Battle for Earth Ch. 07

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On the same day, other couples get down and do it.
4.7k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/29/2022
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Day 12 (Same day)

12, October 2218

**Yaounde, Cameroon**

Central Africa, Region 18

Steel clanged and clinged in the courtyard of the national palace late in the day. Methild sparred with Eposi to test her current techniques and skills in wielding dual daggers. The drow took two days off to forge a pair of daggers for Eposi which were styled after his own. Though they were smaller than his by two inches, they were still very sharp to cut into stone. She swung both of her hands down on top of Methild, who danced around her attacks effortlessly. He only occasionally deflected her daggers when her blades got a little too close to either side of his face, neck, or sides.

Eposi's hand and wrist movements which were key for wielding and swinging and thrusting daggers, worked like well-oiled ball and sockets. She stabbed forward, stepped back, and crossed her daggers in front of her in a cross shape, only for Methild to block her with his daggers. Attacking, for all of its simplicity, was the easiest to master for her. Defending was another matter entirely. When she finished attacking him, he turned the tables on her and began to attack her. Though he was holding back, even being half-serious in his movements proved nearly impossible for her to successfully dodge or deflect them all. He was not about cutting any corners when it came to training her. His attacks found their marks on the sides of her cheeks, upper arms, and temples. Although his movements were never filled with the intent to kill.

Still, he slipped past her defenses and intentionally gave her her first sparring scars. Stepping back, he sheathed his daggers and spoke.

"Would you like to go again with me Eposi, or do ye need more time to practice?"

"Was that supposed to be a serious question, or are you just pitying me?" she replied, wiping blood rolling down her cheeks and temples with her forearm.

"I have been doing this for hundreds of years now. If you are hoping to defeat me at my craft, then abandon all hope ye who dare step up to the plate. But I will resume sparring with ye only if ye can land just a scratch on me. If ye can do that, I will teach ye more offensive and defensive techniques. but that's only if ye can put a scratch on me, anywhere on my body."

Eposi smirked and eagerly accepted his challenge. She was ready to go again and got into position.

Methild used only one dagger this time instead of two. She picked out three spots on his body she would target. If she couldn't cut him in the first place, she would trick him, and go for the second spot. If that fails, she pretends to go on the defense and use that moment to strike him in the third spot. She rushed over to him, swinging her dual knives down at him in several different swinging motions. The drow danced around her daggers, avoiding all of his partner's attempts to scratch him. He even bounced on the tips of his boots, bouncing left to right and from right to left. He was practically enjoying himself at her expense.

"Remember Eposi, don't lose yer cool and remain focused. If ye can do that, ye will find an opening in my defenses, eventually. Or maybe never."

Eposi did not relent and kept stabbing her knives forward, spinning around like a human tornado and jumping up and bringing her knives down on him together. But no matter what she did or how she did it, Methild was just too nimble in his movements. Unlike her, he was fine-tuned for defense and offense. His smug smile which she caught a glimpse of when she focused away from his body and limbs, ignited a fire inside her. She stepped back, grabbed the hem of her shirt, and pulled it upwards, revealing her black bra that caught her partner completely off guard.

"W-W-What are ye doing Eposi? This is not the time for such--" he stuttered.

She didn't bother trying to answer him. Instead, she rushed towards him, daggers thrusting and swinging vertically and horizontally. Methild's focus was split between watching her movements and staring at her bouncing breasts. Still virgin drow, he was split between listening to his two brains. The one inside his skull and the one enlarging inside his pants between his legs. Eposi attacked but he blocked. His movements were now less focused and more prone to slipping. For the time being she had the advantage, but that would not last for long. Thinking of a movie she once saw with martial arts in it. She crouched down, extended one leg out, and spun around in place, hoping to trip him. She did, almost. It was the opening she needed to land a scratch on the palm of his hand as he stumbled back.

Methild fell on his ass, dropping his dagger which slid off to the side. He looked away, embarrassed at seeing his partner partly topless. He grabbed his dagger from the ground and sheathed it. Eposi went up to him and extended a hand to help him up off the floor. He accepted her kind gesture and stood back up on his feet with her help. He turned around abruptly and walked back towards the palace quickly.

"Methild what's wrong?" she asked him.

"Please put yer shirt back on Eposi," he told her.

