Being Jim Ch. 06: Lessons of Life Pt. 01


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"I think we have established a foundation, yourself, Penny and I. What we need to work on with you is confidence. Like trust there is a certain amount of fear to overcome, that will come with experience."

Maggie squeezed my hand in hers and her lips parted and her teeth nibbled at the lobe of my ear. I thought I was going to melt into a puddle right there on the floor in front of their chalkboard and classroom. Pulling back to look me in the eye again Maggie's copper colored eyes seemed to glow with a low fire, her lips were smiling with a promise of unlocked secrets and knowledge. Without breaking eye contact I raised my right hand up to her face, and softly stroked the backs of my fingers along her cheek and gently took her head in my hand and pulled her face to mine. Tilting slightly to one side our lips found one another and we brushed softly. When Maggie released my left hand I brought it to the other side of her head and pulled her to me a bit more forcefully and our kisses became suddenly much more passionate. Her tongue parted my lips in search of a dance partner, my own tongue. Twirling and twining with one another as our lips matched move for move, slipping and sliding. I was lost in her lips, the sensations taking me out of myself as if to give flight to my imagination. However when I felt Maggie's hands sliding up and down along the front of my jeans in my crotch, my eyes sprung open and I pulled my head back a bit. Maggie's face was a picture of sultriness and want, her eyes half closed, her lips still parted suddenly turned up into a decidedly wicked smile. Her hands, her palms and fingers were pressing flatly against my growing erection. I shuddered with the overwhelming sensations. The passionate kissing the wanton stimulation of her touch was nearly too much. Maggie must have sensed this as she leaned in and kissed me again but only a soft lingering lip to lip kiss. When she withdrew again she again reached for my hand and began leading me back towards the beaded curtain and the stairs.

"Jim darling, I'm sorry for just now. It was not kind of me to let myself lose control and... get you all worked up. Forgive me please. I guess I can no longer blame Penny for what she did last weekend, I seem to have fallen under your spell as well." Maggie looked at me and I could have sworn she was blushing. OH MY GOD! Maggie... Mrs. Mays! Blushing? Wait... WHAT? 'under my spell'? What the hell was she talking about? My head was spinning as we climbed the stairs to the landing and the front door.

Turning to face me once again, still holding my hand, Maggie looked down sheepishly at her feet, or was it my bulging crotch? Looking back up she cleared her throat and looked me in the eye again and smiled that soft knowing smile.

"I truly am sorry for that Jim, if there were more time... but that will be another lesson of course. You are coming tomorrow, to mow, and for your lessons, yes?" She stated more than actually asked.

"Yes ma'a... Damn it..." I hung my head for a moment shaking it then looked back up into Maggie's eyes. "Yes Maggie, I will be here. Maggie smiled as much from my verbal stumble as from my confirmation that I would attend in the morning. Squeezing my hand she leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips again before saying thank you and opening to door for me. I returned the squeeze of her hand and the kiss and stepped out onto the front porch and made my way to my truck.

I could bore you with explaining of how my head was lost in a cloud throughout my drive home that evening, how I played and replayed every word said between Maggie and I. And of course that amazing kissing session in front of the chalkboard, and my god, getting groped by Mrs. Mays! WOW! Just thinking about it made my jeans uncomfortably tight again. Instead I'll just skip all that and say that I got home, early for my usual routine for the past... well... all summer really, and my father was sitting on the back porch of our house on the hill on the farm. He was relaxing in the cool night breeze having a beer or two. He was a bit surprised to see me so early and asked me to join him for a bit. I grabbed a glass of iced tea and settled into a chair next to him as we watched the moon rising over the hill to the East of the house. We talked about his shop and how business was slowly taking off. We talked about my brother and sisters and my mom and how everyone was doing. And of course we finally got around to talking about me, the object of the whole conversation I deduced early on. My dad means well, and he doesn't pry as long as he doesn't think there's a problem, but he is still curious especially of his eldest son. I think he was wondering about my adventures and if they were anything like the ones he had at my age. We didn't discuss that of course but he wanted to know how I was doing, about my work with Dom's and my yard work and lastly about my tutoring lessons. He asked me if I needed any help paying for the lessons. I laughed at that but then I had to explain why I laughed. I explained that most of my yard work jobs were paying jobs, but the Tutoring was being paid for in trade. I mowed my tutors' yard in exchange for the lessons. My dad actually seemed impressed by this "deal" and said it was a great idea. We talked about a few other things that really weren't important then we both decided it was time to call it a day and go to bed. I told him I was headed to town again in the morning for my tutors' yard work and lessons afterwards before working at Dom's that evening. I would see him again Sunday morning.

