Back on the Block


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I left a short time after he did, and I guess my own words came back to me, I had never gotten anywhere by hiding from my problems. I had to face them head on, so the best thing for me to do was to just go at Dana as if she was a problem. I would not allow her to determine my fate or my life. I did need to find out though whether or not she was pregnant. If she was, I was as she put it, stuck with her for at least 20 years, because even though there had been studies about how kids turned out, who grew up in homes with divorced parents. I wasn't about to do that to any child of mine. If by some miracle, she wasn't, hoo wee, it's gonna get pretty cold in here boys and girls.

As I drove through the dark early morning streets in the area they called the block I saw many things. I saw what I originally thought were women, that weren't. I also saw things that didn't look like women; that were. I saw literally hundreds of hookers, some were fresh, and could have been any college girl who had just slipped out of her dorm. Others were so strung out on drugs, and whatever else they did, that they probably wouldn't survive the night. There were even big fat assed matronly Grandmotherly types, walking slowly along the streets, as out of place as antlers on an elephant.

Then suddenly, more out of reflex than any conscious decision, I slammed on my brakes. If I hadn't she'd have been dead. I was probably doing 40 in a 25 mph zone. She stood there with that deer caught in the headlights look, while she was startled by the near brush with my bumper. She literally was a "dear," caught in my headlights. She looked to be no older than 20 or 22, and was probably younger than that, and she was beautiful. She was almost breathtakingly so, but I got the idea that she either didn't know it or didn't care. She had long, thick, wavy, red hair, which someone had gone crazy and added yellow blonde highlights to. So the effect was almost as if her hair was on fire, when caught in the glow of the Mustang's high intensity halogen headlights. I couldn't make out the color of her eyes from the distance, but they were piercing and beautiful. Her lips, like the rest of her were succulent and purposeful; Lips like that were intended for kissing.

Her body was the same, she was bigger on top than Dana, and we're not talking about fashion titties here boys. These were not just bags of saline implanted under the fatty layer of her chest for the sole purpose of attracting a mate. These were nature's own real live jugs that would someday overflow with milk to feed her young. They would also, only grow bigger and start to sag, as she aged. But for now they were as awesome as the rest of her. The jacket she wore against the evening chill, stopped at her waist, and I found myself thanking God, for small favors. Her ass even in her tight jeans was spectacular.

Something about this goddess in training just seemed out of place here. It was like finding a statue of an angel, in a dirty trash can. You just wanted to take it out and display it in a church or a museum. With her aristocratic features and bearing, I could imagine this woman as a Queen who'd been transported across time, to the block. I was expecting her first words to me to something haughty and noble, like, "Let them eat cake." But I was both disappointed and pissed as she spoke and destroyed my illusion.

"Dumb fucker," she spat at me. "Watch where the fuck you're going doofus!"

"Stupid bitch," I spat back as I drove off. Thus ending that fantasy.

I spent the next few hours driving around, and pulled back into my driveway as the sun was coming up. I went upstairs and found Dana in the bedroom. She obviously hadn't done much since I left. She was sprawled across our bed with her legs splayed open and dried cum, running out f her vagina and on her face. The whole room smelled like pussy so I opened up the window, and let a cool crisp fall breeze in, hoping she'd contract pneumonia before I got her nasty ass cleaned up.

I went into the bathroom and started the tub, then went to the kitchen and started the coffee. Heading back upstairs I picked Dana up and carried her into the bathroom. She woke up and scanned my face as I carried her. "Where are you taking me!" she asked as I gently placed her in the warm tub filled with her favorite bubble bath. "Ooh, that feels good," she said smiling, "I thought you might be really angry at me. But you'll see," she said." We're gonna be really happy, baby."

"I know it was another bad thing, but it's for a really good reason. I got the idea from watching Jerry Springer," she said. "Don't kiss me," she warned, "My breath tastes like shit." I believed her because she literally, had licked her own shit off of my dick, after I had pulled it out of her ass. It was funny though, because kissing her was the last thing on my mind.

"My ass is really sore. But my pussy has that warm glow that I've missed so much." she said stroking my face."I only get that from you," she said. I went downstairs and brought her a cup of coffee, and her toothbrush.

"What are you going to do while I'm at work?" I asked her, pretending to care.

