Being Downsized


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"You are soaked?"

"Yes! I'm dripping!"

I saw an off ramp ahead that went off, crossed a road and came right back on the freeway. I took it. When I stopped at the road crossing I said, "I think you would feel better if you got out, took off your jeans and then got in the back. You could clean up and bring a towel back up here to sit on."

Monica still had not buttoned her shirt. She opened her door, stood beside the RV and took off her jeans.

"Panties too." I said.

She was nude from the waist down, walked to the back door of the RV, and climbed in. She rinsed the jeans and panties in the sink and hung them in the bathroom.


"Yes Nick."

"I'd like a taste."


"Come close and dip your fingers into your juices. Then put your fingers in my mouth."

She knelt behind the two seats up front but between them and did as I asked. I sucked her fingers clean and said, "Again." I did that many times. In between I told her how great she smelled and tasted.

Finally I told her that was enough for now and she could get a towel and sit up front. When she sat back in the front seat she was wearing only the open western shirt.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"I'm all excited. I'm still making juices. My skin feels really alive."

"Let's roll the windows down and feel the wind."

With the windows down her shirt was flapping in the breeze. She wiggled some and off it came! She put the shirt on the floor between us and rode along wearing only her seat belt and feeling the wind. The grin on her face was that of a young girl riding her first Ferris Wheel and loving it.

By early evening we were off the interstate and on the two lane roads that would take us to the resort. Monica was watching everything and asking questions often.

"How far are we from the lake? Is this the nearest big city? Do you have neighbors? What is growing there? What is that?"

It was like traveling with an excited child; an excited nude child with the body of a woman. Every time I looked over I got turned on.

After we left the last town I drove about three miles out of town to CR-26, the county road that went out to the lake. In the spring a sign was going up at this corner that would say, "Leaping Bass Resort 10 miles" with an arrow pointing down CR-26. When I turned Monica squirmed in her seat.

"Is this the road to the lake?"

"Yes. We'll be at the resort in ten miles."

She watched and I drove. We passed miles of trees growing right up to the edges of the road. Once in a while there was a break in the trees and she could see that in the distance were more trees and more mountains. Because most of the trees were pine the forest was still green.

At the proper moment the road turned and we were at the crest of the road in. As we turned with the road we could see into the valley and my new woman got her first look at the lake. We were about four miles from the lake and about 600 feet above it. It is surrounded by green forest and shines like a gem during the day. It was nearly dark when she first saw it and it looked more like a mirror than a lake.

As I drove down the road we kept getting looks at the lake through the forest. I heard a whisper from Monica that I didn't understand.

"What was that?" I asked.

"I was talking to myself." She said. "I live here."

"Is that OK with you?"

"Yes. But, as it is getting dark I'm starting to get cool. Should I get dressed?"

"Sure. That's a good idea."

She got up and turned to go into the back. I saw her put her hand to her pussy and she asked, "Taste?"

"Why yes, Thank you."

When her fingers were licked and sucked clean she went in the back and dressed. I noticed a wet spot on the towel where she had been sitting.

She moved the towel before resuming her seat. When she sat down we were going through the gate onto the resort. Half a mile later I parked in front of the lodge building.

"Would you like a tour of your new home?" I asked.

"No. I want a tour of your bed! You've had me juiced up and turned on all day. Now I want some fucking!"

I shut of the RV and met her at the front door of the lodge. I turned lights on as we entered and I apologized for the state of cleanliness or lack thereof.

"The bedroom, please."

I led the way. I had made the bed with clean sheets before I left, knowing I would want to drop into a clean bed when I returned. I had not known I wouldn't be dropping in alone. Monica stripped down and pulled open the bed in seconds. She opened herself to me and urged me to hurry. I did my best to do just that, and without falling on my ass. I made it.

She was wet all day and I had been semi-hard all day as well. Now it took seconds of her handiwork to have me all-the-way hard. She let go and pulled her legs up to her chest, opening her pussy for me like a flower. A wet flower. A feeling came over me that I think almost every man has experienced. I wanted at that moment to plunge myself into her as deep as possible as fast as possible. I wanted to touch my cock to her lips and slowly savor every millimeter of penetration until I was fully inside Monica's wetness. I started slow. It didn't last.

