Azalea's Cursed Pasties Ch. 03

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The curse worsens, nearly causing catastrophe!
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/01/2020
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The next morning, she was woken up by a sudden tug on both her nipples. Her eyes shot open as she looked down to see what had done that, but there was nothing there. She was laying on top of her bed, wearing nothing but her pajama bottoms and pasties, and there was nothing around her. Had she dreamed that? It had felt very real. But after a minute of stillness, she decided whatever it had been, imagination or otherwise, was done with for now, so she got up and began her day.

The vibration came back several times that day, even stronger than before. And, of course, each time it started, she got so horny that concentrating on anything was difficult. It would go on for maybe half an hour each time, and each time she gave in and pleasured herself, since she wasn't going to be getting much else done anyway. The orgasms were just as strong and amazing as that first night. In fact, the vibrations seemed to last just long enough for her to finish before they finally faded away.

Thankfully, they never started vibrating when she went out that day. She got more looks than she had ever gotten before, despite dressing as modestly as she comfortably could. There were a couple of cat calls, which she ignored. One guy even started chatting her up at the bus stop. He was obviously hitting on her, but at least he seemed like a nice fellow. He asked for her number, but when she declined, he seemed to take it gracefully and thanked her for a pleasant conversation, which it had been. Maybe her shields were good for attracting more than just creeps, she thought, optimistically.

She made some good progress on her project, to the point that she didn't even feel behind anymore. Additionally, she had a very satisfying workout, which always helped her to clear her mind and reset her emotions. Today had been a very good day, and she had finally gotten past the constant worries of having these shields attached to her.

As she dried herself off after her post-workout shower at home, she noticed another thing strange. The shields seemed chilly. Was it just some effect of the water cooling them off? But she had showered with them on plenty of times already and hadn't noticed this. She felt them with her hands, and they definitely seemed unusually cool to the touch.

She hung her towel on the rack, but as she walked to her bedroom to find some clean clothes to put on, she felt them getting even colder. She felt them with her hands again, and they were definitely colder. What was going on now?

Azalea had forgotten all about clothes as she tried to figure out what to do with this. She tugged on them like she did several times a day, and just like every time before, they weren't remotely ready to come loose yet.

In the minute she spent toying around with them, they continued to grow colder, until they felt icy cold on her nipples. This stimulated her nipples just as much as the vibration had. It was like rubbing ice cubes against her nipples, one thing she loved to do.

Yes, it felt good now, but what if they kept getting colder? Would this continue until they were cold enough to give her frostbite? Doing her best to think of a plan, she ran back into the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the sink. Once the water was warm, she splashed it over herself, and the sudden contrast between hot and cold gave her even more amazing sensations!

After about a minute, they still felt about the same temperature. They were only slightly above freezing, not quite cold enough to hurt. She grabbed the chains and tried to pull them off again. Now she could add pulling to the list of sensations that were exciting her nipples.

"Ohh..." she gasped, almost involuntarily. It was funny, even struggling against these things only gave her more pleasure. She couldn't escape it! Every time she tried to fight them, they fought back and defeated her with overpowering orgasms!

Not knowing what else to do, she stopped fighting and just watched herself in the mirror for a minute, panting heavily in a paradoxical mixture of fright and arousal. The beads of water on the pasties never froze, and no frost formed on them. Their temperature seemed to have steadied. She was safe, so she forced herself to take some deep breaths to calm down.

The fright had left her, but the arousal remained, so why not have some fun? She grabbed the pasties and started pulling again, this time to stimulate rather than struggle. She clenched the chains tightly in her fists and tugged, watching in the mirror as her breasts stretched and stretched. Harder and harder she pulled, as the incredible sensations only increased! She turned sideways to get a better view of just how far she was able to stretch them, and it was pretty far! She was oddly proud of it how much punishment her tits could withstand without even bothering her.

