Before The Storm (Ch. 03)


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"Oh... oh god," Aliara whimpered. "You're... you're not going to..."

"Relax," Serena said, taking off the last of Sketch's tops, exposing the highly tattooed arms and shoulders of his. "As fun as it would be to breed you, Centurion, nobody's going to do it against your will. If you decide you want to, though, well, we're certainly not going to stop you..."

Serena's slender fingers trailed along Sketch's belly and started toying with the belt holding his pants up, and he felt a slight shiver run up his spine at her fingers, a reflexive pulse of Warmth bubbling out of him and into both the women in the room, something that made Serena purr and Aliara groan.

"Rozo tried to be a good lover, but like all Y'bari, he didn't know a damn thing about sex or sexuality," Serena said. "He tried reading up on it, but he didn't take the study all that seriously, claiming it would detract from his ability to protect me."

"That... that's true," Aliara said, her hands rubbing up and down the tops of her thighs.

"No no, dear," Serena said, unbuttoning Sketch's pants, pushing them down towards his ankles. "Rub your hand right over your slit, where you're feeling the itch. I know you've been trained not to do it, but you need to ignore that now and learn how to bring yourself pleasure."

"I... I shouldn't," the Y'bari said, although her hands were slowly creeping towards the insides of her thighs. Her eyes were locked on his cock like it was a predator ready to strike at any moment. "It's... it's forbidden..."

The young princess giggled, giving Sketch's cock a tug. "All the fun stuff is." He was hard, being in the presence of two beautiful female figures, even if one of them was marginally out of scale.

Aliara's ass rested on her heels, and finally, her legs spread wide as she brought one hand down to stroke across her large pussy, her back almost snapping into an arc as soon as her fingertips brushed across that flesh, a sharp sudden gasp of inhaled breath cutting through the air like a knife. "Oh fucking hells that's good..." Her pose was one of supplication, her head turned to one side, her breasts thrust proudly out for them to look at.

"And that's barely the tip of the spear, Aliara," Serena said, licking her lips. "Even though Rozo was only what I'd call an adequate lover, he helped me discover the things I liked and the things I didn't. He was a piss poor student of that, too, I'm afraid, so he never learned to lean into those things, no matter how much I tried to teach him. But Sketch is excellent."

"It's... it's so fucking difficult to think..." Aliara whined. "God, his scent is fucking intoxicating. And that cock of his... I could get so tight around it..."

"You want him, don't you, Centurion?" Serena taunted. "You're fucking yearning for him to just fuck you until your nerves are overwhelmed with signals they've never sent before."

"N-n-n-no...? Y-y-y-yes? F-f-f-Fuck I don't... I don't fucking know. I can't... I can't fucking think straight, no fucking idea what I fucking want...." Her voice, which had been higher pitched before, was descending into a deep growl now.

"Her thermic levels have risen by several degrees, Sketch," Helen's voice said, a certain level of amusement in her tone. "And her vagina is quite significantly more damp than it was when she arrived."

"Gods, Helen," Serena laughed. "You need to loosen up a bit. Pussy. Cunt. Twat. Snatch. Unless we're in a strictly non-sexual situation, I don't ever want to hear you use the word 'vagina' again."

"Yes m'lady. Let me try again." Helen paused for a moment, then in a wanton, sultry tone Sketch had never heard from her, spoke again. "Sketch, her cunt is fucking dripping for dick. For your dick, Captain. I think you ought to let her have it." He'd never known Helen to have a sex voice before now, and the fact that she did both made him a little more nervous and excited him just a fraction.

"Gooood, Helen..." Serena cooed. "We'll make a slut out of you yet." Her fingertips continued to slide up and down up his shaft slowly. "Same for you, Aliara. You'd never known what lust was like until a few hours ago, and now it's the only fucking thing rolling around in that pretty head of yours." Her other hand reached to slide along his back, pulling him closer to the edge of the cell, using her foot to slide the box of medicines until it was almost right up against the cell's force shield. "How old are you, Centurion?"

"75 Imperial cycles," Aliara said, her fingers very cautiously stroking across her own clit.

"That means she's barely 25 in human terms, Sketch," Serena chuckled. "What, was the House of Sanada your first assignment out of the academy?"

