Banished Pt. 20


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"Heroes, huh? Do you mean people like us? Otherworlders?"

I glanced over my shoulder, and Aspasia hugged herself again, as she sunk to her neck in the water.

She nodded, and I turned, taking a little seat on the riverbank.

"So... how do your elders feel about heroes?" I asked, and she frowned.

"I don't know. I don't speak for the elders," she said, and I smiled.

"How do you feel about heroes?" I asked, and she thought about it for a while.

"I don't believe the legends," she answered.

"What kind of legends?"

"That heroes can slay kings at will; defeat armies with a swing of their swords," she explained, and I nodded.

Maybe those legends were exaggerations, but I was fairly certain that a single otherworlder could defeat an army, as long as no monsters or fellow otherworlders were amongst the enemies' ranks.

"What about monsters?" I asked. "Are there any legends of those?"

Aspasia nodded.

"When a monster descends upon Accalian lands, it is said that we must forsake those lands and wander again until we find a new land to claim for our own."

I rubbed my chin at this.

"Is that what's happening right now?" I asked, and Aspasia shook her head.

"The elders are not in agreement," she answered.

If their people were to be uprooted by the appearance of this monster, then that would certainly be a cause for serious concern.

Maybe we'd need to pay their lands a visit sooner rather than later, but in any case, maybe I could use my new 'apprentice' to gather information about her lands and people.

As Lucia approached from the fort, carrying a fresh pair of robes as well as a towel, I moved over to meet her.

"When she's dressed and settled, get her something to eat, okay?" I said, and Lucia nodded, though her expression seemed a little glum.

As I looked around the courtyard, however, I spotted Casey and Cameron over by the supply cart, and I quickly made my way over, as the two seemed to be engaged in a bit of a serious discussion.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything," I said.

"We were just discussing the matter of hunting Ethan," Cameron said, and Casey rubbed her forehead agitatedly.

"She wants to go after him alone," Casey said, and I eyed Cameron for confirmation.

"What? I'd rather go alone that go with her suggestion. She wants me to go out there with Nolan," Cameron spat, and I bit my lip.

"He volunteered; it's still up for debate, but-"

"But nothing," Cameron shot, cutting me off. "I'm not going out there with Nolan. Full stop."

"Then, maybe I can go with you... it's as much my mission as yours," I offered, but Casey screwed up her face at that.

"We need you here, Nate. You need to consider the group as well," Casey said, turning to Cameron, who raised her hands.

"I'm not even fucking fighting you on that," Cameron said. "Like I said, I'll do this on my own if I have to."

She turned, and stormed away, and Casey shot me a quick look as I turned and gave chase.

"You don't have to do this on your own, Cam," I said, and she pulled to a stop before turning on me.

"Then why the fuck did you tell Nolan you'd consider him?" Cameron spat, and I sighed.

"I was just trying to appease him. He has one foot out of the door as is, and we need his knowledge for setting up our new home," I said.

Cameron simmered down a little at that, before studying me, an almost pleading expression on her face.

"Promise me that you're on my side, Nate. Promise me you won't use your... whatever it is that you do, to make me do what you want me to do," she said, and I nodded.

"I'd never do anything to hurt you," I said. "I promised, remember?"

She nodded, sniffling a little, before moving into my arms, and I ran my hand through her hair soothingly as I kissed her forehead.

"Will you let him go through the initial training with you?" I asked, and Cameron frowned.

"I- I'm not speaking to him right now," she said. "He, uh... he told me that the baby was a mistake anyway, and that I should just forget about my son."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance, and Cameron smiled at me.

"I like it when you react like that... it makes me feel like if you might actually be mine," she said.

I thought about professing that I was, but I thought better of it, and Cameron shot me a knowing look.

"Maybe I'm not yours alone," I said. "But the idea of belonging to you makes me happy."

She smiled, and we kissed again.

"Maybe he'll get the message, during the training," I offered, and Cameron sighed.

"Fine... I'll do it. But you owe me," she said, before taking a look around. "Looks like everyone is getting ready to leave."

