Beloved of Ashura: Learning to Fly


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"Mistress," Dove pleaded.

"Yes?" Rayven said quietly in her most teasing voice.

"Uhhh, Goddess! Oh, fuck! Please don't tease me anymore!"

"Tell me what you want, my little slut."

Dove swallowed. She swallowed the lump in her throat and she swallowed her pride. "Please fuck me," she cried, and then she screamed as she felt her Mistress slide her finger all the way deep into her. "Yessssss!" She thrust her ass up to meet it.

"Mistress, I'm yours! I'm your slut!" Dove cried as she felt herself losing control. "Mistress, I'm going to cum if you keep doing that. I mustn't without your permission." She struggled to stop pistoning her hips but if anything, Rayven went faster and harder. "Oh, please Mistress, no!" She was desperate, knowing she wasn't going to be able to stop it.

"I want you to cum now," Rayven said as she fucked Dove as hard as she could without hurting her. "Cum my little slut! Cum for your Mistress!"

With a long piercing scream, Dove embraced the wave of orgasmic sensations that washed over her. Spasms wracked her body and she screamed again. Her ass still thrust backwards, meeting Rayven's finger as it slid deep into her. Her newly found wanton side was in full control. Her hands grabbed her bedroll and pulled on it. She whipped her head back and forth, as she felt herself completely lose control.

Still Rayven continued to fuck her. She rammed her finger as deep as it could go into Dove's asshole. It was amazing to see how fully she had slipped into submission. She was certain that the idea of being fucked in the ass had never crossed Dove's mind. Yet she not only accepted it, she begged for it, and now was cumming incredibly hard. The feeling of her ass tightening down on her finger with each spasm was fanning Rayven's own excitement. It fed her own needs, and soon it would be her own turn.

At last, the waves of pleasure began to fade away. Dove's hips continued to move, but no longer with the desperation that was there a few moments earlier. She hadn't yet regained control over her body. Collapsing down on the crumpled up bedroll, she lay there twitching and making little whimpers.

Rayven pulled her finger out of Dove's asshole. It didn't quite close completely, having been stretched in completely new ways. "Given how much she enjoyed it, it will probably get used to this treatment," she thought. Pausing only long enough to clean her fingers, she lay down next to Dove and put her arms around her.

As soon as Dove felt Rayven beside her, she spun around and buried her head into her breasts. Her own arms went around her lover, but without the same strength. She would never be as strong as Rayven. In many ways, that was true. Tonight, even Dove's normal strength escaped her. The massive orgasm stole every bit of energy she had. She tried to draw some back from Rayven.

"How are you, Dove?" she heard Rayven ask. For a moment, she couldn't find the energy to answer. As she tried to gather it, she fully grasped everything that had happened. Being with a woman didn't bother her. Long ago, she understood her preferences. Even the idea of Rayven acting as a Mistress to her wasn't disturbing. For a second, she wondered how far either one of them would take that, but the thought drifted away almost as quickly as it appeared.

What she was truly embarrassed about was how she behaved. Never in her life had she felt such raw lust. Beyond that, it was the idea that she loved having her ass penetrated. "Goddess," she thought. "Loving it isn't even strong enough. I adored it. It was so amazing. I adored having my ass fucked." She couldn't bear to lift her head and look at Rayven. "She must think I am so perverted," she told herself, ignoring completely how her lover was the one who led her down this path.

She felt the soft strokes of Rayven's fingers in her hair, on her neck, and then down her back. She whimpered again, but this time she gave Rayven's breasts a little nuzzle. Somehow, it reassured her and she did it again. Her lips opened and she took a nipple in between them. At first, she only applied the lightest of suction. It was just enough to keep holding onto it. Rayven held her tight, giving her a feeling of utter security. She needed it, with her whole self-image being broken apart. She was no longer the princess of the realm. Her role was that of slave to her Mistress, and she found she reveled in it.

"I won't have to work very hard anymore to convince anyone. I feel like it's real already," she thought to herself. Now her awareness of Rayven's naked body next to hers began to grow and Dove felt a mounting excitement inside her. This time it wasn't for herself but rather for Rayven. "I want to please her now," she thought. After a moment, she corrected herself. "No, I need to please her."