She pulled harder and harder, until she felt the tiniest bit of pain. This was as hard as she could pull comfortably, and it was actually pretty hard. She was using a bit of strength! Her tits were tough! But also, those pasties were fucking stuck!

"Oh God!" she screamed! She was ready now! She took both chains in her left hand to free up her right and started masturbating. In a minute, her knees were so weak that she had to lower herself down to kneel on the bathroom floor, where she finished the rest of her business.

The next day, the shields did even more odd things. Not long after getting up, she felt that errant tug again. This time, she was fully awake, and it was no dream! She had just been walking from her living room to her kitchen, when the shields suddenly lurched forward, as if some powerful magnetic field had briefly yanked on them.

"Ow! What the...?" she cried. It had only been surprise, not pain.

She lifted up her shirt to see what was going on with her pasties. They were sitting still now, but that tug had been no illusion.

"Fuck, I have to get these things off me!"

They had been on her for well over a week now. She gave another futile tug. If they were going to come loose along with her dead skin cells, they would have by now. She was fully accepting of the curse idea now, and had no reason to believe that the curse could be waited out. If she wanted them off her, she was going to have to figure out how to pry them off with force! But how?

She had thought of going into the emergency room to see what medical professionals would think of them, but quickly reconsidered. She seriously doubted the doctors would know the first thing about removing a curse. They might have no other choice to remove them surgically! That terrified her! What if they had to remove her skin to get them off?

And what if even that didn't work? What if this curse had more tricks up its sleeve?

Suddenly, her nipple shields lurched forward again, yanking poor Azalea a step or two forward by her tits.

"Yahhh!" she screamed, grabbing at the refrigerator to keep her balance.

There came another tug, and this one didn't let up. She could see her tits stretching out, seemingly by themselves. The disks themselves seemed to be what was being pulled on, since the chains hung downward as normal. Azalea planted her feet and pulled against it, and seemed to be winning.

"OHHHH!" she moaned, as the shields continued to tug on her nipples. She pulled back a step or two, retreating from wherever the shields seemed to be trying to pull her toward. She worked her way back to the couch in her living room where she sat her butt down and stretched her arms long the top, grabbing on, and hoping to ride out whatever was happening to her.

The tugging was rhythmic now. She watched, mystified, as her breasts stretched and relaxed, stretched and relaxed, over and over, as if being tugged by two invisible hands. Some of the tugs were hard enough to pull her along with them. Hands clutching the back of the couch for stability, she writhed in increasing pleasure. Finally, she let go with one hand to take herself along toward the only thing she figured could end this episode. Just before she was about to achieve climax, she let go with her other hand to grab the chains and pull even harder. She pulled daringly hard, enough that she might have been worried about ripping her flesh, except that she doubted the curse would let that happen. That would be too easy of a way out. She pulled hard enough to feel pain, and harder, but she was in so much of a sexual frenzy right now that even the pain was part of the experience!

After three orgasms, she shields finally lay still again. In the same fashion, Azalea collapsed sideways onto the couch and recovered. Her tits were still raw from all the yanking, but miraculously, nothing seemed to be torn.


On Monday, they started vibrating again, this time while she was sitting in class. She quickly crossed her arms over her chest to cover up any outward sign that may have been visible. She looked around the room, but nobody seemed to be paying her any mind.

However, it continued for a good while. She got hornier and hornier as the vibrations grew stronger and stronger, as if the shields were demanding she stop ignoring them. It was horribly difficult to pay attention in class. She had intentionally chosen a seat far away from anyone else in case something like this started happening. Determined, she stayed in class and did her best to catch as much of the lecture as she could. She could read up on what was covered, anyway, to fill in the gaps.

By the end of the hour and a half lecture, she was so wet she was wondering if it would show through her jeans. Once class was finally over, she took of her sweatshirt, which she didn't really need so much now that she had bought some padded nursing bras, and wrapped it around her waist just in case. She made her way to a bathroom in a seldom-used corner of the building, and did her deed seated in one of the stalls. It was certainly the least romantic place she had ever taken care of that need, but it did the job.

