Battle for Earth Ch. 09

Story Info
Methild and Benjamin fight to protect their partners.
4k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 01/29/2022
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Day 13

13, October 2218

**Mexico City, Mexico**

Mexico, Region 2

Waking up and getting out of his bed after a long night of sleep. Oscar walked into his bedroom bathroom to wash his face. His infernal wife, Menja, who was now impregnated with her husband's seed; slept soundly and undisturbed. He stared at himself in his mirror after splashing his face with cold water. He wondered to himself what was the deal with that odd dream he had. He wasn't bothered so much by the fact that he had just turned his back against God by marrying a 3-foot-tall female demoness. What worried him was a feeling of dread that hovered over him after marrying and impregnating his tiny infernal wife.

He stepped outside of his bathroom when he began to hear his name being called out from outside. At first, he thought the person calling him was his wife, but when he stepped out and saw that she was still sleeping, he knew this was coming from someone or something else other than her. He grabbed his clothes that were on the floor and placed them on.

"...Oscar..." the soft voice spoke his name, lingering softly in the air.

"It sounds like a woman but can also be a man. Maybe there are other survivors but me wandering around. Maybe it's one of my family members! Maybe they're still alive and are looking for me!"

The prospect of being reunited with one of his family members filled Oscar with a sense of renewed hope and happiness, after putting on his last piece of clothing which was his shirt. He walked over to a window to look outside and see if he could see who it was calling out to him. The moment he placed his hands on the glass beside him, a giant hand crashed through the window grabbed him by his head, and pulled him outside. He's thrown outside and sent crashing against the wall of another building outside.

All of the ruckus woke Menja up out of her sleep and went to see what was going on. For a demon like her, there was no 'shaking the sleep' out of her eyes. As soon as she was awake, she was instantly awake. Her eyes caught the view of the back of a very tall and muscular humanoid monster standing outside of a giant hole in the wall of her home. The humanoid monster was faceless and sexless. It wore nothing because it did not need to hide anything from anyone.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing to my man?!" Menja yelled out to it.

The faceless humanoid turned around and stared back at her. She saw a black misty aura surrounding the monster's body. There was something odd about this creature. It was monstrous looking that was for sure. But it was different from the monsters and creatures that were born in Hell, her original domain. The dark energy surrounding it had traces of divine energy, albeit, dark divine energy.

"This monster was created by someone divine, and for a malevolent purpose too. This could only be the work of...him."

Oscar coughed and hurt all over. "Menja, I need some help!" he called out to her.

"Don't fear big dick! I'm...uughh....i'm comi--Aagghh! My stomach!" Menja let out a pained howl.

She was already beginning to feel the pain and discomfort of carrying children. She wrapped her arms around her small distended belly and hunched over in pain. Oscar stood back up on his feet and tried leading the hulking monster away from his pregnant wife.

"Oscar! That charm I made for you, the necklace of severed rat heads! It gives you superhuman strength, use it!" Menja yelled. "Use it to kick this muscular tool's ass!"

"Are you serious?! That's going to work?!"

"Yes, it works, Oscar! Oh Lucifer, I think there must be more than ten or twelve of them inside of me!"

Aside from commenting on her pregnancy pains, Oscar always doubted that the charm she gave him granted him abilities such as superhuman strength. The hulking monster neared him. Refusing to die lying down on his back. He took this chance to find out just how real this charm's power hanging from his neck was. The monster who at first took its merry time walking towards him, rushed over to him when the former marine rushed him first.

The monster swung with a heavy left hook. Oscar dodged it and with all the power he could pack in his right arm and fist, launched and connected with the monster's left chest, blowing half of its torso and arm completely clean off its body, creating a sonic boom effect immediately after.

"Yeah! That's my man!" Menja shouted in delight.

But her celebrations were cut short when she and Oscar saw the monster slowly regenerate his blown-off section. The tiny demoness scanned the divine monster's body to find if there was a weak spot her husband could exploit. There was one. It was an organ similar to a heart that moved around the monster's body. It only moved to get away from areas on its body being targeted. But even If it was destroyed along with the rest of the body, so long as it was inside of the monster's body while it was destroyed; it would regenerate right back. It needed to be destroyed personally for the monster to die and stay dead permanently.

