Baring All for Sorority Initiation


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As Bethany and I hurriedly walked away, leaving him to compose himself and pull up his shorts, we laughed together and Bethany said, "God, that was so hot. You really went for it, no hesitation. Plus, it was so hot the way you squatted in front of him. The whole time your were rocking back and forth, I could see right between your legs. I know you must be so wet right now. I know I am."

I responded that I too was very wet and very hot. I had given guys blowjobs before, but never a stranger, never in public, never in front of another woman and never while wearing a miniskirt and no panties.

We hustled out to the truck, hopped in and cruised out of the parking lot. "Well, that was all I had planned for today," Bethany said. It was only 2 p.m. I didn't feel like spending the day lingering around my boring hotel room. It was so beautiful out. "Let's do something else," I said. "I don't want to sit around and watch TV."

"Yeah, me neither," Bethany agreed. "I know what we can do. Up Bluewall Canyon there is a spot that is unofficially considered a nude swimming hole and sunbathing spot. We could go check it out, take a dip and catch a few rays."

I told her that sounded good and off we went.

The spot she referred to was about 20 minutes outside of town, 10 miles up Bluewall Canyon via a curvy road that wound its way up the canyon. After seemingly endless twists and turns, we pulled over onto a gravel turn-out and parked behind three other cars. With a blanket Bethany pulled out of the back of the SUV, we strolled across the highway, admiring the sheer walls of the canyon around us, and made our way over a small ridge.

As we neared the top of the ridge, I could hear the water of Blue Creek rushing by below. Once we crested the ridge, we got a great view of the creek. A broad, relatively shallow pool invitingly spread out before us. We picked our way down to the water's edge via a couple of social trails. The creek was lined with large boulders and flat rocks. From atop the first large rock we came to, I could see five people laying in the sun in various states of undress. There were two other women and three men. One of the women was totally nude, the other was wearing just a bathing suit bottom. All three of the men were naked. One of them was sitting up gazing in the direction of the other women and occasionally glancing our way.

Bethany called me over to the water's edge. Together, we slipped off our sandals and waded knee-deep into the cold mountain water. "So what do you think," Bethany asked. "Looks okay," I replied. "That's what I thought too," she said as she pulled her t-shirt off over her head, baring her enviable pair of breasts, and tossed the shirt on a rock. I followed her lead and stripped off my shirt.

Bare-chested, we went back to shore, found a large flat rock, spread the blanket and prepared to catch some rays. I slid off my miniskirt and Bethany dropped her shorts and kicked them off. We both laid down on the rock, closed our eyes and basked in the hot afternoon air. A light breeze blew across our nude bodies, providing some relief from the heat.

We were there for about 15 minutes when a young couple appeared on a rock about 10 feet away. They were chatting casually and scouting for a good place to lay down. They smiled and waved our direction, but didn't pay us much mind. The found a good rock a little below us, nearer the stream, easily within our sight line. Both of them quickly stripped off their clothes, briefly romped in the cold water and returned to their rock to lay in the sun. I watched them the whole time out of the corner of my eye. They looked to be in their mid-20s. They both had attractive bodies. The woman was short and lean and the guy was average height with an average build. One thing surprising about him, however, was he didn't appear to have any pubic hair. As a result, his balls and cock were fully on display. I pointed this out to Bethany and she too became intensely intrigued. She professed to have never seen anything like it, but claimed to like the look. I readily agreed.

I continued to steal glances at the couple every now and then. About half an hour after they got there, following much giggling and carrying on, they got quiet. I looked over and saw the woman fondling the guy's hairless dick. He was hard and had his eyes closed. I nudged Bethany. She raised up on one elbow to watch the couple over my naked body. The woman continued to pump the guy for a few minutes. Then, without even looking around, she climbed up between his legs and began sucking him off. Bethany and I were mesmerized by her brazen cock sucking (yeah, yeah, after the library I should talk).

