Best Friends Forever


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He'd kissed her for almost five seconds when he had a sensation like ice water running down his spine. He broke their kiss, and then again because she'd kissed him once more. "Erin?" he gasped softly, tensing.

"Oh Tony!" Erin breathed, grinding her hips to his, her pussy rubbing along his shaft, seeking to envelop him. She'd never wanted anything more, and felt such an animal desire that thinking was difficult. Her world consisted of their bodies, and her one desire was to be filled by him.

"Erin, wait," Tony moaned, his resolve stripping away from him like loose sand in a windstorm. "You want to save yourself for the right guy."

"I did, Tony," she gasped, and then she cried out passionately as she bore down and took him inside her. Tony rolled over on top of Erin and he slowly ran his cock inside her, feeling the reality that he'd dreamed of for over ten years, anticipated and wished for, had idealized in his mind as perfection that no other woman he'd been with could match.

He hadn't dreamed big enough. The feelings he experienced, the sensations, the emotions, were so much stronger, so much better than he'd ever imagined. Gasping as he slowly moved in her, sweat beading on his skin, Tony whispered softly, "Tell me if I'm hurting you."

"You are," Erin moaned, and then she cried out and moaned more loudly, "but don't stop! Please, don't ever stop!" She could feel him inside her, alive, throbbing with his pounding heart. He felt so perfect, so right inside her that she couldn't help it, and didn't try to hold back as she came, the intensity of her orgasm driving all thoughts but pure bliss from her mind.

Tony cried out, almost losing control when he felt her pussy crush him, her contractions hard and fast, and he held her as she bucked against him and cried out his name over and over. And then she relaxed in his arms and he moved again, now even deeper into Erin. His head was spinning, the feel of her body in his arms, so hot and moist, her every tremble an invitation to continue.

She moaned into his ear to make love to her, and he moved faster then, his thrusts more powerful, and her cries in response were louder, more passionate. All thoughts of technique, of style and panache left him, and all he could think of was being deeper inside her, closer to her, joining totally with her.

Her senses were only just returning when Erin felt the waves of ecstasy crashing down on her again. She shouted gleefully, feeling Tony's fat cock slam into her repeatedly, feeling so perfect, and she dove into the waves, rising to the crest and attempting to ride them, but the thundering currents were too strong. With a cry of blissful surrender, Erin was dragged under and battered by the most powerful orgasm she'd ever imagined, helpless.

This time it was too much for Tony, and as she contracted tightly to his cock he barely had time to drive himself as deeply as he could inside her before his brain exploded and the resulting wave of energy stole his senses, whited out his vision, and he shouted his release. Powerful waves rushed through him, coursing through his veins to his hips, where they condensed and grew more powerful before jetting out through his cock to splash into Erin's tight, spasming womb.

Spent, Tony crashed onto Erin's panting, shaking body. They held each other, trembling hard, breathing deeply and quickly, their bodies, the bed, everything damp or wet except for their parched lips and tongues. When their mouths found each other that dryness disappeared quickly, swept away by long, slow, passionate kisses.

And then, her body still pressed beneath Tony's, Erin relaxed and slept. Afraid to move lest he wake to find this only the best dream he'd ever had, Tony held Erin tightly until he drifted to sleep himself.


"Damn it!" Erin shouted at Tony, and she threw the football at his head. She'd been running for a touchdown after making a glorious catch, and he'd held back. She knew he could have yanked off her flag when she passed him, but he'd missed. Somehow, he'd missed.

"If you're not going to play, get off the fucking field!" Erin shouted, and she went to the sideline and sucked on a bottle of water. She saw Gerry and Ben standing close to Tony, arguing with him. Good, she thought. He deserved it. What good was playing the game if you're going to throw it? Just because they were sleeping together didn't mean he should let her win!

She got up and went into the bathrooms to relieve herself, and after she returned she was running to intercept a thrown pass when she noticed something was wrong and stumbled to a stop. She looked around as people shouted at her, and she turned and saw Pat, the guy she'd been covering, run the ball in for a touchdown.

Ignoring the shouts, Erin called to Gerry, asking where Tony was. "He went home! The guy's useless if he won't give it everything, and so are you! See you next week, maybe." Humiliated, Erin stalked from the field to walk home. Ahead of her, maybe a few hundred yards away, she could see Tony, his head down and shoulders slumped.

