Babydick Fiancé Gets Married

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Babydick fiance's wedding doesn't go to plan.
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This is a sequel to 'Babydick Fiancé at the Bachelorette' Parts 1 and 2.

It's where we find out what happens on our wedding day.

Although based on reality this is a fetish fantasy tale of small penis humiliation, cuckoldry, female domination, male submission, cream-pie pussy licking, horny loving cheating bride, CFNM, a soupçon of piss, and a little bit of cruel mother/sister humiliation which, I suppose, introduces elements of incest fantasy into the story. So, if any of that offends you, please be kind to your sensitivities and don't insult mine by reading any further.

This is not a serious piece of erotica but an English suburban picaresque sex comedy. I have tried to leaven humiliation with tenderness, humour, and affection. In cruelty, there is love, sympathy, and joyfulness for those who understand.

The events I am about to describe are a mixture of confection and lived experience: a personal erotic fantasy built on the foundation of my own humiliating experiences.

The story is very much about adult relationships and everyone is 20 years old and above.


The big day had finally arrived. At long last I was standing in the church waiting for my darling fiance Sylvia to walk up the aisle.

It had been a tiring day already. My mother, my sisters and my aunts had fussed over me all morning, waking me early, getting me ready, making sure I was bathed and dressed.

Female relatives I barely knew kept turning up at the house to take part. Mummy greeted them and I was introduced to distant aunts and nieces.

While the women laughed and chattered I was made to supply them all with drinks: dry sherry for the ladies, tia maria for the girls. It appeared that even on my own wedding day I was made to serve and obey women.

Of course they all wanted to look at my cock cage. I begged mummy to save me this humiliation as it was my wedding day but this only made her impatient. In front of everyone she undid my trousers and made me lift my shirt front up. I was subjected to their derision, mockery, laughter and scorn. The humiliation would have made my willy stiff but for the constriction of the chastity device.

"I'm only wearing it because Sylvia wants our wedding night to be special." I told them defiantly. "She's going to unlock it as soon as we're man and wife. Her mother's looking after the key."

They all thought that was hilarious.

My father turned up and shook his head at me.

My best man Joe; a pal from work, arrived and told me to get dressed. He asked why I was wearing a cock cage and my sisters told him all about Sylvia's bachelorette party. Joe became very excited. He asked why he hadn't been invited. In front of everyone he reminded me of the time that he'd fucked Sylvia at the office Christmas party.


Thank goodness all that would soon be over. Sylvia had promised that once we were married she would foreswear all those men with big cocks and be my faithful wife.

Tonight my little dick would be released from it's chastity cage to consummate our marriage.


The week between my enforced chastity and the wedding day had been the longest days of my life. I had endured every moment in a state of frustration, longing, jealousy, unrequited lust and anticipation.

I'd tried to call Sylvia every night but she was invariably too busy to answer her phone and when I did manage to speak to her she was with Geoff.

One of the few times she picked up was when I phoned to ask how the final fitting for the wedding dress had gone.

Of course, as is traditional, I wasn't allowed to see the dress before the wedding.

Sylvia had told me how much more exciting that would make the occasion.

I was delighted to hear her voice. She was in high spirits, told me what a wonderful time she'd had and that the dress was perfect.

"I can't tell you any more than that. You have to wait until the big day. But I love it. It's so sensual; I feel horny whenever I try it on. In fact, I'm wearing it now."

"Oh wow. So it makes you look sexy?"

"Well I think so." she giggled and her voice became faint "What do you think Geoff? Dave wants to know if I look sexy in my dress."

I bridled at the mention of Geoff.

"Oh, Geoff's there is he?"

She was oblivious to my disapproving tone of voice.

"Yeah, Geoff says hi. Say hi to Geoff, I'll pass you over."

Geoff's voice came on the line.

"Hi Dave. How's it going man? What you been doing?"

I was polite.

"Yeah, really good. You know, the usual stuff."

I could tell he was barely listening:

"Yeah. Right. So what did you want to know about Syl's wedding dress?"

"Er, I just asked Sylvia if it was sexy that's all."

He chuckled and his voice became distant:

"Oh yes, so so sexy. You lucky man."

I heard laughter over the phone, then a scuffle and the sound of slapping.

