Best Laid Plans: A St Mercury Story


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All thoughts left Mary's head as she launched herself at Amanda. She wrapped her hands around Amanda's hips, grabbing her ass as she wrapped her lips around Amanda's thick cock.

Mary always hated giving blowjobs. Having a cock in her mouth was so unladylike. There was no reason for her to be putting in all the effort. It was the man's duty to make her feel good, as long as he was capable of even doing so. Whether they got any reward out of it, and of course they did, mattered not to Mary. All that mattered was her satisfaction, and if they couldn't provide, she would find someone that would.

That didn't mean she had no experience. She had given blowjobs before, but always with a purpose in mind. They were a tool to be used, whenever she expected something greater in return. It was nothing more than a business transaction, something she could offer in order to get what she wanted, to achieve her goal.

But now the goal was the blowjob itself. Now Amanda's pleasure was at the forefront of her desires. Those two notions changed her view entirely. Her mouth watered at the thought of Amanda unloading a thick load of her cum into Mary's mouth. The precum that now coated her tongue was a precursor to the glorious gift that awaited.

Mary set upon her task with a fervent purpose. She took Amanda in as far as she could, her mouth stretched to the brim with Amanda's immense girth. Her tongue snaked away at the shaft as she bobbed her head, utilizing what little experience she could draw upon to entice Amanda. Her eyes began to water at the effort, hoping it was what Amanda wanted.

All she got for her efforts was a snide laugh. "Stop. You kind of suck at this." Amanda pulled out with an audible plop. A thick glob of saliva spilled out of Mary's mouth, trailing all the way to the floor. "How pathetic." Amanda gave Mary's cheek a few strong slaps with her dick, relishing the hurt, wanton expression on Mary's face.

"P-please... Amanda..." Mary's mouth felt more empty than it ever had. She needed it filled, needed to feel Amanda's cum slide down her throat. But she wasn't able to satisfy Amanda enough.

"You know, with all the shit you say, I really expected more from you. I guess you really are just all talk. You and your annoying friend. I wonder if even the both of you together would be enough to satisfy me." A mischievous grin plastered itself on Amanda's face. "Well there's an idea..."

In one swift motion, Amanda grabbed Brenda by her hair and shoved her cock down Brenda's throat.

Brenda's yelp was caught off, her eyes wide with shock. She sputtered at the sudden intrusion, a pained expression on her face. It was soon replaced with one of abject bliss once her brain caught up with what was happening to her.

Mary could only look on in horror. This is what happens when you don't work to be the best. The view from second place is indistinguishable from the bottom. Mary let out a whimper. She wasn't good enough, and it cost her everything.

"Don't ruin this by having me hear you cry. You watch. Maybe then you'll learn something." Amanda was a woman possessed as she face fucked Brenda. No matter how rough Amanda was, Brenda still looked like she was in heaven. If not for the cock plowing into her mouth, cutting off her breathing at the apex of every thrust, her moans would have been heard down the halls.

Mary looked on at the sight, desperate for any information that could help her the next time. If there was a next time.

She hoped there was.

Amanda began to tense up. Mary knew what was coming. She licked her lips at the mere thought of the hot cum that was about to spurt forth, even if it was into Brenda's mouth. It could have been hers, had she performed better.

Only then Amanda pulled out, throwing Brenda down to the floor. She aimed her cock right at Mary's mouth. The phallus was slick and shiny from Brenda's saliva as it hung right under Mary's nose. The smell wafted upward, almost sending Mary into delirium as her eyes crossed to keep the tip in sight. Amanda continued to stroke as she said with a strained voice, "Open up."

Mary sat on her haunches in stunned silence. She had resigned herself to a cumless fate, knowing she had disappointed Amanda. Only now she was about to be rewarded for her failure. Her brain was too sluggish to comprehend the logic.

It wasn't until the first few strands erupted onto her face, Amanda unable to hold them in despite her best efforts, that Mary finally opened her mouth.

Amanda shoved the tip in and said, ""Don't even think about swallowing. This isn't for you." She then threw her head back as she released the floodgates. A torrent of hot jizz shot out, pelting the back of Mary's throat. Amanda collapsed forward under the strain, her one free arm the only thing holding her up as it gripped the edge of the sink counter. Her other hand continued to pump, squeezing every last bit she could into Mary's mouth.

Mary coughed in an effort to keep the gift from sliding down her throat. What little concentration she was able to muster was devoted to following Amanda's orders. It became increasingly difficult, as such a marvelous taste seemed to overwhelm every nerve in her mouth. Mary no longer existed, her entire being consisting of only the sensations provided by her mouth's cargo, and the burning heat between her legs.

With one last spasm, Amanda pulled out. In her state, Mary was unable to close her mouth soon enough, allowing a few dribbles of cum to slide down her chin.

