Balancing the Scales Ch. 02

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The husbands response - are they even.
13.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/03/2021
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Quick writer's note:

Tags for this story: Cheating husbands, Cheating, Affair, Revenge.

This story was originally planned to be a three-part series. The first story in the series is the set-up. The other two were to be resolutions which will allow you to choose the direction of the story you prefer.

Here is chapter 2 which tells how a cheated-on husband gets his revenge. My hope is that you will combine this with chapter 1 and rate as a complete story and comment accordingly.

I want to thank my editors for their collaboration and input in this story; Charlie, High Luster, Simepop, Kate7891, CarrotsGoMeow and KenD.

I love to collaborate with people and so I look forward to expanding my editing team. If you are interested in being a part of the collaboration team, please send me your email address through private messaging and I'll shoot you, my stories.


Balancing the Scales, Chapter 1 Synopsis

In Chapter 1 of Balancing the Scales Kevin got drunk and slept with a co-worker while on a business trip. He confessed his indiscretion to his wife, Denise, who then shared his indiscretion with her two best friends, Ellen and Aimee who both had strong opinions and conflicting advice.

Ellen favored a Scorched Earth approach while Aimee supported a milder one. Denise considered them both and finally went with Ellen's idea of getting even by bringing Mike Killion home to have sex in her marital bed. The chapter ends with a scene that puts Denise's plan into motion, which follows.

"Denise, please don't do this. This will end us." She just looks at me and offers a crooked little smirk.

"You don't have a say in this." She turns and walks away. I see her grab Mike's hand as she heads towards the bedroom.

"Hey Kevin, I just want to thank you for fucking up! I've wanted to fuck your wife for the longest time." Mike's gloating as I stand there mouth agape. "I promise not to fuck her so good she doesn't want to come back to you!"

"Fuck you," I snarl.

"Never mind, then. Guess I'll fuck her into her own orbit. Don't worry; I'll film it for you!" He held up a digital recorder as he closed the door behind them.

I'm lost.

The Hollywood narrative dictates I should be enraged: cursing, screaming, breaking something. Fighting the desire to kill them. But common sense wins out. I sit at the table looking over the paperwork she handed me. Trapped between a rock and a hard place is an understatement. She's gouging me in the settlement: seventy percent of our holdings, the house, sole custody of the kids, outrageous child support. The only thing she hasn't asked for is spousal support.

I hear the headboard bang against the wall. A tear rolls down my nose. After all this, I lose my wife and marriage. Why in the hell did I confess?

Denise's squeals are audible all the way down the hall; it's obvious how much she is enjoying Mike's attention. I hide the sounds of my wife deep and dark in my psyche and take a sheet of paper and envelope out before sitting down at the dining room table. I write my future ex-wife a note. Folding and sealing it in its sleeve, I leave it on the table.

There is nothing for which to fight for.

Balancing the Scales. Chapter 2.


This is one of the few times that I've ever lied to Kevin about something important. I told him that I was meeting the girls after work for a couple of drinks, but it was always my intention to meet up with Mike.

Over the past two weeks I vacillated about whether to go through with my plan for revenge or not. Ellen was in one ear telling me it was the only way to be even with Kevin, while Aimee was adamant that revenge would kill my marriage.

I wanted to hurt Kevin. I wanted to humiliate him. I wanted him to feel as helpless as I do now. I do know how he feels about Mike, though. Kevin, like most of his friends, neither likes nor trusts him. Kevin has told me the stories about how Mike would hit on the other wives. I've been subjected to a few of his tries myself. Kevin described their last fishing trip in detail. Mike bedded two different women over the long weekend, all the while calling his wife a couple times each day. Most of the guys dislike him because of his cheating.

And that's why I chose him; I know he is the one person who will cause Kevin the most pain.

I'm not going to sleep with Mike. We'll just meet at our local tavern where we all hang out occasionally. I knew someone would see us and I planned for it to get back to Kevin. I figured that his own imagination would blow a few drinks and some light flirting and touching out of proportion to the point where it would drive him insane.

There is no way Mike is coming home with me, though.

But, as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

"Hi, sexy! Wow, don't you look hot tonight?" Mike says.

I'm dressed for work although a touch more risqué than I normally am. Nothing over the top though. I'm almost done with my first drink, so my guard isn't up to full strength, and Mike's greeting is more informal than our relationship calls for.