As soon as my head was inside Monica thrust her hips at me and I was buried all the way in. She gripped me tightly and I felt her muscles milking me. I held still feeling her muscles dancing and pulling at me for a few seconds and then she said, "Pound me! Fuck me hard please! Slam that wonderful cock into me!"

Pulling back was not easy. Monica's grip on my root was strong. I won. I pulled all the way out and then slid back in and stopped with an inch left outside. I stopped for less than a second and then slammed home. Monica arched her back and moaned. I repeated the process and repeated the process with her response being a variety of differing moans and two groans.

I wanted to increase the pace and did. I was pulling almost all the way out and slamming all the way in. I kept thinking, "long strokes, long strokes." I kept the long strokes as I felt my cum rising and when I came I didn't hold back at all. If there had been a neighbor within a mile they would have heard me.

I rolled to my side and Monica quickly turned and licked me clean. She sucked the remnants of my cum from me and then thanked me. We snuggled for a while and then as I was drifting towards sleep she asked, "May I have a little of the tour now?"

I got up and we did a mini-tour; just the lodge. I turned the heat on to take the chill off the place. We didn't dress. We brought in her suitcase and her bags of new clothes. She searched the kitchen and found some stuff for our dinner. She made dinner and brought a pad and pencil to the table with dinner. Her mind was going a mile a minute so I sat back, ate, and watched.

"How long will it take to get to town after it starts snowing?"

"According to Pete, the guy who lived here and according to his diary, it takes between three hours and all day to get to town in the winter. The county plows the road once a week and the feds plow once every couple of weeks. The feds have a fire lookout at the far end of the lake and they plow in with supplies every couple of weeks."

"That means we need to be able to live here without access to town for a month. That gives us a comfortable cushion in case there is something that snows us in for a while. Do you have a snowmobile?"

"No. The RV and a three year old pick up."

"It might be a good idea to have one in case we need to get out and the plow isn't working."

"I like how your mind works. I hadn't thought of either of those things. What else?"

"I need some new pots and pans and some kitchen supplies that regular markets don't carry. Is there a restaurant supply place within a hour or so?"

"I can find out, but not tonight."

We stayed up until almost midnight. We had three pages of lists of supplies and things we needed. We had three other pages of our new "To Do" list. As I noticed the clock was approaching midnight I grabbed my lady and took her back to my bed.

We snuggled and talked for a few more minutes and then fell asleep holding each other.

For months either an alarm clock or the sun had brought me back from sleep. That morning it was Monica's kisses and hands that woke me.

As she nibbled my ear lobe she very softly asked, "Would you rather I sucked you or that you fuck me?"

"Oh, it's hard to choose. There is a third choice. There is even a forth choice. I think I want to start with choice number three."

"Which is?"

"I want you to understand something. I'm going to give you oral sex. I'm going to eat your pussy. I'm going to administer a full dose of cunnilingus to you. You have always believed that any man who does that is intending to please you. You believed, as many women do, that the only reason a man would go there is that it pleases the woman. I can't speak for any other man than me. I do it because I love it. In your case, did you notice I wanted a lot of your nectar yesterday?"

"Yes." Her voice was quiet.

"I love the taste of you. I love the feminine odor of you. It kept me turned on all day long. Now, there are no kids riding their bikes outside, no sheriff knocking on the door. I can take my time and enjoy you. You need not do anything at all. Just lie back and relax. If you decide you want me to do something I'm not doing or more of what I am doing, please speak up."

I flipped her onto her back and she spread her legs for me. I kissed the inside of her knee and she was startled. She whispered, "Relax Monty. Relax."

I kissed again and she stayed relaxed. "Monty?" I thought about that. I liked it. I held her legs as I kissed and when I was close to her smooth, open pussy I breathed on it. I stuck my tongue out and touched her outer lips.

With just the tip I traced her outer lips. Top to bottom then bottom to top. Ten strokes on the left and then twelve on the right. At the bottom of a stroke I widened my tongue and licked both outer lips completely.