"Ooh, first I'm going to sit here, and just recover from that fucking you gave me," she said. "Then I'm going to try and decided which room we're going to convert into the nursery. And I'm going to start picking out decorations, and baby furniture. But it's going to be hard until we know the gender of the baby. Then, I'm going to make myself beautiful and sexy, for you to come home to. I have to start exercising and all of that though, so I can keep my figure after all of our kids are born," she continued. "I don't want to turn into some fat assed little wife that you'd cheat on, because you don't find her attractive anymore."

I couldn't believe my ears; did she say all of our kids?

"What do you want me to wear for you tonight?" she asked.

I started to say a muzzle, a mask, and a chastity belt, but I held my tongue. "You don't have to wear anything, for me," was what I said.

"Oh so daddy wants me naked again," she said, making me wonder what she heard. "Okay," she said softly. "But tonight could you make love to me, instead of just fucking me? I'll probably still be a little sore," she pouted.

I realized that I just did not understand this woman, what had I said to make her think that we would ever have sex again? I changed into a business suit and headed for the office. I worked out of the corporate headquarters now. Kurt had a corner office and so did I. I also had an office across town in the building that housed the offices for our now burgeoning, truck rental business. We also now rented passenger cars and had a corporate fleet vehicle leasing program.

I did a couple of meetings, including one with the board of directors, where I detailed my trip from last week, and what we could expect. I also explained to them, that my intention was to open offices in Canada, for both our logistics company and the rental company, very soon, and then move into Europe. It was time for Navarro's interests to expand into the global market.

One of the directors asked why not South America, before Europe. I explained that even though proximity and distance wise South America, especially Mexico made sense, the political upheavals and drug wars made SA too much of a risk presently. All of the directors were impressed, especially when I pulled up slides showing the crime rates, and recent attacks on tourists and foreign nationals that were occurring daily.

I spent the rest of the day, from just before lunch on looking at condos and lofts on the internet. At about 2p.m. Kurt came by to see me. He'd gotten a report on my board meeting and was really happy with my progress. He got a chance to see the detailed plans I had for our expansion. We again discussed my proposal to replace Tyler Chriscos as CEO of the Truck rental business with George, and move Kurt Jr. into the COO post. I explained to him that Tyler had a lot of experience, but had just been given the position because he was an old friend of Kurt's and couldn't go any higher in the Logistics company because Logistics already had a CEO, Kurt, and I had taken Tyler's old post as COO.

"George and Junior have run this company, since we had the original idea" I said. "It's time for them to take over, and Tyler, as nice as he is, is always a step behind," I continued. "He spends more time playing golf, than he does working," I said.

"I know," said Kurt, "I play with him every day. Does that mean, you think, I should bow out too?" he smiled.

"There's no one here who's anywhere near ready to take your place sir," I said.

"It'll be a few years before George and Junior are ready for the big picture," I said.

"I wasn't thinking about them," he said, "Although, I'm proud of my boys, you pushed them and made them develop into far more than I ever expected out of them." Then he broke our long standing rule about no personal business at the office. "How are you doing?" he asked, "Are you still crying, over Dana?"

"Sir I still love her so much, but she just keeps stirring the pot." I said. "I really think that we'd be better off, if she'd move out, or let me." I continued. "We just keep hurting each other, over and over."

"You should just do it," he said.

A couple of hours later I was taking a tour through an unfurnished loft, downtown near the river front. The loft was perfect. Stark brick walls, thick carpeting everywhere except for the hard wood floors in the kitchen area. A chrome staircase led upstairs to the sleeping area and a second bathroom. It was all one huge room that was nearly as big as some houses.

"How many garage spaces do I get?" I asked the manager.

"How many do you need?" he asked looking at me funny.

"At least 2, but three would be better" I said.

"$200, per month, per additional slot," he said, "but I also have a bigger unit, on the ground floor that has a garage door that opens in from the street."

"You could literally drive into your own living room." He said looking at me funny.

"Sold," I said and wrote him a check for the first and last month's rent, and security deposit. "I probably won't move in for a while, because I have to buy furniture, and work out some details with my wife's lawyers," I said.

"Ah," he said, "Now I understand the need for the additional parking spaces. One is for your wife," he said.

"No, they're all for me, I'm leaving that crazy bitch ASAP," I said walking away.

Over the next few weeks, I lived a double life. At work I was the same old Jason I'd always been. True I did spend a little of my time each day furnishing my loft, but other than that, I was me.

At night, I was the best fucking actor in the world. I treated Dana like she was gold plated. I did everything she asked of me. We went out to parties with her boring, arrogant, pretentious friends and I pretended to have a good time. Then we came home, and spent a lot of time together. The only thing she didn't like was that I insisted on wearing a condom when we had sex. I'd told her that I wouldn't fuck her bareback again, until we knew for certain that she hadn't picked something up from Tim.

