pressing and holding its end firmly against the place where the cock sprouted from his pelvis. Then she curled her fingers underneath its shaft, and placed her thumb onto the tape, and slowly dragged her hand from the cock base to its very tip. The women paid no attention to the actual measurements - each cock was at least seven inches long anyway - what they enjoyed seeing was that each time Janet did this, the cock in question oozed out a clear drop of precum. The guys were primed for the contest.

Beth took hold of the dark-haired guy's cock and pulled him to the chalk line, getting him so his toes just touched it. "Right here?" she asked Matilda, who nodded. "I guess I'm a traditionalist," she laughed, and started pumping the cock she was holding. "Nothing fancy. I'll just jack him off."

She pumped and pumped. The naked man planted his hands on his ass cheeks, and pushed his hips forward, his cock poking out even more. Beth changed hands, pumped harder for a while, then changed hands again. The guy was shaking and puffing. He groaned out a sound that resembled the word 'almost' so Beth angled his cock up at about a 45 degree angle just as it spurted. His seed floated through the air, and splatted on the paving in front of him.

Matilda and Janet measured the farthest splotch, and recorded 8' 3" as the maximum distance. "Not bad, Mom," Janet said, with just the tiniest smidgen of condescension in her voice, as Dick was sent to wipe away the semen with paper towels.

Beth laughed. "You sound pretty cocky, daughter. Pun intended. You think you can do better?"

"We were told we could get our guy off any way we wished, so I do have a plan," Janet agreed. "I'm going to try something one of my boyfriends taught me." She reached into her purse, and pulled out a small bullet vibrator. Wetting it with her saliva, she had her assigned submissive bend over and spread his ass cheeks slightly. Jacking his cock to distract him, she deftly inserted the tip of the vibrator deep into his ass hole. "This should buzz his prostate gland nicely," she explained. "That's part of the trick."

She led him over to the chalk line, but had him stand with his thighs apart. Next, she sat down on the pavement, entering the space between his thighs from the front, so her face ended up about an inch from his manhood. "Someone will have to let me know when's he's shot his load," she told Matilda and her mom. "I won't be able to see much like this." She blindly switch on the vibrator, and started slowly moving it in and out of his ass hole. Meanwhile her other hand grasped his dick, which was practically laying on top of her head, and squeezed and fondled it. Finally, she mashed her lips against his ball sack, sucking in a testicle and humming, while her tongue darted out and licked, prodded and pressed the space between his scrotum and his anus.

The other two women watched, mouths agape, as Janet worked her magic. Back arched, the guy's hands flew up to his head as he groaned loudly, his sounds competing with the hum in Janet's throat and the buzz of the vibrator that was tickling his prostate. Soon his neck, chest, and armpits were trickling with sweat, as his muscles bunched and contracted from the intensity of the stimulation. Without warning, his cock spat a glob of semen, then another, and another - each time his body jerked. His final release of fluid merely dribbled down the back of Janet's head.

"I think you can tell he's had his climax, Janet," Matilda chuckled. "That was very impressive."

The daughter came out from under the guy's crotch, easing the vibrator out of his ass. "It gives me a crick in my neck, so I hope it was worth it," she mock complained. She watched as Matilda and her mom stretched out the tape.

"That flew 9' 8" - you're in the lead, you cocky little bitch," Beth told her, good-naturedly.

"Let's see if I can beat that," Matilda stated. "Dicky, once you've wiped the landing area clean, come over here. It's our turn."

Finishing his cleaning job, Dick stepped up to the chalk line. His aunt sat down on the pavement, facing him from the side. She reached into her purse, and pulled out an electric toothbrush. Ignoring the gasps of disbelief coming from the other women, she told him, "Dicky, it's very important that we communicate for this. You'll have to tell me when you're getting that feeling that you're about to cum. Understand?" He nodded. "Good. Stand with your feet slightly apart."

Once Dick was positioned, his aunt first made a ring between her thumb and index finger, using them to encircle the root of his scrotal sac. She pulled down as far as she could, stretching his balls down away from his torso.

"Oh, I see," Beth breathed. "You're using the technique that prevents premature ejaculation."

"Yes, I am," Matilda agreed. "And the bristles on this toothbrush are very soft." She switched it on, and its head began vibrating like crazy! But she didn't touch the bristle side to him at first. She pressed the back of its head against the underside of his cock from its head to its base, across his ball sack, and then back up his cock to its head again. She kept buzzing her way up and down the underside of his cock, and also across his scrotum, pulled taut by her fingers.