"It... it was, m'lady," Aliara said, wincing a little bit. "This touching... it soothes but... it doesn't not relieve, it... it does not alleviate..."

"That's the problem with an unconventional uncapping, Centurion," Serena said, an almost vindictive smile on her face. "The only time sexual pleasure is permitted for a Y'bari is if they are being paired with someone, although once they're paired, they have full access to it. But the uncapping? That's irreversible. That means if you go back to your people, you will be considered sullied, defiled, worthless. They will reject you at best, kill you most likely."

"Why... why would you... choose to do this to me?"

"Nobody chose to do this to you, Y'bari," Serena sighed. "Except maybe you yourself. You didn't have to come aboard The Praeteritus to deliver the Hapzix. You could've simply deposited it in our hangar and departed, but you decided you wanted to see the inside of this vessel. Because you were bored, if I had to guess, based on the state of your ship."

"Kill me... or set me free... m'lady... you cannot be... this cruel..."

Serena's face clenched up in anger. "Your people killed every family member or friend I ever had, all because the Dominion decided the royals were more trouble than they were worth, so do not speak to me about what level of cruelty I am and am not capable of," she seethed at the taller woman. "I'm the only royal left, and you have no idea the pressure that has me under."

"Not... not the only..."

Serena's head wheeled up to try and stare Aliara in the eye. "What did you say?"

Aliara laughed, wheezing in a breath, as if realizing she had a card left to play in this game. "You... you don't know... hahaha... oh I've got a bargaining chip now, m'lady..."

"You can't hold onto it for long, though, can you, Aliara?" The princess was attempting to regain control of the situation, but Sketch could see she was a little rattled, some piece of information having been introduced that didn't line up with her world view. "All you have to do is agree, take the pill and choose us instead of the Dominion," she said, as she leaned her arms against the force shield that formed the door, moving to widen her legs a little bit, wiggling her ass in his direction, inviting Sketch to stick his cock inside of her.

"You... you make treason... sound... so easy..."

"It's freedom not treason, Aliara," Serena said, sliding one arm off the wall to reach beneath her, rubbing at her own pussy, using her index and middle finger to spread her folds, not looking back, keeping her face pointed at the Y'bari. "You'd be bound to us, but we won't force you to do anything you don't want to, won't make kill your own people, although they're likely to be hunting us..."

"Trading... one master... for another..."

"Except we won't order, won't command, won't control..." Serena purred at the larger woman before looking back over her shoulder at Sketch. "Are you going to fuck me, or are you going to make me beg for it?" She giggled a little, licking her lips. "Is that what you want? To see me whimpering and pleading just like the Y'bari on the other side of the cell? 'Please, Storm Walker, shove your mighty cock inside me and let me know your love once more. Rip my young womb open and fuck me until my knees cannot lock... Fucking rail me!' Shit like that?"

"I mean," Sketch chuckled, "I just wanted to hear you say it, so I knew you really wanted it."

"Does it turn you on to hear me say it, Walker?" she said, turning her eyes back to focus on Aliara, as he moved to close the distance between them.

"If I deny it, you'll know I'm lying, and if I admit it, you'll have power over me," he said, as the tip of his cock touched against the back of one of her thighs, making the princess shiver with anticipation, trying to manipulate her body to get herself into position.

"I only have as much power over you as you give me, and that will only ever equal, never exceed, as much as I give you over me in return," she purred. "Now get that fucking dick inside of my twat before I start leaking all over the fucking floor..."

"I've got power over you, huh?" Sketch laughed as he lined the tip of his shaft up against her wet folds and then pushed forward, a strangled groan escaping his lips, one that was echoed by both Serena and Aliara. "That'll disappear once I get an Ashaka again."

"You believe that, Walker, and you're a goddamn fool," Serena moaned, lifting one of her feet before stamping it down hard on the metal floor, as if to try and recenter herself. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good inside of me... so fucking full of your dick..."

"You're a bitch, Serena," Aliara whined. "Cruel. Heartless. Wicked."

The bottom of Serena's fist thumped against the force shield, the almost completely transparent blockade responding with a slight ripple of blue coloration, as if simply noting the strike. "Far less cruel than your Dominion masters, Centurion," she gasped. "Join us, and you will have access to your sexual side, to pleasure and lust and delight and joy."

