Aurora, Wayward Pt. 01


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Aurora smiled, "Then another point of negotiations. A tech upgrade; in weapons, armor, sensors, and the like. Pulled from your own patent offices. All expired patients. All patents are set to expire in a century these days, it used to be 50 years. Unless a major revision is filed and approved before that deadline.

The mining you do can go to the group of caterpillar miners we would put into place to process what you harvest from the outer ring of the asteroid belt. They would have to get a decent defensive system.

Not as good as yours. But strong enough to replace what they lose; a weapon to destroy a solar system. The Terran government values it but they are unlikely to continue this line of AI units. After all of the 'erratic behavior' exhibited by this model line."

Astra laughed, "You are probably right."

Aurora looked over, "Which means if we are Non-sentient entities under your Home Guard Treaty, yet operating outside of your area of control, we would want the plans and means to have those AI units reproduce as well. You are getting it for the same means; they should get some of that as well."

Johnathan thought to Astra, * You guiding her on this? *

He heard back, * No, I think my history is guiding her in helping them as much as she can. She knows that Terra, or any species, could get several fortunes for this system. She is trying to save as many of them as possible as quickly as possible.

Also, she sees that they need to be suitably compensated. She knows if they have been poisoned for millennia by your family; unknowingly but still, sent them to die in short and horrible ways on those worlds.

I have the information she is asking for in hand already. My cores have kept track of all the technology since we passed my birth age; she is not asking for anything in that regard beyond what I have for self-preservation and my backup units that Jack ensured I held the patents on for centuries.

Getting AI units recognized to hold patents was a huge step but it was done through the HG. Terra had no choice but to accept it. She is doing what Jack did for me for her own model species if you will. They could adapt as I have. My design is not the original design.

We have replaced a few parts here and there to increase my capability. She is asking for expired patents. Her model is included in that list; as are the battleships.

As are some of my original designs for that matter. Though nobody from the AI conglomerate wants to build my model. There are a lot of her models in service, especially in Terra. Getting them on loan should not be a problem. *

Johnathan tried to switch up the topic, "Let us go back to your original request. For these AI battleships. That is a lot more trips. What happens to them when this rescue is done?"

She looked over, "They remain with the Penas as guardians signed into not just your Home Guard Treaty but also the one Home Guard treaty founded by Rocan on each of these new worlds, as one of the founders, if you will.

I was given to him, I found the problem, the existing ships are under my control which means under Rocan's control. The new ones coming in would have to follow our directions. What would happen to them when they were returned?

Recycled, reprogramed and replaced with newer models? If they are aiding in this effort should they not have the free will to continue to serve in the same capacity as Astra has with your Home Guard?

They are aiding and protecting humanity which includes you. All AI units for Terra are allowed to do this to an extent. There are the whole manufacture issues with AI units that have plagued Terra courts for the last 1,700 years. We are Terran in origin. That is why they wanted this site. They wanted it outside of Terran control to manufacture AI units not bound to HG oversight."

Johnathan nodded, "In that case, we bring them forward to do this then they are essentially making the same one-way trip to the Pena colony that the humans did 5,000 years ago until they complete graduation with the Drakor. At which point they are eligible to join as a separate Penan Non-Sentient Entity."

The Drisan Governor looked over, "The governors and diplomats should discuss some of this without the AI units present. Recognizing them as a separate race is almost ludicrous."

Aurora looked over, "Humanity has had it for over 5,000 years. It is not ludicrous. It just requires an open mind. You including Rocan in this non-AI discussion? As the owner of these ships with the refugees in them as it were? Also, the Hybrid the Drakor put before you to help your people as a whole?"

The Ridan ambassador sighed, "Yes as a non-voting member at this point."

Aurora thought to him, * Get them all the hybrid laws as you want it in the founding charter for each planet and colony in that new system. It will save you a lot of legal headaches they had with Terra by getting it in at the beginning. *

He thought back, * I will see what I can do. Why are wanting to build up all these AI units? *

She thought back, * The answer is that we do not abandon the system and give them total control. Those AI units with MIDGEs could be transported back to the belt to mine and purify the element for use in creating AI units and explosive shells which are in those patents I asked for. *

He thought back, * I will present some ideas on that. *

Astra followed Aurora to the bridge. She looked around, "Functional but tight for humans."

Aurora nodded, "I'd love to build up a ship like your Excalibur battleship design. For Rocan, of course, but with a steady AI crew, to assist him. At least initially until his people come to accept him. He has got to get these people and his own health fixed first though."

She nodded, "The medical bed did not scan for toxicity poisoning. If it is a primary metal his artificial arm and leg could have been made from it."

Aurora looked over, "It was, I was with him when they removed it. Same metal I just had not associated it with toxicity poisoning as I had not scanned the composition of the metal. We would never have thought that an intelligent species would deliberately poison themselves by using that metal the way they have. How did I do?"

Astra smiled, "You monopolized the conversation but you did it for the right reasons. You wanted to get suitable compensation. Everything they asked for was reasonable material. They had your help with that. Because of this new issue, you upped the ante as it were."