Sylvia came back on the line, panting.

"Sorry Dave. Geoff dropped the phone. He's being really naughty..... stop it you'll tear it again.....get off,,,"

I was confused and asked if she was okay.

Eventually Sylvia's voice back on the line: "Sorry Dave I wasn't talking to you. Look, I better go, bye love you yeah miss you mwah."

I could only imagine what Geoff was doing with Sylvia as she wore the dress in which she was to be marrying me.

I couldn't even masturbate as these humiliating and arousing thoughts ran through my mind. Consequently I could think of little else in the days and hours before our wedding.


As I arrived at the church I was greeted by the women who'd been at Sylvia's bachelorette.

They made me feel special even as they made fun of me. Everyone seemed to know about the cage.

Women who introduced themselves as Sylvia's old schoolfriends, former colleagues, members of her university ladies darts team, and members of her book club all asked to see it. I said that I was too busy. They took that to mean that they would have an opportunity after the ceremony.

Finally I stood at the altar, waiting nervously and checking my watch as so many bridegrooms have done before me. The clock ticked. An elderly uncle fell asleep and began to snore. The choirmaster allowed some of his choirboys to slip into the vestry for a cigarette.

I heard a noise behind me, a banging and rattling at the great oak doors of the church. I turned but they remained shut. The sounds became louder and faster until they suddenly stopped and the church was silent once again.

More minutes passed then at last I heard the church doors swing open and the organ start up, signalling my fiance's arrival.

There was a ripple of laughter and tittering as Sylvia walked up the aisle toward me.

I looked around briefly. Sylvia was limping slightly but what struck me was her sexy white dress, her magnificent cleavage, her narrow waist and the wide skirt accentuating her broad hips.

My dick stiffened in it's cage.

As she stood next to me I heard her breath, panting as one does following intense physical exertion. I turned to look at her: her chest was heaving, her cheeks were red and beads of semen dripped from the corner of her lips down her chin.

She smiled at me.

As we exchanged vows more cum oozed from her mouth whenever she spoke. At one point she had to borrow a handkerchief from her father to wipe her mouth.

There was a chorus of laughter from the pews as the vicar gave me permission to kiss the bride.

Our lips met and I felt the familiar taste of semen as my newly wed wife passed another man's cum from her mouth to mine.


"Sorry I was walking funny up the church" Sylvia whispered as we waved at the sea of faces and flashing cameras after signing the marriage certificate. "A load of cum dripped out of my cunt and down my leg as I was walking up the aisle."

She caught my expression: "It's for the very last time my darling husband. Now we're married I'm yours. But you know how important it was for me to enjoy being properly fucked right up until the last moment."

We wondered arm in arm through the churchyard, alone for a rare moment as people poured out of the church, lit cigarettes and greeted old friends. Sylvia continued to confess her final acts of sexual liberty.

"I let Geoff come in the car with me and daddy so he could fuck me one last time as we drove to the church."

I was speechless so she carried on.

"Yeah. It was so hot. Poor daddy had to sit there and watch his darling daughter get fucked in the wedding car. I hadn't thought what effect it would have on him. It totally turned him on. He tried to pretend it didn't bless him but his erection was bursting out of his trousers. I told him it was fine if he wanted to get his cock out. He did and as soon as I saw it I had to get my mouth around it. Then I realised what would make everything perfect."

She looked at me with eyes that sparkled with excitement:

"Oh darling; can you imagine what that was?"

I shook my head but before she could tell we were ordered to pose for the official wedding photographs.

After the pictures had been taken Sylvia and I got into the chauffeur driven wedding car so we could arrive at the village hall where the reception was being held before the others.

Sylvia was very familiar with the chauffeur, almost flirtatious, addressing him by his name which was Leon.

We cuddled in the back seat and I tried to kiss Sylvia. She just giggled.

"Later darling. Where was I?"

I whispered, worried that the chauffeur would hear us.

"You were with Geoff and your father. And you realised something would make everything perfect. You were about to tell me what that was."

Sylvia clapped her hands gleefully and her voice became loud with excitement:

"Yes. It just came to me as Geoff was fucking me and I was sucking on daddy's cock."

I told her to be quiet and motioned to the chauffeur, whispering:

"Ssh! The driver might hear us!"