Serves him right! she thought morosely. Just because she let him stick his long, fat, beautiful dick inside her didn't mean he should treat her any differently, should it? She didn't treat him any differently. Oh sure, she wore prettier clothes sometimes, and they would go out dancing more, instead of hanging out and watching football, and they cuddled together when they sat, more often than not, but nothing fundamental had changed.

Okay, she thought, sometimes she liked to sit on the couch when she was alone, wearing his sweatshirt, or even just using it as a pillow, balled up under her head. There had always been a thrill when they'd touched, but now it was positively electric. She loved to sit and talk with him, she always had, but had she always gazed into his eyes or watched his lips moving, her mouth wet and wanting to kiss him? Well, kind of.

Now she felt whole when she held his hand. She felt complete when he was inside her. Erin could laugh and be silly about it, she could deny it to everyone in the world except herself, but she knew she loved Tony, and had for all of her life. She'd even caught herself daydreaming about looking over at the playground to see their children when they'd been there to play football.


Tony sat at the little counter top attached to the wall under the front window and took a deep drink of his beer. He saw Erin walk past slowly, distracted, and she wiped a tear from her eye. His heart skipped a beat, something it had always done when he saw her.

He was fucking up her life. The two months they'd been together as a couple were honestly the best two months of his life. But now he could see he was hurting her. He knew he should have resisted her, let her keep her virginity for her one true love, but he hadn't been able to. He'd loved her from afar for so long.

And now she was convinced that she loved him, even though he knew it couldn't be real. She'd built up so much romantic expectation toward her "first" that when added to their long standing and mutual affection, she'd mistaken it for love. That was the only explanation he could come up with. Still, he couldn't bring himself to break up with her. He just loved her too damn much to let her go.

"Hey Sweet Thing!" Debbie said, wrapping her arms around his middle. "It's been ages!" She was a little thing, perky and fun and pretty good in bed too.

"Hi Debbie," he said, feigning interest. "It has been a while. What have you been doing?" Tony didn't hear a word she said, nodding politely as she spoke.

After a half hour or so, Debbie said, "I've missed you. Especially that great big part of you that liked me so much." Tony grinned, remembering that before Erin, and maybe that girl a few years back in college, Debbie was the best fuck he'd had.

"I'm seeing somebody," Tony said softly.

"So?" Debbie said, her smile turning wicked. "If I remember right, you've got enough for both of us."

"Give me your number," Tony said.


"What's wrong, Dear?" the old woman in a loose pink day-glo t-shirt asked.

Erin wiped away the tears that had plagued her for two States and tried to smile at her seat mate. "A guy," she said, the tears coming again.

"Oh yes," the woman said, shaking her head. "A cheater?"

Erin shook her head. "No, never. He's just better off without me."

The old woman looked at Erin and asked, "Do you love him?"

Sniffling, she answered, "Yes, since I was fourteen years old."

The woman shook her head again, smiling. "Does he love you?"

"I think so," Erin answered, rubbing her eyes. "I didn't even know that I loved him until a few months ago, but I always did. Then as soon as we got together everything changed."

Hunkering into her seat, the old woman asked, "Isn't it supposed to? Being friends isn't the same as being in love, is it?"

Erin considered for a moment before answering. "He's my dream guy. We love the same things, and we can talk for hours and hours, days, and it's never boring. He protects me and takes care of me. He always has."

"So what is so different now?"

"He let me get away instead of tackling me! We used to play hard, compete, always giving our best. We used to talk, but now we kiss. We used to sit close and watch movies or TV shows, and now we.."

"Have lots of sex?"

Erin blushed. "Yeah. Things aren't the same, and I miss the old stuff we did."

"Is he really better off without you? Was he unhappy?"

"No, I don't think he was unhappy."

"So you're really saying that you're better off without him."

"Yeah," Erin said, wiping away her tears. "But he was my first and only. He took care of me. He protected me. Tony made everything better."

"So you're running away to see if you can live without him?"

"I guess I am," Erin said, and she had stopped crying.


Jim ran up to the little yellow VW and called out, "Hey, Erin!" She turned from securing her short board to the roof and saw the tall, muscular man running toward her from the beach. He caught up as she was rubbing the remaining moisture from her hair with her towel.

Jim was out of breath when he stopped, and he waited a second before speaking. "I saw you on the beach back there, and I've got to tell you, you're freakin' hot. Can I take you out some time?"

"Are you Tony's friend?" she asked warily, and when he said he was, she asked, "Tony was okay with you asking me out?"

"Well, I guess so. He told me your name, and I took off. I didn't really ask his permission. Should I have?" Jim turned and waved to Tony, who was walking toward them slowly, burdened by both men's surfboards. They watched as he approached without speaking.