"Oscar, its heart! You have to destroy its heart with your bare hands for it to die for good!"

"Where is it!?"

"It keeps moving around its body, but I'll help you by telling you where it's going to be!"

When the divine monster was fully finished regenerating. It spared no expense and charged directly toward Oscar at a frightening speed. The two exchanged blows. Both of them were firing rapid punches at one another.

Oscar blocked as well as attacked. The former marine was strong but physically he was no different than any ordinary man. One punch was enough to seriously injure, so he was doing more blocking than attacking. His muscles and bones were harder yet lighter too. It meant he could take more damage but not a continuous torrent of pain. He slapped away the monster's hands and when he had a two-second window opportunity to land a decisive blow. He took it.

The former marine blew the monster's arms away, shredding them like shredded paper. With Menja's directions, he punched his fist through the monster's stomach and ripped out its heart.

"That's it, Oscar, you got its heart! Aaugh! My stomach, will you little bastards stop kicking and scratching me from the inside!?" Menja yelled at her unborn hybrid children, hunching over in pain.

Bruised and bloodied all over. Oscar watched the sexless monster stagger back and fall on one knee, trying to reach out to grab its glowing beating heart from the former marine's hand. Breathing with a labored breath, he tore apart the divine monster's heart with his hands. The monster trembled first, as if screaming internally, then turned into brittle stone that slowly crumbled into a pile of tiny pebbles. Now that he was finally able to relax. He fell on his knees and hung his head low. Menja flew over to him and lifted his face to kiss him.

"You did it, my husband! Nyahahaha! I knew you could do it. Tonight as a celebration, we will fuck till you can't nut anymore!"

"That sounds...amazing Menja" Oscar answered albeit tired and in pain.

As much as Menja was relieved that her human husband and mate did not die on her today, she thought of something privately to herself that would ensure Oscar's continued existence because she did love him.

"The next time a monster appears, it will be when our children are born. That outcome I am sure of. And there's no guarantee that the next monster will come alone like this one did. If that happens, I won't hesitate to step in and deal with them myself. But Oscar's body is still only mortal. I'll have to do something that would never have been allowed a millennium ago."

Hours passed and after bathing with his infernal wife in a steamy bathtub. The married couple made their way to their bedroom for some the slapping of sweaty skin and the deep growling of a tiny she-demon echoed and bounced off the walls of their bedroom, inside of the Mexican national palace. Oscar was taking his pregnant demon wife from behind, fucking her deeply with fast strokes, then slowing down and pressing himself as firmly as he could against her soft, round squishy ass; trying to slide as much of himself deep inside her as possible before cumming deep inside her.

"Aahhhh! Fuck yeeesss!!" Menja howled intensely, feeling her husband's hot seed filling her.

Tired and still in pain from his fight from earlier. Oscar slid out of Menja's pussy and laid down on the bed beside her. He panted exhaustively while lingering pain coursed together at the same time throughout his body. His tiny wife lay beside him, resting an arm and hand on top of his chest, and watched him smiling back at her. With the wave of her hand over his eyes, he fell asleep quicker than normal.

Menja knew he needed sleep and she had business to take care of while he slept. Only when Oscar fell asleep, did she get right to work. With one of her small sharp claws on her right hand, she traced the tip of her claw down his forehead, down to his crotch. With her two small hands, she pulled her husband's body out of his skin, skinning him. Although painful to see if one were standing outside their bed, the former marine did not wake up crying out in pain. It was like he was unaware of what was happening to him.

With her husband's flayed skin in her hands, she tied the areas of his hands around her neck and wore it like a cape.

"And now, time to go to Hell and submerge my husband's skin below the rivers of Hell! Nyahahaha!"

The tiny pregnant imp ran outside of her bedroom, leaving her husband's flayed body sleeping peacefully. She hurried outside the palace to open a portal to Hell on the ground, and jump through it.

Her descent to Hell was a welcome relief and sight for her. The domain of Hell was not just another world or planet, it was another universe entirely of its own. The upper most layer of Hell was nothing but freezing darkness. This area was considered the very bottom of the physical universe, where souls heavy with sin naturally sank below to Hell instead of floating upwards. A bright red glow from below started off as a small pin point, then gradually became bigger as Menja descended further and further down.

