Being Unfaithful

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After she's caught in adultery, they rebuild their relationship.
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Author's Comment: This is a story about being unfaithful in a marriage based on a one time weakness in the relationship. My contention is that most marriages are based on faithfulness between the partners. If a husband takes loving care of his wife he need never worry about her being unfaithful. She will in his willing thrall forever.

Before you begin reading be aware that there is very little sex described herein. All persons described have no relationship to anyone living or dead. This is strictly fiction.


I was really excited and my libido was high in anticipation of getting home to surprise my wife, Beth. As the plane I was on touched down at O'Hare I was counting the minutes until I could deplane and head for my car and then home. It was our tenth anniversary and I wasn't expected home till tomorrow. When I'd left on Tuesday it looked like I wouldn't get away in time to celebrate on Friday so we'd agreed to celebrate it on Saturday, a day late. She wasn't very happy about my not being available on the day of our anniversary but seemed to be resigned to it when I left. Normally, I usually knew a week or more in advance when I had to leave and when I would be home, but the need to make this trip, as part of my job, had surfaced on Monday and I was gone on the following day with every thing indicating I wouldn't make it home until Saturday. But, here I was arriving back in Chicago from L.A. on Friday. I knew Beth would be relieved that I was back home and happy we could to celebrate tonight.

My wife is a beautiful woman. With her dark hair and blue eyes combined with a fabulous body, even after having two kids, she caught the eye of every male that came in contact with her. I'd noticed that I'd caught my best buddy, Jim, staring at her lustily on occasion. I felt so fortunate that she'd agreed to marry me.

Our two children, a boy, Ryan, and a girl, Emily, came fairly early in our marriage and were now in public school full time. Beth had a BA from the IU and had worked for awhile after graduation but after she became pregnant she'd given up her job to be a stay-at-home mom. Now that our kids were in school full time, I'd tried to talk her into getting back into the job market part time or do volunteer work, but she wasn't interested and just wanted to stay home. We didn't need the money but I thought she should have something to fill in her time while the kids were in school. So far, we hadn't resolved this issue.

Now the plane was pulling up to the gate and we were allowed to disembark. I hadn't checked my luggage so I was able to make a bee-line to my car and soon was on my way home by 1 PM. On the way I used my cell phone to make reservations at our favorite restaurant and asked the maitre-de, whom we both knew, to have a bottle of their best champagne ready. He was most enthusiastic when I told him about our the reason for our celebration.

In about a forty-five minutes I was turning down our street and as I came near our house I saw Jim's car parked in our driveway. I thought it may be Jim's wife, June, but she and Jim both worked and it was a little puzzling, but I didn't think anymore about it as I expected to sneak in and surprise Beth whether June was there or not.

Rather than alerting her to my arrival, I didn't open the garage door but parked next to Jim's car and avoided slamming the door as I left the car. Going up the steps to the front door I quietly opened it and slipped inside. I didn't hear any conversations going on, but checked the kitchen, back deck, family room and living room without finding anyone. I was beginning to think Beth had gone off with June in her car, but a check of the garage revealed her car to be there. Puzzled, I climbed the carpeted stairs to the second floor where our bed rooms are located. Then I heard the sound of moaning coming from our bedroom and I was suddenly apprehensive and it felt like a cold hand suddenly gripped my gut as I moved down the hall to look into our bedroom.

Peeking around the corner my worst fears were realized as I saw Beth under my buddy, Jim, slowly being fucked. Her eyes were closed as she had her legs spread wide and was thrusting her groin back in response to the stroking he was doing into her cunt. The moaning was coming from Beth and she seemed to be enjoying what he was doing. He was facing away from the door and didn't spot me as I backed away and tried to determine what I should do. My first reaction was to rush in and confront them but withheld this first impulse and thought I needed some proof and some way to make Jim, and possibly Beth, pay for their indiscretion and I had to try to determine how long it had been going on. I was devastated and felt like throwing up as I slipped back downstairs and retrieved our digital camera. Going back upstairs I turned off the flash and quickly took a series of pictures. The radio by the bed side was on low so they didn't here the soft clicking of the camera. Going back down stairs I went into the family room, shut the door and down loaded the pictures into our PC in a protected file under my password and then called Jim's wife at work. When June came on the phone I asked her if she knew where Jim was. She told me that he had taken the day off to take care of some personal business. I asked her for her email address at work which she gave me and I. quickly sent her one of the pictures I'd just taken of Shirley and Jim and told her to check her mail. The camera had noted the date and time on the picture so she knew its current time.

