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or, How I met your father...
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Hello, my beautiful readers.

Again, I feel the need to apologize to keep you waiting. When I get an idea for a story, I always feel the urge to finish it as soon as possible, to publish it for you all. Sadly, I'm not able to take the time I want to write, so finishing my stories take longer than I'd like. I'm available on X/twitter these days, so if you wanna chat about my work, feel free to comment or DM.

The following story is a spin-off from the story of Anna and Adam (if you've read the second chapter, you'll recognize the protagonist of this story). I normally make my stories a mix or real life experiences and my imagination. This story however is completely made up, and any resemblance to any person, living or deceased, is pure coincidental.

Lastly, the usual caveats apply. All the characters in this story are at least 18 years old, and if you find themes like incest and/or exhibitionism offensive, stop reading right away. You have been warned.

If you're still reading, I hope you'll enjoy this. It is a labor of love, and feedback is, as always welcome.




In hindsight, I might have seen it coming. Genetics are a powerful force after all, not just when it comes to appearance, but also personality-wise, and from what I've recently learned, what type of person people become attracted to.

First off though, introductions and a little background are in order, I suppose.


My name is Amanda, and I'm a 41 year wife and mother. I'm about average height, and I have long, jet black hair. I'd say I have an about average body, apart from my huge G-cup breasts. I developed early, and as you might have guessed, growing large breasts at a young age, tends to draw the attention of just about every hot-blooded straight male. Despite a conservative upbringing, mainly enforced by my mother, I quickly learned what turns men on, and from the moment I became sexually active, I enjoyed the attention immensely. It's not really what this story is about, but teasing older men became somewhat of a hobby of mine.

At first I was mostly an incorrigible tease, the idea of men going home to their wives or girlfriends, thinking about that busty, young girl they met earlier, made my late night masturbation sessions all the more enjoyable. It didn't take long though, before I lost my virginity, and having a real cock inside me proved to be even better.

I'll be coming back to those wild days later in the story, so to keep from repeating myself, I'll be brief.

This care-free life went on for a while, when out of the blue, on my last semester of college I met Steven. Not only was he an amazing fuck, but he genuinely seemed to care for me, and despite some initial hesitation, we soon became an item. With our combined sex drives, I suppose it was inevitable that I became pregnant not long after graduation. To say that my parents reacted differently to the news would be the understatement of the century. My father George was so happy he cried, the first and only time I saw him weep openly, but my mother Susan had a complete hissy-fit and immediately set about making wedding plans. No grandchild of hers would be born out of wedlock.

I mentioned that my mother was extremely conservative, right? She was almost stereotypical in how she'd insist on thanking the Lord for our daily bread at every meal, reminding me and my brother how sinners burned in hell and constantly bemoaning the folly of today's youth for not blindly accepting Jesus into their lives. If it wasn't for me and my older brother Adam, I'd bet good money on her being a virgin.

During the pregnancy I had the love and support from Steven, and the unconditional support of my father. There was no doubt in my mind that my mother would disown me if I didn't marry Steven, and since my father had been such a massive support all my life, I didn't want to force him to choose between me or his wife. I also didn't want to risk my child not being able to have a relationship with his or her grandparents.

When our child was old enough, my father had a friend that could get me a job at a day-care center for children with special needs. Even though Steven and his family were wealthy, I knew I wouldn't have to work, but it felt good to know I would have a job if l wanted it. So when Steven, no doubt pressured by my mom, proposed, I said yes. I was happy enough with my life that even my mother's moral condemnations about premarital sex didn't get to me.


After I recovered from the pregnancy and giving birth to our son Josh, I began to regain a lot of my sexual urges. All my fears about having a child leading to Steven's urges decreasing were put to rest, so it actually felt like everything had fallen into place. When Adam became old enough to attend daycare, I started to work a couple of hours a day. As I mentioned Steven and his family were wealthy enough that he really didn't have to work, but he felt an obligation to administer the family wealth, so that it would remain for the coming generation as well.

