Backyard MILF Ch. 01


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Her hands slid off her tits and down beside her, gently clasping my hands where they desperately clung to the cushion. "House rules," she murmured. "You can touch anywhere I put your hands." With that, she tugged my hands free of the cushion and pulled them up to rest briefly on her belly. Then she pushed them upwards. My thumbs bumped into the firm undersides of her tits, and she sighed slightly. Then she lifted my hands and put them back down right on those incredible, firm, perfectly shaped mounds. I have decent sized hands, and each still just barely overflowed my grasp, her sharply hard nipples pressing into my palms. "My house, my rules," Kristine murmured.

I squeezed tentatively, literally shaking beneath her, albeit gently.

"That's very nice," Kristie murmured as I worshipped her tits. She rewarded my eager but gentle caress with even more vigorous rubbing of my cock with her ass. "And now you hold what I bought. The best investment ever. By the time I graduated, I had a nice used Alfa Romeo that was all paid off, no student debt, twenty K in the bank, and, I shit you not, a secret little stash of gold bullion that I still have in a bolt hole. I walked away, and never danced again."

"The other girls must really have hated you," I mused, my fingers teasing at her nipples softly.

"You are very gentle," she whispered. "I like that. And no they didn't hate me. Why do you say that?"

"I can't imagine any customers being interested in them when you were around."

She giggled. "I was popular, I'll admit. But we had a talented crew. And while I said I worked at a club with dancers who mostly worked clean, I worked cleaner than most, which gave a lot of them at least one advantage over me."

"Clean?" I asked. I sort of knew what she was talking about, but I wanted to hear more tales. More graphic tales, if possible.

Sinuously, she shifted again atop me. She actually stood up beside the chair for a moment before turning to straddle me again on the chaise, facing me again. She remained upright, keeping her sleek crotch well clear of my dick, and rested her hands on the back of the chair above my shoulders.

"Clean...ish," she smirked down at me. "About all I'd do beyond the basic grind and letting their hands do a little titty play was, if a regular had proven to me that he was gentle... and he always brought a lot of money to the club... let the guy suck these lovely titties." She smiled at me and leaned forward, bringing a hard pink nipple right to my mouth. I opened my lips and suckled, not about to refuse that wordless invitation. The nipple was small, but hard, and she giggled as I flicked it with my tongue. One hand came off the chair and she wrapped it behind my head, cradling it firmly against her chest.

I'd been told I could, so I raised a hand of my own accord to caress the breast I was not sucking on. Her flesh was quite firm, but still yielded oh so pleasingly to the pressure of my fingers digging in hungrily to that incredible mound.

"Yeah," she sighed contentedly as I enjoyed her breasts. She slid her hand free of the back of my head and let it drop to my lap. She stroked my cock with her fingertips, and clasped it gently. "I almost never did any stick-shifting like this, either. Most of the girls did, but not me. And when I did, it was through the pants only." My cock was on fire under her easy caress. She'd only hold it briefly, then go back to tracing outlines and circling the head with her fingertips.

After a delicious eternity of this, she suddenly sat backward on my thighs, pulling her marvelous breast free of my mouth as she did so. She kept her fingers clasped on my cock, though. She might have even framed up her grip. I stared at her, a little wild-eyed.

"In four years at the club, I never once fucked a customer," Kristie said, a little proudly, but mostly matter-of-fact, "inside the club or out. Never met up with a customer outside the club at all, though some of the girls did that pretty regularly... the whores." She looked at me silently for a moment, with that weird blend of mild contempt and arousal that she had been sporting since before everything had gotten so deliciously weird. "And in four years, I gave customers a total of three blowjobs... not for the money, but because I had gotten particularly worked up already that night and ran into an out-of-towner I'd never see again whose dick seemed particularly nice when I ground my ass on it."

She shut up then, just staring at me, her now firmly grasping hand ever so slightly sliding up and down my shaft.

"Is... does my dick," I croaked, since I was seemingly expected to say something, "seem particularly nice?" My throat was suddenly dry.

"Now you get it," Kristie murmured.

With that, she slid her legs back and out from under herself and she lay down between my legs, pushing them aside as she did so. She bent her head over my lap, and still holding onto my cock, she opened her mouth and enclosed a couple inches of my cock.