"Do you need to get anything?" I asked, and she shrugged.

"I'll go do a final sweep of my room," she said.

"Tell Bianca to come find me if you see her," I yelled, and she nodded as she turned and headed into the fort.

I decided to make my way over to Casey again.

"She really can't go out alone," Casey said, as soon as I came over, and I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"How about this. If she can beat Francesca in a fair fight, then we let her do it," I suggested, and Casey frowned.

"Depends on which Francesca we're talking about," Casey said, and I nodded.

"I think she'll be back to her old self eventually," I assured her, and she sighed.

"Well, if not, then Cameron's not leaving until she takes Raul on in his full set," she said, and I bit my lip.

"That's a tough ask. She might not wait for permission if that's what we decide," I said, and Casey sighed.

"Just... make sure that she actually proves that she can handle herself, okay? I mean, you don't want her to go out there and just die, do you?"

I shook my head.

"No. That's why I want to go with her," I said, and Casey frowned.

"How about we just... take it at the training first, then we'll see how it goes?" Casey suggested, and I nodded in agreement.

"I can live with that for now."

Casey moved off to discuss something with Alva, but as the group seemed to be gathering up near the supply cart, I took the opportunity to look around.

There was Evie and Molly who seemed to be in their own little world, chatting happily; though Evie did catch my look, and she returned it with a little smile.

There was Jordan and Leanna who seemed to be talking as well, but as Jordan caught my gaze, he glanced over instinctively at Blair, and I bit my lip a little, as I wondered if Blair's influence on Leanna would really be a problem...

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to make sure that Jordan's assignments allowed him the chance to keep Leanna around whenever possible.

My eyes then moved to Jeannie, who was standing around with the Kobalt hunters, talking not only to her special interest, but the others as well.

Then there was Francesca was standing off from the main group, looking wistfully into the forest across the bridge, and for a moment, I wondered if she was reliving that initial encounter with Leona again.

But another pair of eyes were on her; Iduma's, and I smiled to myself as I noted the look of worry that was plastered on his face.

Maybe this monster hunting mission might be just the thing she needs, I thought.

Casey and Alva seemed to be going over a few things, and I noted with interest that Raul actually seemed to be paying attention, his gaze flickering ever so often to Alva, as he tried to follow the conversation.

It would be nice to see him get more involved in things, wouldn't it?

Cameron emerged from the fort as we waited, and not long after, Nolan emerged, a slightly uncomfortable looking expression on his face, and he moved off to his own corner as Cameron came eagerly to join me.

"Ready to leave?" I asked, and she nodded.

"I spent a few nights too many in this place," she said, stretching achingly as she did, and Casey came over to join us.

"Where's Bianca and the kid?" Casey asked, and Cameron sighed.

"I literally just told them we were leaving," she complained, and I chuckled.

"Let me try something," I said, as I summoned up the image of Bianca in my head, then sent a sharp pain through her big toe, and sure enough, the girl came charging out of the fort less than a minute later.

"Heey~, you don't have to do that every time you need me," she complained, putting her hands on her hips.

"Well, we're ready to leave, and everyone was waiting on you," I chastised her. "Now go get Lucia and Aspasia."

"Oh, oh! Aspasia! Nate; can we keep her? Pleaseeee~," she whined.

"Keep her? Fucking hell, Bianca, did you pet her?"

She was hopping from one foot to the next nervously, and I let out a sigh.

"Just go get them, will ya?" I said, but as she tore off, I shouted after her, "and make sure they aren't leaving anything behind!"

"Okay~," she sang.

Cameron shot me a little glance, as I shook my head.

"You know, this group of ours... it kinda feels like a family sometimes," Cameron said, and as I turned to study her, everyone began to gather around.

"What is this, the sober version of our bonfire speech?" Molly asked, and Cameron shrugged.

"I'm not trying to speak for everyone; but the life I left behind on earth was miserable, exhausting, and just outright depressing," Cameron said. "This world we came to might be unforgiving, but at least it's not as deceptive as the one we left behind. What you see is what you get, and the people I see around me... I guess, I- I'm glad to have met you. All of you," she said, stressing the words, as she looked around.