The domain of Hell was like a giant bubble that, as soon as one entered it, became endless. It was like a city that expanded forever, with different neighborhoods, acting like different areas of torture, areas of worship for Lucifer and homes of different and important rulers of Hell. The flayed skin of Oscar had frozen stiff on its descent to hell, but quickly thawed as Menja landed on the ground of Hell. She teleported to a large river nearby that went through two areas once populated by suffering souls with dukes of Hell overseeing them.

"This should be a good spot" Menja told herself.

She dipped her husband's flayed skin into one of the rivers of Hell that looked like bubbling black tar. She made sure all of it, all sides and corners were well submerged. As she raised and dipped the flayed skin beneath the river, she couldn't help but look around and see that the fires that once burned brighter than a million stars, and the heat that could melt the shells of universes, had gotten softer and cooler. It was still bright and hot, but nowhere near as it once was. With her husband's skin fully wet, she wrapped it around her neck and made her way out of Hell.

The infernal bishop whom Menja created was swimming in the river, casually minding his own business. He waved goodbye to her as she ascended up and left their home.

Come the next morning, Oscar awoke with a sense of numbness all over his body. He went into his bathroom to wash up and stared back at a sight which petrified him. He had scars all around his neck, arms, chest, around his face and all over his body.


"Nyahaha! It seems like you finally woke up" she said walking into their bedroom.

"Menja?! Did you do this to me!?"

"Yes, but first let me explain what exactly I did. Have you ever heard of the story of Achilles?"


"Achilles was a great hero who was born to the primeval feminine power, Thetis and the mortal man, Peleus. In an attempt to make her son invulnerable, his mother dipped him in the river Styx which was really a minor river in Hell. She would have been successful had his father not interrupted her and fled from him. The only part not touched by the waters of the river Styx was his ankle, by which his mother was holding him from. That was the only part of him that remained vulnerable. I did for you Oscar, what she did for her son. But instead of taking your entire body, I just took your skin and dipped it inside of the same river. The fiery waters of the river have moistened your muscles and have extended your life and made you invulnerable now. No need to thank me, nyahahaha. Oh! Urgh, birth pangs."

"But, all of these scars, look at the sides of my face!"

"Well I did the best to heal them. I'm a demon. We aren't in the business of healing, we never were unless it benefitted us in any way. Don t worry I made sure no scars were left on that handsome face of yours. Now lets go put that invulnerable body of yours to the test!"

**Yaounde, Cameroon**

Central Africa, Region 18

Methild darted around the fifteen foot tall butcher humanoid whose strength was insane. Each time it swung its crudely made cleaver, it distorted space around it, just from the sheer power behind its muscles. But it was also very slow, compared to the dark elf who was extremely light on his feet. Still, even if the dark elf was faster on his feet and with his hands. The monster's skin was like iron, which made it difficult for him to cut into it with his daggers.

The monster may have been slow, but his swings were precise, just nearly missing Methild by a few seconds. If the dark elf wasn't careful and watched where he stepped or darted to, he could be cleaved in half with no effort. He zipped around the butcher, cutting like mad all around its body, hoping to strike a weak spot if it had any.

There were three weak spots on its body, one at the base of its spine, the second on the nape of its neck and the last was on the back of both knees. In the middle of formulating a strategy to cut deeply into one of these spots in his head, he was struck by the butcher's fist on his shoulder. He went flying back, but last minute thinking and natural dark elf defenses, caused him to defend himself. From atop the presidential palace, Eposi managed to find herself an AK47 and took up position. No good at handling a firearm, she fired as best she could at the butcher, striking him on his back, the back of his head, arms and legs. The bullets fragmented on contact with his muscular iron like body.

The spray of bullets was enough to distract him and get him to walk a few paces towards the palace. Methild took this chance to recuperate and launched himself towards his enemy who had his back and the back of his legs turned to him. With all of the swiftness of a dragonfly, Methild slashed deeply into the back of the butcher's knees; causing him to fall down hard on his face. With his enemy immobile, he took the chance to cut the monster's nape. But at the last second, the monstrous butcher did something shocking; he turned his neck and head around to keep from being killed.

