Bash Away

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Here is a story for all of you Anonymous Bashers.
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Here is a story for all of you Anonymous Bashers.

For that one anonymous, cowardly crybaby who complained and had my story "I Don't Like...Game Over" moved from Non-Erotic to Reviews and Essays, I hope you are happy now because Literotica moved the story where you thought it belonged. Do you feel powerful now? Did you have an orgasm when Literotica satisfied your desire by moving my story? Did you think that I was cheating when I posted that story beneath Non-Erotic? Do you know what? It does not matter to me.

Please, feel free to go through my Survivor scorecard and if there are other stories that you feel do not belong in the category that they are posted in, tell Literotica to move them where you think they should be moved. Perhaps, we can move all of my stories to Reviews and Essays, if that will make you happy because it does not matter to me.

For all those anonymous bashers who follow me from story to story, you had better buckle up because I have a lot more stories to write, to submit, and for you to bash and give me multiple zeros from your multiple computer sites. It does not matter to me because I do not look at my scores, anyway.

For that one man or woman who routinely goes through every story that I have that has a red H. "Hey, you missed some!" I do not care if you give me 1,000 zeros and remove all of my red H's. You cannot remove the green E that Literotica gave me, now, can you? Boy that really must piss you off, huh?

That green E gives me something to shoot for, now, and I plan on getting a bunch more by writing every day and improving my writing skills. Soon, I'll have a page full of green E's. More importantly, though, I do not write for green E's. Come closer so that I can tell you why I write. I write for...are you ready? I write for Freddie. I write for me and for myself. Matter of fact, I am my biggest fan. I love reading my stories. You know what else? I am my favorite writer. Yep, I am. I think I am great.

For those of you anonymous bashers who think that I may have a chance to win a contest whenever I submit a contest story but do everything in your petty power to make sure that I do not win by giving me multiple zeros from your multiple computer sites. Please continue the process. It does not matter to me because I do not care if I win the contest. I certainly do not need the money.

Matter of fact, instead of bashing my contest stories, please vote for them and give me a 5 vote. Then, if I win the contest, I will give you the prize money. How's that? That sounds fair, doesn't it? Just e-mail me your address and tell me to whom I should make out my check.

For those of you cowardly, anonymous bashers who write nasty comments to my stories that you would never say to my face, please continue because what comes around goes around and if you do not believe that, just look out behind you. I never have to turn around. I fear no man. I am the self-righteous man. I am the man without the guilty conscience, without the mean streak, and without the nasty side. Moreover, your nasty comments to my stories does not matter to me because I do not read them, I skip over them.

For those miserable, mean spirited, trailer trash people who send me all those hateful e-mails, please continue because you are only wasting your time. Actually, by sending me all those ridiculous e-mails, maybe, you will improve your writing ability to hopefully write a cohesive story, one day. We can only hope. Besides, it does not matter to me, I do not read them. I have a delete key. Also, once I have identified you, I block my computer from receiving any further e-mails from you.

Hey, if you want to bash, at least be a man about it. Register, sign in, sign your bash, and tell us who you are. Then, your bash or critique will mean more to us writers and may even be read by us writers. You are still anonymous. Do you really think that my parents named me Bostonfictionwriter? That is not my real name. That is not my legal name. My real name is Freddie. Bash away but at least have the balls to use a name other than anonymous.

I respect Kolkore. He has written some hurtful things, some complimentary comments, and some constructive and insightful criticisms to my stories and to the stories of others, but, at least, he signs his name to it. Good, bad or indifferent, I respect that about him. I may not agree with what he writes, always, but I respect his right to write it.

I do not respect you Anonymous. I do not read what you write Anonymous. Who wants to go through life anonymously, anyway? Not me. Stamp my name on my forehead, tattoo my e-mail address on my ass, and push me through life naked. That is how I want to go forward. I want people to know who I am and to read the stories I post and to see the talent that I have or think that I have.

What matters to me is the writing, my writing, and the writing of the many other serious and good writers who contribute erotic stories and erotic literature to this, lucky we have this place to post, Literotica web site.