"The fact that you all came together and came for me, makes me singularly happier than anything except... except for being able to hold my son," she said, her voice cracking a little, but as I moved to her side and took her hand, she shook her head, strengthening her resolve. "To have been able to raise him, with you. Amongst you. And amongst the people who have helped us survive for as long as we did," she said, nodding at Alva, who returned the gesture in kind, "it would have been a dream, almost."

"We'll get him back," I said, perhaps meaning it this time more than I ever had.

Molly, Evie, and Jordan came forward, offering Cameron their own heartfelt sympathies, when Bianca came bounding out of the fort, Aspasia and Lucia following closely behind, but the suddenly somber mood of the gathering quickly stopped her in her tracks.

"D-Did I miss something?" Bianca asked, and I shook my head in response.

"We're just having a moment," I said, gesturing her over, and giving her a little pat on the head.

"Did you seriously pick up another stray?" Cameron asked, as she caught sight of Aspasia, and I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"Not intentionally, but maybe," I answered, and she smirked a little, before turning her attention to Bianca.

"Now you... I've heard you're pretty much an elite fighter now," Cameron said, and Bianca grinned.

"You bet'cha! I'm an arbiter, too!" Bianca declared proudly, and Cameron smiled, eyeing me.

"Fancy training me for combat?" Cameron asked.

"We were actually thinking to let you start out with Blair," Casey said, stepping in, and Blair moved closer at the mention of her name.

"Training, huh?" Blair asked, looking Cameron up and down. "What's in it for me?"

"You need the practice too, doofus," I said, poking at her ribs as I stepped beside her, and she grinned at me.

"Guess I do, huh? What about the new pup?" she asked, and I shook my head.

"I'll handle her myself," I said.

I pulled Aspasia aside at that, and she shot me a slightly panicked look.

"AthĂĄnatos," she began, but I waved away the formality.

"Did you say goodbye to your brother?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"It is not the Accalian way," she replied, and I tilted my head at that.

"Okay, then. Well, we'll be heading to our grove in Grenze shortly," I said, and the girl bowed.

At first, she seemed about to move closer to Lucia, but she hesitated for a bit, before deciding instead to just stick to my shadow instead.

"Is there anything else we need to do?" I asked Casey, and the girl nodded.

"The Accalians are bringing the volunteers up from the dungeon, and moving the hunters to the fort as well," she said, nodding in the direction of the dungeon pathway just as a group of otherworlders began to appear from beyond the northeastern wall of the fort.

Casey moved over to inspect the group, motioning for me to join her.

"Double check their pledges to make sure we didn't miss anything, will ya?" she asked, and I nodded, but while she processed the 'newbies', Daisy made her way over to me.

"Are some of them really leaving with you?" she asked, gesturing to the others, and I nodded.

"Yep. They all agreed to join on," I said, and she frowned.

"Is that invitation open to us 'unmentionables'?" she asked, and I snickered a little at the jibe.

"Sure, but it's a one-way trip. If we take you in, you're one of us until we put you in the ground," I said.

"How is that any different from what Ethan did to us?" she spat, and I shrugged.

"I need to protect my people. Besides, we're offering them a life of peace, comfort, and eventually, satisfaction. You don't have to be a part of it if you don't want to, but I'm not gonna let anyone jeopardize that in anyway."

Daisy pursed her lips a little, before turning to look over her shoulder at her comrades.

"Fine; I want in," she said, and I laughed.

"If you're planning to come along just to get info that you can use against us later on, just know that others have tried this before and they're already in the ground," I warned.

Daisy swallowed uncomfortably, before nodding.

"I want in," she reiterated, and I waved Casey over at that.

I relayed the request to her, and she massaged her temples agitatedly.

"I don't like it," she said, "but I guess we need to be consistent with our recruitment policy."

"Agreed," I said. "But unlike past unpredictable elements, we do have a pledge on her to work with," I added, and Casey nodded in agreement.