"Are you mad because I outsmarted you?"

"No. Not at all. I'm happy you managed to place a cut on me. Use everything that you have to your advantage whether you be a man or woman" he replied.

"Then what's the problem?"

"Just please put your shirt back on!"

Eposi grabbed him by his wrist and pulled him back by force. He turned around and looked past her, refusing to stare at her chest.

"Is this what you're afraid of, a woman's body?!"

"It's not your body. It''s the fear of mating." Methild said with some apprehension in his voice.

"Mating? You mean to tell me you're afraid of sex?" Eposi said, smiling out of relief.

"Yes. I could never tell the other drows this or else I would be exiled for an irrational fear of what was seen as a perfectly acceptable vice in drow society."

"I know what you mean, Methild. I have been holding out on doing this with you until I was ready. It's not your fault. I have a couple of reservations about it, but I feel we may be falling behind the other competing breeding pairs in the world. So you know what, let's just do it. Not out here of course, but inside the palace, right now!"

"Perhaps ye should give it one more day of thought? Ye know, to fully prepare yourself mentally."

"No! No more procrastinating. We do this today!" Eposi said loud and proud. She led Methild back into the palace. As much as she was feeling nervous. He was petrified.

She pulled him along by his wrist, while he resisted by dragging his heels into the dirt. Back inside the palace. Eposi led them to the main bedroom of the palace that used to belong to the past president of Cameroon. Methild smiled softly at her from the bed. He took his time slowly removing his leather armor. And then suddenly the thought just hit him!

"Uh, Eposi I think we may have to postpone this breeding for tomorrow."

"Why's that?" she answered.

"I haven't bathed in days. Yep, we may need two days more for the smell to be completely gone."

"Hmmm. That's not a problem. I also haven't bathed in days. Maybe we should take a shower together?"

"Nonsense. Ye go first. I can wait."

Eposi let out a frustrated sigh and went over and grabbed Methild who was ready to leave the bedroom. She grabbed him by his wrist and led him into the shower room inside the bedroom.

"Uuhh, uhh--"

"No! No more excuses!"

The young Cameroonian woman pulled her partner's pants down. Forcefully removed his coat and pulled his boots off his feet. His stench was bad, like the smell of rotting fruits, but it wasn't the worst thing she'd ever smelled.

"Help! I'm being assaulted...Aah!" he shouted like a scared little girl.

"Oh knock it off Methild, you're acting like a woman right now. No one's assaulting you. If it helps you feel any better, I'll also take off my clothes in front of you."

Methild's fears and anxieties were slowly replaced with a newfound sense of sensual excitement that was new to him. Watching her remove her pants and shoes in that order sent blood rushing down to his engorging cock, excited for what was sure to come soon. Down to just her bra and panties. Eposi blushed a little. She undid her bra by unhooking it from behind her back. And let it drop on the floor in front of her, revealing her dark chocolate breasts and areolas for his viewing pleasure. The more he stared at her, including when she stepped out of her panties. The quicker his beating heart gradually steadied. Eposi had a thin and slender figure. She had a lean face. Her breasts weren't overly large. Her thighs were not thick, but her waist was slim and her hips were wide. Which gave her the ass of a goddess.

She took Methild by the hand and stepped into the shower with him which had a glass wall and door. The young virile drow and the young Cameroonian woman stood under the running showerhead head looking at each other. Standing so close to each other. Eposi felt his erect cock, rubbing between her wet vulva. She let out a deep breathy sigh at the pleasant sensation. She placed her hands on top of his tight chest, caressing and appreciating its tightness while staring back at him. He caressed the sides of her face and leaned in to kiss her. She was only too happy and relieved to return his feelings.

One of her hands slowly inched lower and lower down his chest, feeling his tight abs and finally down on top of his erect cock. Where she slowly stroked him between her hands. Methild let out soft but sincere moans. Slowly his fears and anxiety disappeared, being replaced by the desire to unite with her. Their meshing lips and intertwined tongues pushed both of them over the edge. And Eposi's desire to do more beckoned her to get down on her knees and take his black eight-inch cock into her mouth.

"E-Eposi ye don't have to do such...indecent things. This is already plenty for me."

"I know. But I want to, for you" she said, taking him into her mouth and slowly bobbing her head up and down.