We wouldn't want to hurt the baby, by passing an STD back and forth between us. At first she hated the idea, but for some reason she thought that us having a lot of sex, was necessary for our continued growth as a couple. She told me at least 20 times a day how much she loved me, and how sorry she was. She even told me that she knew it was going to take a while, for me to trust her again and be able to express my feelings for her. But she was patient, and ready to wait for me.

And Dana had literally turned into a whore; she did anything I wanted without hesitation. Nothing was too dirty, or too nasty. There was nothing off the table when it came to sex. I once jokingly told her I was curious about Golden showers, and the whole urination thing. When I came home, there were rubber sheets on the bed in the guest room and all over the floor. Even I had to admit, that when she greeted me at the door, wearing nothing but a smile, I was often so turned on that I just couldn't resist her. Dana didn't know it, but we were both waiting for the same thing.

Then one morning, it happened. As we were having breakfast, the phone rang, I absent mindedly picked it up.

"Hey Jason," said the voice, "Ralph Derrico here. I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you," he said. "I just got her test results back."

My heart stopped beating temporarily. Derrico was Dana's doctor. I'd asked him to do a DNA test for me to make sure I was the father, as soon as it was possible. I wasn't expecting results this fast it had only been about 3 or 4 weeks. I was hoping it might be Tim's fucking baby and I could just be done with Dana. Or I could just be resigned to my fate.

"You guys will just have to try again," he said. "But at least you're both disease free."

"What?" I snapped.

I guess he got the wrong impression. He mistook my surprise, as anger, or disappointment.

"Look, it's not the end of the world," he said. "Dana just isn't pregnant. You can still try again," he continued as I hung the phone up.

I looked across the table at Dana as she ate her breakfast. Looking at her made me think about nature. The woman was like a lot of plants, truly beautiful to look at, but full of deadly poison inside. What the hell, I thought, one more for the road.

Dana knew I liked looking at her so she generally kept the heat up very high in the house and walked around nearly nude. She was tall, blond and slender with beautiful perky breasts and the slim hips of those fashion models and TV weather girls. I took the piece of toast she was eating out of her hand and stood her up. Then I grabbed her and pulled her to me lifting her by her ass and sat her down on the kitchen counter. She wrapped her legs around my waist and started kissing me back. I licked her breasts everywhere but her nipples, and traced my tongue up to her neck. Dana loved to have me nuzzle her neck. Some women liked their ears done, with Dana her ears were a dead spot, but you could start her gushing just by light blowing on her neck. I swear her neck was connected to her pussy because within seconds, she was squirming and telling me she couldn't wait.

I didn't make her wait either. I reached into the pocket of my robe and rolled the condom over my dick. "Come on daddy, I'm on fire" said Dana. Less than 3 seconds later the condom was in Dana's vagina, with me going along for the ride.

Dana had always loved sex, but lately, she was insatiable. Sometimes I thought my dick would drop off, since we were going at it 2 or 3 times a day. I think it was all in her mind. She had read an article that said a lot of women were constantly horny while they were pregnant. And I think she was sure that she was having a baby. The baby was supposed to be the thing that would tie us together forever. We had names picked out. Kurt after her father, if it was a boy or Verna after her mother, for a girl. Verna was my idea of course.

I have to admit it that morning was my crowning performance. As I headed for the shower, already late for work, I left Dana a quivering wreck on the kitchen floor, with three used condoms around her. She was smiling, as she lay there with her legs splayed open.

"That was sooooooo good!" she said as I stepped into the shower stall smiling. "We're probably going to need more condoms," she said yelling to me so I could hear her over the noise of the shower.

"No we're not" I yelled back to her as I dried off.

"Do you want to try fucking my ass again?" she asked. "I didn't really like it, but I'll do it if you want to," she said.

"Not going to happen," I said as I dressed. I think she thought that I didn't want to do it because she'd said that she didn't like it.

"Why don't we need more condoms?" she asked.

"Because we're disease free," I told her.

"Was that the doctor on the phone?" she asked as I picked up my briefcase.

"Yep, it was," I told her.

"Ooh, so we can do it without rubbers" she said, "That's why you're so happy. You want to feel this pussy, with nothing between us," she said.

I grabbed her, and looked deeply into her eyes, "Nope that's not why I'm so happy," I said.