Methild's blades struck the monster's throat, which was like iron that deflected his blades. The monstrous butcher elbowed the dark elf on his shoulder when Methild raised his arms to absorb the attack which was a bad move on Methild's part. The butcher's strength was as monstrous as his appearance, and broke the bones in the dark elf's forearms, and sent him flying back causing him to drop his daggers. The monstrous butcher stood up and raised his crude cleaver and slowly made his way over to the dark elf writhing on the ground in pain.

Eposi had only a few rounds left in her magazine, watched in horror as the non-human father of her unborn child or children was sent flying back. But she recomposed herself and steadied her breathing and focuses on the back of the monster's neck. Her lover seemed to be focusing on that part of his body before he was struck. She focused as best as she could and fired three shots rapidly. Two missed, striking the back of his head, but the third came through and blew a hole in the back of the monster's neck.

There was a deafening silence in the air. All Eposi heard were the three shots she fired and the casings falling on the floor beside her. Then, the monster fell on his knees and fell back down on the back side of his head. Dying in a pool of its own blood, Methild rose back on his feet and went to find his daggers. Picking them up from the ground with pained grunts. He coughed up blood and walked over to his downed enemy. He looked over to the presidential palace and raised a thumb at Eposi if she was watching. Returning his piercing gaze back at the monster, he slashed three times, cutting deeply till the monster was left without a head.

**Washington D.C, Maryland (USA)**

Northern America, Region 1

Having hopped inside of a SWAT truck located not far from The White House. Benjamin managed to distract and grab the chimera's attention to him. It appeared to be attracted to power and energy. A truck's hot burning and working engine seemed to attract it. He drove only far enough to where he had enough distance between him and the monster. He stopped the truck, walked into the back and grabbed bullet proof long sleeve shirts and pants and some vests too. He placed them on as a precaution if he had to get up close and personal with the monster. He grabbed a duffel bag and threw all of the weapons hanging from their racks inside the truck as he could, and threw them inside the bag.

Benjamin kicked open the rear side doors and looked to the side and saw the chimera closing in very quick. He jumped out of the truck, grabbing an m79 grenade launcher from his duffel bag and loading it. The chimera rammed the truck, flipping it up in the air with its rhinoceros horn and exploded when it crashing down on the ground.

Smoke enveloped the area and the chimera turned around, looking all over to see where Benjamin might have run off too. In its state of concentration, the chimera heard the clicking sound of something from its right. When it turned, it was struck on the side of its face with a grenade that exploded point blank range. It was hurt but not by much. Benjamin fired more grenades, striking the chimera all over its body. The resulting explosions blew away much of the smoke from the burning SWAT truck.

The chimera's skin was covered with second degree burns from where it was hit. It became furious and charged towards Benjamin. Switching from the m79 grenade launcher to a sub machine gun. He fired at the chimeras three heads. Bullets struck and bounced off of parts of its face.

Benjamin was too focused on damaging the chimera's face that he did not have time to dodge a swipe attack from the chimera's left front lion paw. He only raised his weapon in front of him to block as best he could the chimera's attack. The machine gun raised in front of his face took the brunt of the damage. It was destroyed and the former US coast guard was sent flying back from the force.

But from afar, back at The White House. Thyia had her arms raised above her head, swirling them clockwise and counter clockwise. She was working her magic as best she could with the earth's limited magically charged atmosphere. Storm clouds were forming twenty thousand feet above her in the skies in unison to her chanting in her native elven language. She was charging up a super powered magical attack to land a killing blow on the chimera, who was still distracted by Benjamin who was running and hiding behind cars and trucks.

He fired from different firearms whenever he emptied the magazines of the previous firearm. But the chimera flipped the vehicle Benjamin was hiding behind of. As he tried to run, the chimera grabbed him in the jaws of the hippo's mouth and would have sliced him in half had it not been for his bulletproof vests and kevlar sleeves. He reached in his bag moments prior to being grabbed by the chimera's mouth and pulled out a mossberg shotgun and fired inside of the hippo's mouth. The force of the blast forced the hippo head to release him, even if he suffered cuts on his legs and came out with a broken rib.