Later that afternoon, she was back in the curator's office. Today was somewhat more hands-on than usual. They were going through some of the artifacts to do a new comparison for a project Ms. Garza wanted to do. Thankfully, Luis kept doing whatever he usually did at his desk, which got her away from him for the most part.

The shields had stopped vibrating shortly after her 'restroom break,' however, she soon found out they weren't done with their mischief for the day.

Ms. Garza called her into one of the storage rooms to collect the items she would be working with. Azalea stood beside her while she hunched over to reach one of the lower shelves. Without any warning at all, her pasties came to life and pulled her forward. Before she could do anything to stop it, she was pulled tits-first right into her boss! The head curator looked over just in time to catch a face full of Azalea's cleavage as their bodies collided head-on.

Ms. Garza stumbled back a step, trying to reclaim her personal space. She looked at her with an uncomfortable, confused look, but said nothing.

A horrible wave of embarrassment came over her, so bad she almost started to sweat. "Sorry, I tripped," she said at last, meekly. It had probably looked nothing like her tripping, and Ms. Garza didn't seem very convinced. She only handed her the items she had selected, then quickly left the room without saying another word.

'Well, good,' she thought to herself, somewhat ironically. Let that uncaring bitch see what it was like to have someone making inappropriate passes at you. It definitely wasn't what she would have done to get back at her, but since it had happened, she might as well enjoy what there was to enjoy. If she got fired, she might even say good riddance to this shitty office. Somehow, she had a feeling the curator might brush this off as quickly as she did Luis's incidents.


Class was relatively uneventful the next day, except for the gazes from some of her classmates that had become usual since this whole thing had started. Miguel insisted on sitting next to her, which normally she wouldn't have objected to, but there were the shields. Still, she couldn't brush off a friend.

"I'm sorry, would you rather be alone?" he asked her, looking suddenly guilty. He must have caught on to her discomfort, despite her attempts to be welcoming.

"What? No, you're fine! It's not you."

He looked down and away from her and sighed. "Did I make you uncomfortable the other day? At the store? Shit, I've been feeling really bad about that, and it's probably long since time I talked to you about it."

"Mig, you didn't do anything wrong! You were just asking a friend out to lunch!"

"Ah, okay. Good. It's just that, well, I was worried you thought I was asking you out, or something. You looked uncomfortable, so I just wanted to make sure we're still good... and to apologize, if I need to."

"Okay, it did kind of sound like that. But I'm not mad at you or anything! You aren't in the friend zone. I just thought you and Mailey were exclusive, and I didn't want to be part of some love triangle. At least not one with secrets to keep. Christ, I thought I was in your friend zone! And I'm fine with that! I was just surprised, is all."

"Oh, good."

"But out of curiosity..."


"Were you asking me out? Again, I'm not mad at you even if you were. It's just that I need your honesty more than anything right now. And it's not just because of you. There's... stuff going on in my life. Stuff that I can't really explain right now, because... Never mind. Just understand that I need my friends to be honest with me right now. So... were you?"

"I... uhh..." Miguel struggled with his own thoughts for a few moments before sighing in resignation. And not in resignation to her, resignation to his own sense of decency. "I mean, kind of, I guess. Yeah. I was. And I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize. I said I'm not mad."

"It's not just you I'm apologizing to. Mailey and I have been going through some stuff. I mean, we're going to get through it. It was a moment of weakness."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. But listen, I need to you be honest about one more thing. And this has nothing to do with you. This will seem like a totally random question, and I wish I could explain, but just trust me that there's a reason for it... Have you noticed anything different about me?"

"No, not really..." He ended his sentence there, but it sounded like he had more to say. She decided not to respond. She continued looking at him in silence, waiting patiently to see if whatever else he had to say would come out on its own. And in a few seconds, it did.

"Nothing that I can put my finger on, at any rate."

"So, there IS something!" Was she close to an actual answer? Even a clue?