He groaned while she bobbed her head faster. She had four inches inside of her mouth first, then took more of him till the head of his shaft was knocking on the back of her throat.

Methild felt a tightening sensation building up in his testicles. The deeper she took him, the more he wanted to fuck her throat faster and harder.

**Australian Capital Territory (Australia)**

Australia/ Oceania, Region 26

Brandon drove around the city of Canberra looking for animals that were kept inside of zoos, so that could sedate and capture them. Of course with no more humans around to look after and feed them. And the actions of an unknown invisible force that had its hands in the world, unlocked all of their cages. Allowing them to roam freely inside of the zoo and the city if they managed to escape the confines of the zoo itself. Animals like tigers, bears, lions, and leopards were dangerous, and marked off on his list as 'do not capture'. He didn't care for exotic, non-native animals of Australia. Because of the dream, he had about riding on the back of a giant wombat with his Yuki-Onna wife. He wanted to collect only cute animals for his future children to admire from a menagerie he would construct for them.

He drove around until he found the closest zoo. He stopped and parked his cargo van inside the zoo, then stepped out to take a look around at his surroundings. He wore tactical military gear for protection and carried a tranquilizer gun with him to sedate animals he intended to capture. He also carried a shotgun for extra protection. It hung behind him from its strap. A zoo was perhaps the most dangerous place for him now. And without Miyuki to look after him, he needed to be on his toes. Extra tranquilizer darts were tucked safely inside of the pockets of his tactical vest.

The zoo he was inside of did not house large predators like leopards, bears, or tigers which was a good sign. Still, that didn't mean he could lower his guard. He picked out a good spot and picked out stray rabbits jumping about that were already out of their enclosure. Great horned owls. Lemurs. East African crowned cranes. A Gentoo penguin. Giant anteater and lastly a wombat. But he made a mistake when he fired a dart at the wombat. He fired a dart at its rump. Wombat rumps have something called a 'dermal shield'. With their dermal shields, they could smash the skulls of predators like dingos, who may find themselves inside one of their burrows trying to pick them off. The dart bounced off the chubby little animal's rump. So he opted to aim for its side. When each animal fell asleep. Brandon collected them and placed them inside of cages already picked out for them.

He placed each animal in their cages only after making sure they were sedated, otherwise, he might have to wait a couple of minutes before the animal went to sleep. There was no real point in struggling with a half-asleep animal if it was eventually going to fall asleep. Similar to Oscar over in Mexico a few days ago. While Brandon focused and worked on placing caged animals inside his cargo van. Unbeknownst to him, a large 600lb African lion was stalking him from behind some crates. The zoo was large. Many cages were broken into and covered in dried blood and parts from animals of all different sizes that were killed and eaten by the Lion.

The predator studied his surroundings including Brandon. The clueless human was not alerted to its presence which worked to the predator's advantage. Just like in the savannas of Africa. The lion kept low to the ground and slowly inched forward, hiding behind some artificial rocks that were water fountains.

Brandon was almost done packing the last of the cute animals. He just needed to wait for the hard-ass of a wombat to fall asleep which was still in its enclosure.

"Australia needs cuter-looking animals. We had to import many of them from outside of the country. Wait a second! I think I missed something. I NEED A WALLABY!!"

The moment Brandon yelled he needed a wallaby. The lion made its move and lunged forward. The sound of heavy footsteps caused him to turn around and stare back at the giant cat gunning for him. Time seemed to freeze for him, as he dropped his tranquilizer gun, and reached behind his back for the shotgun. The lion only seemed to get closer and closer the quicker he tried to bring his shotgun in front of him.

"There's no way I have enough time to lift this shotgun and kill this lion! Oh, fuck this is it for me!" He thought loudly to himself.

Just then, appearing on Brandon's shoulder was a little snowman that raised its arms and disappeared, only to appear in front of him. The tiny snowman that was no bigger than his pinky finger stood thirty feet tall. It raised one arm and brought it down on the lion, breaking its back, and killing it by continuing to slam its nubs down on its body.