What matters to me is the story, my story, and the stories of others that I am privileged to read. Most of you bashers bash because that is all you know how to do. You are incapable of writing a story because you are illiterate. Hell, you cannot even write a grammatically correct one sentence bash without making a mistake. Yet, you have the audacity to bash my stories and the stories of others. Why are you here? Surely, you are not here to read because you have demonstrated that you cannot read or write. Are you here to look at the dirty pictures? There are a vast number of other sites that have more graphically explicit photos that you would more enjoy in the privacy of your trailer.

I have a thick skin. I used to be a boxer. I can take a punch. What I do not understand are the girlie men and demented women who bash anonymously because they are so afraid to be held responsible for what they write. I am not afraid for people to know who I am and what I write. You can contact me any time you want day or night. Just send me an e-mail or make a comment to one of my many stories.

Where do I reach you? Are you hiding under your bed? Are you there under the covers? Is that you in the dark closet? Is that where you run after you make your anonymous comments? Does bashing anonymously empower you? Do you masturbate after you bash someone's work? Does that make you feel more like the man or the woman that you are not and never will be? Good luck to you because you are a laughable bunch of malcontents to be pitied. I cannot waste anymore of my time with you other than the time that it took to write this non-erotic story.

I really do not care if anyone complains about my stories. I do not care if anyone complains to have my stories moved from one category to another category. I do not care if you have my stories removed from the survivor contest. I do not care. I do not care if I win or lose the survivor contest. That is not why I am here. The Survivor Contest is not why I write and submit stories to Literotica.

I am here to write and to read stories. When I first saw the Literotica web site, I did not think, oh, boy, contest and money. I thought, oh, boy, stories and writing. That is the difference between you and me. I am a writer and you, anonymous basher, are nothing.

You think that you can raise yourself up in the miserable lives that you have by latching on to me or to another writer by showing everyone how smart you believe you are by making idiotic, absurd, and nasty comments. Instead of wasting your time and showing everyone the fool that you are, why not try and write a story to contribute. Why not take your medication and read a story. Surely, there is a story here that even you will enjoy. If not, e-mail me, tell me what you want, and I will write you a story.

Now, above is your fifteen minutes of fame that I granted you because that is the amount of time that it took me to write this story expressly for you. Thank you for the inspiration. Have a nice day, enjoy, and, oh, bash away.

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lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

I fucking love this.

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago

I am glad to see you received so much support from your fellow authors. Although it probably doesn't take away the sting of the abusers hopefully it gives you comfort to know that you are supported and appreciated by the best.

auhunter04auhunter04almost 13 years ago
Bravo Bravo

A comment that is not signed should be ignored.

Those who cannot do critize--look at the theater and movie industries.

If I cannot say something good about a story, I do not say anything public, If I have some critism, I do it in a private message

Reward in public critique in private

vikkivettevikkivetteover 13 years ago

I was laughing the entire time I was reading this. Please write more stories. I hate reading ill written stories from people who can not spell or refuse to use a dictionary, spell check, thesaurus, or basically any grammatical tool that was given to them in elementary school to use when speaking or writing the Queen's English. Thank you for all of your wonderful stories. I particularly enjoyed this letter to all of the haters/bashers who go by "anonymous". I've thought some of the same things that you've said in this post. As a matter of fact - you have inspired me to write some stories of my own. So thank you very much for posting this. I really appreciate it.

... and my name is Nicole.

dmenoldmenolalmost 14 years ago

wow you are one of few writers who are REAL! not trying to be something they're not and that's a definite plus man.. you're a great writer and honestly criticism is needed but if people bash they need guts to try and make it unanonimous.

Scotsman69Scotsman69almost 15 years ago
Don't agree

with everything you say.

But as an aspiring writer, I have no respect for Mr Anonymous either. (Funny how they are almost always obviously male, and most are from the USA - by their spelling.)

Sigh. But we have to respect free speech. Even when they can't spell or write sentences. Sigh.