I kissed Dana, like I was an incubus and tried to suck the life out of her. She was out of breath, and staring glassy eyed at me as I let her go.

"Take the day off and fuck me some more," she said her voice full of lust.

"Nope," I said," Got a meeting with your dad."

"Well, I know somebody who is really going to get some pussy tonight," she said.

"Well, you can tell Tim, I said to enjoy it," I told her.

She looked at me with indignation written all over her face. "I haven't touched Tim or anyone else except you, since..." she said, leaving out ,"since you caught me with him."

"We're starting our family now" she said, "And maybe it isn't the way you wanted it, but there's nothing we can do about it now. And even you have to admit, the past 3 weeks have been wonderful," she whined. "I love you so much more, there's no need to bring up Tim. That was the past," she continued. It was an awful mistake, but the future is you, me and our baby. That's why I had to play all of those games with you, because I knew you still loved me, and it really wasn't much of a challenge." she said.

"Every man I've ever run in to, always wanted to fuck me, but you're the only one I want," she said. "I regret that it was necessary, to trick you, but we're happy again, and I swear to you, I'll never do it again."

"Dana, since every man you run into wants to fuck you, you don't need me," I said smiling.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she added. "And I've got a question for you. If the doctor said we don't have STDs, why did you just use condoms?" she asked.

"Because I wanted one for the road, and you're not pregnant," I said. Dana's face fell as I walked out the door.

That was 8 months ago, and I'm still very careful now. Dana occasionally catches me at work, and starts talking about getting back together, or how much she misses me. She's made it no secret that In her mind, even though we're divorced, she stills owns me and I own her. My divorce was final sometime back, and I've lived like a monk ever since. I go to work, stay there nearly the entire time that I'm awake; then go home just to sleep, shower, and get back on the job. That's my schedule, 7 days a week. Even Kurt has been after me to take some time off. After he found out what Dana had tried to do to me, he really had no words and told me so. I found myself, believe it or not, trying to explain at least, what I thought were the reasons for her actions.

Several of the single and divorced women on the staff, made overtures or, tried to intro me to some friend or relative of theirs who'd be perfect for me. I refused to date or even have women as friends. But lately the loneliness was getting to me. My temper was getting shorter, and my list of the porno movies I owned was getting longer. I needed something, even if it was just a one night stand. I didn't want to go to an escort service, where, there'd be a paper trail. No Heidi Fleiss, tell all books about the boy wonder of logistics' tryst with an escort. If I was going to do this it would be quick, cheap and nasty. That's how I found myself on the block.

Part 2 the conclusion next week

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skruff101skruff1019 months ago

Got to the end of page two and it just spiralled out of control.

He was forced to stay in the house…bollocks.

She kept following him going to different bedrooms…chose a room and put a fucking bolt on the door. Double bollocks.

She’s pregnant…tough shit. Triple bollocks.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyover 1 year ago

None would believe that abandonment shit. You living in a different house while you're going through a divorce is not abandonment and his lawyer would have told him this. Divorcing people only live together in these LW stories

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 2 years ago

Good read but you wrote too weak of a character. He could have dumped her if he really wanted to. A pot of ice water would have kept her cool. She cheated and he kept coming back for more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Would have been so very easy to get rid of her. Get her really drunk, put her in the tub, and push her under. 30 minutes later call 911: “I just found my wife floating in the tub. Please come help!”



Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Enjoyed the read, I was glad there was a part 2 and even though Part 2 end seemed rushed it was still a 5-star story. 5/5

Rancher46Rancher46about 2 years ago

Enjoyable read 5/5

Cracker270Cracker270over 2 years ago

I hope there is a special corner in hell reserved for writers who do not finish their stories. This is a quality writer with some serious good stuff here on literotica but he leaves the reader hanging here at the end of part two. Forewarned is forearmed.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

You are a fine writer sir. Glad this hubby went through with the divorce. He should have asked who she was screwing BEFORE they married!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Sounds like my ex wife . Poor husband

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The idea of him having to pay for her lawyer before the divorce is finalised, is just too stupid. Complete nonsense.

He could just cut off her credit cards, no reason for him to pay for it.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Great start

Dan seems like a great guy. Dana certainly isn't like her parents at all.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago

Why if Dana was bored and had time on her hands,why did she not do volunteer work or get a job.?

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
Good Start

Hope the second part is as good.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 4 years ago
Not bad...

Great set up. I personally would have never married the whore after catching her the first time!!! She's an obvious sociopath!!!

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