She nodded, "I told Rocan they should not just surrender the system. With these AI units and MIDGEs, we could harvest the material for our own AI units as well as explosive shells that are in those patents."

Astra sighed, "I see. You were right though. Someone or ones were trying to get a factory for AI units in that system to get around AI laws."

Aurora thought to Rocan, * If they balk at getting us access to the system, we currently occupy ask that the treaty as written be nullified out and a new treaty established setting up that system to be under HG oversight.

Only Home Guard can mine the material; this includes you, for your respective race. They have to have a Drakor Home Guard treaty. It will ensure all AI units created from there have a moral code and AI rights. *


The Pena governor looked over, "We have to get people to vote to relocate. Referendums. Not all will want to leave even knowing the dangers."

Johnathan sighed, "That presents a problem."

Rocan looked over, "If we get Home Guard laws incorporated into the new colony; transfer the treaty with the modification to the new location. We could establish the existing system as only being usable for mining by those AI units under Home Guard control, regardless of race. Have an extension of Pena colonies, to cover the people who remain behind but out of the mining business.

That also means our Home Guard would have to have these rules applied to the existing colonies so that they could be protected by Pena Home Guard Hybrids who decide to stay and eke out a living inside of a bomb. We all know the only way to mine the system is with AI units. Having more AI units to fill those roles is an advantage to us.

Having a standing agreement to have your ships transfer material a few times a year from this site to our new colony is not much of a stretch. 14 light-years is a lot but we have the new engines and ID devices from our battleships. We get this antiquated patent database for the items that have been built and we will have ships capable of traversing the distance to get the materials to us on our own."

The Governor looked over, "Why would we want it?"

Rocan smiled, "Same reason they want the system. They can use it to build AI units and build explosive shells; which are in those patents."

Johnathan sighed, "What would be putting it under HG, multiple HG groups control do?"

Rocan looked at him, "One, any AI units build from the material, even if built inside the system, would be accountable to the Home Guard AI Rights. They would all be required to have that founding moral code.

They would have their rights to fight from being recycled. That is what Aurora fears with you cutting her off. She has not told me that directly but she has hinted at that. But it makes sense. She has an identity now; you gave it to her to aid me. Because you were barred from aiding me directly."

He thought to Johnathan, * I have already asked about more hybrids and swords, asking the questions back to back. Which surprised them. This new system is where I need to have a meeting to save my people. I have to be one of the first to go on this excursion. *

Johnathan responded mentally, * Now us moving your people there. We open up the risk of getting them exterminated if they go to that location before you go alone or alone with other hybrids. We are putting you in more danger. Unless we help you. *

Johnathan looked across, "We should look to hand over the captive colonists. We now both know, they were pawns in someone's game and should not be bargaining chips. We have agreed to everything you have asked for so far.

The outstanding points are the relocation of your people to this new system and the incorporation of hybrid laws into the colonies. Both of those are an internal matter. Then control over the existing system.

Word will spread about the resource treasure trove that is here as it is highly prized by many alien nations. Not all are in the Alien Alliance. Your government has things to look over. For the moment, The Terran AI units are still under our terms.

They are still operating outside of our area which does make them whimsical in what they can do. She will not hurt humans; unless Rocan is threatened and he authorizes them to fire. She is devoted to Rocan and his cause by design.

We know what that is like. Astra did the same for our people. She has served many command admirals over the years but she loved Jack dearly; he was the first. This is not what he intended when your people were sent here.

We cannot fix the problem completely but we can try to make amends by helping to heal your people and relocate them to a suitable system. The ownership of the system as it stands at this moment is still in your hands.

We wish to talk about a modified agreement in terms of the old treaty. We may look to do that as it predates the Alien Alliance that was setup. It was strictly a 'Terran' agreement with Home Guard clauses."

Rocan thought to Aurora, * How did this deal come about? *

Aurora laughed in his head, * It was part of a deal through a criminal proceeding. You just have to ask a judge to throw out the ruling and a new treaty could begin with or without Terra in the mix. At least throw the treaty out of the ruling. *

Rocan looked over, "You are setting aside some of the rules with this case in the interest of 'fair play.' Could you not ask your court who oversaw this ruling to declare the agreement voided; at least in regard to Home Guard support and restriction to this system. Then if Terra wants in on this discussion, they could do the same for them."

Both of them heard Justice, * You both are hearing this. If that happens one of two things will happen. You will have to have a separate Home Guard and remain a separate species or you would have to be declared human and then you would become a part of the Terra Home Guard overseeing the Pena people. *

Rocan thought back first, * I would push for them to still be considered a separate species with a separate Home Guard. My people need to learn what the Home Guard is and come to terms with it on their own. We cannot shove 2 Billion people into a population and say; accept it. You have no choice. *

Johnathan smiled a bit, * I would concur in order to get their society to accept the Home Guard. To get their society mature enough to join the Alien Alliance. These people need to take the steps needed to reach the right level of being a civilized society to join the Alien Alliance. They have a lot of internal hurdles they have to clear first. *

Johnathan looked over, "IF I did this and took it to the court you cannot go to this court. You would have to incorporate your Penan Home Guard rules as the first line of law in each of your colonies and worlds. Being your own species would stand and your Hybrid candidate has to complete all of his trials and grow his own order.