She bobbed rapidly up and down on his dick, pausing to take him slowly, deeply into her mouth. She then turned around and straddled his face 69-style, putting her pussy right over his mouth and resuming her blowjob. We couldn't see what he was doing because his face was obscured by her thigh, but judging from the movement of his head, we was eagerly eating her out. After a few minutes of this, I was once again very, very turned on and very, very wet. "This is quite a show," I whispered to Bethany. "Yes, it is," she said. "It's turning me on. And judging from the moisture you have down there, I'd say you are turned on too," she added pointing between my legs.

We kept our eyes on the couple as they continued their oral activities. I was getting so turned on, I started squirming, rubbing my thighs together in hopes of easing some of the sensations I was feeling between my legs. "Sit still," Bethany said with a laugh. After another minute, I felt Bethany's hand on my stomach. I jumped inside as every sensory mechanism went on high alert. Since I didn't outwardly flinch, I guess, she quickly slid her hand down to my wet pussy. "Boy, you are wet," she said as her fingers covered my pussy lips. I didn't say a word and her hand soon left my crotch.

Meanwhile, the woman had gotten off the guy and turned around and straddled him again, slipping his hard cock inside her. Sitting on him, she looked over at us and smiled and gave us a little wave. "Man, she has got guts," I said. Bethany agreed. The woman then started raising and lowering herself, sliding the guy's cock in and out of her. I then again felt Bethany's hand on me. She immediately went to my pussy and wasted no time before finding my clit and flicking her index finger rapidly back and forth across it. What she was doing felt so good, and I so needed to let go. I decided to just let it happen, especially because I knew it wouldn't take long. "Does that feel okay," Bethany asked, a hint of anxiety in her voice. "Yessss, it feels really good," I replied under my breath. I came just seconds after I responded to her. Right as the first spasm of my orgasm rolled over me, Bethany slowed her movements over my clit. By the second spasm, she stopped playing with my clit and cupped my pussy with her hand, lightly running her fingers over my slippery and shaved pussy lips.

"I hope you don't mind I did that," she said. "I should have asked first, but I could tell how turned on you were. What can I say, the moment just got the best of me." She removed her hand from between my legs and placed it over her own pussy. "My turn," she said as she started working her own clit.

I sat up on one elbow and watcher her play with herself. Perhaps I too got caught up in the moment as I reached over and placed my hand on top of hers. She stopped rubbing her clit and slid her hand out from underneath mine, leaving my hand on her bare pussy. I lifted my hand a bit and looked at her down there. I could see her clit slightly protruding from between her lips. Seeing my target, I returned my hand to her and began sliding my index finger rapidly across her clit, just as she had only moments ago done to me.

"Ohh, that's perfect," Bethany cooed. "What is that couple doing now?" I looked over my shoulder and reported that they had finished fucking and were now sitting up watching us, looking straight at my bare ass, I added. She didn't say anything else, instead communicating by making a few more coos and grunts and raising her hips off the ground as she neared orgasm. As I kept at it, I looked at her face. Her eyes were tightly closed, her mouth pursed. She again raised her hips off the ground, let out a rather loud, ohhh, and put her hand on my hand, stopping my handjob. She held my hand on her pussy while her orgasm wound down. Still holding my hand, she said, "Oh my God that felt amazing. You have an excellent touch."

I pulled my hand away from her, feeling a bit apprehensive about what just happened. I glanced back at the couple and got an embarrassing thumbs up from both of them.

I laid back down next to Bethany and focused on the warm sun beating down on my naked body. We spent about another hour there, talking openly about what had just happened. Bethany explained she had been with two other women, one in high school and one earlier this summer at college. She said touching me had crossed her mind for the first time when we were posing for the mountain biker, but she never thought it would happen. She said, like before, she had just gotten caught up in the moment.

I told her I was fine with what happened. The way I figured it, touching her and being touched by her was just part of the new experiences everyone said college was all about.

Comfortable with what happened, and even, I dare say, refreshed, we packed up and headed back to our town, arriving at my hotel around 8 p.m. after picking up some fast food.

"So what's in store for tomorrow," I asked. "It'll be tough to beat today."

"You'll see," Bethany said. "I have some things to do tomorrow morning and afternoon, so I'll pick you up around 7. See you then."

I got out of the car and headed for my room. As I was in the elevator it dawned on me that she hadn't said anything about what to wear. Oh well, I figured, I'll just wing it.