I guess you could say Steven, Josh and I were a tight knit family. We never kept secrets from one another, and displays of affection were shared openly, and often. George helped out a lot, babysitting his grandchild when Steven and I needed some time to ourselves. In the privacy of our own home, Steven and I liked to indulge our exhibitionist tendencies. We didn't want to mess Josh up too much though, so we had to curb them somewhat when Josh was around.

In hindsight, I guess I should have thanked George even more than I did, as his willingness to babysit allowed for me and George to keep our sex life as active as it was. Don't worry, there'll be more on that later, so I don't want to reveal too much right now.


A lot of women say their sex drive peaks around their 40's. Considering how active Steven and I were, I didn't think it could get any worse. I was wrong. Josh turned 18 around the time when I turned 40, and by then I became really antsy if I didn't get my daily dose. Thankfully, our daily routines allowed me and Steven time for a quick fuck before breakfast. Josh was studying at a local college, and still lived with us.

As I mentioned, we were a close knit family, and for several years, we'd had a tradition of watching TV together, every Friday night. We'd have some snacks, watch a movie and chat. Even though Josh was starting to spend more and more time with his friends, or out on dates, he also felt it was important to maintain the tradition, and it was on one of these Friday nights that life took a major turn for our little family.


Friday evening, and we were all sitting on the couch together. Steven and Josh sat on either end, and I was in the middle, leaning against Steven, his arm around my neck, and my feet in Josh's lap. Steven had moved his hand down my front, subtly caressing my left breast through the shirt I was wearing. My breasts are extremely sensitive, which Steven knew full well, his touch a discreet foreplay for later.

The movie we were watching ended, but since it was still early, we settled on watching some more TV. By happenstance, we ended up watching an episode of a series where a man tells the story of how he met his future wife. The story was a little confusing, and as character after character was introduced, I found myself thinking 'well, she can't be the one, or this will be a short series indeed'.

I sort of let my attention drift for a while, instead focusing on how nice it felt to still be able to spend a Friday evening with my loving husband and son. I guess I never thought much about it, he was indeed growing up to becoming a handsome young man.

"Hey mom, how did you and dad meet?" Josh asked during one of the commercial breaks. I blushed a little, as this wasn't a story I had been prepared to tell my son. I cleared my throat as I tried to come up with a way of telling the story, without scarring Josh forever.

"Well, you see Josh," I began. "I had what you can call a wild period, growing up," I continued, speaking as calmly as I could. Josh just smiled at me, as if begging me to continue the story.

"Yeah," Steven interrupted from behind me. "Your mom was, and still is quite a slut," he added, chuckling. Josh gasped out loud, and I could see the anger welling up in his eyes. Ever the protective son, I thought to myself, and smiled, proud at how my son always rushed to defend his mother's honour. When he was 9 years old, he had even gotten himself into a fist fight when a classmate had said I was old.

"Relax, sweetie," I said calmly, before Josh had time to lash out at his father. "To me and your father, the word slut merely describes a woman who, not only accepts, but embraces having a high sex drive," I told him. "In my mind, there's nothing derogatory about it." Josh listened, and seemed to consider my words for a while, and then nodded, the momentary tension gone as his anger subsided.

"So, you were a.... slut... when you met dad?" Josh asked eventually, clearly a little hesitant in using that word to describe his own mother.

"Yes, and I think you're old enough to hear that I still am," I said before I could stop myself. I don't know if all mothers feel the same way, but I had always been able to read Josh like an open book, and thankfully, it didn't seem like the revelation had scarred him in any discernible way. In fact, despite his best attempts to hide it, I didn't even need to glance down at Josh's crotch to see that he was getting aroused. That knowledge in itself sent a tingle of excitement down my spine.

"I hope you don't hate your mother, for admitting this to you," I asked tentatively, swallowing hard as I tried to push the thought of my son's cock from my mind. Josh smiled at me, and I could see him regaining his confidence.

"I couldn't possibly hate you, mom," he said softly. "But there's no way I'm going to accept you calling yourself old," he added in that serious tone he always used when he spoke from the heart. In that moment, he looked so cute, defending his mother, but I remembered all those times in his youth, when he had used that serious tone, even as a toddler, and I couldn't help but giggle.