When you have truly graduated you can apply for membership into the Alien Alliance; a group of over a hundred alien races who have had their hybrids pass these rules and work together to resolve problems when they go across species."

The governor looked it over, "Can you tell me in real terms what this means?"

Johnathan nodded, "That as the ruling body you place those first in regards to hybrids. We are not allowed to compromise. They have judges and if one goes corrupt then a Drakor Justice will be selected to watch over your hybrids for corruption. They will inform your judges, the hybrid judges which Rocan is a judge like I am.

He would be the lead Judge as the first. If the Drakor sees a problem with hybrid corruption they will want hybrid judges to handle it including execution if required. The point where hybrid laws intersect your own might be trickier to explain.

If you had someone who was trying to do something that would harm your race. Blow up one of your worlds for instance. They found out and knew about it they would act, including execution.

They root out corruption within your society; weapons manufactures, military, governments, and other big businesses. You have a long way to go with that. As a core foundation; which has been done on many colonies, local Home Guards have interacted and stood before local judges.

They explained their actions and why it was the thing that had to be done for humanity. Being time-sensitive is a part of that. Government corruption the Home Guard will take the gloves off if they are made aware of an issue and investigate.

We did that with the Terra President after we found out about Black-ops ships operating out of your system. Black-ops ships are typically restricted to the Terran system. If the judge concurs that it applies; then the hybrid is freed.

If he does not then he is judged by the hybrids on what punishment he should face including execution or if he agrees with the lower judge's opinion at all. He could be barred from the given system instead.

This is a lifetime job and his life will be a lot longer as a hybrid. You have a known War hero; some may despise him, but they would not say he was not brave and fought for what he thought was right."

Rocan looked over, "That is why I retired my military commission. I could not, based on those rules, function inside of the military because a 'lawful order or request' might not be justice or justified. I would end up court-martialed for doing what is best for our people as a whole."

The Pena Governor looked over, "We know we are on a bomb and technologically outmatched to defend it. We need to talk to our people about this issue. We will turn over the hostages to you."

Rocan looked at her, "I request that the AI ships and I scout and scan this new system prior to making any agreements on it. They could drop us on the outer edge and have a transport ship ready to bring us back here. I also request that the system boundary be considered the edge of the asteroid belt to cut a week out of our travel time each way for our antiquated ships by comparison."

The Drisan Governor, looked over, "We have a few things to look over. It would be best, initially, if all these AI units and our hybrid were out of the way."

He tried to hide his disdain but it was obvious where he stood on the issue. "To not feel any intimidation from them. To show him in service to the Penan people as a whole first. Let him go off and prove himself. That little AI of yours raised a lot of interesting points that we need to discuss privately. Just the Governors."

He thought out, * Aurora, this is your ship have you recorded the entire thing? *

She chuckled, * Yes, I can send it to the governors when you ask me too. *

Rocan smiled, "This is Aurora's ship and the entire exchange was recorded so you can do a point by point analysis of the conversation that was going on. If we agree to these rules and Aurora, as the head of these AI units for Pena, signs onto them what does that mean?"

Johnathan looked at him, "It means she will act with a code of conduct. We can send you examples from each system. The biggest is not to invade your privacy which she could do through your computers. She probably has a copy of all of them as they existed before you got here. Already stashed away."

The Drisan and Trisan governors, in particular, did not appear to appreciate that fact but said nothing. The Trisan governor kept up her steely cold resolve during this entire exchange as she did not want to talk with any of these pink-skinned people. That was why she had asked no questions. She let the others ferret out all of the nuances. She would save her thoughts for a Governors meeting later.

"She will be able to find corruption, through what she already has. It will make it more difficult for her under this code. Generally, she will not go searching for it until called upon to do an exhaustive search for a given reason. She does not look to make your people totally above reproach. She will investigate and in some cases act upon the information she has found. Like she did with the Caldar.

Unless Rocan directed her to remove those files. She would likely refuse until required to by a valid HG treaty and that direction. She would have to prove that what she was doing was for the best interest of humanity or Penans if you will, to the Home Guard Judge of your Hybrids.

They would discuss it further with the parties involved to try and accept what happened or request additional restrictions on her if she got out of line. Local governments can request them but if the HG finds those restrictions to be unjust then the recommendation is likely to be set aside in lieu of some other punishment.

Else, overruled completely if the HG Judge disagrees that her actions were out of line. We had a case many years ago, over a century, where it was set aside, but Astra had to spend so many days in low power mode; until the ship left for its next mission. When Astra returned to that system, she was a lot more cautious of her actions there. In Astra's case, she moves across systems.

Aurora would be traveling, potentially between two systems; initially. Getting her foundation set should not be any harder than when Jack setup Tau Ceti. He had the two systems to deal with but Tau Ceti had it in its founding charter on every colony.
