Battle for Earth Ch. 06

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Day 12.
5.8k words

Part 6 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/29/2022
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Day 12

12, October 2218

**Paris, France**

Western Europe, Region 10

Roxane took down paintings of the last president of France, including other historic paintings of the history of the country from both the hallways and inside of rooms of Elysee Palace. Aside from the paintings and photos of the last president of France, many had partial images of people on them while others were entirely whited out. But even though they were blank, they still had silhouettes of what used to be people in them. She scrutinized these framed paintings and wondered if this had anything to do with what happened almost two weeks ago.

"It's as if someone or something just brushed them entirely out of existence," she said to herself. "I can still remember the name and face of the last French president. I also remember his family. I think I only remember them because they were on the news very often. And now that I think about it. I remember my family, my friends, and my boyfriend very well. Maybe our memories of loved ones or influential people are preserved for...strength perhaps? Maybe to keep us grounded. I don't know, I don't know."

A sharp pain crossed her head when she tried to think of anyone else not already in her memory. A sharp pain that fired like lightning branching out from out of her spine. Having already spent twelve days in this new world, allowed her to formulate a working theory to calm her anxiety. The world, or rather nearly all of humanity was taken away or was outright erased. It was either God himself or something like God. He finally got fed up with the direction the human race was going and just did away with the worst of them. But because he's been with humans since their creation, he spared twenty-six of them and paired them up with a partner; a nonhuman partner. But for what purpose?

"This may sound crazy, but who's around to tell me I'm wrong? This is an 'Adam and Eve project' from the almighty. And this is a race to see which pair will inherit the earth first. This has to be the answer! If man and woman were to pair up again, it would only end the same way, that's why the lord is keeping human men and women away from each other. The introduction of these new human-like beings must be wild cards, to see if they will enrich this world or worse, continue to proliferate the same evil humanity has shown. If this is true, then is Elred...evil?"

Elred, her high elven partner was outside in the gardens of the palace. He was working on making a bow and arrows from trees inside the garden for Roxane. He has been at it for two hours crafting the bow, and an hour making arrows without sharpened arrowheads. But instead of arrowheads, he sharpened the wooden arrow tips for now. In addition to making a weapon for her. He worked on charging up his internal magic reservoir to create a portal inside of the palace.

There was just one issue with that, this is the human world. Millennia of organized religion and atheism reigned here, especially in the last two hundred years. That meant nature magic, which he needed to create a portal and charge up his magic reservoir, was going to be difficult to collect. The air soil and water had little magic in them, unlike where he came from where magic could practically be smelled and tasted. Magic was needed to manipulate the natural, orderly, and chaotic forces around him.

It's going to take time for him to naturally charge up.

He placed a bundle of sharpened arrows back down on the bench he was sitting on. Elred removed his leather coat, exposing his lean and ripped body. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself.

"There are invisible barriers that look more like domes in this world, keeping breeding pairs locked inside of their regions. But why? Maybe whatever is in charge of this, plans to allow the population of this world to proliferate to a sizable number before allowing exchanges of new people to new regions. As empty as this world is now. In time it's going to get dangerous, and I can't risk anything happening to my woman. I need her to secure my bloodline. I can't create portals right now with the insufficient amount of magic in the elements. The most I can do is enchant an item to keep her safe from all incoming danger."

He grabbed the bow and arrows he worked on and made his way back inside the palace.

Roxane was lying in her bed when Elred knocked on the wall outside of it, grabbing her attention.

"How is the development of relationships with other humans coming along Roxane?"

"It's going great Elred. Oscar, the marine from Mexico told me that his partner, Menja said that before they started a family. They need to get married first. 'Need' was the word he chose and emphasized. He didn't say that he wanted to get married to her or that she wanted the same. He just said that it was necessary. I talked to Brandon and Miyuki, the couple from Australia, and guess what"

"What is it?"

"I met the last man alive in America and his partner is a grey-skinned elven woman."

All of the muscles in the sun elf's face went soft. Giving him a black expression. There was a hint of a smile that came across his lips, but that left as quickly as it came. He stared back at Roxane and asked her.