RonRWoodRonRWoodalmost 15 years ago
I agree

There are a bunch of the same type of people organized by conservative foundations doing the same thing at town hall meetings that were designed to discuss improving health care for all in America... They only know anger, hate, yelling and condemning because they will not accept any view on any subject but their own or their party's own... But accept this please, the majority of us readers read your stuff because you are such a good writer. I could try to write stories as I do have my own ideas. But, I do not know that I can express myself well enough in the written word to cover the emotions felt by each character. I have written a few, but I feel that I have plagiarized many other writers ideas and methods. I continue reading so as to understand how I can do my own stuff without stealing. I will even admit that I don't like some stuff written about the women in a lot of stories. But, I try not to be hateful and never give a zero! For the record, I am logged in with my "Actual" name. I do empathize with your resentment... I was a State Police Officer for 40 years and a "Humanist Liberal." I have been much resented for both because I have lived and worked in "Conservative," Roswell, New Mexico!

WerewolfatNightWerewolfatNightabout 16 years ago
Well said!

While it's probably true that gives the fiends fuel for the fire, it also lets us show a little solidarity.

I had wondered from time to time if a.) I was the only one who got this sort of stuff and b.) it was still worth doing.

Give 'em hell!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Well done

At last you’ve written something which hasn’t been resurrected or revamped, good for you, keep it up

darkstone57darkstone57over 16 years ago
bashing back is good

oh my god of writing, for years i have admired Jane Austen for her ability to succeed in a time that men ruled the world. but now i have found my new hero. YOU

Freddie, where were you when i needed a good comeback to those who teased and messed with me. you have my undying devotion

did i over do? i hope so, you gave those asses just what they deserved.

flgndrhollanderflgndrhollanderover 16 years ago
Don't be insecure

You are good enough that you don't need to respond to the small-minded critics. When you do respond, you give them fuel.

sarge13sarge13over 16 years ago
Good shot!!!

I see the asshole tried spanking you too.....

I haven't submitted anything for a while but I will be back!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Freddie, I know how frustrating it can be to receive anonymous feedback that is spiteful. I think if the person has the guts to give an opinion, then he/she should at least use those guts to put their identity with the comment. They probably won't change, but this was a good platform for venting.

Proud as always to be your friend and fellow writer,

Ashleigh :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
You are one hundred percent right!

You really do not need to respond to these "donkeys" Mr Fictionwriter. Your power comes from you amazing talent to write anything. I read everything that you post more than once. You deserve to be famous and make a movie or a screenplay. best to you always ,your #1 Fan

BazzzBazzzalmost 17 years ago
A savage rebuke of the mutants

Ah Frederico of Bostonia, you have finally gotten fed up with the donkeys. Nice to see you have taken the right stance, back to back with the rest of the decent folk on this site. You had to know that this sort of rant would bring about a nashing of the teeth from the trolls of Literotica. Yet I have to admit the negative responses here seem to try and defend the trolls with some rationality. Let me try and explain to them why they should abandond these idiots.

Since they have seemed fit to enter their comments via the "anonymous" moniker let me label them by their comment titles. First "Why do you let it get to you" asks just that, can't you just take a little criticism? Well if all that was written was criticism then yes you would be correct. Yet I don't know how many threats and wishes for death I have seen in the comments section. It would be one thing if it was just high school kids leaving these comments (some may be) but I have a feeling that these are grown people hiding behind the "anonymous" name and hurling things that would get you thrown in jail in the wreal world. I quickly looked at a new story and found these two "criticisms", "Just another slut wife story" and "I hope this is autobiographic, I want to hear about your STDs and HIV and your treatments ..." I had to cut off that comment as it was a paragraph long sentence scrawled out by soemone with no grasp of writing skill. I wonder if "Why do you let it get to you" would like that crap hurled at him after he worked for hours on a story? "I think that this guy used to go by the name of" believes he has solved the anonymous plight with the comment "I don't see Boston's name and phone number posted". Well quite frankly some of these comments, like the two mentioned above, are so idiotic and vile that you wouldn't even want to leave your user name because of the email you would receive regarding your lack of skills as a human. Hence the need to leave the anonymous name. It's easy to hurl insults and more when you can avoid any responsibility for them. "Here you go" seems to think that the quality of a story seems to hang in the balance of what category it is placed in. That comment was obviously written by someone who has never composed anything longer than a one page shopping list. The real challenge is writing a good story. What category it is in has nothing to do with how good or bad a story is. I have written comments informing writers that I thought that their stories were in the wrong category but I have never taken anything off their rating for it. It's just a moronic reason for giving someone a bad rating. I wonder what category the trolls would put the Bible in, religious? non fiction? fiction? short stories?. The list of categories could go on and on until their size two heads exploded. My suggestion would be to have the comment button turned off for a while and see how many of these trolls stuck around. A couple of weeks of not being able to insult anyone would flush these mutants right out of this site.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
You're just giving them what they want.