My dreams were a kaleidoscope of images and people that night, it seems I kissed every girl on my mind, well, not everyone but enough to make it way too confusing to figure out. At one point I was kissing Penny, then suddenly it was Michelle, I blinked and it was Maggie that had locked lips with me, I blinked again and I was being hugged and groped and kissed by Jules! What the Hell? I found myself in the shower kissing Maggie but she was fully dressed and she was stroking my erection under the water falling from the shower head. Penny was in the shower as well, and she was pressing her bare breasts into my back as her arms were wrapped around me and her hands fondling my own chest and nipples, her lips kissing my back and shoulders. As confusing and exciting as the dream was I was disappointed when I woke up to my alarm. I got up and started my day. I tended to the animals and chores before showering and shaving to clean up before heading to town. Mom was setting breakfast on the table for Dad and my sisters as I passed through the kitchen to leave for town. A hug and a kiss and grabbed a piece of toast and some bacon then I was on my way. The whole trip to town seemed like a blink of an eye as my mind was occupied trying to sort out last night's weird dream and of course pondering what sort of lesson was in store for me to day with my teachers. First though I had to mow the yard of course, which immediately had me wondering if I'd see Michelle today, and if she would even look at me if nothing else.

Pulling up to the teachers' house I saw Michelle's car out front, and I also saw her wheeling the dinosaur out of the garage. I smiled as I got out of my truck but I refrained from waving. I didn't want to look like a lovesick puppy or desperate. After I unloaded my mower and gas can in hand I pushed towards the side of the garage for the gate to the back yard. I glanced at Michelle, still not venturing a greeting when she surprised me by giving me a half smile and saying "Hey." I paused a second and looked at her and smiled and said "Hey" back before continuing on to the back yard. Once through the gate I fired up my mower and began. It was still fairly early in the morning and the grass was still wet with dew and the humid air promised a hot miserable afternoon. I let my mind wander as I went about mowing, it only seemed like minutes had gone by when my mower sputtered and ran out of gas. I was about three quarters finished with the back yard. I should have filled my tank on the mower before starting. Oh well no big deal. I walked back to the gate to get my gas can to refill my tank. As I was approaching the gate at the side of the garage, Michelle stepped through the gate. Her face was beet red and she looked sweaty and, well, frustrated.

"You okay Michelle?" I asked concerned. She bit her lip and scrunched up her eyebrows before looking me in the face.

"No. No I'm not. I... I..." She sighed with frustration and took a deep breath before trying again. "I can't get the dinosaur to start this morning. Could you do me a favor and have a look at it?" She asked then frowned as if she had tasted something bitter. I understood that she really didn't want to ask for any help, perhaps especially from me for some reason, but she didn't have a choice.

"Sure, let's have a look at it." I said politely and she led me back to the mower in the front yard. She kicked it with her foot and stood there with her hands on her hips.

"I've been trying to start it since you got here. I've just about pulled my arm off. It's got gas, the valve is open thank you very much and I don't think I flooded it. Why won't it start?" She spat out with a bit of venom.

I checked the choke and throttle settings, I peeked at the stopcock valve while pretending to look at something else just to be sure, then I stood up and pulled the rope once. The motor turned over but it didn't even sputter. I pulled once more and still nothing. I stood back up and looked at the mower while taking my chin in my hand and thinking, then I had a thought. I squatted back down and went to pull the spark plug wire off the plug. I found it was not even connected to the plug, only the rubber cup that slips over it was in contact with the plug end. AHA! I wiggled the plug connector back onto the plug end tightly and wiggled it make sure it was secure. Standing up again I closed the throttle and choke, then grasped and pulled the rope again. The engine sputtered and oily smoke came out. I pulled two or three more times till there was no smoke then opened the throttle about a quarter and pulled the choke out just a bit, and motioned for Michelle to give it a shot.