"Hi, Mike." I watch him sit down and wave for a waitress.

"I'm so glad you called; I'm interested in hearing more about why you wanted to meet me here, alone." The way he eyes me is unsettling, I press on and carry on with light conversation, pausing only when the waitress takes our order the drinks arrive.

"Kevin had a one-night stand on the last trip he took." I'm so nervous, I just throw it out there. Mike is watching me, reading me as he responds.

"Oh, I guess that doesn't surprise me." He looks around as he continues, "It isn't the first time."

I'm astonished. "What?"

"Yeah, I mean he is a steady player whenever he goes out of town with the guys. I mean, just this last fishing trip, he disappeared in the parking lot with some old ass ugly woman. Would you like another drink?"

"Yes, please. You mean he has slept around before?" I feel my face becoming warm with anger. "Are you sure? The way he confessed indicates that he was feeling really guilty about it because it was his first time."

"Definitely. We all tried to get him to cool it. I mean he has the hottest wife of all of us." My drink arrives and I gulp it down quickly. Mike nods for the waitress to bring another. "Maybe he thought you might find out about this one somehow and figured his best move was to confess.

"If you were my wife," he continues, "I would never leave you alone. Frankly, Denise, you deserve better than him."

I feel my walls slowly collapsing as we talk. He tells me about all the women Kevin slept with. We drink, flirt, and dance a few songs as the hours disappear. Mike continues his assault on my insecurities all evening and fills my head with more stories of Kevin's infidelity.

I'm not sure when I decided that I was going to sleep with Mike, but as I did, Aimee's voice screams that Mike is lying, and points out the glaring inconsistencies in his stories. I ignore things that I myself know that are false, and I keep choosing not to listen to Aimee's common-sense advice. I allow my emotions to make my decision for me.

Mike and I end up at my house. I tell my husband that I'm about to have sex with another man and there's nothing he can do about it.

Mike has his laptop with him and a small black box which I recognize as a video camera, but my drunken brain doesn't reconcile what I'm about to do in front of a camera. He closes the bedroom door and kisses me. His hands roaming over my body and pulling aggressively on my breasts. He separates from me and takes a few moments to ready the camera. That's when my drunken brain realizes that he is going to video us.

My mouth is dry. My skin becomes cool and clammy with the knowledge that I'm about to make a sex video. Is this what I want? Mike pulls me into him, standing in front of the camera. I try to pull back. He holds me too tight, leans in close and kisses me hard. My resolve melts, and I lean into him, his arm around my waist as we break the kiss. He touches his phone and holds up his lock screen to the lens.

"It's 8:24, Friday the twenty-third, and I'm here with Denise Amour. Say 'Hi,' Denise."

"Hi," I nervously giggle. I'm way more than just buzzed. I'm swaying as I stand.

"What are we about to do, Denise?"

"We are going to fuuccck!" I slur.

"Why are we fucking, Denise?" he hisses, tone menacing, almost condescending.

"Because my husband is a cheating bastard and I need to put him in his place!"

"Can I record us, Denise?" His smile says it all; he's won, and he knows it.

"Yes." I've lost my battle with common sense and I'm responding on instinct alone.

"Good. This is going directly to my cloud storage and I'm going to show it to Kevin later. You want that, don't you?"

"Yes, show my husband how good a fuck his wife is!" I sway back and forth a little, holding into Mike to prevent myself from falling.

Mike pulls me close and kisses me. I can feel how ready he is. I know that he wants me, and I'm incredibly turned on, even in my drunken state. His hands roam freely, gripping, squishing, pulling at my curves. He guides my hands up over my head. I fold and rest them atop my skull. He finds the side zipper to my dress; I feel the tension slowly release with the falling zipper. I adjust my arms so I can slip the dress off my shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor.

Mike steps back to experience my near nakedness; it's been years since I was so undressed in front of another man. I feel so vulnerable. So submissive standing nearly naked in front of a fully clothed lover. Moisture builds between my legs. I know I'm going to let this man have me, but I want to tease him first.

I trace my curves starting from mid-thigh, over my hips, letting my hands cup my breasts as I slip Mike a sly smile. A smile that says I know this is so wrong, but I'm too far gone to stop.

