Bending the Rules Pt. 01: Beaten Path


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He needn't have worried. It took a day for his strength to return, and his HP to recover, since he lay still. He carefully made his way back to town.

"Dude, I heard you got a low MAG score. What a bummer!"


"Well, I went out questing and I found this rad dagger. It's got +1 to backstab!"

"That's great, good job," Nuru said distractedly.

"What did you get?"

"I built a fence," he said.

"Oh. Yeah. Gotta build up some cash to buy that sweet leather armor, amiright?"

"Uh, something like that," Nuru said. "Listen, I need to talk to the priest."

"Sure. If you're lucky, the gods might take pity on your and give you a holy MAG boon or something."

He pushed past all of the other Level Ones and went inside the chapel.

"Father I seek a boon."

"Yes, my child? What can I assist you with?"

"I wish to taunt a demon."

"Are you sure that's wise?"

"No, but if they see the lowest of us aren't afraid, perhaps they'll think twice about bothering our town."

"Ah, such a generous act, I can only approve as there is no real danger. Shall I call an imp?"

"Yes. Well, no. Something a little bigger."

"Ah, of course. What good is it to taunt if you can't do it to a high level? Did you have one in mind?"

"A succubus."

"Now take care son, they've got their ways. They'll see you so young and vulnerable, especially ah..."


"Well, I heard about the mishap on your character sheet. Terrible shame, getting the transfer to your MAG backwards. But what's done is done."


"So, a succubus then? Do you want it now, or...?"

"Tonight. In my dreams. Give me ten minutes with her, at midnight."

"Very well. Oh no, that's not necessary," the priest said as Nuru tried to offer some of his food to the altar. "You're doing enough already. You'll need it to be growing big and strong I'm sure; I couldn't accept so much from a Level One."

"OK. Thanks, father."

Nuru ran himself to mindless exhaustion to end the day, round and round the fence on his property, with the wight chasing him. He was slow, and wouldn't be able to escape if the wight broke free, but the fence was new and strong, magically infused for perfect longevity, and the wight clearly didn't have the imagination to go up and over. Then, tired and giddy, he lay down upwind of the wight and waited. Sleep came shortly after his sweat dried and his heartbeat slowed.


"Well well, who do we have here?"

Nuru looked up in the darkness. He was still asleep; his body felt distant, snoring away. This was the spirit world.

"Have you come to challenge me?" the voice continued.

Something moved in the darkness, indistinguishable but clearly there all the same.


"Then release me. I do not have time for this."

"I think you will when you hear what I have to offer."

A humorless laugh reached his ears.

"You? What do you have to offer? You're level one. You have no EXP to steal. You're literally nothing to me."

"I got a hundred for buying some land," he protested.

"A hundred? Anything less than four digits is worthless. Don't flatter yourself."

"That's beside the point. I've come to make a pact."

"I want full access to your MP, otherwise get lost."

"Done," he said.

The figure came closer, peering at him. Nuru couldn't see much, but the silhouette was quite tantalizing. She was very feminine, that much was clear - she had the shape, but all other details remained hidden in the darkness. This wasn't what he expected; somehow he'd though a brightly lit parlor room would be closer to the scene they would occupy, but so be it.

"Hmm... Full access to your MP, to the point of mana burn, I get to see through your eyes, and hear through your ears."

"Done," he said.

"And what is it you want in return?"

"I want to channel your powers."

She laughed.

"Oh, you poor boy. I don't know what they've told you, but there aren't any quests to seduce the witches of Gretland. Besides, they want to eat you, literally."

"I don't care about those humorless hags. I want to be able to entrance a slimegirl and have some fun with her."

She was silent for a minute, staring at him.

"A contract," she said, holding a hand out from the darkness, a scroll gripped in her fist.

He reached for it, but could not take it from her.

"Hmph, a minor dream only. You'll need to make better contact than this."

"Come find me," he suggested. "I'll be receptive."

"What's your name?"


"And you're level one. Still in the main town?"

"I have some land out by the pasture."

"The what?"

He described it as the crow flies.

"Hm. An empty place. You'll be easy enough to find, I suppose."

"Should I bring anything?"

"I recommend strong alcohol. Put you to sleep nice and deep and suggestible - although you might have some trouble performing," she snickered.

"Very well. I'll be there - unless I change my mind."

"You won't. You wouldn't dare. I have your name, now."

"We'll see."