He looked good, Erin thought. It had been a little more than two years since she'd packed up her things and taken the bus to Chicago to start over, and his body was still just as firm, maybe a little more muscular. His damp curls were short again, and his face held a little more character. No ring, she noticed happily.

Damn she hadn't changed at all, Tony thought. Everything is still bright and yellow, her body tight and firm and so hot. As he got closer he saw her eyes, the pale blue gems of her face. Her hair was long again, and he was glad. He handed the boards off to Jim and walked around the little care, to face Erin.

"You moved," she said in a conversational tone.

"You knew where to find me," he answered simply, not smiling.

"I did," she agreed. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"I tried, at first. Nobody for a couple of years, I guess." He shuffled his bare feet on the sandy asphalt. "You?"

"Nope," she said, her eyes sad. "I never found anyone who made me feel...anyone like the one who got away, you know?"

"Where are you staying?" Tony asked, swallowing hard and blinking away glare from a passing car.

"Holiday Inn," Erin answered. "I've only been back for two days."

"I take it you two know each other then," Jim said uncomfortably.

Glancing over his shoulder at Jim, Tony turned his attention back to Erin. "You want to do something this weekend?" he asked, choking slightly.

"What do you have in mind?" Erin asked, smiling for the first time since they'd began talking.

"I don't know. We could go surfing, maybe take a drive. Stop at that little restaurant in Victorville maybe. Then hit Vegas, see a show, get married...?" Tony watched her expression, saw her smile disappear.

Erin started to speak but her voice cracked and she swallowed a few times before answering. "That sounds good. I was just hoping for somebody to help me move, but I like your plan better."

"Holy shit!" Jim shouted at them, smiling broadly. "You two are really going to get married this weekend? Jeez, who is this girl, Tone?"

"The love of my life," Tony said, as he pulled Erin into his embrace, and she held on to him tightly.


The volleyball flew toward the net, tipped by Ray. Tony crashed to the sand by the net, sliding under the ball and tapped it up, and seemingly taking flight, Erin rose up and hammered the ball, sending it into the sand between two players on the opposing team.

"Game point!" the Ref shouted and Erin helped Tony to his feet, and they kissed passionately.

"Who in the hell are they?" the new guy asked Jim as he came off the roped outline of the court, "Brad and Angelina?"

Jim smiled. "That's Tony and Erin Harris. I was the best man at their wedding," he said proudly.

"They look like they're unbeatable," the guy said, then blew out a long breath. "She's fucking hot, too."

"Yeah, well," Jim said softly, "don't let Tony hear you say that. They are pretty hard to beat. Nobody fights harder to win, and once they learned to be a team instead of playing against each other, well, look out."

Jim watched his friends gather their things and start the walk to their beach front home. He figured to head over for a beer in an hour or two. He saw Tony playfully slap Erin's ass as they walked. Two hours, Jim thought, hell, maybe three.


They walked into the house and Erin hurried to the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting in before the water warmed. The sand cascaded from her body, and after a moment she peeled off her shorts, tank top, sports bra, and finally her sand-logged panties. The sand formed swirling patterns as it was moved around the drain. Leaning out of the shower, she tossed her soaked clothes into the sink and called to Tony to let him know the water had warmed.

Hanging up the phone, Tony went into the bathroom and joined his wife in the shower. Erin giggled girlishly as she pulled his board shorts down, releasing a mountain of sand onto the floor of the tub. They turned for each other, letting their bodies be washed thoroughly free of the gritty sand. Satisfied they were sufficiently sand-free, Tony kissed his wife's lips, moaning deep in his throat as the familiar but still powerful electricity of their contact coursed through him.

Erin put her hands on her husband's waist, since he had no hips to speak of, and she held him close, feeling his erection bounce against her thigh, then resisting gravity to rest against her pussy. Just the thought of his desire for her, the feel of his hardness near her, excited Erin and she became wet from wanting him.

Putting his hands on her slender waist, Tony lifted Erin and pinned her to the wall of the shower, and she opened her legs for him, closing them tightly behind his back as he entered her. They didn't stop kissing one another, moaning and crying out, gasping and biting, as they kissed. Tony had entered Erin completely, and he released her, letting gravity press her down onto him, impaling her on his hardness.