He reaches for me, but I step just out of reach, teasing, flirting. We both know I'm going to give him what he wants but I want him to want it more than anything else. More than his fear of my husband, more than his loyalty to his wife. More than anything.

I hear Aimee's voice again, telling me that I'm just as bad as my husband is, but my clouded brain allows my raging emotions and rampant desire to overrule any common sense I might have left.

I lean forward, brushing Mike's lips with mine as I find the buttons to his shirt. My brain is shouting "No!" with each button as I expose his hairy chest. I tickle my fingertips through it, tracing his pecs, and then his biceps, before pushing his sleeves down to his wrists.

Mike is an extremely attractive man. I can understand how easily he seduces women and knew why I was about to become his latest conquest.

I kiss down his chest. His skin is warm to my lips and slightly salty from his day of work. Amazingly he already tastes like sex. I continue to work my way across his sculpted abs until I'm kneeling before him. My hands undo his belt and trousers, and I grope his hard dick, guiding him to my mouth, kissing him. I swirl my tongue around his sensitive head and then engulf him eagerly. I bob my head as his hands find the base of my head, pulling me further onto his dick, forcing more of himself into my mouth and down my throat. He's in complete control. I smell my arousal as he fucks my face for his own pleasure.

I'm worshipping him now and I moan as he pulls me up to face him. My lips are sloppy and swollen; my breath is ragged.

"Lose the bra and panties like a good bitch," he sneers lustfully before commanding, "Get up onto the center of that bed on all fours. I'm going to fuck you now."

I've gone so far; I know that I'm left without a choice as I follow each order. I center myself on our bed—Kevin's and mine the mattress giving under Mike's weight as he lines up behind me. I'm so wet that my passage surrenders easily, even submissively to his urgent entry. He's inside me, pumping, grinding.

I feel so stretched, the nerve endings in the walls of my tunnel come alive with pleasure, sending shocks directly to the pleasure center of my brain. I clench around him, trying to hold him in place only to lose the battle as he relentlessly drives into me, withdraws, and drives in again. My back arches in reply, my lips open as a high-pitched gurgle escapes from my throat. Falling back to the mattress, I open my legs, I reach behind me, I grab his hips and I pull him deeper into me. I want him; I want to feel all of him deep inside of me, sparks of white flash across my closed eyelids. I scream as my womanhood pulses around him.

I'm not yet fully satisfied.

Mike picks up the pace, the headboard bangs against the wall. I normally love that sound because it's what I hear whenever Kevin is fucking his me, but today I don't. The banging I loved has become an evil noise that thumps the beat of my betrayal out loud.

I can't help it now. I start to respond.

"Ahhhhhh, yes-yes-yessss, fuck me!"

I know Kevin can hear me. I want him to hear me, but I don't want him to know I'm enjoying myself. But I still want him to hear me. I'm so conflicted. I'm on autopilot and no longer have control of my being. Mike controls me now.

My body tenses with that familiar feeling—the tightening of my stomach, the quivering of my insides, the tension. A squeal escapes my throat as my muscles shudder, my whole body is shaking. I feel the tingle in my spine, the jello wobble starts in my thighs and progresses to my pussy as it grabs Mike's cock and milks it, squeezing him, clenching him.

I lose all control and allow myself to enjoy the orgasm as it rocks my body, again and again.

I'm lost in my pleasure. I relish Mike's weight as he thrusts in and out of my sensitive pussy. His breathing is erratic, he loses his rhythm, slams into me. His nakedness slaps against my thick ass and the sound is hypnotic. I feel him tense; he groans as he releases his flood. I can feel his shaft pumping, quivering with each shot. The warmth of his seed brings me out of my trance. I've just been bred by a man who isn't my husband! I start to panic as Mike collapses on top of my back. He keeps himself buried inside of me as he whispers incoherently into my ear. Then I feel him pull out as he ends it as abruptly as it started.

It seems like it's been hours, but we've only been in the room for about forty minutes. As soon as Mike recovers from his orgasm, he finds his clothes and quickly dresses.

"Is that it?" I ask. I want this to end but at the same time I want more. Kevin always gives me more; I want Kevin now.

"Yeah, I got to fuck you. That's all I wanted. Now Kevin knows who the better man is now that I've fucked his wife."

"Don't you want more?" I sound just like a whore.