"Is... is that what this is?" she whimpered, her fingers strumming quickly against her pussy. "Why... why does it feel... like a hunger... that I cannot quench..."

"Because you can't orgasm until you're bonded," she said. "A cruel fact of life put upon you by the Starless Dominion. Don't you want to let them be your past and not your future?"

"I... I don't..."

"Fuck, Walker, you're so fucking good at that," Serena moaned carnally. "You're barely started and I'm already close to creaming all over that fat dick of yours..."

"I'm not far myself," Walker said. "Several years of solitude have left me... sensitive..."

"Don't you fucking dare cum inside of me this time, Sketch," she growled at him. "Not this one time. You think you're getting close, slow down..."


"You fucking heard me!"

Aliara lifted one of her feet and kicked at the force wall, and while the blue coloration ripples were much more visible, the force shield held. "FUCK!" she shouted. "This is untenable! Intolerable! Gods below, it is fucking evil."

"Yes yes fucking yes," Serena yelled before she tensed up, and he could feel her seeping liquid all over his cock, even while she vibrated in the throes of a sudden orgasm that gave no real warning before it was upon her, as she banged her head against the force wall, every muscle in her body going into the shakes.

Aliara's other hand was pinching one of her nipples now, her face a contorted masque of lust and frustration all bubbling into one heady cocktail of emotions. "I can take no more of this!"

Serena slowly pulled herself forward, slipping Sketch's still hard cock out of her, the length of it gleaming with her milky white fuck cream, as she laughed. "Then which pill will it be, Aliara?"

"The... the upper ri-... no... the second tray, bottom center, with what looks like two circles with an overextended diamond between them..."

Serena knelt down and lifted the top tray from the box, setting it aside, finding a compartment with a single pill in it, four other compartments to the left and three to the right, the top of the compartment having two ovals with a symbol in the that looked a bit more like four X's shoved together to form a diamond in the center of them. The pill itself was clear with a sort of swirling mix of blue and red metallic looking liquids inside the pill, as if the two liquids were refusing to mesh together, each holding its own in a battle. "This it?"

Aliara glanced over at it, then nodded feverishly. "That's it. Give it."

"You know what it means, don't you?"

"You know I fucking do, Princess," Aliara snarled. "Do you?"

"Just confirming your choice," Serena said, a smug look of satisfaction on her face. "Helen, lower the force shield."

"Excuse me, m'lady?" Helen's voice said. "Are... are you certain that's wise?"

"We've tormented the Centurion long enough, Helen," the princess replied.

"Centurion no longer," Aliara sighed, although to Sketch's ears, she didn't sound particularly sad about that development.

"Lower the door," Serena repeated.

"Captain?" Helen asked, wanting Sketch's confirmation.

To his eye, Serena and Aliara had been engaged in some sort of battle of wits, but it seemed like a victor had been discovered, based on the princess's confidence. "We're going to have to trust her sooner or later, Helen," he replied. "Lower it."

There was a pause, much longer than Helen had ever taken in executing an order before, but after what felt like a minute or two, the force shield dropped, and Aliara leaned forward, then flopped onto her stomach before rolling onto her back, as if she did not even have the energy to keep herself even partially off the ground. "Give me the pill, princess," Aliara huffed, her breathing jagged and uneven still. "And your word of loyalty to me as I am giving to you."

"To us," Serena corrected. "We're the crew of The Praeteritus now, and so will we be until either we are no more, or the ship is." She held out her hand with the pill, as Aliara opened her mouth wide. Serena dropped the pill into the Y'bari's mouth, then looked over to Sketch. "Are you close?"

"I've eased off a bit, but I'm not far," he said, as Aliara swallowed the pill. "Why?"

"Come here, Walker," she said with a soft smile.