Brandon took two or three steps back, unable to believe what he had just seen and experienced. He was almost killed because he wasn't more vigilant of his surroundings. And a giant snowman that looked like a thinner version of the doughboy, was kicking the already dead lion and punching it too. A pair of pale white hands and arms reached out from behind him. They wrapped themselves around his waist and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Holy shit...Miyuki is that you!?!" he asked, his voice trembling.

"You're a big dummy, you know that Brandon!" Miyuki yelled at him.

"It is you. Oh, thank God. Is this your--" Brandon spoke, then was cut off when she turned him around and slapped him across his face.

Brandon stared back at his wife-to-be, who was in tears and looking away from his gaze. He was taken by surprise and remained frozen in place out of shock.

"W-What did I do?" he asked her.

"You almost died, that's what!" Miyuki shouted, falling to her knees and crying. "It's good I placed a sentinel on you while you were still asleep."

"Is that what this giant snowman was?" he said. He knelt and embraced her, hugging her close to his chest and lifting her back on her feet.

"Thank you for saving me Miyuki. Thank you. I should have been more careful. I should have made sure all of the bad animals were taken care of first. I'll try to be more careful from now on. I love you Miyuki."

Brandon kissed her on her lips. Kissed her on her cheeks and temples. She calmed down enough to stare lovingly back at him. He smiled at her and held her, swaying from side to side, something she seemed to appreciate.

"What are you even doing out here, Brandon?"

"Remember when you made that portal outside of The Lodge? I was sleeping and had a dream about you, me, and our future kids all together. You and I were riding on the backs of giant wombats that you enlarged using your magic. It was funny because our kids were chasing us. Funny right? I wanted to collect only cute animals for our future children to learn about and play with. So umm, how goes the portal business?"

"The portals? Oh! They're going great. I just finished creating the last one in Papua New Guinea."

"What? But it's only been a few hours since you left. You said you'd be gone for a few days. Can I try them out now?"

"Maybe you should wait a day or two. Some are still volatile and are going to need a few days to stabilize. I can help you with the last of these animals if you want me to."

"Oh, no need to, love. I already finished. I just need to get this fat sleepy wombat into a cage and we can head back home."

Miyuki stared back down at the ground, innocently twiddling her fingers. Brandon wondered what was up with her.

"Is everything all right, love?"

"Well, when we get back home, I was thinking about marriage and having some children with you afterward."

"Wow, so soon. I was collecting these animals so I could build our little ones a menagerie for them to see them. But I supposed the menagerie could wait. You know what, let's do it Miyuki! Let's get married!"

"Really Brandon?!"

"Yeah. I mean I'm still young, I'm only twenty-five years old. You're what, like thirty-two years old?"

Miyuki blushed and played with some of her silver hair. "Yeah, let's go with that. Thirty-two. Hee Hee."

"Great. Then onward back to The Lodge to get married!"

**Washington D.C, Maryland (USA)**

Northern America, Region 1

Inside of the White House. Benjamin and Thyia were in the presidential bedroom. Benjamin laid on his back with his head resting on pillows for comfort and leverage. His right hand rested on Thyia's ass while she performed fellatio on him. She was kneeling parallel to him which gave him a good view of the side and fullness of her ass. He ran his hand up and down the shape of her ass, and gave it some hard slaps to watch the skin wobble.

Thyia moaned loudly with a mouthful of Benjamin's cock, sliding up and down her wet tongue. While enjoying himself. Benjamin played with the outer labia of her vagina, pulling puffy pieces of skin apart with his fingers and letting several of his loads from earlier in the day, seep out of her to drip on the bed beneath them. He watched her wink back at him, smiling too, causing his heart to flutter and beat faster. He relaxed back on the bed and pillows. Enjoying himself. The voluptuous grey-skinned elf pushed her silver hair behind an ear so she could lower her entire mouth down to the base of his cock.

"Uugghhh God almighty!" Benjamin cried out. Slapping his hand down on top of her ass, making her squeal and moan around his cock.

Unlike his human wife in his old life. Benjamin learned that grey elves, at least Thyia, had a longer tongue than humans. It was similar to a cat which had tiny bristles on it. For what purpose they used them? He was not sure. Perhaps it was a vestige from their much earlier elven ancestors that came before them. The little hairs on her tongue aside. Her tongue was still very wet and not dry like a cat's. Her tongue which stroked the underside of his shaft tickled him slightly from the small hairs on her tongue.