"Nope, I need to get out of here before Kevin decides to end me. He always told me he would kill me if I ever fucked you. I wouldn't put it past him to make good on that threat."

"He won't do anything; he knows why you're here. He brought this onto himself."

"Maybe so, but I'm not sticking around to find out. I'll send him a link to the file so he can see how big of a slut his wife is. That ought to cool him down!"

"Please don't. It's bad enough that he heard us."

"Fuck you, Denise. You agreed to it, and I want to fuck with his mind."

"You are a cruel bastard."

"Yep. Thanks for the pussy."

He grabs his stuff and leaves. The bedroom door stands open; I lay naked on the bed. Realization strikes me hard: I just fucked another guy! I know nothing is going to be the same again. I'm not sure if I'm even with Kevin or not. I'm not sure if the scales are balanced or not but I do know that everything is different.

I listen for a few minutes, wondering if Kevin will come in. He doesn't. Regret and shame replace the lust. I slip out of our bed and make my way to the shower. Part of me wants Kevin to come in and reclaim me; I want to feel him inside of me.

The warm water washes Mike's fluids away. I watch the swirling drain take them, then fill my scrubby with my favorite body wash. I want his scent gone and my shame as well. I'm still buzzed; it's hard for me to focus on what just took place.

I need to forgive Kevin now. I have my pound of flesh and now we need to put our family back on course. Would this be a good time to have another child? We've discussed that many times, it might just be what we need to make us whole again.

It's strange that Kevin hasn't checked on me.

I dress comfortably and strip the bed. I walk down the hall past the kids' rooms into the dining room. No Kevin. Into the den. No Kevin. I check his office. No Kevin. Panic starts to rise along with my anger.

I'm pissed because Kevin was supposed to stay, accept his punishment and witness his humiliation. I'm panicked because I fear that he may have left me. Maybe I went too far. I round back into the dining room, and there on the table I see it.

A single envelope with my name printed neatly on the face. Kevin's wedding ring is holding it in place. My heart drops. Oh My God, what have I done? Tears are already forming; I cautiously pry open the letter to see a single piece of paper.

My Dearest Denise,

I understand that I started the events that led to today. You claim you wanted to 'balance the scales' but you've done way more than that. You crushed them and me along with them. There is no hope for us now that you've been stained by that man.

You've obliterated my heart, my soul, my trust. I could have accepted your infidelity, I think, if you had sex with any guy other than Mike. It would have been a fitting balance for your accepting mine.

But you chose to 'balance the scales' with the one person that I could never accept.

He isn't my friend. He isn't your friend. He is a predator who has been looking for an excuse to do just what you allowed him to do, fuck up our lives.

Your actions are unforgivable.

I'll be at my mother's; I'll arrange to get what I need from the house next week. Then I'll see an attorney and start the divorce. If this is what you wanted all along, you just had to ask. You didn't need to destroy any future we might have had together.

You'll always be my true love, and you will never know how sorry I am that I put us in the position we're in now.

Love always,


The letter floats to the table followed by the large teardrops that stain the paper and smear the ink. It took me less than an hour to destroy the person I love the most. I slump into the chair; my head is throbbing. My chest heaves as I cry—no, sob—for my loss, and for my stupidity. A bolt of electricity surges through me, lurching me to my feet. I search out my purse, then my phone.



"Hello?" Kevin's voice is hollow, shattered, lost. I break into incoherent blubbering.

"K- Kev... Kevin?"


"Where are you?"

"I'm at Mom's. What do you need Denise?" His voice is flat. Not angry, just...indifferent.

"I'm so sorry Kevin, please come home."

"No can do. Not happening. How could you?" He seems to want to say more, but we both are racked with so much emotion. "Look, I need some time, just like you needed. We'll work out details next week, but I need you to leave me alone for now.

"Can you do that?" he doesn't wait for my reply. "I'll see you next week, okay?"

I don't know how long I sat there listening to the silence.


My mom is surprised to see me when she opens the door.

"She did it, Mom."

"Oh honey, are you sure?"

"Yes, I heard her." I drop my head as she takes me into her arms and shushes me, trying to soothe my battered soul. She lets me in, we discussed the possibilities of the future, what I should do and when. I soon tire, we weren't getting anywhere positive, I made my way down the hall and collapsed on her spare bed.