Using her powerful thighs, Erin lifted and released herself to fall onto him again, plunging his cock deep inside her. His hands were on her breasts, and then under her, squeezing her ass tightly, and his desire grew. Tony pressed her to the wall of the shower and began to thrust hard into her, hearing her cries as he crushed the breath from her, and then the high pitched keen as Erin's orgasm caused her pussy to convulse and contract on him.

Promising himself silently that he'd make it up to her later, Tony shouted and released his seed into Erin, shaking as great pulsating contractions moved through his cock, in almost perfect time with the crushing tightness of her pussy. Still kissing, her legs still holding her up, Erin wrapped her arms around Tony's neck and held him. Tony leaned into Erin, and he held her until the water on his back began to run cold.

They entered the living room wrapped in towels, just in time for the knock on the door. Tony opened the door and greeted his mother, who bustled in, her arms filled. Tony relieved her of two large but not too heavy bags, and his mother handed the baby to Erin. "Thanks Mom," Tony said, smiling broadly at her.

Erin held her baby up and blew raspberries on his belly, making him laugh and almost losing her towel.

Tony's mom asked about their game, then if they had any plans for the evening. "I'm always available to watch little Aaron," she said hopefully. They agreed that they might like to go to dinner or perhaps a movie soon, and they'd call her first. Tony escorted his mother out, thanking her again for watching Aaron, and then joined his wife and thirteen month old on their bed.

Watching Erin play with her son, his son, their child, filled Tony with a joy he couldn't explain, could hardly comprehend. Erin looked over at his towel covered body and the movement she noticed, and said, "Whoa, Cowboy. Baby on board." Tony laid back on the bed and watched her put their baby into his crib, and then turn to face him, her towel dropping to the floor.


Jim stood at the door, fist raised, poised to knock on the little glass windows of the door, when he heard the sound of several soft, passionate cries from inside. Shaking his head, he turned and climbed down from the porch. Maybe he'd try again in a couple of hours. Or maybe he'd just come back tomorrow, he thought.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I give 5 despite...

I give this 5* despite Erin's 2 years (really?) of lesbian life. Frankly, it contributed nothing to the story line in my opinion. The historical vignettes was a great device for telling the story. This is one of the best "best friends fall in love" stories on LitE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Everybody's life and love should unwind like this!

HatracksHatracksabout 7 years ago
Just right

""I don't know. We could go surfing, maybe take a drive. Stop at that little restaurant in Victorville maybe. Then hit Vegas, see a show, get married...?"

It must have felt good when you thought of that. You knew it was just right.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 8 years ago
Well done!

Enjoyed this!

SampkyangSampkyangabout 8 years ago
WOW writer!

WHAT kind of a dumb assed cunt would EVER consider someone from Austin to be a Cowboy and others call him Tex???????????????????????? THAT locale MY FRIEND IS THE PUSSY OF TEXAS and it stinks

F_WhateverF_Whateverover 12 years ago
Thank you!

It was a nice short tale.

LustyBadgerLustyBadgerover 12 years ago

I just wanted to say that I really dug the flashback style, cool story as well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
beautiful people hook up, film at 11


oldwayneoldwayneover 14 years ago
Good tale!

Thanks for a really fine story. I really enjoyed it.

wonderingwhywonderingwhyover 14 years ago
A perfect bedtime story :)

See? I'm finally getting around to reading one of yours and commenting. This was really sweet. It had its hot points as well, but I loved the ups and downs they went through to get them to their happy ending. I really like that you gave us little glimpses into their lives throughout the years. Nice. (Ugh. I knew boys like the jerks that were trying to break the door down. It was in the 8th grade, and I wish I had a Tony back then to fight them off. Actually, I think one of the idiots was named Tony, now that I think of it. But, I digress.) If it matters any, and this is in no way saying anything against Tony's POV, but I found myself preferring to hear things from Erin's POV. Maybe it's because we share the same type of anatomy, or maybe you write better as a woman (haha j/k), but I just thought I'd mention that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Great story!

Loved the story but wish it could be a little bit longer!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Best ever story I hace read

Best ever story I have ever read in my life till now.. Keep it up and Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Best story ive read on here yet!

I loved this story so much! The characters were so relatable. You could easily substitute yourself,whether male or female, to the roles of having a tony or an erin. This beautiful love story contained the passion and feeling each entry on this site should have! I literally could feel erin and tony's love. I loveeeeeeeeedddd this story!! Wel done. :) ps i must have loved it to write a commentt this long lol

Eric_ShiftEric_Shiftalmost 15 years ago

Wish I had an Erin of my own. Lit you write the most wonderful stories

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

wish i had a tony of my own

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