He was there, indeed. He had not managed to get any strong liquor, so he settled once again for his fermented fruit juice which had only trace amounts of alcohol. It was enough to comfort him into a fitful sleep.

"Well look at you. All trussed up, and nowhere to go," the snide voice rang in his head.

"I'm just asleep," Nuru said, annoyed. Of course he had sleep paralysis - it was one of the many tools Succubi had, but it also came quite naturally as he slept.

The woman stepped out of the dark haze into his mind's eye. She wore all white: a summer dress, wide-brimmed hat, and white gloves. She also carried a late-style white parasol. Even her hair was a brilliant white.

"Is all that really necessary?" Nuru asked.

"It's not every day you make a pact with a mortal," she countered. "I'm celebrating."

"Very well. Do you have it?"

"Of course."

She held her delicate hand out with the scroll in it. He pulled the end of the sheet down to unroll it, and felt the truth of it as she described the terms. The Rules said even a demon could not lie about a contract directly.

"One. Sharing of powers. You may invoke a power of mine, in exchange for the drawing from your MP at any time. No safety of your health during the draw guaranteed. Two, sharing of senses. I can feel what you feel, see what you see, hear what you hear, taste what you taste."

The words scribed themselves onto the paper, red and alterable until negotiations officially concluded.

"And I can summon you from anywhere, to fulfill your end of the bargain," Nuru said.

She frowned, knowing she normally had to be within earshot to actually be bound to his requests. But if he knew, there wasn't any point arguing; she offered him nothing of value if she didn't agree. He certainly would never sign otherwise, and she knew it.

"Fine," she snapped. "You may speak to me, but only if I'm not engaged in something important. I won't sit on your beck and call."

"I'll be reasonable," he promised.

She smirked. "And just what does that mean?" she purred.

"Common definition," he said.

She sighed. No extra points on that one. He knew enough to avoid the easiest mistakes.

"And I can speak to you anywhere, anytime, just as you can speak to me to summon me. Anything else? Any questions?" she said, following the form.

"What's your name?" he asked.

She burst out laughing hysterically.

"Eh... I had to try," he said.

If you knew the name of the demon, you could target them anywhere with magic. Unbinding, weakening, even complete unmaking could be done if you knew their proper name, and during negotiation of a contract, only the proper name would do as an answer to this question. She could find him, now, since she had his name - but he could have his changed at the temple. She had no such luxury, but she could create and release an alias at will.

"I might tell you later, if you're a good boy," she teased. "I'll give you an alias; Adana."

"That is all. Shall we?" Nuru said.

"Accepted as such," the succubus said, putting a finger to the line at the bottom, leaving a scorched print behind.

"Accepted as such," Nuru said, putting his own finger, leaving a print in blood.

"Now, let me feel what you've got," the woman said, reaching up for him.

"Sure, but I think I might have drunk a bit too much," he taunted. "It might not work very well."

She pulled at him, trying to extract MP.

"Nothing? You spent it all? You've been asleep for an hour, surely you must have something," she spat.

"Sorry. Try again tomorrow. I don't suppose I can use your powers against you..."

He grinned, staring her full in the eyes, thinking seductive thoughts.

"No," she huffed.

"Ah well, had to try," he said.

"Besides, are you so eager to give up your soul already?"

"No," he admitted. "So, I guess until tomorrow, neither of us will truly be satisfied."

"Idiot," she muttered to herself, stomping away quite undignified.

"We'll see..." he said.


He slept the rest of the night, for once getting up immediately with the dawn.

"Let's do some training," he said to himself.

(Do you know, you still haven't got any MP?) The voice came into his head.

"Sorry. Ran into a wight last night. Debuff must not have worn off yet," he said to himself.

(Ugh. That's going to be an annoying habit. Just think at me quietly, will you?)

"No," he said out loud.

(People will think you're crazy.)

"That's inevitable anyway. Why don't you show me what you've got?"

(If you show me yours, I'll show you mine), her laughter tickled in the back of his head.

"That's not the agreement."

(And you have nothing to target.)

"Very well."

He walked back to town, stroking his chin thoughtfully. Who would he try to seduce?

(I can't target nuns), she advised.

"Why would I... nevermind," he said.

(Oh, you'd be surprised how much fun they can be. But you'll have to find that out the _hard_ way.)

He just shook his head. What had he gotten himself into?

The Mayor's wife. Oh, that was audacious. But he was never home during the day. He was far too busy to keep an eye on her. And the Mayor himself was known to sleep around - wasn't it only fair she got a turn?