"That's it? You wiggled a wire and now it will run? Are you freakin' kidding me? Really?" She demanded unbelieving giving me an incredulous look. I merely shrugged and smiled slightly. Michelle puffed out a breath then grabbed the rope and yanked it. The motor turned over and sputtered a bit but then died again. She gave me a 'now what' expression and I nodded to the mower for her to try again. Shaking her head she grabbed the rope again and yanked. The motor turned over, sputtered then caught. Stepping back with her hands on her hips again, she looked at the mower then looked sidelong at me. Turning to me she gave me a tight lipped smile then mouthed the word 'thanks' and then grabbed the mower and started mowing. I smiled and walked back to the gate and grabbed my gas can and headed to the back yard to get my part of the mowing finished. When I finished up the back and was pushing my mower back to the front of the house I saw that Michelle was still mowing but was almost finished. I loaded up my mower and gas can into my pickup, and then walked to the garage as I had been previously instructed to do by Penny and Maggie. I knocked on the door from the garage into the kitchen. Penny opened the door wearing a new robe that I had not seen before, a pale blue that complimented her eyes, her silk slippers were yellow with light blue polka dots. In her hands she had two glasses of iced water.

"Hello darling. You look like you need something cold to drink, could you be a dear and take this one to Michelle, I'm afraid she's likely to have a heat stroke the way she's been pushing herself today." Then she added under her breath. "The stubborn minx..." then caught herself and smiled a little embarrassed and said. "You did not hear that." And gave me a stern look.

I smiled and said. "Heard what?" and turned and headed out to the front yard with the ice water. Approaching Michelle as she mowed the final strip and shut the mower off, she gave me a puzzled look when she saw me carrying two glasses of water. I stopped as she neared me and handed her one of the glasses.

"Compliments of Penny." I said by way of explanation.

"Thanks." She said as she gratefully accepted the glass and chugged half of it down in one go before coming up for air. "Oh My God that's good." She said taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, it's a hot one today, that's for sure." I said as I drank more water myself. Kicking myself mentally thinking I needed to say something ANYTHING rather than just stand there like a lump on a log.

"Jim, I should thank you, for, you know, earlier..." Michelle spoke softly avoiding my gaze, and drinking more water.

"Nothing to thank me for, but if you insist then you're welcome." I said humbly. Michelle smirked and shook her head before pushing the mower on towards the garage to park it. I followed her and we both found ourselves standing at the door from the garage into the kitchen. We both emptied our glasses before looking at each other awkwardly for a moment. "Lessons?" I asked. Michelle looked at me as if afraid to say anything, she simply nodded then looked at me and tilted her head in silent question. I nodded and said. "Yeah, me too." Then I turned and knocked on the door.

Penny opened the inner door and smiled at both of us and said. "Well you two look a sight. Come in, come in." she stepped back as I opened the outer door and held it for Michelle to enter first then followed. Penny took our empty glasses before shooing us along. "Michelle dear, you use the shower downstairs, and Jim, you shower in the one upstairs. After you've cleaned up and changed into something fresh we will begin our lessons. Michelle, I'll join you downstairs, Jim Maggie will meet you back here in the kitchen. Now hurry along." She ushered us along pausing at the top of the stairs and smiling at me with a twinkle in her eye before following Michelle downstairs.

I went to the bathroom and shut the door. I kicked off my shoes and began taking my clothes off. I was soon in the shower washing off all the sweat and grime and grass clippings. Toweling off and wrapping the towel around my waist I gathered my clothes and headed to the guest room with my clothes to change. I put my dirty clothes in my empty book bag and reached for some clean shorts only to find a note sitting atop a stack of silk boxer shorts. "Jim, I thought you might enjoy a more relaxed garment to wear for your lessons in your coming sessions. I'm sure they will fit. - Maggie" I read the note again. Then held up the top pair of boxers, a dark royal blue, they were so light and flimsy. Shrugging I slipped them on and marveled at their softness. And when I glanced up at the mirror on the dresser I realized that they did little to camouflage my anatomy. I wiggled my hips from side to side and I could plainly see my junk wobble from side to side. Damn! If I get an erection there will be NO hiding it wearing these things. I slipped a clean tee shirt over my head and tugged it on. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and headed down the hallway to the kitchen. Maggie was sitting at the table sipping a glass of iced tea, and reading a magazine. Looking up as I entered the room she first noticed that I was wearing the new shorts, and then looked into my face as I approached the table.

