Back on Track

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Sometimes sex can be boring.
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This is a rewrite of a story I posted a few years ago. It needed a lot of clean up; I hope you enjoy it.



Back on Track

Joe E Hartley

October 2017

Janice pulled into the parking lot, parked in her normal spot, gathered her purse and briefcase, got out of the car, locked it, and headed off to another boring day at work. There was no excitement in her life anymore, nor has there been for the last several months.

She opened the main door and walked down the hallway to her office.

"Good Morning, Janice," a voice called out as she forced one foot in front of the other.

The voice belonged to Kevin, her co-worker and the one person who seemed to understand her problem. They had been friendly ever since she started working there two years ago and was the one who actually noticed that she seemed depressed several months ago and had asked her about it. She initially denied that anything was wrong, but when her "under the weather" mood continued week after week, Kevin had become increasingly more insistent that she tell him what was bothering her. It was only last week that she had finally broken down and told him that she wasn't happy in her marriage.

"Morning," Janice responded with as much energy as she could muster.

"Hard night?" Kevin responded with a note of sympathy in his voice. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I'm embarrassed," she said sheepishly.

"Come on in. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, this kind of thing is very common after you've been married for a while," he said.

"I really don't care how common it is. I can't live this way much longer. Didn't you say something the other day about how some people deal with this?"

"The problem that many claim after a few years of marriage is the sameness. There is no more excitement, no more thrill. Sex is just the same day after day and it becomes boring. That's never good," he answered. "I had this same problem in my first marriage and luckily found a way to add excitement."

"What did you do?"

"Are you aware that a lot of men want to feel in control and dominant to the women in their lives? With today's society that has become more and more difficult and that causes the man to feel worthless and less than what he thinks a man should be. Also, a lot of women want to be subservient and dominated, but today's society doesn't accept that either."

"I guess that's true, I just want him to take charge, but he won't," Janice said close to tears.

"Does he know this?"

"He's the man. He should know it?"

"What have you done to inform him that he is the one in charge?" Kevin queried.

"What do you mean? We are a normal couple and do normal things. I cook and he takes out the trash. We share cleaning and shopping. He does the yard because I don't know how, but we share almost everything."

"So you treat him as an equal?"

"Well, sometimes he does need some direction," she responded.

"Do you see why he might not feel that he's the one in charge?"

"I guess so, but does that mean he doesn't feel dominant in bed too?"

"It most definitely could. Have you ever been spanked?"

The question shocked Janice, it didn't seem to be any part of the conversation, but somehow she felt a heat rising. She hesitated for a long while and just looked at her co-worker first with an expression that might indicate the offense she felt, then softening as she contemplated the question and why she was suddenly uncomfortable, then her expression reflected her rising desire.

"Not since I was a child, why?"

"Have you ever considered being spanked?" He asked.

Again, the uneasiness rose in her, but along with that was a feeling of something taboo, but highly desired and secret.

"Not really, "she responded feeling the heat rise across her face. "I think it's time I got to work," she almost ran from Kevin's office down the hall and into her office. She closed the door and busied herself in work.

She had plenty to do, but couldn't get the vision out of her head of her bent over her husband's lap and him spanking her bare ass for not washing the dishes after dinner.

Janice had a hard time focusing and noticed her nipples tightening as she again heard her husbands voice in her head asking why she hadn't finished washing the dishes. She felt the moisture between her legs as she imagined him sitting down then motioning for her to come over. She saw herself leaning over his lap and him raising her skirt. (She never wore skirts, but in her mind she was wearing one now) She heard the displeasure in her husband's voice as he noticed her panties. She blushed as she stood up to remove them in her fantasy and then learned back over to receive her punishment. She knew it would be more now that she'd been caught wearing panties.

She actually had an orgasm at work as she imagined his hand striking her butt time and again.

As soon as lunchtime arrived Janice walked down to Kevin's office again.

"Let's say that I have considered being spanked," she blurted out.