He marched right up to the door and knocked.

(Are you serious? Not even going to comb your-)

The door opened.

"Oh, hello Nuru. I don't have any quests for you today."

He pulled on Adana's soul for some extra charm.

(You're burning MY mana now, dweeb. Careful.)

"Oh that's fine, I'm the one that has the quest today," he said.

"Oh, good for you! How can I help?"

"Hasina, it's so good to see you. Can I come in?"

"Well, sure, OK. If you need to see my husband, he's at his office."

"Of course. I came to see you."

"Me?" she colored just slightly. "What in the gods' blessed name for?"

"I have something for you."

"Goodness, whatever for? That's so sweet of you!"

She closed the door behind him.

"It's a quest, actually."

"A quest? But I'm no adventurer. I'm just a housewife."

"I'm certain you have the skills required."

"Well, don't just stand there - tell me what it is."

Nuru put on his goofy, disarming grin.

"I want you... to go on a scavenger hunt."

"Well... alright. What am I looking for?"

"An orgasm."

"A what!? Young man, that is very inappropriate! If your mother knew, why-"

"On the contrary, I think it's quite appropriate. You know your husband sleeps around."

"Well, boys will be boys, I'm afraid."

"But why should you be missing out?"

"Well - well, those are the rules, aren't they?"

"Are they? They're not The Rules, formally. You're married, sure, but it hasn't stopped him."

"I... well... it has... been awhile, I suppose. We're not young as we once were. I'm not as pert and spry."

"There, you see. You work very hard around here, keeping up his household. Don't you think you deserve a reward?"

"Some days more than others. Why, when he brings those muddy shoes home for me to clean... but how could I possibly do that? I have duties here!"

"I suspect," Nuru said, drawing quite close to her, looking deep into her eyes, "you won't have to look far at all."

She grew squirmy, and couldn't seem to find her tongue. She shifted her headdress unconsciously.

He pulled harder at Adana, drawing more charm.

"I... perhaps I shouldn't be so rude. You've come as a friendly guest, haven't you? I'd be neglecting my duties as a host to shun a gift offered freely..."

"You're a powerful woman, Hasina. Why shouldn't you see the benefits of it once in awhile?"

"Well... I... you really want me?"

"Oh yes," I said. "Ever since we danced at the equinox festival."

"Why, you scoundrel! I thought it was just a bit of harmless fun, but..."

"Oh, it was, at first. But then I saw your face in profile in the firelight, with that smile of all the weight of the world lifted for just a minute, and I saw how beautiful you are. Ever since that moment, I've wanted you."

She turned her face, bashful. Nuru took that moment to step in and kiss her by the ear and the back of her jaw. His hands snaked around to pull her to him, and her resistance melted away. Kissing led to biting her neck, and Nuru's hands tugged her skirt up to her hips.

"Hold this," he said suddenly, leaving her holding up her own hem.

He dropped down and put his face right into her vulva, holding her legs so she wouldn't fall over. She dropped the skirts, but they fell over his head, and now the only thing between him and her unexpected wetness was her full bush of pubic hair. Really, he thought to himself, it was just a small pillow for his face while his tongue went to work.

She shuddered, then went still, quivering nervously.

"Good day madam!" a voice called from the window.

"Good day bursar!" she called back, almost squeaking.

"Expecting rain today, do you think?"

"It does feel a bit moist," she said.

Nuru smiled quietly, digging his tongue into the older woman's well-fed folds.

"I'm glad to have brought my coat then," he said. "Take care!"

"Thanks, you as well," she gasped out.

She groaned, swaying unsteadily on her feet as Nuru held tight to support her.

"Oh, gods above, that's amazing," she groaned.

"Why don't you sit at the window, we'll both be more comfortable," he said.

"I'd better lie down," she replied. "To bed, I think."

He tried to stay with her under the skirts, but it just wasn't possible; she kept tripping on him, and he kept getting caught on her skirts. He climbed out and followed behind her.

"Oh, show me that orgasm you hoodlum," she said, now drunk with desire, tugging at his pants.

He let them fall to the floor.

"Why, if the lady insists," he grinned.

She pulled at his shirt, and lay down with him on top of her, still mostly dressed. He lost his virginity right then and there as she guided him in. He'd fooled around a little, but this was his first penetration - and boy, what an experience. He didn't last too long, but it was all she needed, apparently. As soon as he choked out his own climax inside her, she spasmed and curled her toes by his thighs, letting out little squeaks and sighs with her rapid shallow breaths.

