Best Friends Pt. 05: Camp Carry-on


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Lisa didn't answer – she had to admit that Becky had a point though. It wasn't as though the short shorts and vest tops the two of them were wearing were exactly modest clothing, and if they were going to fall afoul of the sort of person who would view two unaccompanied teenage girls out in the countryside as an opportunity to commit a sex crime, it probably wouldn't matter what clothes they wore.

"Alright," she said at last. "But if we get into trouble you're explaining I had nothing to do with it."

Becky grinned. "Girl Guide's honour."

Lisa rolled her eyes. "You were never a Girl Guide."

"That's true. I didn't want to join."

"Not enough nude camping for you?"

Becky laughed. "No. Although I didn't want to wear the uniform..."

"Yeah, they'd have probably kicked you out when you turned out for a meeting in just your badge sash!"

The joking helped ease the tension and the two carried on walking, although Lisa was pleased and surprised when Becky slid her hand into her friend's and gripped it tight. The naked girl was feeling nervous after all.

Sure enough, they weren't alone on their hike. As the path straightened out, walking towards them were another couple, a man and a woman who looked young but a good bit older than the two girls. They were probably in their late twenties or early thirties, probably a husband and wife. They stared as the two girls approached and they realized Becky was naked, but not with complete shock – more an amused surprise. As Lisa and Becky passed them, Lisa felt the polite thing would be to offer a greeting, so she gave a pleasant "good afternoon."

"Good- good afternoon," said the woman, and Becky also responded with a cheery "Afternoon!"

Then that was it, the two girls had passed the other hikers and were on their way.

Well, it seemed to Lisa that perhaps she'd been a little hasty in assuming Becky's nakedness would provoke strong reactions. After all, she thought, we're English. It's not like we have a tendency to say what we think, we tend to be unfailingly polite – even when confronted with something we disapprove of the best we can manage is a strong "tut"! Whatever those people really thought of Becky walking through the countryside in her birthday suit, they kept it to themselves and we never gave them pause to think about it.

After that, they saw more people and, as before, Becky simply held Lisa's hand and didn't dress or cover herself up at all. Of course, there were some shocked looks, and some amused exclamations, but nobody stopped them to ask about Becky's nudity or to challenge her right to hike naked if she wanted to. One or two looked disapproving, and there was one tense moment when they came across a family with a young boy, whose mother (no doubt to his disappointment) clapped her hands over her son's eyes as they passed, although her husband just laughed. Indeed, most people seemed to be quite happy to see them, including one old chap who beamed and called out "nice day for it!" as they passed.

All in all, Lisa had to admit that Becky's confidence about going naked in the wider world, at least the isolation of the English countryside, was pretty well justified. Oh, she was sure the same reaction wouldn't occur if Becky was parading in the nude up the local high street, but our here in nature, perhaps nudity was seen as a little more appropriate.

And why shouldn't it be? After all, Becky was just revealing her naked body, a body everyone has. Every woman has breasts and labia, and every man has a penis. Why, Lisa wondered, were we so hung up on keeping these things covered and secret and as if nobody had ever seen them before? It wasn't as though you could see much of Becky's private parts, her natural pubic hair helped hide the more intimate areas, and even if you could, so what? It was all just skin – beautiful, enticing skin in Becky's case, but still skin all the same.

Lisa was starting to wonder if maybe some of the issues she'd been having with Becky's preference for nudity were saying more about her, and her own personal sense of modesty, than they were about the wider world...

Chapter 15 – A Misplaced Revenge

It was the penultimate day of the holiday. Tomorrow, they'd be striking camp, packing up and heading for home. They'd been on another short walk (Becky, this time, had remained clothed) and returned to the campsite after lunch for an afternoon of chilling out and sunbathing.

Becky had gone for a shower and freshen up (no streaking "pranks" were planned this time) and Lisa had just finished putting on her bikini. She stepped out of the tent and stood up, surveying the campsite, and the football-mad boys from a few tents over, who were once again shirtless and kicking their ball around.

One, a blond boy named Steven, was walking away from the game. When he saw Lisa he changed direction and came over to say hi.