With one satisfied exhalation, Amanda straightened up. She rolled her neck before returning her attention to Mary. "Up we go," she said as she pulled Mary up by her hair. "Wow, you look totes ridiculous."

Mary's legs shook as she struggled to stand. As soon as she found as much balance as she could, she let Amanda guide her head until she was staring directly at her with lidded eyes. Her tongue swam in a pool of Amanda's cum, held within through a tight, awkward smile. Her face was covered in a mixture of tears, mucous, saliva, and cum. The only thing that would make her happier was to be allowed to swallow.

Or for Amanda to give her a proper fucking. But that wasn't for her to decide.

"Listen up," Amanda said. She grabbed Mary by the cheeks. The pressure caused more cum to ooze out between Mary's lips. She watched with delight as Mary's eyes struggled to focus. "I have a task for you. Do it well, and I'll fill another part of you up. That sound fun?"

Mary took an entire four seconds to complete her nod.

"First, Brenda, clean her face up."

"Yes, Amanda!" Brenda took her place the moment Amanda stepped back. She leaned down and began to lick up all the fluids that had either seeped from or been deposited on Mary's face. Mary let it all happen, hardly noticing anything outside the sensation of Amanda's essence on her tongue.

Brenda was thorough, maneuvering Mary's unresisting head this way and that in her effort to consume any remnants of Amanda she could find. By the end, Mary's skin shone with cleanliness.

"That'll do," Amanda said, once again stepping back in. "Now, here's what you're going to do." She leaned in and began whispering into Mary's ear.

Mary took it all in, devoting the instructions to memory. Listening to Amanda was the only thing more important than savoring her taste, after all. If she did well, this time Amanda would properly reward her. By the time Amanda was done instructing her, Mary was sure she'd make her proud.

"Off you go!" Amanda said, giving Mary a nudge. She watched as Mary shambled towards the door. "Brenda, go ahead and keep me hard while we wait."

Brenda lowered herself to her knees and purred. "Yes, Amanda."

* * *

A proper Tennyon does what she is told. A proper Tennyon doesn't swallow unless allowed.

The thoughts continued through her head as she shuffled down the hall. Normally she would have done so with her head held high. It was only proper for someone of her stature. Only now she leaned forward as she walked, her arms draped by her sides, swaying from what little maneuvering she made. Her gait was sluggish, her pathing haphazard, but always towards her destination all the same.

Most students ignored her, caught up in their own lives. Those that glanced her way got quite the sight. They saw a disheveled student with a dreamy expression, like someone completely lovestruck beyond comparison. They offered a confused look in return before going about their business. Mary didn't care. Mary couldn't care. All that mattered was the task at hand.

A proper Tennyon doesn't swallow unless allowed.

She wasn't allowed to swallow. It wasn't for her. But she could still savor. Her tongue began to tire as it writhed in her mouth, seeking for more contact with the nectar that surrounded it. The flavor never diminished, nor did the burning between her legs.

She carried on.

The cafeteria was as boisterous as ever, with more of the student body gathering for their morning rituals and to catch up on the events of the weekend. Despite the noise, one voice stuck out against the others, drawing Mary towards it.

"And what does she do? She goes and buys the exact same dress! And I'm like hello, I wore it first like two weeks ago. Doesn't even matter that I wasn't going to wear it again, because that's so not the style anymore. And it doesn't even look good on her. You need a body like mine to look good in it, which she so doesn't have. And then she gets mad at me for pointing that out, when it's like duh, of course I'm going to tell you when you look ugly, because no way am I going to be seen with her when she looks like that. And are you even listening to me?"

"I-I... Um..." Any moment now a tear was likely to fall down Hollie's cheek. She kept glancing towards the cashier, her freedom from the nightmare just a few feet away.

"Ugh, apparently not, since I told you not to talk to me!" Sofie huffed. "This is why you'll never be popular. Can't even follow simple instructions. Whatever. What were we talking about? Right, the party. So she was all rude to me, so when she wasn't looking, I took her boyfriend into the bathroom and sucked his dick. But don't tell Mary, cuz she's got this weird thing about that and I don't need to hear again about how I shouldn't degrade myself or something. But real talk? It's kind of awesome. Super empowering to be the one to give pleasure, you know? Plus, if you're pissed off at them you can just like, get them going and then not finish. I hear it's super painful, and oh my god it took you fucking forever, Mary!"

Hollie wasn't sure if Mary returning would improve her situation by any factor, but at least it distracted Sofia from her inane ramblings. She breathed a sigh of relief, silently praising the existence of any respite.

"Don't you ever leave me alone with this loser again. Can't even hold a decent conversation, I was sooo bored! And we still haven't even gotten our coffee yet!" As Mary drew near, Sofia noticed the disheveled state she was in. Her outfit was crumpled, her makeup smeared all over her face. "Oh god, you look like shit. What the fuck happened to you?"