Sylvia laughed:

"Oh that's okay. I don't mind Leon hearing. After all he was there! Weren't you Leon!"

Leon turned round and smiled at us.

"All part of the service! Will you be wanting anything else?"

Sylvia giggled.

"You naughty man. I'm a married woman now!"

Leon winked at me and concentrated on driving.

Sylvia continued.

"So I stopped sucking daddy's cock and told him I wanted something more special for my big day. We got to the church and daddy got out of the car. Naughty Leon got in the back and I blew him as Geoff came in my pussy."

She gave me a naughty smile:

"You have Leon to thank for that lovely cummy kiss in front of the vicar!"

I heard Leon chuckle but chose to ignore it.

"So darling, please tell me what it was that was so special?"

Sylvia became more animated:

"I'm getting to it. So I got out of the car and daddy took my arm and led me into the churchyard. I was so excited. I could see he was still totally erect. I put my hand on his cock and kissed him. I knew he wanted me. I talked to him like I used to when I was a girl and wanted something from him. 'Oh daddy, there's just one more thing I need you to do before you give me away. It would mean so much and make me feel like your special girl' and I told him I wanted him to fuck me against the church doors before we went in. I know he's always wanted to fuck me, ever since I was a teen. And of course every girl wants their daddy."

Sylvia was breathless, her cheeks glowed and her eyes glistened:

"Oh David, it was so wonderful. I could hear you all inside the church waiting as my father lifted me up in his big strong arms, stuck his great daddy cock inside me fucked me against the church doors, banging and clanking while you were just on the other side. I told him to be quick and he was but I still had an orgasm as he filled my pussy with his cum: my own daddy's cum. Then he took my arm, opened the doors and walked me up the aisle. And now we're married. Isn't it wonderful?"

I nodded.

Obviously I was overjoyed at becoming Sylvia's husband and terribly excited at the prospect of our wedding night. But there was so much else going on.


The reception and party passed in a blur. I got drunk very quickly on champagne.

It seemed everyone wanted to see my cock cage.

After a few drinks I stopped objecting and showed anyone who asked to see it.

Sylvia said she didn't mind me spending hours in the toilets letting drunk teenage relatives take selfies with my cock cage if I didn't mind her dancing with other men. She introduced me to a big good looking guy called Freddie before they both disappeared onto the dance floor. I was grateful that someone was keeping my bride happy.

Eventually everybody who wanted to see my chastity cage had seen it. I tried to dance with some of the young women who had earlier shown such interest in my cock cage but they all told me to leave them alone. I told them what I thought of the fickleness of women until somebody gave me a drink and told me to shut up. I found myself stumbling drunkenly around my own wedding reception shunned by our guests. I eventually joined Sylvia and Freddie on the dance floor. I soon tired of dancing and demanded we go to wedding suite at the hotel. I was firm. Now that we were man and wife I needed to become more assertive.

Eventually Sylvia managed to pull herself away from Freddie. We jumped in a taxi were soon at the hotel where we had booked the luxury wedding suite.

Sylvia was still in her wedding dress, she looked sexy, powerful and magnificent as she mounted the hotel staircase. She was also rather drunk.

Whether it was the effects of alcohol, the physical excitement of dancing with Freddie or the romantic occasion I do not know but she was overcome with lust.

I had never known her act in such a libidinous, sensuous way; certainly not towards me at least.

As soon as we entered the suite Sylvia threw herself onto the big circular bed, knocking the bucket of ice and champagne, the roses and the basket of strawberries to the floor and told me to fuck her brains out.

It was only then, as I nervously pulled my pants down that I remembered that my penis was still caged in it's chastity device.

In all the excitement of the wedding, the champagne, the attention, I had quite forgotten to get the key from my now Mother-in-law. Alcohol and fatigue had impaired my erectile capacity so the cage had not troubled my senses.

When Sylvia saw that my dick was still locked in the chastity device her passion turned from lust to anger. She lost her temper with me. She was so consumed with fury that I became frightened for my safety. I tried to defend myself with the excuse that I'd been busy all day with guests. She reminded me that I'd been busy showing our guests the very chastity device that I had forgotten about.

"I've pledged to be faithful to your little dick for the rest of our days and you can't even go to the trouble of getting it unlocked. On our wedding night! I am so angry and disappointed with you."