"Ohhhhh," I groaned involuntarily. I felt her tongue begin to work its way around my cock inside her mouth. There wasn't a lot of room for it to maneuver in there. Kristie is a petite woman, and as I've said, my girth seems above average. The squirming movements her tongue made around my head were breath-taking.

Braced as she was over me, I felt her scrumptious breasts dangling just above my thighs. It was as if the hairs atop my legs could sense their swaying movements. Then, as Kristie began to bob up and down a little, taking more of me into her wide-stretched jaws, I felt her nipples fleetingly caressing my legs.

Looking down at this vision pleasuring my cock, I marveled yet again at how sexy her back was, even before you took into consideration the way it ended in that tight, round, hard ass, with its two deep dimples flanking the base of her spine. She bent a knee and kicked one heel straight up in the air in a sexy little pose.

With a gasp, she released me from her mouth and instead began to lick my length. Unable to contain myself, I slid a hand up under her and cupped one perfect tit. As she slid her lips back around me, I could feel a smile on them.

"Listen," I said, my mouth still dry. "Speaking of being already worked up, I may not last long like this," I said--half confession, half warning. "You are too incredible."

Rather than backing off her efforts, Kristie took my words as a green flag. The hand that still grasped my shaft began to jack now in firm, fast strokes. Her head bobbed swiftly, but not very deep, so that her tongue could lash the helmet of my penis freely inside her mouth. And she started sucking hard on me. She pressed her tit hard into my hand.

She wanted to finish me, which was good, because I was going to finish in moments, whether she had wanted to or not.

I wordlessly cried out, only the dim awareness that some neighbors might be home and enjoying the nice day in their yards keeping my volume down somewhat. My hips twitched involuntarily and my cock throbbed. It didn't obviously, but in my mind's eye it felt like it inflated like a cartoon balloon then shrank again as it erupted. My hand clutched hard on her firmly yielding breast as a tremendous gout of jizz exploded up into Kristie's mouth. Gouts, plural, really, as I just kept pulsing into her for seconds on end before I collapsed into the soft cushion like a marionette whose strings had been cut. I didn't even have the strength or presence of mind to keep my grip on that amazing tit.

I was dimly aware that Kristie had somehow contained every drop of what had been the most powerful ejaculation I had performed since I was twenty at least. Her hand kept jacking me for several more moments, before slowing, becoming a milking motion as I felt her swallowing repeatedly.

At last she slowed, and lifted her head. She smiled at me, her hazel eyes sparkling as she licked and sucked her lips. I was wrong, there had been one small drizzle from the right side of her lips, but her agile (as recently demonstrated) tongue leapt out and licked my white jizz away.

I was stunned and gasping for air. Our eyes locked for a long moment, before I could summon the words, "Best punishment ever! Five Stars!"

She laughed. "That's right, Reggie. Watch out," she said slyly, her perfectly straight, bright white teeth flashing as she spoke. "Behave yourself in the future, or I'll have to do it again."

Good behavior was suddenly not my plan.

"You actually taste quite good," Kristie said, sitting up on her heels again and wiping at her chin where the cum leakage had been, "but not exactly thirst quenching." She looked at the elegant silver Movado watch that, along with her shoes, was all she was wearing. "Are you up for a beer at three o'clock on a Wednesday?"

I suddenly realized that a beer would be wonderful. "Please. It is scandalously early, of course," I added, "but I feel like maybe I might do something naughty today..."

She laughed a richer, deeper laugh than I had ever heard from her before. Kristie's voice was usually fairly high and bell-like, so this lower register merriment, while still hardly baritone or anything, conveyed an earthy carnality. "Hey Siri," she called out as she sinuously rose to her feet, "play Simply Irresistible."

As Robert Palmer's masterwork began to play, she looked at me archly. "Too arrogant a choice?" Kristie asked me challengingly.

"Maybe too on the nose," I replied seriously.

As the bass riffs began, the simply irresistible Kristie danced off inside, making a wonderful production of it. My eyes remained unable to look away, and I turned and sat up on the side of the chaise to keep her in view even as she passed into the house. It was hard to see much beyond the suggestion of movement through the darkened glass, but I still hungrily followed that movement until it disappeared into the kitchen.