They chatted, mostly about what had happened to Becky. The boys had, rather predictably, failed to identify anyone who might have turned out to be a likely suspect in the crime, and Lisa got the sense they had mostly given up and gone back to footballing prowess and not wearing shirts as a means to impress the girls, but Steven was apparently still keen to solve the mystery. He'd been quite a bit more flirty with Becky than the others, and it was obvious he was hoping that if he found a culprit before the girls went home, he'd end up looking like a tough, dependable guy and probably get a tumble in his sleeping bag with her as a reward. He didn't say as much, but it was pretty clear to Lisa.

Lisa was sat on a sun lounger by now, and went to reach for her towel so she could drape it over the chair and lay back on it to sunbathe. It was then that she remembered that Becky had taken her towel into the shower – but not to worry, because there was a spare.

Without thinking, Lisa stepped back into the tent and pulled Becky's towel from where she had stowed it in her bag a couple of days before, and draped it over the sun lounger. She lay back and carried on her conversation with Steven, which by then had moved onto other things (thanks to her dad and two brothers, Lisa was quite knowledgeable on football, and they were chatting about their hopes for their teams' performance in the new season, which was due to start soon).

She did this all completely without thought, and was surprised when Steven trailed off, his expression thoughtful.

"Hang on," he said after a moment. "Isn't that your friend's towel?"

Lisa froze. Of course, it was, because it was the towel she'd shoved in her bag when she "stole" it from the shower to give Becky a reason to run naked through the campsite. It was a fairly memorable towel, given that it had pink flamingoes all over it, and as Steven had taken plenty of interest in Becky over the holiday it was perhaps not surprising he recognized it. The problem was that it was meant to be missing, having been stolen by a mysterious prankster, not sitting in her bag... along with Becky's bathing suit, which was now hanging half out of the bag and trailing on the floor of the tent, in full view.

"Um," Lisa stammered. "Yeah. Yeah it is."

"Oh," Steven replied, "did she find it?"

"Um. Yeah. Found it. Yeah."

Steven's eyes narrowed. "Where did she find it?" he asked.

Lisa couldn't answer for a second. "D-don't know," she managed. "You'd have to ask her..."

She was, she was sure, bright red by now. She was a terrible liar at the best of times, and something about Steven's manner meant that she really felt put on the spot.

Then, suddenly, Steven smiled again. "Oh, great," he said, "I'm glad it turned up. Maybe where it was found might give some idea of who took it."

Lisa nodded. "Uh-huh".

"Well," Steven said, "I'll catch you later."

Becky, dressed again and with her wet hair bound up in a towel turban, emerged from the shower block.

She smiled at the boy who was stood nearby. Steven, his name was. He really seemed to fancy her, and although he wasn't her type he wasn't an inconsiderate admirer so she was happy to tolerate his flirting and friendly chat.

"Hi," he said as she passed. "I'm glad to hear your stuff that got nicked turned up in the end."

Becky looked confused. "It hasn't," she replied. She'd been pretending for a few days now that her "stolen" belonging were still missing, borrowing Lisa's towel and wearing a spare bathing suit. It had all been part of the fake prank, because if she'd mysteriously got her things back, that would have made it seem less plausible.

"Oh," Steven smiled, "sorry. I must've got confused with something. No worries."

Becky smiled, awkwardly. "No problem," she replied, and headed back to the tent.

Lisa leaned back under the shower head, eyes closed, letting the warm water wash the dust and sweat and sunblock from her skin.

The showers were, for a holiday park, pretty good – the water was the right temperature, at least, and it came out in a decent flow, rather than a trickle. True, the idea of sharing a shower with strangers wasn't exactly appealing, but at least these were individual cubicles, rather than how things were in the changing rooms at the swimming baths or at school, with everything open. Lisa had hated showering with the other girls at school, especially when she had been younger and she and her peers had all been at different stages of development – and at an age when some of her classmates could be incredibly cruel about breast size, hairiness – or lack of it.

