Banking Privately


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Even as Elizabeth thought this she could feel herself becoming aroused.Her panties were starting to soak through to her nylons. Mr. Grant's Draconian methods along with the underlying sexual tension tapped into Elizabeth's secret desire to be controlled. Her heartbeat quickened at the thought of what the unknown punishment for demerits was.

The thought of the forced exhibitionism along with the desire to submit to a strong willed master suddenly clicked with the actions of Beverly. She had bent at the waist, pointing her round tight ass at Mr. Grant. Each time a silent plea: Spank me!

In a sudden decision of defiance toward her upbringing, Elizabeth was the first to gather her dress and then expose her black, boy short panties layered under her sheer to the waist pantyhose. Somewhere inside a new persona had taken over Elizabeth, the meek and modest Catholic girl was gone. She knew her pussy was slick with moisture as she resolved to submit to anything Mr. Grant asked of her.

The other women slowly followed Elizabeth's example. She didn't know if they too had done so for the same reasons, Number Two now held the hem of her already short dress above her waist. Her stocking tops slouched without support from garters and the nylon bunched in odd areas around her legs.

Number One had some trouble getting her tight pencil skirt up and decided to stop trying. Reaching behind her she unzipped her skirt and let it fall around her legs pooling around her feet. She proudly displayed her matching blue suspender belt holding her stockings in place. Her silky white panties gleamed in the light. high above their waistline.

Number Four, however, had given up. Stepping off the bench with some trouble, she kicked off the shoes given her. Quickly she slipped her own back on.

"Monster!" She sneered at Mr. Grant, who took her insult with a passive face. "Those bastards down stairs all but raped me, and now you're going to have me strip in front of you. You don't want an office girl you want a whore!" She stormed off to the door.

He ogled number four as she flung open the door. Number Four threw a disgusted look over her shoulder then slammed the door behind her as she left. Mr. Grant then walked around behind his desk and pressed a button on his phone.

"Security." A bored male voice answered.

"One of the interviewees has left my office." Mr. Grant said. "I believe she took something from my desk. Intercept her and have her thoroughly searched."

"With pleasure, Sir." Said the voice.

Elizabeth gulped. If Mr. Grant didn't consider the guard's initial inspection, she wondered what they were going to do to Number Four. Mr. Grant gave one last glance at the door, and Elizabeth felt he might be jealous of his guards. Then he was back around his desk and inspecting her legs up close.

Mr. Grant walked around behind Elizabeth and she could feel his breath on her thigh. "Your panties are not to code, Number Three." From his voice, Elizabeth could tell his face was very near her nylon sheer ass. "Pantyhose are out of code as well. Two demerits."

Elizabeth gasped softly has Mr. Grant's hand formed over her right ass cheek. He gripped firmly then slid his hands down over her butt and along her leg until he was gripping her ankle, then slowly he moved his hand back up to her ass. The soft rasping made as he fondled her was loud in the quiet room and Elizabeth was sure the other women knew what he was doing to her.

This was not the forceful gripping of the man down stairs. Mr. Grant's hand was deft and skillful as it slid over her silky leg. At times his touch was so light she wasn't sure it was there at all. He applied pressure at different points and she felt as if she was being inspected by a judge in a competition. He pinched the nylon at the back of her knee and pulled it, allowing it to snap back against her leg.

The moisture continued to build in Elizabeth's soft mound.

"The Dress Code requires that you wear full brief panties of either satin or sheer nylon construction." Mr. Grant intoned as if lecturing a class. "Fully Fashioned stockings of either a Cuban, French, or Manhattan heel is also required. Stockings are to be held in place by a six strap garter belt worn under the panties."

Mr. Grant stopped fondling Elizabeth and then walked around the bench so he could face her. "Pantyhose usually incur two demerits if worn on the wrong day. However you are wearing a very high quality pair and for that I reduce that to 1 demerits. Your panties however bring your total back up to two. Will you submit to punishment now?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, sir." Elizabeth answered clearly and precisely.

"Excellent." Mr. Grant said, and Elizabeth noticed that his trousers had a large bulge that was growing down the left side of the inseam. She knew that bulge was because of her legs and the thought stirred Elizabeth even more. She felt the wetness soaking her panties. Mr. Grant walked around behind his desk and fetched a four legged stool with a leather cushion. He brought the stool out near the bench and set it on the floor. He seated himself on it and looked up at Elizabeth.

"Step down." he commanded, and pointed at a spot on the floor to his right. Elizabeth stepped down and walked over to the point indicated, keenly aware that the other two women were watching her intently, curious as to what he was going to do.

When Elizabeth was in rich, Mr. Grant snagged her wrist and pulled her across his lap. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her thigh as she teetered on his lap. To keep balance she put her hands on the floor and pulled her legs up, crossing them at the ankles.