She was beyond my perceptions for just a few brief moments, before she danced back into view, a can in each hand. Her passage through the door was particularly alluring, as she practically humped the frame as she passed. She swung by me, handing me the can almost absently, then continued to dance around the poolside in front of me. Her every move was truly studied now as she danced, knowing she had an audience. She even cracked her can open in time with the music.

I cracked mine without looking at it, and watched, rapt.

At one of the points in the song where it pauses for effect, she threw her head back and chugged a long pull of the beer. When she straightened up, she set the remainder on the table as she moved to dance right in front of me as the song neared its end. Her back was to me and she sinuously rocked her hips, waving those scrumptious glutes practically in my face.

She finally stopped dancing and turned back toward me. She bent over toward me, put her hands on her knees, squeezing her tits together right at eye level, and smiled. Honestly, amazing as those tits were, I didn't know where to look, her bare crotch, those mounds, or the hungry smile on her face.

"Hey there, honey," she purred. "Want a lap dance?"

I just smiled.

Without being asked, Siri seemed to have figured out what music the occasion called for and had begun to play I Didn't Mean to Turn You On, also by Robert Palmer.

Kristie seemed to want me to stay there on the edge of the seat, and she started dancing slowly now between my knees, caressing herself all over, but especially her ass. After a turn or two, she felt it was time for the 'lap' in lap dance, and put her hands on my shoulders. Slowly, she climbed astride me on the side of the chaise, her shins resting to either side of me. Her bare, hairless, and very wet pussy was pressing against my cock. After the eruption it had produced minutes before, that member should have collapsed like the north flank of Mt. St. Helens, but my currently raging hormonal levels had never let it sag to more than half-mast. The caress of Kristie's swollen labia snapped me back to fully eager readiness.

She rocked back and forth atop me. Her hands wrapped around behind my neck and her breasts pressed against my chest, but the focus on my brain was on the way she was rocking her hips. She was almost immediately making little sounds of pleasure as I realized that she was dragging her clit along the length of my shaft.

I grabbed her ass and held it as she rocked. It was so fit, that butt was almost hard as it flexed in my grip.

"Mmmm," Kristie murmured in my ear. "You have such a fat cock, Reggie. It was such a lovely mouthful, I want it to fill something else."

"I thought you didn't fuck customers," I teased, amazed at my audacity, to be honest.

She stopped dancing, stopped moving. She looked at me sternly. "You are not a customer. You are a dirty little perv. A dirty little perv with a big dirty dick. You just let me dance the way I want to and I might forgive you for being such a filthy deviant."

She ran her hips even further back and forth, and I felt my tip dip into the wetness between her outer folds as the slid over me. Unable to restrain myself, I used my grip on her ass to lift her up a little. My dick eagerly rose with her, and Kristie smiled cooperatively. She worked her hips and rubbed around until my questing tip pressed into her entrance. Careful not to let it slip away, Kristie worked her way down, engulfing my cock inside her until she sat once more fully on my thighs. A ripple of agonizing delight ran through every fiber of my being.

For a moment, we both sat there, still, communing with each other. Then two things happened almost simultaneously.

On my part, I could not contain myself any more and reached up to softly grasp her jawline in my hands and kissed her. It was about as hungry a kiss as I had ever delivered. I had a visceral need to lock my mouth on hers, to mine her mouth with my tongue. She answered with equal hunger.

For her part, she began to rock her hips again, somehow still in time with the music. She was truly dancing, but with my cock deep inside her. Despite the hunger of our kiss, it rapidly became hard to keep it up as she needfully began to rise and fall atop me, the oxymoronically slick friction of her passage swiftly driving me nuts.

"Hey, Siri!" Kristie snapped. "Play Fever by Peggy Lee!"

I was little surprised by that, but as the song began, I realized that while it might be little quiet for a strip club, it was amazing for a lap dance... especially a lap dance with my cock impaled in the dancer. I had never had a partner DJ an intimate encounter with me before, but I found it bemusingly awesome.

She rocked herself up and down on me for a while, clearly enjoying the caress of my shaft within her. She was in no hurry, and I was fortunate to have come so hard earlier, or I'd have, um, raced ahead of her to the finish line.

When Siri tried to follow Peggy Lee with Frank Sinatra, Kristie swiftly ordered her to play Lady Marmalade instead. Why yes, I did indeed want tocoucher avec Kristie very much, thank you. I'm not sure how you can wish desperately that you could fuck a woman while you are at that moment actively fucking her, but I managed it.