I thought that was rather unfair, considering.

I reminded her that it was her mother who had been given responsibility for the key.

"It's not my fault. Surely your mother is to blame."

Sylvia glared at me:

"So it's all poor mummy's fault is it? Well I suppose I'll have to phone mother, get her to jump in a cab, come up to our hotel bedroom and unlock your dick"

Her mother's phone went straight to ansaphone so she called Rosie.

Rosie seemed to know where the key was.

"Mum gave the key to her cousin Irene's daughter Pamela to give to you. But now Pamela's gone to a party with some of the people from the wedding. I'll get her number."

When Sylvia finally got hold of Pamela she wasn't very helpful.

"Yes your mum did give me a key but I'm sorry I'm just about to fuck this lovely guy so no way am I leaving this party. I'll send my friend Pete over, he hasn't got anyone to fuck so he won't mind."

It wasn't long before Pete called to get directions and to tell us that he was getting a lift from another guy who'd been at the wedding and was driving.

Half an hour later there was a call from reception and Sylvia went down.

When she returned to our room she was with Freddie.

I was confused.

"Where's Pete?"

Freddie sat down and tried to explain.

"Oh yeh, Pete asked me to give him a lift here: aid you needed some urgent help. But he met some cute girl as we were leaving: she more or less tried to fuck him there and then. She pulled him into a minicab to go to some party so he told me to come here alone. One track mind that Pete."

Sylvia smiled.

"Oh it's so sweet of you Freddie. Please have some champagne with us. Dave, do the honours."

I poured the champagne. Freddie drank two glasses in one go and chatted with Sylvia. They finished the bottle and made me order two more from reception.

I was becoming frustrated but I was reluctant to bring up my caged cock in front of Freddie.

I gesticulated to Sylvia until she got the message.

Sylvia laughed.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Freddie, I totally forgot that you came here to bring the key for poor Dave. You better give it to me."

Freddie looked confused.

"What key? I was just told to get here to help. Pete didn't say how I could help and he never told me about any key. It'll have slipped his mind when he met that girl. He must still have the key. God knows where he is now. He didn't know where she was taking him."

Freddie tried ringing Peter's mobile but there was no answer.

The champagne must have gone to Sylvia's head because she began to laugh.

"Oh dear. Poor Dave. I'm sorry, it's not funny but what can we do about it?"

Freddie laughed as well and poured more champagne.

"Why is this key so important? What's it for?" he asked.

Sylvia giggled.

"Oh David, it's so funny. Poor Freddie hasn't the slightest idea! Show him what the key's for darling."

I pulled down my trousers to Freddie's incredulous gaze.

He took a slug of champagne and raised his eyebrows:

"Gosh. That's...unfortunate."

Sylvia giggled:

"That's one way of putting it."

Freddie looked at my cage again.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude but it's...very small...that cage."

Sylvia nodded. "Yes it is. A very small cage for a very small dick. My husband has a tiny penis."

Freddie gave us both a look that expressed sympathy:

"Well I'm sorry, that's rotten. For both of you I mean."

He rubbed my knee in a brotherly way:

"I know how you feel though. I've got the same problem."

Sylvia pulled a face and blurted out: "Really? So what was that huge hard thing sticking into my bum on the dance floor?"

Freddie shook his head. "Yeah. That's just it. Size. Some chaps are too small and some of us are too big."

He nodded at me: "Believe me, it's a curse. Scares most girls away. Just this very evening I was with a gourgeous girl and it was all going well until she put her hands down my pants. She ran off like a frightened rabbit yelling at me to keep that thing away from her little pussy it'll break her. She left me totally erect with my cock in my hands, horny as can be. I was already in a state of sexual excitement from the wedding, weddings always make me randy - something about those brides in their wedding dresses."

Sylvia patted Fred's leg

"Oh thank God; I mean, you poor poor man. Silly bitch, fancy running away from a big cock, doesn't know what she's missing. The bigger the better has always been my motto, let's have some more champagne. David, run down to the bar and get two more bottles there's a good boy."

I did as I was told, albeit with some reluctance. This wedding night was not going at all to plan. As if it wasn't bad enough that I was caged it appeared that I must compete for my bride's attention with another man.