This is the sort-of thing that flamers just love to see. Basically, you just wrote this jackoff a huge valentine and made sure he/she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have succeeded, you are irritated by them. You might as well have given them a trophy. In the future, your best bet is to rant to your friends, but ignore them on the site. Flamers are like little children, any attention good or bad, is delightful. But being ignored is the worst.

cheatingheartcheatingheartalmost 17 years ago
It's about time

It's about time somebody said something to the anonymous bashers. We write for enjoyment of it. We share so others can get enjoyment too. Not so some snotty little 'anonymous' can tell you that you put it in the wrong catagory or spelled 'gasp' a word wrong. If you don't have anything nice to say you shouldn't say it at all. So thank you for sounding off. You have done it for us all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
good for you

great statement....some of these guys have no life and all they have to do is bitch about any flaw or percieved flaw that interferes with their jackoff session..they need to get something else to do with the time they have on their hands

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Dear Writer - Step Back

Anonymous or silly name anonymously makes no difference - there should be only 1 vote. If the site cannot constrain it to one then change what you can and ignore what you can't as best you can.<P>

Comments are usually reflective of the tone of the story but not in every case as you know. This is a worldwide audience who react emotionally to what is written. It is a great cross section of humanity or less - the same with the writers. This is a melting pot allowing access to almost everyone to say what they wish at that moment. That isn't all bad but just like the actors or book author who get bad reviews you have a decision to make.<P>

You can focus on the glass being half or less empty or go on making your glass more than half full. One you can control.<P>

I think you have a wonderful sense of humor and express it well - Say Tits for example. Pride yourself there and grow into other arenas. Write less and better or deeper or whatever floats your glass.<P>

Life is 2 short eh - live it by your rights and wrongs not something you can't control. The constructive is usually well intentioned regardless of who and how they signed it - you surely can feel the difference can't you? Disregard the rest unless there is a flood of the same tone. Then you must decide if the was a point not considered by them or you. You have peers - talk to them and yourself.<P>

There we fixed that - go back to fun er work writer - please. We know your heart is in the right place.<P>

bartdogbartdogalmost 17 years ago
Very true!

I haven't posted any stories because I really don't have the talent to write. For anyone to have the balls to do it..I give them a lot of credit. If I enjoy a story or find a story so bad that it needs to be commented on..I, and anyone else, should have the balls to post their name!


RambulatorRambulatoralmost 17 years ago

Just the one word is enough.

Dr_KnowDr_Knowalmost 17 years ago
Tell Mr Anonymous Off for all of us

Mr. Anonymous follows all of us writers around. >> Mr. Anonymous is a blight on the world. >> Mr. Anonymous doesn't have the guts to put his name on his pile of crap feedbacks. >>Mr. Anonymous is a coward. >> Mr.Anonymous makes all if his negative remarks to those who create because he cannot create. He can only destroy. >>Mr Anonymous has no talent other than to piss on other people's work.


Someone said, but yes Dr_Know, you write under a phoney name so you are a coward too. Really? I accept private feedbacks from anyone. I reply to all of them with my valid email address. I don't hide behind being a noname punk basher as Mr. Anonymous does. >>>>

Thank you for writing this. May Mr. Anonymous rot in hell.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
It is about time!

It is about time someone on this site had the balls to take on the anonymous bashers. All the other writers here are afraid to write something such as this story for fear that the bashers will target them, too.

Good job, BFW, only, I'm going to have to post this comment as anonymous. I don't want the bashers targeting me. Sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

The comment from USA anonymous,what an idiot,incidently Ithink that nobody should be able to make a totally anonymouse comment.JIM IN UK

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
After this .

I intend to leave this site forever,I have never read such a negative story,but then i also could be joking?

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