"Oh my god!!" I heard her exclaim. "Ron, what is this?"

"That's what's going on in our bedroom at this very instant."

"I can't believe this. Is it a joke, Ron? Please tell me it's a joke."

"Its not a joke, June. Its cold, hard fact and we must determined how long its been going on."

"OK, What do you suggest?"

"I'm going back up stairs now and confront them then I'm going to get Jim out without giving them a chance to make up a story. Then you can grill Jim and I'll grill Beth and we'll see if their stories jibe if they claim this was a one time thing. If they don't, we'll have to proceed under the assumption this isn't the first time and we can go from there on whatever action we want to take. We'll have the pictures for leverage in any divorce proceedings. You can determine if that is what you want independently of anything I do."

"It sounds like a plan to me. I want to get to Jim as quickly as possible. I'm heading home now."

"OK. Don't try to call Jim on your cell phone for about fifteen minutes. When you grill him ask how they met up today and why did they end up in bed."

"Thanks for telling me Ron. I think I'm going to be sick. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but I'll let you know. We have to stay together on this."

"I'm sick about it too June. I'll be in touch. Bye."

"Bye Ron."

I slowly stood up and went back up stairs and turned the camera flash back on. Looking into the room Jim was laying on his back on the bed and Beth was kneeling between his knees sucking on his cock. I surmised he must have ejaculated her as I didn't see a sign of a condom. Jim's eyes were closed now and I was slightly behind Beth as I raised the camera and took my first shot. With the sudden flash, Beth's head came up and the second flash made her look around with Jim's cock still in her mouth so that I got a partial full face picture that left no doubt as to her identity. Jim suddenly realized something was wrong by Beth's gasp and letting go of his cock. Beth began to scream when she saw me and tried to cover her naked body as she scrambled away from Jim. Jim sat up and saw me and cursed.

"Oh god, Ron. Shit, I didn't mean it. Oh god, I'm so sorry." he babbled as he scrambled to get his clothes on.

Beth was crying and trying to cover her face in total embarrassment and shame.

"Oh Ron, I'm so sorry." she cried again and again.

I finally stopped taking pictures. We had more than enough to document their infidelities and I just wanted Jim gone so I could talk with my wife to try to find out why she had done it.

With his shirt tail outside his pants and his shoes and socks in his hands he headed for the door and I stepped aside to let him go.

"Ron, again I'm so sorry." he croaked at me as he went by looking fearful that I might take some physical action against him.

"Jim, what you have done is an evil thing that I doubt can ever be forgiven. As of now I never want to see you again. Go home and explain your actions to your wife."

At that he turned white. "You told her?"

"Yes, and I emailed her a picture of you and June to use if she wants a divorce. I'll be giving her all the pictures her lawyer needs."

At this he looked angry, "You bastard!!"

"I'm a bastard? After what you've been doing shouldn't I be calling you that? If you thought you were going to walk out of here without any punishment, you'd better think again. Now get out!!"

Jim quickly ran down the stairs and a few minutes later I heard his car start and then go tearing up the street assumably heading home. In the meantime I told Beth, who was still sobbing on the bed, "Please get your robe on and come downstairs. We need to talk now."

"Can't we talk later? I'm so ashamed." she managed to get out as she cried.

"If you want to try to save this marriage, you'd better do as I ask."

"Alright." and I watched as she got out of bed and reached for her robe.

"You didn't even have him wear a condom." I told her pointing at their combined juices running down the inside of her thigh."

"Can't I clean up first?"