"Okay," Kevin responded. "Would you like to go to lunch and talk about it?"

They headed out towards the deli as they had many times before, ordered their lunch and found a secluded spot to chat.

"How does the idea of being spanked make you feel?" he asked.

Janice felt she had to be honest with him and said she felt aroused, more alive, and much more feminine.

"I thought you might," he said. "Most of us fantasize about being in more primitive roles. How do you think your husband might respond?"

"You know, I think he might like the idea. He does seem a bit resentful at times when I ask him to do things."

"There is a club I go to on occasion that might show you and your husband what it's like for him to be a bit more sexually dominant and you a bit more submissive. I'd love to take you both there sometime and answer any questions you might have." Kevin offered.

When Janice got home, she couldn't wait to talk with Robin, her husband. She expected him home in a few minutes and she had rehearsed what she wanted to say all afternoon. She fixed them both a drink and as she heard him drive up, she met him at the door. She handed him his drink and asked, "How was your day?"

His surprise was obvious as was her recognition that it was these little things that had been missing for a long time in their relationship.

He responded, "I actually had a good day, How about you?" he took his drink and took a sip. "This is good, thank you," he said. "Are we celebrating something?"

"Well, we might be," she said leading him into the living room.

She started by talking about how she felt they had lost their way in their relationship and how hopeless she had felt. He agreed that work and obligations had gotten in the way of them focusing on each other as much as they used to.

She moved the conversation forward by saying that she thought they both had fallen into the trap called normal. "I am beginning to hate being normal," she said.

"What do you suggest?" He asked. "Am I not doing enough around the house?"

"You have been wonderful and I think that's the problem. In this modern world we are all equal in all matters. That's great, but sometimes I want a caveman who just takes what he wants, but that's considered wrong these days."

"I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for?" Robin said tentatively. The word caveman gave him a powerful clue about what she was talking about, but he doubted if she really meant it. Sexual aggression by men had been defined as the most despicable thing possible; it was in the news often as men often went to prison or lost jobs due to their sexual urges.

"I'm talking about the bedroom, but more than that. I know you can't just turn it on and off at will, that's why I've been talking with a coworker, who has done this before and has offered to show us the way. Apparently there are clubs for people with problems similar to ours."

Robin looked confused as he asked, "you're not talking about those fetish clubs where people wear leather, rubber, and chains are you? I'm not sure I would like being tied up and beaten. Would you?"

"I don't know," she said thoughtfully, "but a bit of spanking might be interesting."

"I would never hit you. That is the worse thing a man can do, to a woman," Robin said.

"Not hitting exactly," she responded, "but how do we know we don't like something until we try it?"

The rest of the evening progressed like normal with dinner and TV, but the seed had been planted and there were glances back and forth as if asking the question, what about now? Neither Janice nor Robin knew how to handle this new information or what to do, but ideas ran though their heads and their arousal increased. Both were scared about what would happen once they were in bed, but it was getting late and there was work tomorrow.

It was an hour past their normal bedtime when they both decided they had to get undressed.

The lights were off and as Janice walked naked towards the bed and Robin took his turn in the bathroom. They walked past each other and Robin placed a playful smack on Janice's bare bottom. Suddenly as if a damn had broken the bathroom was forgotten and they grabbed each other in the most erotic embrace they had enjoyed in over a year. They fell asleep with the bathroom light still on.

The next morning's drive to work was much different from the day before. Janice sang during the morning commute and after parking walked with a spring in her step, humming a song as she walked across the parking lot.

Janice couldn't wait to tell Kevin about her evening and to thank him for the talk and advice yesterday. She walked thought the open door to his office and saw him sitting at his desk.

"Good morning and thank you so much," she announced as she stepped into his office. "I had the most wonderful evening thanks to you."

Kevin looked up from the papers he'd been reading. "Really, I'm so happy for you. Tell me what happened."