With that thought, she tightened her lips and pulled back. She felt Rayven's nipple stretching a little, until it slid out. Her mouth immediately moved back to recapture it. She felt the slightest shiver run through Rayven's body. There was also a momentary hitch in the long stroke of Rayven's hand down her back. "Ohhh! I can make her feel good too!" Dove realized. This time, she moved her lips around the hard nipple, giving it little kisses.

Rayven lifted her hand up and placed it behind Dove's head. She gently pressed, letting her lover know that she approved. Opening her mouth, Dove sucked in more of the soft flesh. Swirling her tongue around, she felt the tremors increasing in the older woman's body. Flicking her tongue back and forth over the nipple, she heard Rayven make a long groan. Every time she provoked some sort of reaction, Dove got more excited.

Switching to the other breast, she felt more confident in what she was doing. Going slower, she kissed around Rayven's breast rather than going straight for the nipple. First, she brushed her lips against the sensitive flesh, letting them drag very lightly. After that, she gave the areola delicate little kisses that gradually got closer and closer to the nipple. Dove could feel the tension building inside Rayven. She knew the feeling, but with Rayven, it conveyed the feeling of power. The older woman felt like a spring, tightly coiled and needing release.

Baring her teeth, Dove looked up at Rayven's face as she lowered her mouth around the hardened little nub. She saw that she was intently watching her, with eyes that burned like fire. There was no golden shimmer. The goddess wasn't with them now; it was just the power and passion of Rayven. "That's better," she thought.

Dove's mouth closed around the nipple, sucking slightly to create a seal; and then she gently closed her teeth on it. The bite wasn't hard, but Rayven gasped. With her tongue, Dove pushed the trapped nipple back and forth. Each time she did it there was a corresponding tremor. The growing smell from between Rayven's legs let her know just how successful she was in exciting her. Letting go, she started to kiss down her belly.

Rayven smiled at the eagerness her young lover was showing, but she had other plans. Reaching down, she gently grabbed Dove's hair and tugged. The tattooed face looked up at her with a combination of both lust and surprise. Her hunger to taste Rayven was clear.

"On your back again, my wanton little slave," Rayven instructed her.

Although Dove loved her own orgasms, now she wanted to serve Rayven in the same way. She wanted to taste her pussy and lick her until she came. It was a desire that drove her to disobey for a moment. She tugged against the hand in her hair, but the pain brought tears to her eyes.

"Mistress, please! Let me satisfy you!" she said in an almost whine.

"Don't worry, my little slut. That is what I have in mind. On your back!" Rayven commanded. She released her grip on Dove's hair, confident that the younger woman would obey now.

Reassured that she would be able to serve her Mistress, Dove rolled onto her back and waited for further orders. Rayven got up on her hands and knees and straddled her. Leaning down, she gave Dove a long passionate kiss. Their tongues played together and Dove could feel her whole body tingling from both the kiss and the sight of the powerful woman above her. Finally, Rayven broke the kiss and smiled down at her, noting how breathless she was.

"Are you ready to be my little slut?" she asked.

"By the Goddess, yes!" Dove moaned. "I am your little slut!"

Moving on her hands and knees up higher, Rayven held her pussy right above Dove's face. Sitting up in a kneeling position, she pulled apart her lips to expose herself for the younger woman. She heard a strangled moan as the excited girl looked up at her Mistress' pussy. She was so wet that she could feel the drops falling down onto Dove's face. She guessed that the wiggling was her trying to catch them and get a taste.

As she started to lower her hips down, all the movement ceased. Dove stared up at the descending red and pink flesh. The smell was overpowering and her hunger for Rayven multiplied. She felt her mouth watering and she licked her lips.

"My Goddess!" she thought as she lunged her head forward to get at the tantalizing sight. Her nose brushed it and instantly was covered with fragrant juices. A moment later, her tongue could reach and she frantically licked. Gradually, Rayven settled her hips down onto Dove's face. Her tongue was going every way possible as she devoured the delicious pussy. The pressure was slightly harder than comfortable but it just added to the feeling of submitting to Rayven.

"Slower, little slut," Rayven admonished. "Take your time, so that it builds for me." Eagerness had its place, but so did discipline and focus.

