Best Friend Takes His Wife Ch. 01

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He loses his wife to his best friend over a poker bet.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/18/2021
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Author's Note: This is the story of a young housewife's forced sexual journey with her husband's best friend due to a poker bet gone wrong. If this theme offends you, please do not continue reading. All characters are over the age of 18 in this story. The story is four chapters in total.


The day that Matt came to visit Emily and her husband Toby's home of two years for one night of poker was the day that everything changed for her. Matt was her husband's best friend and the two had known each other since they were kids. Emily and Toby had been together five years now and married four. So, she, unfortunately, had to be around Matt quite a lot over the years and her opinion of him had never wavered or changed. Quite frankly, she hated his guts.

Toby's best friend was extremely handsome but also arrogant and intolerable 90% of the time. She honestly despised everything about him. He had an ego the size of Canada and Toby had always been keen to ignore it because he was so used to it. But not Emily. She was always complaining to her husband how much she hated being around Matt. But Toby being Toby with not a mean bone in his body would just tell her that it's Matt being Matt. Put up with him for me? Please? And naturally, she would stupidly agree.

But there was something off about Matt. He was always sizing Emily up and checking her out. Making lewd comments around her about how good she looked and how hot her ass looked in those tight jeans. She knew telling Toby wouldn't really result in anything. As much as she adored her husband, he had a hard time standing up to a fly let alone his best friend. So she had always brushed Matt's behavior off, ignored his advances, and made it quite clear to him just how disgusting she found him to be. That just seemed to make Matt more determined than ever to make her uncomfortable and upset at every turn.

When Matt was married two years into their marriage, Emily knew it was not going to last. But Matt seemed happy for a time and his wife Abigail seemed to have tamed him for a time. Abby and Emily became fast friends and began to hang out. They went out on double dates a lot. During that time, Matt seemed to be on his best behavior, but Emily didn't believe him to be a changed man.

It was now two years later, and Abigail wanted a divorce. Emily was not shocked to find that Matt had been cheating on her with her own sister. Yeah, it wasn't a surprise to her at all. Matt wasn't a changed man; he was just better at hiding his despicable behavior from everyone. But Abigail had caught them red-handed, turning halfway around on her trek to work because she had forgotten her lunch and had time to circle back and still make it without being late. Matt and her sister were having sex in their marital bed. It was fucked up.

But Toby being the nice man he is, offered to let Matt come to their house for Saturday night poker with his work friends to cheer him up about the divorce. Without asking Emily. Man, she had never been so furious in her life. It had turned into a big argument. But naturally, Toby won out in the end and managed to say all the right things to calm her down. She was still pretty fired up about it though. Matt was the one person on this Earth that she absolutely hated to be around for an extended amount of time. There was only so much she could take of him before she lost her temper.

Emily was a catch. She had long legs, sexy doe brown eyes, big tits, and curves in all the right places. She got hit on a lot when she went out to bars with her friends, but she was faithful to Toby. She didn't want to be a cheater. She loved her husband and found their sex life to be more than satisfactory right now. He never failed to make her cum when they fucked. He never failed to please her as a real man should. Despite having the outward appearance of a more reserved man, Toby was fantastic in bed and she had no complaints there.

She had only been with two other men in her younger years before she met her husband. But once she and Toby had gotten comfortable with each other's bodies and exploring different things, their sex life had become fantastic. In Emily's mind, it still was. In her mind, everything about their life was perfect, aside from a few hiccups recently with a few bills they got behind on that they were working diligently with debt collectors to pay off.

Saturday seemed to come way too soon. Emily was anxious and nervous that day. She always served Toby's friends drinks and chatted them up. They were his friends he had made at his IT job working at a nearby hospital. Matt had only come to poker night a few times but not very frequently and Emily had always been fine with that. He ran his family's accounting software company with his father, so he was very busy with work a lot of the time, even on weekends. He had no issues spouting off about how much money he made on a daily basis. God, it got tiring.