I was given a low soft moan as her response.

Once again, beginning at the bottom of her slit I used my wide tongue and slightly more pressure to lick both lips at once.

I felt an almost imperceptible thrust from her and a repeat of the soft moan.

My first lover told me that if I found something that I loved doing and it got a positive response from a lover, do it again... and again. I believe she was right. I followed her wise counsel as I ate Monica.

Her moans were louder and the thrusts stronger when she changed the game in a delightful way. I was about to start another upward stroke when her hands came between my face and her lips. She parted her lips, opening her innermost self to me. I gently licked the entire inner parts of her offered self.

She pushed against my tongue and face and softly said, "Oh yesssssss."

I did it again. She did it again. I was doing something we both loved. I said, "Hmmmm" as I licked. She opened wider for me. I licked around her opening and penetrated her vagina with my tongue. She moaned again. Juices flowed and I lapped them up. Fresh and warm and wonderful.

I pulled back a second and said, "I love how you taste. Give me more!"

In a flash Monica was out from underneath me and had flipped me on my back. She straddled my shoulders and face and lowered her pussy right to my mouth.

"Now you can have all my juice!" She said.

She held on to the headboard and rode my face like this was the rodeo and the eight second clock was broken. I had passing thoughts of dying, smothered in pussy and realized that if today was my day to die that was a good way to go. She moved and I licked and swallowed all the juices she could make.

Eventually she slowed her pace and I did something different. I sucked her clitoris. It had taken me a while to find it. It was very tiny and covered by it's hood. As excited and turned on as she was it was still hidden. As I sucked I used my tongue to move the hood and when I did that she screamed. No, that's not what she did. She screamed and shook and thrashed and grabbed my hair and sat down on my face hard.

I licked it again and she exploded. My face was in her pussy and I couldn't breathe. She held onto my hair lifting my face into her and she pressed down with her whole body. I panicked and sucked harder. Her orgasm peaked and after a few seconds I had to catch her! My lady had had her first and maybe second orgasms and had passed out.

I helped her onto her back and held her. In a few seconds she was back. Her body was covered in sweat and she was shaking.

She looked at me and asked, "Was that...?"

"An orgasm? If it wasn't there never has ever been one on this planet!"

"Damn! How could I go so many years without one of those?"

"That I don't know. What I do know is the drought is over! What I want to know is what you'd like to do with the hard on I have."

"You've given me so much. I want to give to you. I have three openings and two have been used before. If you want my ass you can have it."

"I do want your ass, but not today. I want something to look forward to. I choose something we hadn't put on the list. I want to join with you."


"I'll explain. Lie back. Hold me gently as I enter you."

Monica's arms held my shoulders and she wrapped her legs around my thighs. I entered her and slowly moved in and out of her. Not just in and out but with some slight side to side motion as well. I kissed her and our tongues danced a slow and sensual dance. She broke the kiss and kissed my neck. I kissed her neck. Her hand roamed my back and arms. I kissed her face again and her mouth. She sucked my tongue and I thrust my cock in completely. When I pulled back she sucked my tongue harder.

We rolled over and Monica dangled her breasts in my face. I kissed one and then the other. I kissed a trail up to her mouth and danced with her tongue a while as she slowly moved her hips. She ground her pussy against me and she lifted herself and then slowly lowered herself. We were savoring every feeling. Enjoying the no hurry of joining was the purpose. Learning each others likes and desires was what we were doing. After a while we held each other and felt me slowly becoming smaller until I popped out of her. Then we laughed and held each other for a while longer.

What a way to begin our lives together. I thought about what I was doing. Three days ago this was a total stranger. Now she is living in my home, in my bed and I have promised to treat her as my wife and partner. Am I nuts?

Maybe. I waited a minute and then asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking I'm crazy. Up until three days ago I was feeling lost, alone, scared to death and unwanted. I hadn't had sex in five years. Now I'm living on a lake with a man I didn't know at all three days ago. I've given myself to him and he's given me orgasms! Am I nuts?"

"If you are I am too. I'm also grateful. When you went to bed in the dining room of the RV I wondered if you would ever accept my terms. I wondered what it was that had you stay down there."