Taking the guidance as intended, Dove calmed down a little. Her tongue began to pump in and out in a deliberate way. Every few flicks, she would bring it up so that it barely touched Rayven's big hard clit. Each time Dove did that to her, there was a matching quiver that ran through her body. She felt the other woman grab her hair and pull her closer. The power of Rayven flowed over her and made her want to please her even more.

The next time her tongue slipped out of Rayven's pussy, Dove circled her clit several times before putting it back into the sopping wet opening. The pitch of the older woman's moans was rising. Her hips pressed down harder on Dove, as if she was trying to force her face deeper inside her.

"Or maybe, she wants me to feel who is in charge," she thought. The idea caused her to moan loudly as she focused even more on giving Rayven pleasure. Her tongue stabbed inside of her as far as she could. When fully extended, she made a circle and vibrated it, before pulling back to do it again.

"Yes," Rayven cried out. She felt her orgasm begin. "Oh, Goddess! Oh fuck!" Her body thrashed about on top of the younger woman. Her head whiplashed back and forth as she screamed in pleasure. She could feel her pussy gushing out its juices as Dove flicked her tongue in and out. Pulling on her lover's hair, she ground her hips downward. If it hurt, she didn't care. Not that it mattered, Dove only cared about pleasuring her. She didn't feel the pain if it was there.

Rayven's body shook with the force of her orgasm. The waves of pleasure spiked higher as it went on. Finally, they started to recede and she regained her awareness of her surroundings. Dove still lapped at her pussy, though much slower and with a tender care. The night creatures began to make noise again, no longer startled by her shrieks. She felt a weariness come over her and she lifted her hips up off Dove.

As she felt Rayven move up, Dove lifted her head to continue licking until she could no longer reach. The other woman lay down beside her on her back and let out a deep shuddering sigh.

"Fuck that felt good," Rayven said.

Her words sent a little shiver though Dove. She didn't understand why Rayven's approval felt so good. It was almost like an echo of her own orgasms earlier. More than that, she wanted more.

"Did I please you, Mistress?" she wistfully asked.

Opening up her arms, Rayven took her into an embrace. She sighed as she felt Dove hold on tightly to her and snuggle her head against her breast. Kissing the top of her head, she answered. "Goddess yes, my little Dove. You made me cum so very hard. You did very well!"

This time Dove couldn't help making a tiny moan. She felt a warm secure glow around her. Her face was still wet with Rayven's juices, and she knew the smell of it covered her. She couldn't imagine any of the perfumes she had in the castle smelling better. It was like being marked by Rayven's scent, just as the illusionary brand marked her, only this was real and not the result of a spell. That made it better.

"Thank you, Mistress," she whispered.

Smiling, Rayven stroked her lover's head with long gentle caresses. "For what, my little Dove?"

The princess was silent for a moment as she thought. There was actually much for which to be grateful, her escape and rescue from being raped and enslaved, her own powerful orgasm, for being allowed to make Rayven cum ... There were many answers to the question. When she finally found the words, there was no trace of Princess Isana in them.

"Thank you for allowing me to serve you, Mistress," she said in another whisper. She fell silent but punctuated it with a little kiss to the breast where she rested her head.

In the darkness, Rayven smiled. Reaching down, she lifted the chin of the woman in her arms. She could sense the shyness that her feelings of submission brought out. Their kiss was soft and loving. It went on for over a minute, but it didn't build the embers of passion back up. It was just the final tender act of the night.

The weariness from the long day now overwhelmed both of them. The combination of the tension from the tavern, the ride, their bonding in front of the goddess, and their long love-making wiped them both out. Dove wiggled for a few moments in order to find the most comfortable place, but soon she was asleep.

Rayven took a little longer as she carefully listened to the night sounds around her. It all sounded perfectly normal, with no signs of intruders in the area. She fought sleep as she worried about pursuers. "What if that ranger is following?" she couldn't help thinking. She thought about getting up to check the camp once again.

"Sleep," she heard a rich voice say in her head. "I will guard my avatar tonight." A peaceful feeling came with the voice. Still feeling the tug of duty, she resisted but the will of a goddess is inexorable. Gradually Rayven relaxed and with a tightening of her arms around Dove, she too fell asleep. It was a peaceful sleep that was uninterrupted by anything.