I spent the evening uneventfully, just hanging out in my room, staying up too late watching television.

Chapter Six - Initiation Week Day Four - The Finale

I woke up late, about 10 a.m. I grabbed a quick bite to eat in the hotel's restaurant. On my way back to my room, I poked my head outside and was treated to a clear blue sky and perfect mid-80s temperature. I decided to go for a run.

After changing into running shorts, sports bra and running shoes, I made my way back out of the hotel and onto a nearby paved running path. I ran for almost two hours. I got back to my room about 1 p.m., exhausted. A nap was definitely in order. I still had a good six hours before Bethany would pick me up for the last of my initiation. I was certain, given how well Bethany and I got along, and given how well I had performed over the last several days, that I would be a shoe-in for Delta membership.

With thoughts of sorority membership floating through my mind, I drifted off to sleep. About an hour and a half later, I was awaken by the phone's ringing. Shaking the nap fog from my brain, I picked up the phone. It was the hotel's front desk person letting me know a package had been delivered for me. I could pick it up at the front desk anytime, he said.

I groggily got out of bed and made my way down to the front desk, picked up the package and carried it back to my room. I figured it was from Bethany and guessed it contained something to wear later that evening.

Back in my room, I jumped back on my bed and tore open package, which was wrapped in plain brown paper and had my name and room number written on it. Inside were four items: a crotchless fishnet bodystocking, a medium-length black light cotton jacket, a pair of black high-heeled pumps and a note. The note said:

Kate --

Enclosed is your outfit for tonight. This is all the clothing you are to wear. We are going somewhere nice, so be sure to make yer self up real purty. Seriously, make up and hair should be done up to the hilt. It will be fun. Trust me. See you at 7.


I held up the bodystocking. There sure wasn't much to it. It looked sexy, though. I put on the jacket Bethany sent. It fit fine and came down to mid-thigh. I breathed a sigh of relief, noting it covered everything a jacket ought to cover when one is wearing nothing but a fishnet bodystocking. I tried on the shoes and was very surprised they fit well. How Bethany knew my shoe size, I had no idea.

It was now about 4 p.m. I figured I would go ahead and start getting ready. I filled the bathtub with water, stripped naked and slid in, luxuriating in its enveloping warmth. My muscles, aching from the two-hour run, began to relax as I lay there in the warm water. While in the tub, I lathered up, washed my hair and shaved my armpits and legs before turning my attention, once again, to shaving my pubic area, an activity that was fast becoming my favorite part of bathing, and something I eagerly looked forward to each time bathing was required.

Figuring tonight's outfit required a particularly close shave, I reached over and retrieved a brand new razor for the job. I sat up on the edge of the tub and put one foot up on the opposite side. I squired a glob of gel shaving cream into my left hand and smeared it all over my mons, around my pussy lips and up between my ass cheeks. I carefully drew the razor across every millimeter of skin down there making everything as smooth as possible.

After I finished shaving and rinsing off, I got out of the tub and began putting my face on and doing up my hair. Standing naked in front of the broad bathroom mirror, I liberally applied make up to my eyes, cheeks and lips. I blew dry my hair and piled it neatly up on my head. Satisfied I looked properly "made up," as Bethany's note had requested, I went into the bedroom and picked up the fishnet bodystocking. Holding it up, it didn't look like much, just a jumble of interconnecting thin strings. After turning it this way and that, I figured out which end was up and gathered up the material and slipped in one foot and then the other. I stood up and began pulling the bodystocking up my calves and thighs and over my ass. As I slid it up over my stomach, I slid one arm and then the other through the spaghetti straps that held the whole thing up and hoisted it up around my breasts.

After wrestling the thing on, I stood up in front of the mirror and immediately liked what I saw. This thing looked good on me, let me tell you. Very sexy. As you would expect, you could see through every inch of the fishnet. My nipples poked out between strands. The bodystocking was crotchess so my shaved pussy was perfectly framed by fishnet. Turning around, the oval that was the crotchless area extended up just past my anus, providing easy access -- as if I needed that. All in all, I really liked this attire.