Janice sat down in the chair in front of his desk and started to relate the events from the night before starting with her making the drink and her epiphany about how they had forgotten to do the little things for each other over the years.

She explained that her husband Robin was open to the idea of exploring a more erotic way of life as long as they went slow and it wasn't too kinky. "He liked the idea of the club you mentioned and is willing to check it out," she said

"He was even open to the idea of spanking," she gushed and then explained that he gave her a little playful swat on her bare ass as she was getting ready for bed and the resulting sex. A red glow covered her face, but this was not from embarrassment as is normal when saying things that are normally private, but rather a fond erotic memory she seemed to be reliving as she sat in her coworkers office talking with him.

"How do you think you would feel if Robin took more control over the things that you do?" Kevin asked once she finished.

She thought for a short while then a smile covered her face as she said, "I'd love it."

"I can take you and Robin to the club tomorrow evening since it is Friday. Come over to my place around 7 and I'll drive us all over there and answer any questions you might have. We won't stay long because I just want to give you an introduction and plenty to talk about," Kevin offered. "One more thing," he added standing up and walking around his desk until he stood in front of Janice and looked down at her in the chair, "don't wear a bra to work tomorrow."

Janice looked up at him as his words slowly coalesced in her mind. She grinned and replied, "Sure thing." She felt the heat rising in her body and knew she had started down a path she was going to enjoy.

The rest of the day was uneventful and when she got home, she again had a drink waiting for Robin. She told him about the plan to meet at Kevin's at 7 tomorrow night and that he would take them to the club. She also told him that Kevin suggested that they not stay too long for fear of getting overloaded with the newness of it all. It would be important to take in a little then talk about it and their feelings before they went back. She didn't mention that tomorrow she was going to work braless at Kevin's suggestion.

After another night of sex with her husband, Janice felt better than she had in years and prepared for work. The blouse she chose wasn't thin or see-through like the first one she picked up, but it did allow her nipples to make their presence known if they wanted attention.

She couldn't wait to see her co-worker and the person who had already helped her sex life so much. She was in an extended state of desire and looked forward to Kevin seeing her nipples. The thought of the other men seeing her in this less than prudish attire also excited her.

The AC was on as she walked down the hallway towards Kevin's office and as she walked thought his open door, she thrust out her chest and waited for him to notice.

"Hi Janice," he said looking up, "You are looking very good this morning."

"You like?" She asked with an impish grin.

"Very much and I think you may enjoy the attention you get today."

Janice went back to her office saying hello to the coworkers she met. Several of the men she passed did a double take and stammered a hello. Jason saw her heading up the hallway and therefore wasn't as shocked when she walked by. She felt naughty and maybe just a bit embarrassed.

"Is that a new blouse?" He asked. His eyes were firmly fixed on her protruding nipples.

"No, I've had this for a while," she replied pulling her shoulders back to push out her chest just a bit and trying not to be obvious about displaying herself.

"Well, I must have never noticed before. It looks really good on you," he shared not moving his eyes up to her face for several seconds.

"Thank you," she said smiling and turning just a bit red from the attention.

She continued on her path to her office saying hello to a few more people. She wanted to make sure to show off the new look to everyone. She made sure to make several trips to the copy room, the coffee room and just walking up and down the hallway during the day. She had more conversations with the men working here than she can ever remember and every one of them seemed important at the time, but there were no work-related actions to be taken after these meetings. She felt highly aroused without being responsible; she was only doing what she was told to do and she loved it.

She noticed that most of the men she talked with stood much closer to her than normal. She even had a few of the men accidently bump into her. That never happened before and it sent a trill though her all the way to her toes. She even thought of brushing her breasts against some of her male coworkers.

She felt desired and sexy all day. She liked the feeling of being the center of attention and being so very feminine.

Before she left for the day she stopped in on Kevin. He was packing up and getting ready to leave for the day too. She thanked him for the request that she come to work braless today and said she would be at his place by 7 tonight and she wasn't planning on putting on a bra.