After making sure everything was in order, we made the final preparations for departure, and gave the group a final look over.

They were a ragged looking bunch, but maybe we were no different when we first got here?

I shifted my gaze to our group, and as I looked them over, it brought a smile to my face.

We were strangers just over three weeks ago, coming together under the strangest of circumstances to face the kind of challenges most people never have to worry about, and in that time, I'd gotten to know them all much, much better.

I'd gained lovers, friends, and even... a daughter.

And who knows?

Maybe even a kingdom to call my own.

"Well, that's a curious smile. What're you thinking?" Cameron asked, as she slipped to my side, and I rubbed the back of my head as she linked her arm in mine.

"Just... thinking about the future," I said. "I want to create a home for our son... and maybe, a few more children of ours."

Cameron smiled as she rested her head against my shoulder.

"Ours, huh?" she asked, looking up at me, and I smiled.

"Or, you know... whoever you want to have children with," I teased, and she disengaged from me, folding her hands and shooting me a pouty look.

I chuckled at the response, before pulling her back in.

"Ours," I reaffirmed, and she smiled as I leaned in for a kiss.

"I like how that sounds," she said, as she intertwined my hand with hers.

It was such a strange thing; a mere three weeks ago, we were awkwardly trying to navigate our first intimate encounter at my princess' behest; now we were planning our future, and the future of the lands I might one day rule as king.

So many things had happened in that time to our group.

From executions to battles with monsters, and battles with others like ourselves.

We'd been through a lot, learned a lot, and there was still so much left to learn.

But as I looked over to the lands that we would soon settle, with Cameron's hand in my own; I felt a strange kind of hopefulness.

I had no idea what the future held.

After all, everything could just come crashing down in an instant.

But something told me that this was just the beginning.

As if our little story had perhaps, only just begun.

"Well then. Let's go home," I said, and Cameron smiled, and gave a little nod.

"Home it is," she replied, as we turned and headed out.


A/N: Well then, this marks the end of the first arc. I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who's made it this far. When I first started this story last year, I had no idea it would turn into this epic. But here we are, 460k words in and going strong, and I have every one of my readers to thank for spurring me along on this quest. The second arc is already on the way, so hopefully I'll have another productive year of writing ahead.

Take care, everyone. And again, thank you for reading!


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Bravo maestro! Hope above all that your health improves, and would love more of your writing too, in that order! All the best!

bear1999bear19993 months ago

Thank You for such an immersive story, like other readers I hold you in high regard. Sure i'm looking forward to more but I'd rather learn that your health has improved. Thanks again and peace be with you. 5/5

James_DuncanJames_Duncan3 months ago

Well here's hoping that the second part does come along, although I know from personal experience that life does sometimes get in the way..

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A shame really that this story will in all likely hood will never get continued. But at least there is what there is of it, and it was at least brought to partial completion.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Yeah, pretty sure that this dude is dead. Nothing, not even Patreon posts in over a year. Hopefully his people can get a refund. It's a real shame because this, and his Banished series especially, had some great ideas, immersive world building, and hot scenes. But he's done and no one is really around to pick up the pieces to continue the stories.

WilliamReadyWilliamReadyabout 1 year ago

Loved the story. Sorry to see on your Patreon that poor health has prevented any further work. I do hope that you will recover and be able to write more.

Jackspeed2uJackspeed2uabout 1 year ago

Nope no more story. Whenever a writer says “ I’m writing the next part of the next chapter or the next whatever” well you know you’re fucked. If it was being written then it would be there to read rather than platitudes. So this story is 3 years dead so it’s done.

In saying all that these are free stories so we have no claims on the writers.

AardieAardieabout 1 year ago

Two years later, I'm still hoping there will be more.

ASomniumInanisASomniumInanisover 1 year ago

Loved the story. I usually hate reading on my phone, but I finished the whole series in less than a week.

You are gifted and I hope to read more of you soon.

NovaMNovaMover 1 year ago

This action-game-story is of to an excellent start. I love it. I have just one request.

More, please đŸ˜đŸ„°đŸ™‚đŸ€“

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