"Oh good, you found them. Do they fit alright? Not too tight?" She asked.

"No, they fit okay I think, thank you. I'm just not used to shorts that are so... so... uh..." I reached for a word but failed. I smiled blushing.

"Oh darling you will come to love the feel of silk, it's simply just so comfortable." She said as she flipped the lapels of her robe as emphasis. "Are you hungry? Would you like a bite to eat before we begin?" Maggie asked politely.

"No thank you, I'm fine." I answered but did not tell her that my stomach was in knots and I would likely not be able to keep anything down if I did eat.

"Well then let's get started." Maggie said as she stood and took me by the hand, and led me through the doorway and down the hall. I followed wondering just what she had in mind. When she passed the guest room and continued to her bedroom my stomach did a little flip and I could have sworn that my heart stopped beating for a moment.

I don't know what I expected really, but Maggie's bedroom was like no other that I had ever seen or been invited into. Standing out without a doubt was a massive queen sized four poster bed complete with a canopy. The dark rich wood of the bed was shared by the bedroom suit, a night stand on either side of the bed with small Tiffany style lamps, there was a blanket chest at the foot of the bed with an upholstered cushion atop of it. An antique Victorian makeup table with a large round mirror sat next to a walk-in closet doorway along the wall to the right of the bed. An equally antique high backed love seat sat along the wall to the left of the bed with a small ottoman in front and a small table and lamp to one side. The windows, both the one in the wall beside the loveseat and the one centered behind the head of the bed had ceiling to floor curtains and sheers. They were pulled nearly closed as we entered the room, the bedside lamps were lit and gave a soft warm intimate light to the room. Maggie closed the door behind us.

Maggie led me into the room and past the bed to the loveseat. She sat down and patted the cushion next to her for me to sit as well. "Jim, let me begin by saying this. You are safe here, you will not be laughed at or berated for you lack of knowledge. I and Penny are both trying to teach you so any questions will be answered if we can. Don't be embarrassed to ask anything. Don't be embarrassed about your body... or ours. You need to grow past your lack of self confidence and your hesitancy to express your affections to the women, or girls, that you will encounter in your life. Of course being polite and reserved is fine for most social interactions, and both commendable and frankly expected. However, once you've progressed past the public and into the private, you need to be more familiar. You can't be afraid to express your desire and affection for these ladies. A gentle but firm touch will say more than all the words you could ever speak. So for today I'm going to give you a lesson, in exploration. I am going to cover your eyes with a sleep blinder so that you cannot use your eyes to see, rather you will have to rely on your sense of touch to see, to feel. You will have to touch to explore. Again, there is no need to be embarrassed."

That said, Maggie reached into the pocket of her robe and pulled out a black sleep mask. She stood up and turned to face me then slipped the mask over my head, the elastic band going behind my head and the blinder sliding down over my eyes to rest on my nose. She then stooped down and kissed me lightly on the forehead before drawing me up to stand in front of her. Her hands on my shoulders, slid down my arms to my hands. "These are now your eyes. Take a look at me, with them. Tell me what you see with them. Don't be bashful, I won't bite." She added softly as she squeezed my hands gently then released them.

I was literally trembling both inside and out as I tried to decide what to do first. This was such a new experience, something completely outside of anything I had ever heard of let alone experienced. I raised my hands up and brought them together slowly feeling for Maggie's head. In my mind's eye I pictured about where she was moments before. The first contact was with my right hand on her left ear. I felt the pearl stud earring that seemed to live there forever. In another moment my other hand felt its twin on the other side of her head. I traced my fingers along the delicate folds and swirls of her ears. I let the tips of my fingers slip behind them and trace the line where ear attaches to the scalp and down the back of the pierced lobes the back of the earrings feeling so foreign after the soft skin. I trailed my fingers lightly down along her jaw line to her delicate chin. As my fingertips ventured upwards I felt the soft underside of her bottom lip and it suddenly pull tight as she smiled.