He smiled and said that she looked great today and that the braless look really suited her.

Janice arrived home just before her husband and they grabbed a quick bite to eat and then got ready to head out to what promised to be a new way of life for them. The air seems to sparkle with excitement as they put on the finishing touches before they left. Robin noticed Janice's new look and asked if she had just taken off her bra for the club. He raised an eyebrow when she told him she went to work today without a bra and loved the attention.

"We are definitely entering new territory now," he said.

Kevin's house was easy to find and not that far away. Janice rang the bell and when Kevin answered she introduced her husband. Kevin and Robin seemed to hit it off well and after Kevin explained that it wasn't a good idea to have too much to drink before going to a club like this, they got into his car and headed down the road.

Kevin pulled into a half-filled parking lot of a non-descript club. There were no bright lights, or long lines with a burly man checking IDs and only allowing certain people in.

They walked in and noticed that it wasn't as dark as most clubs and the music wasn't so loud that you couldn't talk. They went to the bar and ordered non-alcoholic drinks. They found a table with a view of the area where people appeared to be mingling.

They saw a wide array of people wearing costumes including some wearing lots of leather, some women were wearing collars, a few had leaches held by a man. There were women with their breasts on display.

Kevin encouraged the couple to walk around and explore, there were rooms in the back where there was a bit more action.

Robin and Janice went off together and explored a bit but were soon separated. A tall man approached Janice and said, "Hi there beautiful, is this your first time here?"

She responded, "Yes," and was immediately glad she wasn't wearing a bra. He didn't even bother to hide the fact that he was openly staring at her boobs.

He responded, "Well, welcome, I'm glad you decided to come tonight. You have a nice pair of tits."

She got instantly aroused by his blatant comment and said, "Thank you."

"Can I fondle them?" He asked.

She had never been around anyone who was so upfront about his wants and desires so she just said, "Yes."

He fondled her breasts and pinched her nipples for several minutes before she excused herself remembering that she was married. She went back to the table and found Robin.

"I'm sorry, I got carried away and allowed a man to fondle my breasts," she confessed to her husband.

"I understand, this place is so sexual. I'm getting turned on too," he responded.

"No, I did something wrong and need to be punished," A voice that sounded like hers spoke. She had no idea where those words came from, but the voice was hers.

"You want me to spank you here?"

"I think I deserve it," that same voice said and she leaned over his lap. She wasn't wearing a skirt so her ass wasn't bare, but she was very wet and with the first smack she knew this was a very good idea. She liked the idea of others seeing her being disciplined like this. She and Robin had already seen other women in this club being spanked and now it was happening to her too. She felt as if she was now a part of this new world.

Over the weekend Janice and Robin talked about their experiences at the club and both found a new energy in their lovemaking. Janice discovered that she really liked the public display.

"Would it upset you if I showed off more of my body at the club next time we go?" she asked.

"A lot of women there displayed a lot more than you did last night. I think that is part of the eroticism of that place. What did you have in mind?" Robin asked.

"For one thing I'll be wearing a short shirt and no panties so that when you spank me everyone will see my bare butt. I was also thinking of a see through top and no bra," she answered then noticed the lump forming in her husband's jeans.

She continued, "I liked allowing the man to feel me up and I liked it more when you punished me for allowing it."

"I think I like that idea, especially the bare butt part. I also like the idea of you flirting. You know there were some women last night who were topless," he hinted.

"You'd be okay with me being topless there and allowing men to feel my breasts whenever they wanted?"

"That would be hot and when you come back to me to confess, I'll give you one swat for every man you allowed to fondle you," he answered.

On Monday at work Janice walked into Kevin's office and thanked him for introducing her and Robin to this club. She told him about their plan of her wearing less and allowing several men to fondle her then confess to her husband and have him bare her ass in front of everyone and spank her as she'd tell him about how many men she allowed to fondle her.