"I don't know. It was probably all in my head, anyway."

"No, it wasn't. Because you aren't the only one who has been acting... different around me. But I have no idea why. If something's going on, I NEED to know! I NEED your honesty right now! Even if you don't understand it yourself, please do your best to explain it, whatever you think was going on in your head."

"Well, it's like this. You've always been a remarkably attractive girl. And I'm fine with that. Mailey's been more than good enough for me. I've been perfectly fine being just friends with you. It's just that when I saw you in the grocery store that day, and even since then, it's like..."


"Like your good looks are harder to put out of my mind. I know that doesn't make much sense."

"More than you might think, but I don't want to get into the details with you right now. And thanks for being honest. So, are we good now?"



At her next CrossFit workout, Azalea noticed one of the men seemed to be covering himself, like he was sprouting a boner under his not very restricting gym shorts. He seemed to be really embarrassed about it. Though she was flattered, she realized it probably wasn't the poor guy's fault. He must have been under the charm that seemed to affect every man who looked at her now.

After the workout, another of the men, Alonzo, approached her and asked her out. He was cute, and she knew him well enough to trust he wasn't a creep. She might have even taken him up on it, except for the shields. What if things got romantic and they wanted to get naked? How was she going to explain the pasties she was wearing under her bra, or why she needed to keep them on. In the end, she said she really didn't have time in her life for dating right now, which wasn't entirely false. He seemed understanding enough, though it was with a bit of regret that she had to turn him down. She decided to keep him in mind for once the pasties were finally off of her, whenever that might be.

Later that night, she danced at Vaqueras. Being a week night, it wasn't too crowded, though there was never a complete shortage of horny men who wanted to look at a naked woman.

She had been worried that her shields might start jerking her around on stage. She hated the thought of how embarrassing that would have been, to say nothing of freaking out the audience. In the end, she decided that if she kept her breasts moving and bouncing constantly, a sudden tug might not have been too noticeable. She even came up with the perfect excuse for why she might need to suddenly leave the stage before her routine was over. There were risks involved with a woman going bottomless, especially during certain times of the month. If she had to make an excuse for why she had to suddenly run off the stage, she would say she felt a trickle start, and needed to put something over it immediately before she got blood on the stage. She doubted the manager would question her any further.

Thankfully, she never needed her clever contingency plan. They did start vibrating while she was up there, but if she kept her breasts moving around it would be almost impossible for anyone else to notice. While dancing, she got so horny that the wetness of her pussy must surely have been visible to the few patrons. That was fine. It's not like it was the first time dancing nude had made her horny.

Unfortunately, though the pasties didn't cause much mischief for her directly, she wasn't the only one vulnerable to their power. Before her dance was done, she noticed the bouncer picking up one of the patrons and escorting him out. Before the ordeal was done, she could swear she saw flashing police lights coming from the parking lot when they opened the main door. When she asked her manager about it later that night, he told her that the man had been seen masturbating, right there in his seat.

"Don't worry, he's banned for life, now," the manager said, sounding like he was trying to console her. "I'm not going to have any perverts threatening my girls in here."

But Azalea wasn't sure who the real victim was. Maybe it was the curse tempting him with unnaturally strong urges. Had it been her fault?


Wednesday turned out to be a very eventful day. Her pasties started to vibrate in class again. After she did her best to ignore them, they upped their game. They chilled themselves again, and started moving around and twisting, just enough to feel absolutely wonderful. She crossed her arms tightly across her chest, and while this may have hidden any movement well enough, it did nothing to stop or even dampen the stimulation.

Well before class was done, she got more aroused than she could ever remember being. By now, she was fairly practiced at keeping her breathing quiet enough not to draw suspicion. But this was testing her. Her pussy was throbbing with desire, like even a light touch would be enough to set her off. She wanted so badly to send one hand down there and give herself what she so desperately needed. Nobody was looking at her, and she could probably do it. Was that what that stranger at Vaqueras had thought?