In the morning, Rayven woke with a start. Dove was missing from her side. Up in a flash, she grabbed her sword and burst out of the tent only to be surprised by the sight of her young charge finishing saddling her horse. While Rayven was still naked, Dove had her travel clothes back on her. The only difference from yesterday was that her sleeve was pinned up to fully expose the brand marking her as Rayven's property. Even without anyone there to see it, she wanted to show it off.

"Good morning, Mistress," Dove said with a smile that showed she was proud of herself. Her eyes eagerly took in the view of the naked woman before her. It was not the body of a young woman, with firm breasts and tight skin, but it was still alluring. She was as fit as any woman Dove had ever seen in the palace baths. While scars marred her body in half a dozen places, they only served to emphasize the power of her lover.

"I got out some travel cakes and put them out over there. Since we can't have another fire, I assumed that is what you wish for breakfast," she said. "I also found some tea and have it steeping in our cups. It will be cold but hopefully it will do."

The worried look quickly faded as Rayven realized that not only was nothing wrong, things were actually very good. Looking over at the horizon, she estimated that it was a little more than half an hour since the sun was up. "She's done well, given she has little experience," she thought. There were a few traces of their camp left to be erased, in addition to striking the tent, but the saddles were on and the gear was ready to be loaded onto the horses they captured. Most importantly, she would have to bury any trace of their fire from the previous night. "That can wait for a moment," she thought and moved over to the other woman.

Watching Rayven approach, Dove admired not only her body but also the uninhibited way she did so while wearing nothing. In the castle, the women would all be far too modest. She was no different. When she got up in the pale light of dawn, she pulled on her clothes before she dared set foot outside the tent.

She smiled shyly as Rayven put her arms around her and gave her a hug. "Well done, Dove. You gave me a little fright when I woke and you weren't there, but this makes up for that!"

"I'm sorry for scaring you, Mistress. I woke up and was lying there as it got light. You were still sleeping so nicely, but I felt like I should be doing something so I slipped out of your arms and got dressed," she said as she hugged her back. With an impish smile, she stood on her tiptoes and gave Rayven a little kiss. It surprised Dove to realize how good it felt to have pleased her in another way. She also enjoyed the sensation of her naked body against her.

Feeling the stirrings of lust between her legs, Rayven let go and moved away. It was tempting to take Dove back into the tent for another session of making love, but her practical side was back in charge. They needed to get more distance between the village and them. There was another hard day of riding ahead of them.

"Let me get dressed and I will help to finish breaking down camp," she said, looking over her shoulder as she walked away. She caught the younger woman ogling her ass. "She's not even embarrassed about it," she thought with a chuckle. "This is going to be interesting."

It didn't take her long to get dressed and then put on her armor. With all of Dove's work before she woke, they were ready to leave in remarkably little time. She made one last sweep to make sure they left nothing identifiable. She dug a hole under a bush and moved all the ashes from the fire there. Once buried, it was unlikely anyone would find them. A tracker might be able to tell that someone spent the night here, but there were no clues as to who. Even then, he would have to be good.

The day felt far longer than the previous one, which was not a surprise since they didn't pause in the middle of it. They once again rode as long as they could. Rayven picked a pace that was hard but not punishing on the horses. Every few hours they stopped and switched mounts as usual, but the stop was as brief as they could make it.

Several times, they stopped at the foot of a small hill to rest. Rayven left Dove to watch the horses while she carefully climbed up to the top to survey the territory back from where they came. It was only at the end of the day as the sun was starting to set that she saw anything suspicious. Even then, it was only a faint smudge of dust on the far horizon. It was impossible to tell if it was anything more than just a little dust storm. Nevertheless it worried her enough that she kept them going until the last bit of light was about to disappear.

Unlike the previous night, Rayven didn't bother to make a true camp. They just put down their bedrolls without setting the tent up. She left the horses saddled and loaded up. She wanted to be able to move quickly if necessary. They ate a quiet meal of camp rations, talking softly. She didn't spell out her concerns to Dove, but she was quick. She didn't need her to do so. She understood the risk that they faced.