Mr. Grant pulled her dress up and over her ass and he rubbed her cheeks roughly, preparing them for what was to come next. With his other hand, Mr. Grant took a fist full of Elizabeth's hair, pulling it so hard he almost lifted her off his lap.

"Are you supposed to wear pantyhose in my bank on a Tuesday!" He barked.

"No." she said wincing.

His hand came down on her ass with more force than Elizabeth expected and the clapping sound echoed in the small room.

"No, what?" he asked.

"No, I will not wear panty-" He cut her off with another slap on her ass. The pain was sharp and Elizabeth squeaked.

"No, what?!" He demanded.

"No, Sir!" Elizabeth said.

"Are you supposed to wear faddish panties, unfitting a lady?" He asked.

"No, Sir!" Elizabeth said.

Again his hand came down slapping the exact same place as the previous two. Elizabeth's ass was stinging and she was shocked at his strength. He let go of her hair and smoothed her dress back over her ass, now red with the evidence of his spanking.

"Very good, Elizabeth. Please take your seat." Elizabeth knew Mr. Grant was too precise a man to call her by her name without purpose. Did this mean she had been selected? Or just that she had made it past some unknown checkpoint. She sat on the soft leather chair, but even its generous cushion kept it from being uncomfortable.

There was no more secret as to what a minor punishment was, and Number Two had decided that she wasn't going to stick around to find out what a full punishment entailed. She was off the bench, sitting in the chair and pulling the stocking off her leg.

"Leaving us, Number Two?" Mr. Grant said with a wry smile on his face. "I shall alert the guards." As he stood Number Two froze. Every woman in that room had been subjected to those guards on the way in. Each one wondered what was happening to Number Four right now.

Mr. Grant pressed a button on his desk. "Security." A male voice said. In the background the audible cries of a woman could be heard. They were rhythmic in nature and they sounded muffled. Elizabeth felt it sounded like a hard core porno. She could even hear the rhythmic grunting of a man that matched the moans of the woman.

"Number Two has also decided to terminate her interview." Mr. Grant said, ignoring the sounds of rape coming from his desk speaker. "See to it that she is-"

"Wait!" Number two shrieked. "I changed my mind!" She quickly started to pull the stocking back over her leg.

"Belay that." Mr. Grant said then keyed off his phone. He looked at Number two who was trying pull her stockings up tight. "Number Two, you had Two demerits before you got off the bench without permission. Then you spoke out of turn." He looked sharply at her legs. "You've also put a run in your stocking. This brings you to five demerits."

Number Two looked at him like a small animal caught in a spot light. "You are no longer eligible for minor punishment." Number Two started to visibly shake. Tears welled up in her blue eyes causing her mascara to run.

"What are you going to do to me?" She whimpered.

"Six." Mr. Grant said quietly. He pressed a button on his desk. "Ms. Standish." he said. Again, Beverly was in the room before he was done speaking her name. She walked over to Number Two and took her by the hands, pulling her to her feet. Number Two hadn't put shoes back on and she followed Beverly over to the other side of the room, stocking feet quietly shuffling along. When they reached the far wall Beverly flipped a switch and a section of the wall tipped into the room.

Attached to the panel that opened from the wall was a thick post with a black leather padded cross bar at the top. The panel touched the floor and Beverly stepped on it. When Beverly put her weight on the panel, Elizabeth heard a loud metal click and the whole rig seemed secure.

Attached to the base of the shaft were four straps and Beverly positioned Number Two next to the cross bar, bent her over then started to bind her wrists into the straps. "What is he going to do?" Number Two whispered but Beverly shushed her. Next Beverly strapped Number Two's ankles to the base.

Fully strapped in, Number Two was in an awkward squatting position. Her wrists were bound level with her ankles and this caused her ass to stick out, exposed as the hem of her short dress was pulled upwards.

Elizabeth gasped when she looked to see what Mr. Grant was doing while Number Two was being strapped into position. His pants were unzipped and his cock, long and thick with veins, was jutting outward. It looked to be at least eight inches and it was as hard as a steel rod. In his hand Mr. Grant carried a riding crop.

Number One was still standing on the bench and Elizabeth was pleased to see that the smug look on her face was gone, replaced with a furrowed brow and a nervous stare.

"That crop hurts like the dickens." Beverly said in a quiet voice. "It will leave a welt for a few weeks. Some of the girls have permanent marks." Number Two started to struggle to get free. "You owe him six strikes-"

"Seven!" Mr. Grant corrected sternly.

"Richard!" Beverly said with reproach.

"One Demerit." He said calmly.

"You owe him seven strikes, but you don't have to suffer all seven." Number Two looked up at Beverly, hope on her face. "He's going to jam his cock into that pretty mouth of yours. If you make him cum he'll stop wiping your ass." Beverly looked down at Number Two. "Good Luck." She said and then walked out of the room.