The look on his face as I started to giggle was priceless, and I sat back up, and leaned forward closer to Josh.

"I love you, so fucking much, my son," I said, and leaned in close, placing a loving kiss on Josh's lips. It only lasted a fleeting moment, but I could swear I felt a twinge in his lips, as if he had to stop himself from parting his lips. As I mentioned earlier, we were a close knit family, and kissing on the lips was nothing out of the ordinary. I'm not ashamed to admit though, that earlier tingling sensation was fresh in my mind, and I had the same impulse, but thankfully the same restraint. I had long since gotten over the mental barrier of committing incest, but for some reason, that tingling sensation made me slightly uneasy. A part of me couldn't help but feel that including my son in the naughtier parts of my life was wrong somehow.

I broke off the kiss, and sat back, once more leaning my back on Steven, letting him wrap his arm around me, his hand resting idly on my chest.

"So, anyway. Back to the story," I said. "Many years ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Your mother was on a date, with this guy. He took me to a party, and that's when I met your father," I concluded, purposefully deciding to omit a lot of detail to spare Josh's sensibilities.

Josh looked at me nonplussed. Then looked over at the TV. Then back at me again.

"That was a pretty lame story, mom," he said, pointing at the TV, clearing expecting a more elaborate story, like the one we had just watched. Considering what we had watched was a multi-seasonal series, the comparison seemed a little unfair. For one, I wouldn't have the time to tell Josh about all the guys I dated, until I met his father. For two, the story would mostly consist of details that most mothers feel uncomfortable sharing with their offspring.

I was about to tell him just that, when his phone beeped. He looked over at the screen, and grinned.

"Saved by the bell, mom," he said, holding up his phone to emphasize his point. "My clan needs me, so I'll head to my room," he added. He might have told some details about the game, like the name of the game he was playing, and the clan he had joined, but my mind was suddenly preoccupied by the feeling of Steven's cock pressing against my back. Had he become aroused by me talking to Josh about how we met? To be frank though, Steven's sex drive was just as high as mine, and most of the time, it didn't take much to get him going. Considering the details I had omitted to tell were naughty, and in some states illegal, I guess I couldn't blame Steven for getting aroused by the trip down memory lane.

"You know," I said, in a husky voice. "Josh probably has his headphones on in less than a minute, and he wouldn't hear us from here," I added, gently grabbing Steven's hand, pressing it against my breast so he could feel my nipples stiffening. Josh's line of questions had brought back fond memories, and had turned me on, more than I'd like to admit. Even though we'd had sex that morning, I felt that I needed Steven inside me again.

"I bet you a dollar that you need it more than I do," Steven said, giving my breast a gentle squeeze. Before I continue, I suppose a bit of context is needed. Steven and I had this silly long held tradition of making bets, mostly daring each other to do, or refrain from doing things, often related to sex. For instance, Steven once bet that I wouldn't be able to seduce a pretty, young girl in a lingerie store, and I had once bet him that he wouldn't dare kiss the bride on the lips, at a wedding we attended a few years ago. The wager in these bets was always one dollar, and since Steven and I were both fiercely competitive, we often went to some pretty extreme lengths to win. At the time of this story, I think Steven was up on me by three or four dollars.

I couldn't stop grinning, thinking there would be no way that I'd cave before Steven did. Throughout the years, it had seldom taken more than showing my naked body to drive him wild with desire.

"You're on," I replied, and pulled his hand away from my breast, before standing up, slowly taking my clothes off, smiling seductively at him. I wiggled my ass cheeks as I walked to our bedroom, with Steven walking behind me. To my surprise he didn't make a move on me as we headed to bed, both of us electing to sleep naked.


I woke up before Steven the next day, and I was just about to turn to my beloved husband to give him a morning blow-job, when I remembered our bet. I reluctantly refrained from touching him, instead getting up to make breakfast. To tease him a little, I chose to forgo putting on lingerie, before putting on a bathrobe, as I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

I had just finished making some coffee, and fried some eggs and bacon as Josh entered the kitchen.