After glancing at the clock and realizing it was only 10 minutes before 7 p.m., I managed to resist the incredible temptation to masturbate in my new outfit. Instead, I slipped on my new black pumps, my new black jacket and walked to the door, pausing to admire myself in the full length mirror just outside the bathroom door. Damn, I looked hot. Aside from the fact that underneath my stylish black jacket I was wearing nothing besides a totally revealing fishnet bodystocking, I could have been going to the city's finest restaurant or, I dare say, the opera.

I gathered up my purse, sticking at the last second a pair of panties inside (just in case), and headed out to the lobby to meet Bethany. Not surprisingly, she was parked right outside the lobby entrance waiting for me. Right on time, again. I clambered into her truck, gave her a warm hello and a hug and settled in for the ride to...wherever.

We turned out of the hotel parking lot onto an adjoining busy road. "So, how do you like your outfit," Bethany asked smiling slyly. "Fits great, but I feel a little underdressed and overexposed," I retorted. Bethany went on to explain that she too was wearing under her jacket a highly revealing, crotchless bodystocking, only hers was a different design from the fishnet style I was wearing. As she was talking, perhaps sensing the anxiety I was trying to hide by being casual, she pulled off into an empty parking lot behind a rundown church. She parked, hopped out of the truck and came around to my side of the truck.

"Open the door," she said through my open window. "I want you to see what I'm wearing." I opened the door, and she opened her jacket, imitating a flasher. Her near-sheer bodystocking was a bit more complicated than mine. It had long sleeves, a scooped neckline that plunged deeply, leaving about half of her breasts uncovered by the sheer material. At about the middle point of her stomach, the material came to a point and was joined by a silver metal ring with more material continuing down to envelop her long, taught legs. As she promised, the bodystocking was crotchless, perfectly framing her shaved pussy. She then turned around and lifted the back of her jacket to show me how it fit in the rear. In back, the bodystocking covered most of her body, save for the oval shape cut-out necessary to make the bodystocking crotchless. The material was an almost sheer black, with little flowery patterns interspersed across the piece.

She turned back around, her coat hanging open, and said, "What do you think? Do we make quite a pair or what?" Somewhat relieved that she too was wearing as little as I was, I responded, "I think we're doing alright. So where are we going tonight?"

She smiled that sly smile again and closed my door and padded around and got back in the driver's seat, her coat still unbuttoned exposing her curvaceous breasts sheathed in the sheer black material.

"We are going to a small, invite-only party," she explained as she pulled back into traffic. "Actually, it's a bachelor party. A friend of mine runs an exclusive entertainment company that provides, let's say, specialized entertainment for certain, highly screened clients. We won't be the entertainment. We are going to serve drinks and act, really, as eye candy for the clients."

I gave her a look of incredulity. She was going to have me parade around in front of drunk, horny guys wearing nothing but a crotchless fishnet bodystocking? Just as I was about to say no way, she reached down into her purse and dug out a tiny pair of black g-string thong panties. "Here, put this on over the fishnets. How long you wear them is up to you. But, if you take them off, make sure it's worth your while," she said looking at me as if I had the faintest idea what she was talking about.

Noting my quizzical look, she explained. "If you want to take off your panties, or if someone wants you to, make them tip you generously. Nothing we do tonight, including serving drinks and strutting around in front of the clients is for free. Also, nothing has a set price. And, there is nothing, beyond serving drinks, that we are expected to do. This friend of mine who runs the company only calls me when he has a small, safe, high-end group of clients. He knows I have no interest in big groups of drunk 25-year-olds. He described this group as seven men, all in their late 30s to mid 40s. The guy getting married and who the party is for is 40 years old. He is the Chief Financial Officer for some bank or something downtown. This group will be cool and respectful, he assured me. The dancer and so-called feature entertainment is this girl names Kris. We will meet her and this guy named Kent in the hotel lobby. Kent will make sure nothing gets out of hand. Just remember, you are your own boss. Any time you feel uncomfortable in a situation, walk away, call Kent or grab me and we will leave. I have never had a problem at any party my friend has arranged. It will be fun. And, if you are interested, you can make some good money for doing a whole lot less than you did in that library! Trust me."