He moved to stand almost over the giant woman, as Serena's hand began to fondle his balls. "When you're close, tell me," she said quietly. "Look at this magnificent specimen of femininity you have before you, Miles. She wants to worship you, to adore you. But more importantly, she wants you to fuck her, to teach her what the sensations of orgasms are like, and to reward her for choosing risk over security, choosing adventure over safety, choosing lust over fear. She, much like I, will be your ideal lover, a warrior woman in the world and a fucking freak in the sheets. We will devote part of each day studying what makes you tick, makes you shudder, makes you weak in the knees. We will learn every sexual thought you have ever entertained, and will bring them all to life vividly."

Serena's eyes were focused on his, and they were practically gazing into his soul. "You... you just met me..."

"Shhhh.... Shhh shhh shhh... I know that and you know that, but our bodies? Our bodies are going to learn whatever it takes to make you orgasm endlessly and as intensely as your does to us," she purred. "Look at her... just look at her... she wants to taste your seed, don't you Aliara?"

"I... I can't fight this... I yield... you win... if it will break this dam... then you... you must claim me... you must own me... I am yours, Storm Walker... if... if you will have me..."

"What... what do I do?" he asked the princess.

"Are you ready to cum?"

"Nearly there..."

"When you're about to pop, you need to shove your cock into Aliara's mouth as much as you can, and make sure she takes all of the seed you are going to give her, and that she licks your dick clean, both of your juices and mine... You want that, don't you, Aliara?"

"Yes, m'lady."

"And what will that make you?"

"A Centurion no longer."

"And instead?"

"Yours... your concubine and warrior... your..." She inhaled a breath, as if she was letting go of some long-held beliefs and embracing her new identity. "Your fuckpet, your slut, your protector and whore and lover and soldier and whatever the fuck else you two want me to be, but fucking take me already for fuck's sake! BIND ME!"

The way she began to talk faster, more enthusiastically and more energetically, it was clear to Sketch that whatever reservations she'd had before, they were left in the stardust of the ship's wake, and the Y'bari was opening her mouth as wide as she could, sticking her tongue out, her amber eyes looking up at him imploringly, almost desperate, as if the wait was literally eating her up inside.

He was about to push into her mouth when Serena moved to sit down on the floor, lifting up Aliara's shoulders and head, propping her up so that the Y'bari's mouth was exactly at waist level. "Well?" Serena laughed. "She's waiting. Feed your slut."

Between the needy look on Aliara's face and the mischievous grin on Serena's, he was about to pop when Aliara's arms lifted up suddenly, her massive hands grabbing his asscheeks to force his feet to slide across the floor until he felt his cock enter her mouth, like she was trying to swallow him whole. The increased size of her didn't mean that her mouth was much deeper, and when he felt the head of his dick touch against the back of her throat, he placed both hands on top of Aliara's head and let loose.

Despite the fact that he'd given Serena two loads over the last twenty-four hours, there was something unique and unusual about this, the way that Aliara was holding his body against her face, refusing to let him pull back, even as she swallowed and drained his balls of jizz in addition to licking up every bit of Serena's cream off of his shaft.

Somewhere in the middle of it, the Y'bari let loose a cathartic moan of pleasure that sent shivers up his spine, being that his cock was absorbing all of it, and it made him give a couple of extra spurts when he thought he was dry. The tremors lasted for a long moment, and then he felt her hands suddenly fall off of his ass and bang against the floor, her tongue stopping in its movement, as she went slack, almost completely lifeless, and Sketch stepped back, sliding his softening cock from her lips, as he noticed they were moving.

He bent down and could hear as the quietest of whispers "Imprinting, human, subjects: 2" repeated over and over again. Perhaps, he thought to himself, this bonding was a lot less figurative than he'd been expecting...

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Ravey19Ravey19about 1 month ago

Excellent. Tones of QuaranTeam! ,

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Double trouble 🤯 or twice the fun? 💦

Madmack37Madmack375 months ago

Quaranteam and TSM for sure…

maxsteelemaxsteele10 months ago

So is this story related to your Quaranteam series or is it just a coincidence?

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

A weird twist... but really enjoying this story

JAFCritic3JAFCritic3about 1 year ago

Imprinting! I’ve heard this before! Hmm, is there a link with another storyline here? Or just a common kink?

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 1 year ago

Absolutely terrific!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Enjoying it so far and looking forward to seeing more chapters

bhojobhojoabout 1 year ago

Something to link this with the quaranteam series. Way to go !

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