"Morning, mom," he said, smiling as he looked at the food. I couldn't help but smile back. Perhaps it was because of my 'highly charged state', but for the first time, I became aware that I was looking at him as a handsome young man, and not just my son. "I'm heading off to Eric's place. Can I borrow your car?" Josh asked, interrupting my thoughts. Eric was one of Josh's closest friends who lived across town.

"If you give mommy a kiss," I replied, holding up my car keys, and pouting my lips. Josh never left the house without giving me a kiss or a hug, and he just smiled as he walked up to me, placing his lips against mine. As he did, he placed his hand on my hip, and I felt a familiar tingling sensation spread throughout my body. It took an effort of will to keep my body from shivering with delight, and thankfully he broke off the kiss before I grabbed him and pulled him against me. To this day, I'm not sure if he could see the look of arousal in my eyes, or if he knows how close I was to throwing myself into his arms, and force my tongue into his mouth.

"Thanks, mom," Josh said, grabbing my keys. "Hey, you wanna do a repeat of yesterday? I'd love to have a movie night with you and dad tonight," he said, as he walked towards the front door.

"I'd love that too, sweetie," I replied, a little proud that my voice held, considering I was still a little turned on from yesterday.

"Cool, I'll see you guys later," Josh called out, before heading out, leaving his mother close to shaking with arousal. Damn. Why was I so horny? Couldn't I last more than 24 hours without sex these days? And why where thoughts of fucking my son starting to enter my mind? For some reason, the fear of messing up my sons love-map prevented me from accepting a physical attraction to him. Instead I chose to blame Steven and that stupid bet he had forced me into.

Gosh, I needed to fuck. Badly. Winning that dollar from Steven seemed an impossible task in that moment.


I knew that I needed to keep my mind occupied with something else, and I spent the morning cleaning the kitchen, trying to think unsexy thoughts. I even had to refrain from teasing Steven, as merely thinking about it made my pussy tingle.

Time seemed to slow down to a crawl, and the whole day became torturous. I borrowed Steven's car to drive to the gym to work off some of my frustration.

Normally I savored the looks I got from the young guys in the gym, grinning as I tried to imagine what they were fantasizing about. That day though, they all reminded me of Josh, and thinking about Josh made me think of the conversation we'd had the day before, so I came back home even more frustrated. The bet with Steven had implied that masturbation was off limits, so I couldn't run up to the bedroom and use my toys to let off some steam.

I hadn't spoken to my dad in a couple of days, so I decided to give him a call. At first I had just meant to call him to say hello.

"Listen, love," dad said some 20 minutes into the call. "Even from a distance, I get the feeling something is wrong," he said, his calm, deep voice soothing in a way I can't even describe. Just hearing my father worry about the welfare of his grown up daughter, was enough to make my heart sing, bringing a smile to my face.

"No, dad," I lied. He knew I had been somewhat 'adventurous' in my younger days, but I didn't feel comfortable telling him that his precious daughter was just as wild, even in her 40's, much less that she was frustrated that she had made a bet with her husband as to who would give up and beg for sex first. I guess telling your father that you're so sexually frustrated that all it takes it a kiss from your son to turn you on, isn't something most fathers are ready to hear. "I guess I'm just a little worn out," I told him.

"The daughter I remember always seemed to feel better when she was cooking," dad said, and I almost wanted to cry with joy. He always knew what to say to make me feel better, and if he'd been here, I would have hugged him. He was correct. I'd always loved cooking. I don't know if it's the smell, or what it is, but for some reason, making food brought a peace of mind to me.

"Have I told you I love you dad?" I asked, a wide smile spreading across my face, the earlier frustration washing off of me in a heartbeat.

"I know you do, and I love you too," dad said, and I could hear his smile. "Give my love to Josh and Steven, sweetie," he added. I told him to hug my mom for me, and we ended the call.

I've decided to make some lasagna for dinner. It's a dish that takes some time preparing, but that day it was just what I needed, and by the end, I was singing merrily to a tune in my head. Frank Sinatra's 'My way', if you wanna know. In fact, cooking dinner and singing made me so happy, I managed to push all thoughts of sexual frustration to the side for the moment. Josh came home just about in time for dinner, and thankfully, kissing him to welcome him home felt as natural as it had always been.