Mr. Grant walked over to Number one, his shaft throbbing with blood. He stood in front of her and she tried to look anywhere but at his cock. Gently Mr. Grant put his hand on Number One's knee, squeezing it softly.

He leaned in closely to inspect the top of her stockings. Their large welts had a white lined top that contrasted well with the dark navy of the stocking. Number One's pale thigh twitched as Mr grant stood so close his nose almost touched her.

Elizabeth crossed her legs again, squeezing them tightly together. She was torn between feeling envious of Number One as Mr. Grant pawed at her legs, or relieved that she wasn't strapped down about to be face fucked and whipped at the same time.

"Very fine stockings, Number One. I am pleased to see you wearing the proper style, however they are the wrong color for your uniform. One Demerit."

Gently, with one hand, Mr. Grant freed Number One's right stocking of one of its garters. Then he released the other. Slowly he peeled the stocking down her leg. When the stocking was pooled around her ankle he lightly tapped the back of her heel with his riding crop.

Shifting her weight Number one extended her foot. Mr. Grant slipped the shoe off her foot. He angled his hips and his shaft slid over the top of her nylon foot. His hand let go of the stocking and reached up to slid his fingers along the back of her naked calf.

Number One extended her silken toes, the blue reinforced area of the stocking still veiling her red toenails, and she slipped them along the the underside of his shaft, causing Mr. Grant to gasp slightly. "I retract the demerit, Number One."

With her foot still under his shaft, Mr. Grant stepped forward and kissed her silken panties, pressing his mouth over the soft mound of her vagina. His hand slid up to her thigh and he gripped the back of it fiercely while her foot teased his cock and his lips mouthed her pussy.

Elizabeth was impressed that Number One maintained her balance. She found her own fingers sliding down to her inner thigh, reaching all the way to rub her own clitoris through her panties and hose. She stopped herself short of speaking out. She wanted his attention, even if it was to incur a demerit!

Mr. Grant stepped away from the teasing toes and with a flick of his wrist, he snapped her stocking off her foot. Number One slowly slid her bare foot back into her empty shoe. Mr. Grant brought the stocking up to his nostrils, and closing his eyes sniffed it deeply. Then with a flourish, slipped the stocking over his shaft. With a few tugs, the round head of his cock was stretching the stocking as his hand pulled it taut.

"Take your seat, Lori." Mr. Grant said quietly. The blond got down and sat, clearly tired from standing still for so long. Elizabeth and Lori watched as Mr. Grant walked slowly over to Number Two, his hand gently stroking his cock as he rubbed the blue stocking over his shaft.

"Lori," Mr. Grant said looking at Number Two, "you have done very well today and I am most pleased. Go see Ms. Standish. She will take your measurements and have you supplied with a uniform. You will start tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir." Lori said, barely able to keep the joy out of her voice. She stood and her heels clicked in muted fashion on the carpet as she strode out of the room.

"I should have taken my chances with the guards!" Number two spat as Lori closed the door behind her.

"Eight." Mr. Grant said, "Take heart Number Two, there is still one position left. You may still earn it.

"Let her have it!" She shrieked, looking at Elizabeth. "I'm done."

"Not until after you submit to punishment." Mr. Grant said with a chuckle. He paused for effect. "Nine."

He was now close enough to strike. From where Elizabeth sat she could see the back of Mr. Grant. Sticking out on his right was Number Two's ass. Sticking out on his left was her face, which now turned to plead to Elizabeth.

"Please!" She said in a whimper. "Stop him."

"Ten!" Mr. Grant snapped and he brought the crop down with a violent swing. The whoosh sounded like that of a pro golfer's swing and when the small strap of leather connected with her bare ass the sound was a tiny thunderclap. Elizabeth's own ass twitched at that sound. Number Two's mouth gaped open in a silent scream, the pain clearly more than she was remotely prepared for.

"You've come this far, Number Two. Are you going to throw it all way because you're afraid of a little pain?"

Mr. Grant walked around so that his cock was even with Number Two's face. She looked up at him, tears rolling down her face. "Don't you want the job?" He said almost sweetly. "Where are you going to go? Did I mention that if you don't get hired here, no one else in this city will hire you?"

He presented the tip of his shaft to her lips and she looked down at his cock, sheathed in the blue stocking. "If you're not good enough for Boaz & Lorentz, you're not good enough for anyone. This is your last chance Cynthia."

Cynthia looked up at him sharply and he pressed the tip of his cock against her lips. Keeping her large blue eyes on his face, she eagerly accepted his shaft into her mouth. Holding nothing back Cynthia started to suck his cock through the stocking, desperate to appease him before another strike landed on her ass.