The moment she saw him walk in the door she was scowling. Matt was much taller than Toby at 6'4". He had a muscular build, and she knew under that t-shirt he was rocking a very impressive six-pack. She couldn't deny that the man had the body of a Greek God. Like hell, she would ever say that to his face though. On top of that, his eyes were a striking blue accompanied by short and spiky jet-black hair. There was no denying that he was good-looking. It was his high and mighty attitude that pissed her off beyond belief.

She barely said hello to Matt, letting him chat with Toby while she retreated to the kitchen to "check" on the potato casserole in the oven that was intended for a large group. It wasn't long after that that Toby came into the kitchen to tell her that everyone that was supposed to come called and canceled with lame excuses. So that left Matt and Toby playing together with Emily serving them food and drink. This left her disgruntled, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Just put on her greatest smile and try her best to be nice to the arrogant cocky son of a bitch she hated spending every passing minute with.

It was only a matter of time before she overheard Matt saying something that pissed her off. He started bragging about his most recent conquests while married to Abby. She couldn't help it. She lit into him, calling him arrogant, selfish, self-centered, all the names you could think of, she spouted off at him. After all, he was blatantly talking about cheating on her friend. Boasting about it even.

"You disgust me, Matt!" She shouted, trying to control her breathing to calm herself down.

This behavior just seemed to amuse Matt. Toby's face was flushed and he was looking at her pleadingly to just let it go. But there was no way that Emily could do that. She was already tired of Matt's attitude and they had only been in the same room together for fifteen minutes.

"This is my house, Matt, mine. And you know that Abby and I are best friends. I won't tolerate you talking about her like she means nothing to you. I'm sorry that you guys are getting divorced. But you were nailing her sister. And evidently a bunch of other women. You're so smart, you had to know that was going to come back and bite you in the ass. So shut the fuck up and be a man about it. Toby doesn't want to hear about your concubines. He and I are married and there's no way in hell we would ever cheat on each other. So just stop. Okay? Stop. Please."

"Say it as you mean it, Emily," Matt said, putting his cards face-down onto the table, and then looking at Toby. "You've got yourself a spitfire girl, man. I really admire that. I've had her type before. They break easier than you think." Emily could only stare at the man with a "what the fuck" look on her face as Matt seemed to completely ignore her and disregard what she had just said as he continued.

"It's got me thinking. Why don't we raise the stakes on our little poker game we got going on here? I'm going to be frank before things went south with Abby, she told me that you guys are working to pay off a few bills that you got behind on. Not only will I help you catch them up, but just because I am such a nice guy, I'll throw in an extra fifty grand if you win against me this hand."

Emily opened her mouth to speak and spout off more insults but then it registered what Matt had said. "Wait. What?!" She looked over at her husband to see his eyes were as wide as her own. Had they just heard that right? More importantly, did he mean this? For real? It was a lot of money. But as she watched Toby, his expression told her that he seemed to be considering it. But what was the catch? What did Matt win?

Matt let the silence linger before leaning back in his seat with a smug smile on his face. "Now I've got both of your attention. But with great power comes great responsibility. And there is always a catch. So here it is, folks. If I win, I get to have your wife for a month to myself. I get to fuck her whenever and however I want. She will live with me during the duration of that time. She will be completely mine in every way until four weeks from now is over." He looked at Emily. "I obviously am going to need your verbal agreement. That you will do anything I tell you to do. Sexually and otherwise. So, think real hard on it. Your hubby could win, and all your money troubles go away. But if you lose, well, it's just four weeks of the best sex of your life..."

Did he just fucking say that? In front of Toby even? Fucking prick! Great. Just great! Of course, that was the catch. If Toby lost, she was going to be a complete sex slave to his best friend for an entire month! No big deal there! Would it be the longest four weeks of her young life? Would she enjoy having sex with this egotistical asshole? Just the very thought of it made her want to vomit.

But on the other hand, to have all of their bills paid off and an extra fifty grand? Think of the things they could do! They could take a vacation for once! They had been discussing going to Hawaii as soon as all the bills were caught up. And now they had the opportunity to do that and then some. All it would take is minimal planning since they already knew where they wanted to stay and Toby putting in the time off request at work.