"What exactly did this grey elven woman look like" he commanded lowly.

"Uumm she had long white flowing hair when I saw her on the live feed. She had this white dress on like the women of ancient Greece did. I think it's called a Chiton dress if I recall. I don't think you need to know this, but I'm going to tell you anyway. Her breasts were large, like massive. She has blue tattoo markings on her arms, hands, and chest. She has snow-white eyebrows and dark lips."

Coughing, Elred asked her something else. "Is F cup big?"

"Yes. Is that the only thing on your mind, you pig?"

"I'm not a pig! I'm just curious! Besides, I didn't know other sub-races of elves were involved in this mess. I thought I was the only one. Somehow I feel less alone knowing there are three races of elves in this world, even if one of them is a Drow."

"What do you have there in your hand Elred?" Roxane pointed.

"This? This is a bow and a bundle of sharpened wooden arrows that I made just for you. I want you to start learning how to use them."

"Why, what's the special occasion?"

"I want the mother of my... our children, to be able to defend herself and the family. I also wanted to place a barrier on you. But the lack of magic in your world prevents me from placing a barrier spell on you. In the future, I am going to enchant an item to keep you safe from low-tier threats."

"Uh, I don't want to learn how to handle a bow or even how to fire arrows right now Elred. And I appreciate that you're considering my safety. But are we going somewhere dangerous? Are there monsters waiting for us right around the corner that I need to learn how to use a weapon? If I were to use a weapon, I would choose something more modern."

"You just offended me and my entire culture, Roxane! Archery is more than just a method of self-defense and hunting. It's a way of life. It's a craft. IT IS THE WEAPON OF ROYALTY!"

"Oh that's right you're an elf. I read in books, comics, and stories on the internet that elves and archery go together like peanut butter and jelly."

"What!? That's not true! Not all elves are archers by nature. Some are archers by trade and others like that dark elf, Methild, and his entire accursed race prefer to use daggers. But that's beside the point! If we are to be wed before starting a family, I just wanted you to pick up a craft that would allow you to protect yourself and our sons and daughters--in the case where I am unable to."

"Hold on a second," Roxane said sitting up on her bed, "were you being honest with me just now? If it makes you feel any better, I'll learn how to fire a bow. But at a much later time. Right now I want to learn more about you."

"You wish to learn more about me? What do you wish to know?"

"What kind of games do sun elves have to pass the time?" she asked him.

"Games? What exactly are you talking about Roxane."

"Activities to pass the time when you're not doing much of anything."

"If you wish to know how sun elves pass the time. There is one game I know about. It's called 'The Five Seasons."

"Oooh the five seasons. Wait a minute...isn't there only four seasons?" Roxane said bewildered.

"In your world, there might be four seasons. But in mine, there are five. There is no limit to how many players are allowed to participate. The game starts like this. You take a leaf from a tree branch, any tree branch. Then you enchant it a little. The person in charge has to keep the leaf hidden from the other players under a silver bowl and ask them to guess which stage of the five seasons the hidden leaf is in. Whoever guesses correctly, wins a small bag of diamonds. It can be gold or silver or even both. The players have to put items of value into a small bag before the game begins. Would you like to play?"

"Wait one second...this sounds like gambling! And no I don't want to play, I rather learn how to fire a bow right now. Now carry me on your back!"

"How come? Are you unable to walk on your own? Did you break your legs sitting down this whole time?"

"No, I just want you to carry me. So start carrying me!"

"Roxane I--"

"Right now Elred!" she screamed.

Elred blew a frustrated raspberry and knelt so she could get on his back.

"Hiya, Hiya! A giddy up horse!"


**Washington D.C, Maryland (USA)**

Northern America, Region 1

The White House was now the official seat of power of Benjamin's empire. And it was also very quiet at the moment. Many of the lights inside the house were turned off, but there was one room that still had its lights on and was not as quiet as the others. That was the main bedroom, where Benjamin and Thyia were getting a head start on making some hybrid children.