Giving up entirely on kissing me, she tossed her head and arched her back, and I took the implied invitation to lean forward and suck on her tits instead of her tongue. Her nipples were like diamonds now and my oral attentions drew shallower breathing and harder strokes atop my cock from Kristie.

"Don't tell me when you are going to come," she gasped to me. "Just do it. I want to feel your cum inside me without warning."

In reply, I just widened my jaw and sucked harder still on her breast, feeling the flesh distend into my mouth. I knew that I'd be fulfilling her request soon, but I determined to hold back as long as I could to extend this wondrous experience.

Yeah. About that.

The refrain came round again in the music and I lost it. My hips bucked upward, driving myself hard into Kristie. Buried to the hilt, I came for the second time that crazy afternoon. If anything, this ejaculation was just as hard as before. I wouldn't have thought it was possible, but the combination of such a hot woman, the crazy circumstances, and her bodily skills had me over-revving uncontrollably.

My powerful gouts of cum jetted into her unannounced, as she had demanded. She threw her head back and gasped loudly, melding into a shriek of pleasure as she felt my jizz fill her. I felt in turn her insides spasm and clench down on my cock. Her entire lithe, spectacular body shivered atop me in my embrace. Her hips jerked again and again as she came. And came.

I fell back back across the big chaise, pulling her after me. She collapsed on my chest, still vibrating.

We lay there, each gasping for air. Our breathing was ragged and out of sync now, but the afterglow was still intense.

Kristie kissed me suddenly, but softly. She propped herself up just a bit, and looked down at me. "Reggie," she said slowly. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend. Especially not one who is my neighbors' son."

I nodded, understanding. I was about to go to grad school. I didn't need a relationship either. But still...

"But," she added, "a twenty-four year old fuckbuddy with a thick cock and a penchant for spying on me? That I can get behind."


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. As always thanks in advance for your honest votes, favorites and follows. Most of all, give me a comment!

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I hate it when an author thinks that extravagantly dimensioned characters are more interesting. I liked the push-pull inside Reggie's head.

Overall, a solid 5* and a hearty THANK YOU!!


VoiceofReason111VoiceofReason1119 months ago

Hot, sexy, and well written as usual. I love the surprises (pulling a gun, stripper background), which keeps it fresh and away from being a formulaic voyeur-gets-laid story. Create set up for more.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Hot! Thank you for sharing!

I'm sure that most men will me agree that Kristie's investment was wise beyond her years at they time! I also have high hopes that Reggie's gaining the patience he'll need to stay in this game for the long run to win they BIG prize, Kristie's love.

Buffjohn59Buffjohn5912 months ago

Hot as hell! One of those 'everything aligns perfectly' situations. Boo on the ones who disparage implants; they can add much to the experience. More, more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Rxcellent! That is not a misspelling! It is a prescription for anyone that likes well written, ad well paced erotica!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

hot fantasy! and a roughly 10 year age gap isnt tooo much.

MedicalpeteMedicalpeteabout 1 year ago

Enjoyed it MUCH MORE this time! Well told and very sexy!

S_FoxS_Foxabout 1 year ago

Just a note of support - ‘gouts of cum’ is correct usage. In fact it’s literally “spot on”. Not all cum comes in ropes, this is the spatter of drops. AND … hot story an easy 5*.

AndrewMarxAndrewMarxabout 1 year ago

You are such a good storyteller. I love everything of your's that I've read so far. I love the imagination that you put into the details,that's what makes you great! Keep writing, I hope I read a hardcover from you some day

Rob_RoyaleRob_Royaleover 1 year ago

Fun and sexy as hell. Well done. 5 easy stars.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusover 1 year ago

Delighted that you have created a male character who does not sport a mega-dick and preternatural control. You give no indication here of any follow-on; I am delighted that this eventually became the first of four installments.

5 stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fanastic! I just wanted to be there, behind the shrubbery...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great story. And umm… gout has more than one definition peeps. I thought it was used just fine.

jcus0511jcus0511over 1 year ago

Great fun story but really spurting ‘gouts’ of cum. So funny you might need an editor gout hardly seems the word you were looking for although I was taken by the pun. After all gout is a painful inflammation of the joint albeit usually in the foot not the crotch. Lol

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