She had to wonder to herself at this moment, did Matt plan this? It kind of seemed like it. Did he come up with his perverted little scheme to get her into his bed after Toby invited him the other night after finding out about the divorce? Had Toby told him exactly who was coming so Matt knew who to pay off to cancel? Toby said their excuses seemed off and this was a planned event. Seemed strange to her for all three of his friends to cancel for fictitious reasons. Since it was just the three of them now, is that why he unleashed his diabolical plan?

Emily looked at Toby with a raised brow. Was he going to agree to this? She saw her husband appear to be in a bit of mental agony. No one could blame him. Imagine having to give up your wife to become a sex slave to your best friend for an entire month. But on the other hand, if he had the better hand they were going to be debt-free, with a generous amount of money for their well-needed vacation. And they could also push up their timeline of having children.

Matt could only watch with amusement as Toby and Emily seemed to be having a silent conversation with one another. Toby's eyes told Emily that he had a good hand. But was Matt's better?

When Toby nodded, Emily sighed and resigned herself to her possible fate, turning to address Matt. "Fine, Matt. You have my verbal agreement that I will do anything you say, sexually or otherwise." Fuck. If Toby lost, she was going to be seriously pissed off beyond belief. It was his idea to let Matt stay here in the first place. Did he really understand what he was sacrificing here?

Both men gave a nod to each other and Emily could only watch with bated breath as they put their cards down on the table. She let out a gasp and her hands came up to her mouth. Unfortunately, it was Matt that had the winning hand. Motherfucker!

Toby looked defeated and in complete shock. Matt smiled, patting his hand. "Don't worry, buddy. I will take good care of your wife. And I'll even be a really good sport and pay off your debt and throw in the fifty grand to boot. You're still my best friend and I want what is best for you. Hell, I was gonna do all of that anyway as a surprise. But your wife was the one thing that you have that I couldn't. And now the tides have changed. Let's play another round, for old times' sake."

Toby hastily agreed and shuffled the deck then dealt out the cards, avoiding Emily's gaze like the plague. He couldn't bear to look at his wife right now. Matt had really played him and fucked him over. They were supposed to be friends. He should have known that his best friend had the winning hand. Fucking hell. He had really screwed this one up. Would Emily find it in her heart to forgive him?

Matt motioned Emily to sit in his lap. She rolled her eyes but came over and seated herself on his sturdy thighs. She could feel the body heat coming off him. And damn he felt solid compared to Toby, who was a bit more of the lean side. Glasses, short brown hair with striking green eyes, a nice body but not a built one like Matt's. Matt looked like he could be a famous model or actor. Wait, what the hell was she thinking? She should not be thinking fond thoughts of this monster! Even if he had a few good qualities, he was still her arch enemy.

Emily sent Toby an apologetic look as all her poor husband could do was watch as they played the game like normal. Matt seemed to be giving Toby time to let it sink in that he had won the bet and his wife. The unfortunate thing in this moment was that Emily was wearing a short skirt that left little to the imagination. Especially Matt's nasty little dirty-minded imagination.

About halfway through the game Matt's free hand that wasn't holding the cards began to wander over Emily's thigh below the table. And she could do nothing to stop him. The agreement was that she would obey his every command and let him do what he wanted to her. So, she sat like a statue, completely unmoving so as not to alert Toby that something was wrong. Inwardly she was disgusted. She wanted to scream at him to get his filthy paws off her. Talk about being completely helpless. Matt had no redeeming qualities in her eyes. And now she was going to be forced to pleasure him at every turn.

At first Matt's hand just rested on her leg stroking her knee in soft circles. After a few minutes, it started to feel pleasant, and she was starting to forget that she was in the lap of her sworn enemy and his hand was on her thigh. But then it crept further up her body. She tensed only as a reflex he stopped for a moment on her upper leg but then once she seemed to relax went under her skirt to find her heated sex. Thank God she was wearing underwear!