Benjamin and Thyia's limbs were entangled together in a hot embrace powered by their lust. As their lips mashed and entangled with one other in a deep kiss, Benjamin kept himself busy kneading the flesh of her ass over her white dress. She moaned in his mouth at his touch and ran her fingers through the back of his head through his hair. Their kissing was so deep that their breaths escaped the confines of their mouths with a hard sigh long enough for them to get some air back in their lungs before resuming again. He moved her white dress's shoulder straps off her shoulders and watched her dress fall on the floor around her ankles. He smiled to himself like a hungry wolf eyeing prey and undid his shirt and pants with little trouble.

Thyia admired that Benjamin's body still looked like a warrior's even at his age. He admired that given that she was probably older than he was. Her body was unlike anything he had ever seen from human women in either porn or magazines. There was nothing to compare it with on earth, only in heaven. She was sexy and beautiful like a literal goddess from heaven. The grey-elven woman gave him a sly knowing smile and led him to their bed by his wrists. She fell on the bed behind her, pulling him down on top of her. They laughed and smiled at each other.

Benjamin pushed her further up on top of the bed, then laid on top of her. She made sure to keep her legs and ankles wrapped and locked behind his lower back. His attention was primarily fixed on her breasts and smoky grey nipples and areolas. He shot her a glance and she shot him one too. Her eyes narrowed lustily.

Benjamin latched his lips around her left areola, sucking it into his mouth and licking her nipple simultaneously. She let out several gasps and moans, thoroughly enjoying his ministrations. Her entire body flushed with a heat that came down from the crown of her head down her toes and fingers. He hungrily sucked and licked as fast as she rubbed her clitoris in anticipation of having his human cock filling her. In the throes of her pleasure, she cupped his face in her hands pulled his lips away from her saliva-slathered areola, and kissed him.

"I've lived a long life, Benjamin," Thyia shared, "and before meeting you I never got the chance to have children in my world, and even if we never marry, I still very much want to be a mother to my children."

"Hold on a second! What do you mean by never marry, do you not want to marry me?"

"You asked me once if I am all right laying with a human man like yourself to save my race. After spending time with you, I can now say I would not mind if its with you. You think sex, the union of the bodies is something sacred, even holy. But the union of the spirits in holy matrimony is far more respected and honored by my people. And uniting with a non-grey elf in holy matrimony is, well--"

"So you're okay with having sex with me and even having children with me. But you won't marry me because you can't marry me?" Benjamin said, looking hurt and disappointed.

Thyia saw and felt his desire to have sex leave his face and his cock like a rush of seawater that washed up on the shore of a beach, only to return to the ocean. The loss of his libido made him call it a night even though it was still early in the evening. He collected his clothes from the floor and left the presidential bedroom. The busty voluptuous grey elf sat up and watched her human lover leave her. She fell back on the bed at the sound of the door clicking closed. And stared up at the white ceiling of the bedroom.

The lord of northern America made his way back to the Oval Office and grabbed his phone. He turned it on and contacted Oscar. While he waited for the marine to answer his FaceTime chat request, Thyia came walking inside of the office, fully dressed.

"Benjamin, can I talk to you?"

"You might as well. There's no point in keeping our emotions and thoughts bottled up is there."

She grabbed a seat and placed it in front of the desk, right across from Benjamin. He ceased trying to contact Oscar and turned his phone off to talk to her.

"Where do I start?" she asked herself, "I supposed I should start where my life left off. Can you guess what I was before I came to your world, Benjamin?"

"Huh, that's a good question. I never bothered finding out what you did before all of this. Umm, I'm going to guess you were a princess in your world?"

Thyia giggled and shook her head. Benjamin studied her carefully and thought hard for his next guess. She was beautiful and sexy. She wore a white flowing dress similar to what ancient Greek women of nobility wore.

"Are you a Noblewoman?"

Again Thyia shook her head. Now Benjamin was getting tired and threw out random social positions and jobs, all of them falling short of the right answer.

"All right I give up Thyia. Go ahead and tell me."

"I used to be a night companion for the warriors of my people." She answered.