"No, you'll leave it until we're done talking. Maybe it'll remind you you broke the vows you made when we married. You're going to tell me how many times you've been unfaithful to me and with how many other men and why you did it. You're going to tell me the truth and if I catch you in one lie, this marriage is over."

Shirley screamed, "It was only this time, Ron. I've never done it before."

"You'd better be thinking about how you're going to prove that and why I should trust you never doing it again. Now, lets go downstairs. I should warn you that June is going to be questioning Jim so you're stories had better jibe."

"Please Ron. Please forgive me. It'll never happen again." she sobbed as we went downstairs.

I knew she was almost on the verge of a nervous breakdown and I wanted to put my arm around her to keep her from falling, but I knew I couldn't give in now. Watching her in the throes of the torment of guilt made me realize that I loved this woman more than life itself and I didn't want to lose her if I could avoid it.


I sat her in a straight back chair in the kitchen and I faced her in another chair.

"Now tell me. How many times have you slept with Jim and remember, June is talking with Jim."

"Just this once. I swear Ron."

"How many other men have you slept with? I may not be able to verify this with Jim, but it may come show up someday and my reaction will be the same then as it will be now."

"No one. Absolutely no one."

"All right. If you've never done it before, why did you do it now?" "I don't know. I don't know."

"You must have given yourself some rationale so as to justify your actions and be unfaithful. What was it?"

She thought for a minute. "I guess I was peeved at you for not being home for our anniversary. I was downtown this morning shopping and I ran into Jim at Sears. He asked me to lunch so I said fine. At lunch I had a glass of wine and after lunch we went to a lounge and I had a Margarita. I knew Jim had always liked me and somehow we ended back here at home. I don't remember how we got into our bed, but I remember kissing him and then my clothes were off and he was having sex with me. I don't remember much after that until I saw the flash from the camera. Oh god, I'm so sorry."

Beth, you broke our wedding vows. Until I hear from June I will assume this was the first time. How do I know you'll never do it again?"

"Ron, I can only swear to you that I'll never do it again. Please believe me. Don't let this ruin our marriage. I love you and will go to my grave loving you. Please, forgive me." Tears were running down her face as I reached out and took her hand and she began to calm down.

"You are my love and the mother of our children. I want to believe that this was a one time thing and that I don't have to go and have DNA testing done to verify that the children are mine. As soon as I hear from June and yours and Jim's stories jibe we can start reconciliation. It may take awhile to get over what I saw but I truly don't want to leave you."

Just then the phone rang and I went to get the phone and brought it back to my chair.


"Ron, its June. Jim and I have had a heart to heart and I think he may be telling the truth that this was a one time thing, but here's his story," Then she went on to tell me what Jim had told her and it was pretty much what Beth had told me. Beth was watching my face with a great deal of anxiety while June and I were talking and I heard her give a sigh of relief when I responded to June:

"That sound pretty much what Beth told me. What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm going to get pregnant by Jim and have some kids. Jim has refused to have kids before and I think its because he didn't want to make the commitment. He's decided he wants to make that commitment to our marriage now so I hope to be a first time mom within the next year. What are you going to do?"

"Beth is the mother of our children and I love her. I don't have any option at this time except to go on with our marriage. However, it may take a little time to get over this. We have some more things to discuss first." While I was talking to June, beth had reached over and took my hand. She was smiling at me through her tears, which were tears of happiness now.

June was saying, "I don't think we should see each other for awhile until this heals over."

"I agree one hundred percent. I'm going to miss you, but we should stay apart for now."

"OK, bye."



"Do you forgive me, Ron?" she asked tentatively.

"I can't forgive you Beth."

Her face fell and she looked so vulnerable then as I continued while holding both her hands.

"I can't forgive you until you forgive me."

She stared at me for a moment. "Why should I forgive you?" I need you to forgive me."

I slipped to my knees in front of her and stared into her puzzled eyes as I continued. "Three years ago while I was on a trip I had sex with a woman in Salt Lake City. She was on a business trip and married. We met in the hotel lounge , had a couple of drinks and dinner and ended up back in her room. We were only together the one night and I never heard from her again. I've been living with this for three years and its just about killed me. Before I can forgive you, I must have your forgiveness first for the terrible thing I've done. I've never been tempted to repeat it since and I won't ever again. Please forgive me."