The moment he felt that intense stimulation, Dick wanted to go up onto his tiptoes, but couldn't, since his aunt was virtually pinning him to the ground via her tug on his testicles. He gasped out, "Oh my god... oh my god... that's..." before he ran out of words, and concentrated on breathing. After only a few minutes of this treatment, he told his aunt, "I need to cum, Auntie! I feel it! I'm straining inside, and my muscles are rippling, but I can't spurt!"

She smiled knowingly. "Let the feeling build even more, dear." She continued running her vibrating wand the length of his cock, stopping now and then to press it right over the sensitive slit in his swollen glans.

"Ohhhh, fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck! I need to cum! Please let me cum!" he moaned. Beth and Janet watched, spellbound by this scenario. They could tell the Dick's testicles were straining upward trying to approach his groin, but being doggedly held down by Matilda's hand.

Dick was now uttering incoherent syllables, and just went it seemed he'd go out of his mind, his aunt swiveled the toothbrush head, bristles up, and extended two fingers forward from the hand holding it. Her fingers went out over the top of his cock crown, where the glans meets the shaft. She pushed down, so the cock was now pointing toward the ground at about a 30 degree downward angle. This also pressed the maddening, vibrating soft bristles directly on his cock's frenulum - its most sensitive part.

Dick began to shriek as the overwhelming stimulation raced through his body. At that precise moment, his aunt not only released his balls - she pressed then up against his crotch. His cock immediately began spewing a stream of semen, the first blast still pointing downward toward the pavement - so much was spewing that it looked somewhat like he was pissing his cum. But his aunt also released his cock crown, and re-positioned the toothbrush head to the skin between his balls and anus. Dick's cock sprang skyward, whipping the semen stream into an upward arc. The white rope of his emission was flung high... and far! It hit the pavement with a heavy 'plop' sound, and danced on the warm surface.

Dick was hyperventilating, standing on wobbly knees as his aunt switched off the toothbrush, and Janet and Beth stretched out the tape measure. "Holy shit!" Janet cried out. "The farthest glop is here at 12' 11" - that's amazing! Everyone went inside for refreshments as they chatted merrily about what a fun competition that turned out to be.

In summary, Beth felt well compensated by that 'show' and managed to get the asking price for the house in a short period of time. Jean got her degree, a nice job, and a lovely, much more manageable house. Dick got three of his fantasies to come true: tit-fucking Aunt Matilda, taking part in CFNM activities, and getting a loan from his aunt so he could attend college. When he asked how he could repay the loan, she chucked him under the chin, got a salacious look in her eye, and told him they'd work something out. Janet got a date with Dick, because she wanted to find out what it felt like for that cock of his to blast off when it was inside her. And before heading back to France, Aunt Matilda muttered something to Jean and Dick about teaching her real niece Sara about the CFNM life style, and 'borrowing' Dick for that instruction. Both Jean and her son grinned their approval.

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TheDrunkenNebbishTheDrunkenNebbishalmost 4 years ago

It's refreshing to read a story where a strong woman doesn't feel the need to demean, or 'break' the male characters. That makes this a great read for me.

That being said, I need to point out that Richard is most definitely Matilda's nephew by blood; he is her brother's son. Richard's grandparents, on his father's side, are Matilda's mother and father. Only if Richard was Jean's son from an earlier marriage, thus making Matilda's brother Richard's stepfather, would they not be related . You never indicate this to be the case.

plsirronplsirronover 5 years ago

A fun story.

CFNM is something I enjoy. Ready for more!

HardBenHardBenover 6 years ago

A fabulous insight into men's fantasy.

Absolutely wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The best!

I love CFNM and that was one of the best I have ever read!!

plsirronplsirronalmost 7 years ago

Good story.

when Im in a CFnm scenario, I prefer to be the only necked male. Selfish that way I guess.

0ra11yfix8ed0ra11yfix8edabout 7 years ago
A young man's dream come true!

And an old man's fond memory. More women should adopt the CFNM lifestyle! Men would be happier serving their queens. Being constantly on display and engaged in all sorts of chores would tame their aggressiveness and train their minds to please their special queen and her friends. The key, of course, is to keep them aroused. Constant edging will keep them focused.

deadmaninc99deadmaninc99about 7 years ago

Well I've read it twice so far and both times I've been rock hard throughout. Can't wait to read it again and for another story. The way you write is incredible and so detailed I feel part of the story myself.

Amazing work. Thank you for sharing it

pantyboiinfluxpantyboiinfluxabout 7 years ago
Couldn't get enough

I have to go back and read this again as my brain wasn't getting enough blood pumping to it....

great story.

good plot and wonderful characters.

I'll write more comments after re-reading

happydayhappydayabout 7 years ago

Great story believable characters and long enough to get me off

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