Of course, she thought wryly, Becky had never seemed awkward or uncomfortable in the showers, but she'd supposed her friend had been something of a nudist even then. Certainly, Becky had told her that her love of being nude had begun early in life, from the age of 10 she'd found a thrill in taking off her clothes, and by the time they were showering together after PE at secondary school she was already looking for every opportunity to be naked. It had been a secret then, of course, Lisa and their other friends had no idea that Becky was going off alone into the woods and fields and taking off her clothes, or that when home by herself she was rarely dressed. But it was already cemented as important in Becky's life and she formed her identity as a nudist and exhibitionist during those years. Telling Lisa had been the final step, Becky finally working up the courage to share that side of herself with someone who understood, and Lisa realized it had probably been a lot more scary for Becky than she let on. What if Lisa had rejected her? They'd come close that time by the railway line, where Becky had given in to the experience and begun to masturbate even though Lisa was there. Fortunately they'd repaired any damage that might have done, but once again Lisa found herself wondering if Becky's behavior was not the problem, so much as Lisa's own hang-ups and attitude were.

She found herself thinking about Becky, thinking about that time by the railway and how it contrasted with the much later moment, only a week or so before, when she had secretly spied on Becky while she pleasured herself that morning in the woods. That had been probably her most deeply erotic experience to date, and in all honesty she longed to repeat it. Where once she'd been shocked at seeing Becky in sexual arousal, now she found she wished she could see her more in that way.

Unconsciously, Lisa's hand moved between her legs. Eyes closed, she leaned back against the tile wall of the shower, under the falling water, and slowly lowered herself into a squat. Supported by the tile, she spread her legs wide and began to caress herself, massaging her labia and, gradually, moving her fingers to circle and stimulate her clit. She came quickly, the noise of the water drowning out her excited gasps, her thoughts all on Becky.

Legs a little wobbly, Lisa stood and finished her ablutions, washing the conditioner from her hair and soaping and rinsing her body. Clean and contented, her bare skin pink from the warm water, she turned off the tap and stepped from the shower cubicle.

She was alone in the block, so she didn't immediately reach for the coverage of her towel, instead squeezing excess water from her hair and rubbing her eyes clear. Then she stepped across the slatted floor to the bench where her towel and clothes were.

Or where they should have been.

Puzzled, Lisa looked along the bench. It was bare. There was no neat pile of clothes, no folded orange and blue towel. She bent to look underneath the bench, in case they'd fallen off or been dislodged but no, there was nothing except a bit of dust and litter.

Lisa began to get an awful, tight feeling in her chest. She walked along the row of cubicles, suddenly very conscious of her nudity, hoping perhaps to find her towel hanging over or in one of them – or any towel, even one accidentally left by another camper.

There was nothing.

Someone had stolen all her clothes and her towel.

The group of boys paused their football game as Steven came sprinting back over. He had a bundle wrapped under his arm.

"Lads! Lads!" he called out to get their attention, "get a load of this. There's gonna be some fun soon..."

Panic gripped Lisa now.

How could this have happened – to her? The very same, fake, prank she had pulled on Becky had now been done to her. But unlike Becky, Lisa was very much not okay with any situation that might force her into public nudity.

Who could have done it? For a moment, she wondered whether it was Becky herself. But that was stupid. Becky wouldn't ever do anything that mean to her. Her friend knew that she was no exhibitionist herself, indeed, she'd comforted and reassured her after Lisa had been so upset and embarrassed at Jerry seeing her naked when they'd been camping in the woods. She knew Becky would never deliberately put her in any situation anything like that again.

And besides, Becky's thrill was in exposing herself, she had no real interest in getting others naked. In fact, Lisa suspected, Becky actually rather preferred it when she was the only one around with no clothes on.

So it certainly wasn't Becky. But then who was it? One of the boys who was camped near them, the ones who Becky had streaked as the culmination of the fake prank, wanting to do the double and see both of them naked? Or maybe some complete stranger, who'd heard what had happened to Becky and been inspired to pull their own prank along the same lines? Maybe this was just something that happened on campsites, maybe some other woman had taken a fancy to her belongings and pinched them for herself?

Lisa checked herself. Figuring out who the culprit had been was not going to help her in this immediate moment. She was stuck, naked, a good minute or two's walk from her tent, with a whole campsite of people in between. How was she going to get out of this?