She remained as nonchalant as possible as Matt began to circle her clit over the rough cloth of her cotton panties. He did this until he could hear her breath start to pick up and he had forced a reaction out of her. Toby was still none the wiser as there was quiet music playing on their stereo in the background that thankfully drowned out the softer noises. Seems this was going to work in their favor, not that Emily wanted this to happen.

Matt grew bolder and his hand went into her panties. She could just picture the smug smirk on his face as he explored her slick sex only to discover she was already wet for him because of his teasing. When his fingers slid into her tight little pussy and began to fuck her, she bit her lip to stifle a moan, thankful that Toby was staring at the cards and not them. He was definitely more concentrated on winning now. Too bad that hadn't been the case the last round, right?

Fuck! After a couple of minutes, it began to feel really fucking good, but she was proud of herself for refusing to moan for him. She tried to deny him everything. She tried to tell her body no, stop, don't respond. But Matt had dexterous fingers and it was obvious he knew what he was doing. On top of that, his fingers were long and thick, and they made her feel full in the most pleasant of ways. He was curling them as they entered to rub against her g-spot. Fuuuuuck yesssss!

She wanted to yell at herself to not give in but it wasn't long before she couldn't help herself and she began to roll her hips shamelessly to meet those digits that were penetrating her soaked cunt. She was angry at Toby for not noticing that anything was going on right now. Angry at him for losing the most important poker game of their lives. Angry at him for being such a passive asshole. If it were any other circumstances, she would be responding very differently to what was happening right now.

Matt took notice of her responsiveness and his fingers began to fuck her faster and faster. When his thumb found her clit and began to strum it like a maestro, she fucking lost it. She lost it and had an amazing explosion all over those talented fingers. Her whole body shuddered as her husband's best friend made her cum right in front of him while they were having a normal conversation and playing poker. Toby seemed to look away at all the right times and was oblivious to the clues that were right there in front of him as to what was transpiring.

And if that wasn't bad enough, as she basked in the afterglow of that high, Matt used her momentary bliss to slide her panties down her legs and off without her husband noticing at all. That was when she came back to her senses and felt alarmed. Was he going to fuck her right in front of Toby? Fuck. She didn't want that at all. But there was nothing she could do to stop it from happening either. She was helpless.

It was really sinking in that she was his now. His for one full damn month to do whatever he pleased with. To finger fuck in front of her husband. Hell, to fuck right in front of her husband. And honestly, right now Emily was so mad at Toby for losing that crucial bet that her resistance to Matt was going out the window. She still thought the man was a piece of shit. But she knew that she had agreed to this part of the bargain, only because she had trusted Toby to have the winning hand in the damn game.

Ironically, Toby won this round. Matt handed the watch that he had promised him over and then put his hands on Emily's waist and guided her up off and off of his lap. Thankfully by now, she had enough time to come down from her high and she was steady on her feet. She hoped her husband didn't notice that her panties were sticking out of Matt's front jean pocket as if to parade the fact that he had gotten them off of her with her husband being none the wiser. Why did he have to be so fucking insufferable?

"Get on your knees, Em," Matt said, fully expecting not to get any flack for what he was asking her to do. He was in complete control here and it killed her inside.

Emily reluctantly got on her knees but the glare on her face made it crystal clear to Matt that she wasn't happy as to where this was going. She could see her husband tense out of the corner of her eye. Did he notice the panties just now? It didn't matter. In a way, she was kind of glad that this was getting to him right now. He had agreed to this madness! Clearly, Matt was going to make him witness what was in store for her for the next four weeks. And in Emily's eyes, her husband deserved to witness it for the first time.

"Good girl," Matt said, with a smile. "Sorry Toby, but I can't wait any longer. I've gotta have her lips wrapped around my dick."

Emily's eyes nearly bulged out of her skull when Matt shed his pants down his hips and his thick, lengthy penis came into view. He was only half-hard, and he looked so big! Jesus, he was hung like a horse! She had thought that Toby was a big size at seven inches when he was hard. Matt looked to be shaping up to be a good ten give or take and an inch and a half in thickness.