"A night companion? Is that like an assistant or medieval squire?"

Thyia chuckled innocently and shook her head. She stood up from her seat climbed on top of the presidential desk, and crawled toward Benjamin. She lay on her side and played with her long white hair.

"I used to sleep with warriors who used to visit the brothel I worked in."

"You used to be a p-p-prostitute?" he stuttered, surprised at the answer.

"It's a respected position in my society Benjamin. We only sleep with warriors and no one else. And if we are blessed, we can become the mothers of children of warriors who become legendary throughout wars and battles. I had this one male who frequented the brothel every chance he got. He didn't know it, but I was in love with him too, though I don't think he felt the same way about me despite being a regular. He gained fame for repelling back invading forces that came for one of our villages all by himself. His speed and strength were unique among my species. As elves, our bones are not as strong as other races. But his were, I would say even more so than an ogres. But, he was well-liked and admired by other elven women. And slowly he lost interest me and--"

Benjamin watched her eyes become watery as sadness and heartbreak began to overtake her. He took her and embraced her in his arms. She smiled and hugged him, appreciating his show of sympathy.

"If you feel you can't marry me because you still have someone else who you wish you could have been married to. Then I won't force you to marry me just because of my feelings. I'm also not going to judge you for what you used to do, even though it as a shameful occupation in my world."

"I suppose in time after our children are born. We can get married right after," she told him.

"This suggestion may seem late and even a little redundant at this point Thyia. But can we talk about each other to pass the time?"

"Talk? You wish to know more about me?"

"Yeah, why not. It's not like we have other pressing matters that need our attention right now. Hah hah hah."

Both of them shared a genuine moment of laughter and relief. It seemed like forever since the two of them had a real reason to smile and laugh.

"All of our loved ones may be gone. And all of our problems may be buried in the past. But they are not forgotten. What would you like to know about me, Benjamin?"

"I guess for starters, I would like to know how old you are. If that's an offensive question then I take back my question and will ask you something else."

"No, no, it's quite all right Benjamin. Why don't you try guessing how old I am."

"Oh no not another guessing game. I got a bad feeling down in the pit of my stomach about this one. Okay, let's just go for broke. You're over one hundred years old, right?"

"Um close, but too high. Try a much lower number this time."

"Wait, that guess was close? Oh boy. Okay, are you fifty years old then?"

"Too low, try a little higher."

"Goddammit," Benjamin muttered. "Sixty years old?"

Thyia smiled at him. She leaned in and gave him a kiss. He was relieved that he finally guessed right.

"You're sixty years old! Oh my God," Benjamin said surprised out of his mind. "You don't look a day over twenty years old. How old do grey elves get?!"

"Our oldest member to date lived to the ripe age of five hundred. He died of organ failure, while in his sleep."

"Oh're going to outlive me and it ain't even funny...heh heh..." Benjamin's words trailed off. A nervous giggle escaped his mouth.

"What about you Benjamin, how old are you?"

"Compared to you, I'm barely still out of my diapers."

"Aw, I don't care about that. You already look like a fully grown man to me. But I would still like to know."

"I'm thirty-two years old."

"Hmm. You would be old enough to go out adventuring with the males as a small boy. Though you would be more of an item and weapon guardian."

"A pack mule then, Perfect!"

"Let's change the subject then. What were you before all of this happened."

"If you mean to ask what my occupation was before all this happening. I was a former member of the United States Coast Guard. It's not the Navy or the Army or the Air Force. But it was a job and career I was proud of. I was among thousands of members deployed to protect the waters of my city and country from naval threats, foreign and domestic."

"Benjamin I may not be familiar with how your species wages war or fights battles. And I may not know what the word 'Air Force' means. But I am familiar with the words, Army, Navy, and coast guard. My species loves the water. We love it so much that we make our homes near lakes, seas, and rivers. The water for some may just be a place to get a drink from on a hot day or after a long day's work. It's even used as a mode of transportation and I'm guessing it's used similarly in your world. But for us, it's as close to being with the sustainer of life itself. To know you guarded it makes me see you in a more endearing light."