The answer seemed obvious. All she had to do was wait. No man was going to walk into the ladies' shower block and catch her naked, but another woman might well come along soon. All she had to do was stay put, and as soon as another camper came in, she would explain what had happened. Maybe they would loan her a towel, or even go back to her tent and fetch Becky, or some clothes for her.

Her panic subsided. In fact, Lisa began to feel a little smug. Whoever the would-be prankster was, she had outsmarted them. They wouldn't be seeing her naked any time soon.

She sat down on the wooden bench that ran along the wall of the changing area. The slats were uncomfortable on her bare bottom, but it was endurable. She crossed her legs and waited.

How long had it been? Lisa had no watch, no clock to look at, but it had felt like an age.

She'd given up sitting on the bench. Bare skin on unfinished wood wasn't comfortable to start with and after a while it was just unpleasant. When she'd stood up she'd turned her head to see red lines across the skin of her bottom and upper thighs. She'd taken after that to just pacing around or leaning against the wall.

She was cold. Although outside was warm, the shower block was in a cool and shady spot, and without clothes on and with her skin still damp and hair soaking wet, she soon began to shiver. She was hugging herself for warmth but it was small relief, and she felt that soon her teeth would start to chatter.

Nobody had come in. The showers were bustling in the mornings but this time of day few campers needed to use them – which was one of the reasons Lisa had opted to take her shower now. But her desire for a bit of privacy had worked against her and there had been no appearance from any helpful and sympathetic women to come to her aid.

In desperation she had begun calling out, in the hope of attracting someone passing by. Even if it had been a man – better one person seeing her naked than dozens. But nobody had come – she didn't know if anyone had even been passing to hear her.

A kind of grim acceptance had fallen over her. She could spend all afternoon and evening standing naked and cold in the shower block, waiting for somebody to come to her rescue – maybe they would eventually, but it wasn't turning out to be an exactly pleasant experience. Or she could just make a run for it, covering herself as best she could, and try and get back to her tent before anyone saw.

The longer she had waited, the more acceptable the second option had become.

So, nervously, she peered around the doorway of the shower block. A short path led from the block back to the main camping area – it was deserted. Lisa looked every way she could but there appeared to be nobody in sight. So, covering her breasts with one folded arm, the other hand covering her pussy, and crouching low so as not to draw attention to herself, she padded quickly up the path.

Lisa paused behind a bush, hoping it gave her enough concealment. Before her was the edge of the camping area and, luckily, it seemed to be currently quiet. There were tents dotted around and, more importantly to Lisa, cars, 4x4 vehicles and even camper vans.

If she was quick, she might be able to dart between them, using the bigger vehicles and larger tents as cover, until she was back at her own area of the campsite.

A weird sense of confidence began to build in her. She felt incredibly exposed, very conscious of her own nakedness, but at the same time, she didn't feel as horribly unsafe as she had when first stepping out of the shower block.

Taking a deep breath and with another last check around to make sure nobody was coming, Lisa dashed for cover behind the nearest vehicle.

Lisa crouched between a Land Rover and a tent. She'd made it almost all the way across the campsite without (as far as she knew) anyone seeing that she was naked. It had only taken a couple of minutes or so, but it had felt like a lifetime.

She knew Becky hadn't done this when she'd been in the same situation. Becky had just feigned embarrassed cover and run through the camp, she hadn't bothered with all this crouching and hiding malarkey. Why would she, when she'd wanted people to see her naked? So it had been harder work for Lisa. But she was on the home stretch now.

This area of the campsite was a little more exposed, as hardly anyone camping here had a vehicle. There were a lot of open spaces between the tents and running between them and hiding was going to be a bit pointless. But her and Becky's tent was only really around the corner, so Lisa had resolved to summon up all her reserves of courage and just make a run for it. 30 seconds maybe and it would all be over, she'd be back at her tent and pulling on warm jeans and a sweater, and then she could get on with hunting and killing whoever had stolen her clothes in the first place.

Lisa gritted her teeth, heart pounding in her chest, and after a couple of false starts she stood up and sprinted, covering herself as best she could, for the open ground. She didn't look left or right to see if anyone could see her, she simply ran, staring straight ahead, until she came at last around the corner to the spot where her tent was.