She continued to look down at me. I think I had rears running down my face when she asked, "Why did you put me through such hell on my indiscretion today?"

"Because I needed to know that this was a one time thing and you weren't planning to leave me for Jim. I couldn't live without you."

"Oh Ron. Now I know how you must have felt when you caught me today. It really hurts doesn't it? I don't have any option but to forgive you and you don't have any option but to forgive me do you?"

"None, my darling." I responded and tentatively reached up and softly kissed her on the lips. Her response was to wrap her arms around my neck and returned my kiss. I happily returned her kiss. She was quickly regaining her equilibrium and I was glad to see her smile again..

"Now my darling." I told her as we freed our lips." The kids will be home from school soon. You need to clean up and get ready for our anniversary celebration. We have dinner reservations six and we need to get a baby sitter."

"Oh my gosh." she exclaimed. "I forgot its our anniversary after all that's happened today. I'll go up and shower. Can you look after the kids while I'm upstairs?"

"Yes, I can look after our kids." I facetiously responded as she ran upstairs. "Don't forget to douche I yelled after her. We have our own loving to do later."

She turned at the top of the stairs and smiled back at me, "I plan to change the sheets too."

I blew her a kiss and went to make myself a much needed drink. It had been quite a day and I'm glad it turned out the way it had. I don't think I had to worry about Beth straying again. Nor would I ever take a chance on screwing up our marriage again. I'm glad I'd caught her and stopped the affair before it had generated into something that would be irreversible. I was also glad it had given me a chance to finally get rid of the guilt that had tortured me for the last three years.


The anniversary dinner was a complete success and we talked about our problems. I really didn't want to talk about what she'd done that afternoon but I felt we needed to clear the air as soon as and find out why she felt she needed another man. When we had that nailed down we could make whatever adjustments that were necessary and get our marriage back on track. We ate but drank very little and must have talked for about two hours. Our friend the maitre de discretely left us alone except to assist the server. He seemed to understand that we wanted privacy which we appreciated.

Beth said she had been feeling depressed the last few months and placed the time about when school started and the kids were gone all day. She felt a boring sameness in our marriage and our intimacies which left her doubting her femininity. From there it had degenerated into the episode that afternoon. I told her that we were going to make some changes in our lives and our marriage and suggested that she think about taking a part-time job to fill in her days and give herself a feeling of accomplishment. Also, we would be taking time for ourselves in the future by taking one weekend a month and going away together. We'd leave the kids with our parents who enjoyed playing at grand parenting. I also promised to be more attentive to her needs and to provide a little more fun in the bedroom.

After the dinner we went home and we had a loving interlude that brought her to orgasm three times and myself twice. Exhausted we snuggled together afterward in sleep.

Eventually, I found her a full time job working for the corporation where I worked. It had a day care and we were able to have the school bus pick our kids up there in the mornings and drop them off in the afternoons. We were able to meet for lunch in the cafeteria most days and our marriage seemed to thrive on new intimacies and loving attitudes. Regarding the pictures I took of the her coupling with Jim, eventually I deleted them after much soul searching. There was no longer any reason to doubt her anymore.

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orneryonezorneryonez24 days ago

And they all lived happily ever after until they died and their minds were finally free of thoughts!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

He catches her sucking Jim's cock. And then 20 minutes later he's kissing her passionately? With Jim's cock still on her mouth?

I think I threw up in my mouth.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is pretty bad - last we saw she was sucking another man's cock. Then he kisses her?

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban6 months ago

So… She fucked another guy, because she was pissed that her husband - was going to miss their 10th anniversary - while away working as the sole breadwinner for the family? What’s next? Handies when hubby misses a kids little league game? Blow jobs when he misses a school pageant? Nahhh…. Bitch gotta go!!! BRB

silentsoundsilentsound11 months ago

Truer bullshit has never been written. With the possible exception of Cagi.

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