"I'll tell you, if you want to know."


"It was the stuff about obedience. I had to think about it for a while. I couldn't just accept it as I heard it. Then, in the night I understood. As my boss you could order me around and when that happens the employee feels the power struggle. Employees end up resenting the boss. You were telling me that you seldom give orders. You expect the requests and suggestions to be acted upon but you aren't going to be the tyrant. By morning I was ready to accept your offer, so I did."

"I'm glad we were able to work it through. I did give you an order yesterday."

"I was being punished and orders are part of that."

"We need to get to work. Last night you got the tour of the lodge. This morning we should tour the rest of the place. We can make lists of the supplies we need to have before winter for each of the cabins, the boats, and the lodge. Perhaps tomorrow we can go shopping and find the things we put on the lists."

"First, I'll make breakfast."

The day went and the lists were made. If we got everything done that we put on the lists the resort would be really great when we opened at the end of March. Monica acted like my partner, not an employee. When she saw something that needed doing, she did it. When we toured she made suggestions about improvements and changes and they were thoughtful and made good sense.

At both lunch and dinner that day Monica quizzed me about what I liked to eat. She made lists of the foods we needed to get for the winter. I found a restaurant supply on the internet and we ordered the things she needed. We found time to play twice that day. Once after lunch and again that evening in front of the fireplace.

Late that night I woke up and thought for a while before going back to sleep. I thought about the way my life was three years before when I was unhappily married and unhappily working for a corporate job that I hated and I felt stuck. I thought about the work I had done since buying the resort and the last couple of days since Monica entered my life. Getting downsized wasn't such a terrible thing at all.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As with the other writings of yours, I am thoroughly enjoying them. They are a GREAT escape from my reality.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Some of your readers seem to be looking for reality or make comments about comparing your stories to their reality. 1) I get enough reality away from this computer & 2) So far, I'm enjoying your stories for what they are. Oh Yeah! 3) If I want to have complicated relationships, I seem, unfortunately, to be able to attract them without even trying ! THANKS !

WargamerWargamerover 2 years ago

Not bad, 4/5

See what the next chapter brings if he shares her that’s it for me. D/s relationships are all about trust once that trust is breached and it becomes the abuse of sharing no more story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
(BC) 👈 me Bullshit

Started out great, right up to the part when the trucker was involved. Don’t get why you want to get anyone else involved in the fantasy! Sick fuck! Was going to read. Not now!🤮

JohnnyMaxJohnnyMaxover 11 years ago

Another excellent story from a gifted writer. Easy pace with a great flow. A lack of spelling and grammar mistakes make this easy to read.

Part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

EXTREMELY well written by someone who TRULY understands that the lifestyle is NOT about treating your Woman like crap or a piece of meat to be abused. It is about helping each other reach your peaks. SUPER! Master Samurai

bornagainbornagainover 16 years ago
To Demanding

I can see where Nicks marriage went to he was to demaanding in his marriage that s probably why his marriage got downsized and if monica doesnt start telling Nick to downsizing his demands his relationship might go down the tubes or drains in this case.


GAnnEGAnnEabout 17 years ago
Categories Don't Matter--CONTENT DOES!

The writer is very gifted. His stories are Steamily Erotic

but not in the usual and boring sense. His characters are

alive and responsive and thinking! His talents as a writer

bring the reader "inside" the relationship and the action!


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Subtle and Haunting

I fell in love with the subtle way that Monica fit in with the narrator's commands and, more pertinent, his needs. It makes the writing sophisticated in a way most erotic stories are not. I get the sense that these are the types of characters that feel like they are coming home when the find each other, like Vonnegut's duprass or like souls from past lives. I was lukewarm about it immediately after I read it, but have been thinking about it off and on for over a week now, and that, to me, is what reading is for.


JailJailover 17 years ago

as a sub beginning to discover more and more about D/s and BDSM, your story shows a gentle approach to those of us who are perhaps overanxious or apprehensive into submitting to the One we wish to please. You depiction of Monica taking her time to think about Nick's offer, was one of clear rationale and desire. Please write Part 2, Scorpio44, Sir.

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