Mr. Grant watched as her head bobbed over his cock and he stepped closer, forcing more of it into her mouth. Cynthia's eyes bulged and she faltered a moment while she fought her own gag reflex. With another whoosh the riding crop came down with brutal authority. His cock muffled her scream but she regained composure quickly, doubling her efforts to suck him off.

Elizabeth was rubbing her pussy in quick rapid motions, her other hand had slipped into her bra and she was pinching her nipple. She almost stood so she could get his attention on her.

Mr. Grant had dropped the riding crop and had Cynthia by her hair. He started to breath deeply as Cynthia worked her lips over his cock, soaking the stocking with her saliva.

Cynthia started to make greedy sucking noises as she increased her effort. Elizabeth started to exhale in quick sharp breaths as her own orgasm grew within her. Mr. Grant snapped his attention to Elizabeth, his hawk stare burning into her.

Elizabeth couldn't help herself, she quickened the pace on her own clit and soon she was gasping loudly, quickly, her climax almost upon her.

"Three demerits!" Mr. Grant said pointing a finger at her. Cynthia was bobbing quickly over his shaft her red lips leaving lipstick on the blue nylon. Elizabeth felt a sudden warmth explode from within until every extremity tingled and she let out the scream of her orgasm.

Suddenly Mr. Grant thrust his head back and drew in a sharp breath. Looking up, he blindly groped for Cynthia's hair and when his fingers found it they clamped down tightly, forcing Cynthia's mouth over him until her nose pressed against his dark curly pubic hair.

Elizabeth could see his ball sack convulse against Cynthia's chin as he shot his load into the stocking. Elizabeth slid off the chair and on to her knees. She lay back on her own feet and her back arched thrusting her breasts upward as she screamed in ecstasy of her orgasm as Mr. Grant growled out his.

After a few moments they both fell silent. Elisabeth lay flat her chest heaving with sharp breaths as she tried to calm down. Mr. Grant withdrew his cock, also breathing heavily. His shaft was free of the stocking that now lay in front of Cynthia. It was soaked with cum and saliva and Number Two added a bit more to it by spitting out what was left in her mouth.

"Very good, Cynthia." Mr. Grant said, slightly out of breath but his composure regained. With an almost sleight of hand movement he tucked his semi hard cock back into his pants then he turned to face Number One. "Elizabeth, you've managed to earn two more demerits for that display. I will extract punishment from you tomorrow."

He walked over to the desk and pressed the button again. "Ms. Standish, have Elizabeth and Cynthia fitted for their uniforms. And remind Security that they are off limits to any 'special' attentions." He turned away from his desk as Beverly came into the room with a tape measure. He looked over Lori and Elizabeth one more time.

"I'll see you ladies at seven, sharp. Remember I can only accept one of you. I expect you both to do your best tomorrow." He smiled and strode out of the room.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Part 2 Needed

Very good read....Erotic & sexy. You should not leave your audience hanging like this. A 2nd chapter needs to be written on what happens the next day !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Read this story a few years ago and returned hoping for a sequel. I rate this story in my top ten of the thousands I have perused. I implore you to consider a sequel.

SexigeOpeSexigeOpealmost 12 years ago
Not really my cup of tea...

... but I loved it anyway.

Looking forward to read the continuation.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Anxiously awaiting the next installment of this story and ANYTHING else you write with the stockings/BDSM combination. There's not enough of that around, especially with your quallity of writing. You engage the reader to want to know more and I personally wished I was one of the characters! Summary... MORE!!! WHEN AND HOW SOON???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Please give more of this story.

I am anxious to read more of this story. What will happen on day 2???

HosieryExpertHosieryExpertalmost 12 years ago
Love the Nylons

More of that please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This story was one of my favorites so far! I hope there are more chapters coming!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

This isn't BDSM, this is non-con. If you're going to subject characters to rape and blackmail, categorize it properly, because it damages your story when you're substituting enslavement for submission.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Please continue indeed. Your stories are a breath of erotic air missing from many writings.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very nice indeed!

I did enjoy this well-written and very hot and steamy story. You seem to offer further chapters with the last sentence; I do hope they will be forthcoming!

An excellent piece of work, well worthy of the five stars I have given it. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Well done indeed in all areas and strong, strong contender for story if not novella of the year. Elizabeth's disinclination to tread upon the B&L logo and the final security search of Number Four are just two of the many elements that set this story apart from the usual BDSM tale. Guessing that Elizabeth is awarded the position but your character development of Number Two has me pulling for Cynthia somehow earning

a job as well. And I do mean earning it. Awaiting the next installment, I am thinking most readers will be as breathless and fretful as the ladies contending for the privilege of serving B&L.

BushClericBushClericalmost 12 years ago
OH Wow!

I would like to submit an application to be a guard!

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