"I do thank you for your hospitality Mrs. Mayor. Have yourself a wonderful day."

"Shoo, you lovely goon. And straighten your hair before you go, it won't do to be seen leaving here in that state."

"As you wish."

And with that, he scampered back out the door after spending a brief moment before her mirror, fixing his coif.

"One fantasy, check," He muttered to himself.

(And here I was afraid you were a paladin in training.)

No chance of that. Extramarital sex was strictly off the table for nearly every order, certainly all the ones with temples nearby.

(What next? A whore in a back alley?)


(Oh, come on. It'll be fun! Won't take much of my mana, either. You don't get EXP for these encounters, but I do.)

He didn't answer. Instead, he went to the inn.

"Hey fellas, mind if I sit with you?" he said to a scruffy, lumberjack-looking barbarian with a battle axe at his feet.

"Oh look, a Level One. Haven't seen one of you in ages. Sure, why not."

"They always grow up so quickly, don't they?" his companion said.

(Ranger), Adana said.

As if it wasn't obvious.

"Come to bask in the glory of better men?" the scruffy man said.

"Name's Nuru. Actually, I wanted to see if I could get some tips."

"I'm Dakarai, this's Talib. We can't spoil the mystery quests for ya lad, them's The Rules. Besides, they change a little every time there's an Expansion."

"Oh, I know. I'm interested in something else."

"Skill tree question? Effect stacking advice?"

"Nah. What's the hottest monster you'd ever come across?"

"Well, I reckon that salamander was... oh. OHHH!"

Nuru was shaking his head.

"Want to take in the sights on your travels, eh? Well let me tell you about this golem I ran into this one time..."

...a long and lore-filled story later...

"...So it's not really a woman, it just looks like one," Nuru said.

"Well sure, I mean golems don't have a gender. Can't have sex, really. They're just statues in motion, but they can look pretty if the sculptor is good at it."

...a few minutes of jabbering...

"Seen more than a few harpies. You put a bag over their head and hogtie em, I suppose they look human enough," Dakarai said.

"Lots of trouble though. Those claws are sharp," Talib added.

"And the beak," Dakarai admitted.

"What about the real humanoids?" Nuru asked.

"Oh, goblins and nymphs and such? Yeah, I suppose they're out there. All the wrong proportions though," Talib said.

"Pixies are pretty cute, but they're not up to a real man. All wispy skin and bones, they just curl up and die the minute you put any weight on 'em. Not that I've tried, I mean; I've heard stories," Dakarai said, looking around defensively.

"Best bet's probably a vampire. She'll keep a stable of enthralled men around to protect her, but they're pushovers when you catch them in their coffin. Can't move a muscle when the sun's up," Talib said.

"And they've got the best wardrobes," agreed Dakarai with a snap of his fingers. "If you're into that emo/goth thing anyway."

"But you can't get into the City of the Damned until you're, oh, fifteen at least."

"Level Fifteen," Dakarai clarified.

"I'm sure he knew what I meant," Talib said, rolling his eyes. "You gotta be eighteen years old to get your class, everybody knows."

"Of course there's the warlord factions, the actual humans and elves that set themselves up as bosses and the like."

"Hot, but not really monsters in the classical sense," Talib agreed. "Tend to get killed a lot, too. Don't get attached is my advice."

Just then, a runner burst into the inn. He came up to the table.

"Nuru, the city needs you!" he said breathlessly.

Talib and Dakarai looked at each other.

"Oh my god, that is so cute," Talib said.

"What?...What?" Nuru said, first to the runner, then to Talib.

"Something terrible has happened. The Mayor has summoned you. You're our only hope!" the runner gushed.

Dakarai was sniggering behind his mug, trying to not to laugh.

"What... is it? What's happened?" Nuru said, looking between all three men carefully.

"Well it's... it's the blacksmith's daughter," the man continued.

"She's gone missing," Talib sung out dramatically.

"She's gone missing!" the man said, paying no attention.

Talib syncronized his words with the runner's speaking at the same time.

"Everyone's been looking for her, she's been missing for days! Oh please, won't you go find her?"

"Everyone's been looking for her, she's been missing for days! Oh please, won't you help find her? Oops, been awhile since I heard the spiel."

"Nobody ever asked me to look," Dakarai said, sounding offended.