Mary never responded. Her feet dragged along the floor with each lazy step, bridging the distance between the two friends. She was looking right at Sofia, but her eyes seemed to stare through her.

Not for you.

"Y-you're not mad at me, are you? I swear I didn't spread that rumor abo-"

Sofia's words were cut off as Mary grabbed her by the shoulder, leaned up, and pressed their lips together. Gasps and mutterings could be heard all around as Sofia's body tensed up at the unexpected embrace. She tried to pull her head away, but Mary only leaned in further, bringing a hand up to Sofia's neck to hold her in place.

Her lips had been pursed, but the moment she opened her mouth to voice a protest, a thick, warm liquid passed through her lips from Mary's.

Sofia's eyes went wide. She struggled further, but Mary's grip was strong. They stumbled back a few steps, bumping into other students who were quick to give them space, with no one stepping in to help.

She wasn't sure what to do. This wasn't like Mary at all. There was no way Mary thought about Sofia like this, Sofia was sure of it. And to do such a brazen action in front of everyone...

The realization that they were being watched kicked her mind into action. She couldn't be seen kissing another girl, least of all Mary. After serious effort, she managed to position an arm in such a manner as to provide leverage to pry away Mary's grip.

Her shove nearly toppled Mary over. Whatever foul substance currently violated her mouth was quickly spat upon the floor. "What the FUCK, Mary!" She wiped at her mouth, the creamy substance that hadn't made its way in now coating the tips of her fingers. "What the hell is this shit?"

It was much sweeter than she had expected, and the pungent smell assaulted her nostrils. And yet underneath all the overwhelming sensations, there was a familiarity to it, the taste and the texture. Even the scent gave her impressions of more... intimate memories. But there was no way it could be what her mind was suggesting it was. It wasn't this... decadent. There wasn't even a source in sight, and certainly wouldn't be coming from Mary of all people.

Sofia licked her lips. She was rewarded with more of that intriguing flavor, remnants that had not been wiped away yet. She glanced at the globs on her hand. It tingled her skin, warming it. She felt the warmth spread down below as well.

"I... I feel... weird..." Sofia wobbled, her legs suddenly less coordinated. Mary grabbed onto her, however. Sofia could always count on her friend to keep her steady.

She kept staring at her hand, the wet coating now looking somehow appetizing. She brought it towards her face, ready to revel in something so exquisite, but something grabbed her arm. She pulled against it, desperate for more. The grip was unrelenting. The thought never even occurred to her that she could just bring her head forward. Instead, she groaned out her frustration.

"Follow," Mary said.

Sofia only now remembered that Mary was standing right in front of her, was the one holding her arm. Her friend still looked out of it, but Sofia could only stare at her lips, glistening wet from their sloppy kiss. "Okay..."

Mary pulled on Sofia's arm as she began walking away. Sofia lurched after her, ready to do anything Mary said. Maybe if she pleased her, Mary would kiss her again, fill her mouth up with more of that delicious maybe-cum.

The crowd watched them depart, one dazed woman leading the other. They murmured amongst each other, early rumors nesting in the social flowerbed of the school. Normally Sofia would have been horrified at the thought, but that couldn't be further from her mind at the moment. All that mattered was that she followed. It didn't even matter where.

On a whim, Sofia reached ahead and wiped a finger across Mary's lips. Mary didn't bother stopping her, the cum was for Sofia anyways, not for herself. All that mattered was bringing Sofia back to Amanda. With any luck, she would be rewarded for her efforts.

Sofia sucked on her finger, her tongue running across every inch of it as she trodded along with heavy footsteps. The students that passed by were as unimportant as ever.

"So anyways... next!" Rachel said. Hollie had made it to the front of the line, but had nothing to order.

* * *

"Took you long enough!" Amanda was found seated between the sinks, looking as bored as ever.

After Brenda unlocked the door to let the two dazed girls in, she once again took her place between Amanda's legs, looking up in wonder at the cock that spilled over the edge of the sink counter.

Sofia stopped once she noticed Mary's rival. She pulled the finger from her mouth, letting it trail down her tongue as long as possible, any trace of flavor long since devoured. Concerns over why Mary brought her to the bathroom began to surface, until she noticed something even more alarming. "Amanda... You have a... cock?"

"Oh, I'm surprised you noticed." Amanda hopped off the counter, her dick smashing against Brenda's face and knocking her to the floor. She held herself with confidence, and sported a sinister grin. "Bitchin', right?" She gave her cock a light slap.

Mary followed it as it swayed, her eyes full of hunger. Never lose sight of your goal.

"Wh-what's going on?" Sofia asked. Between Amanda's new appendage, the new girl that didn't seem bothered at getting a face full of dick, and the fact that Mary wasn't cussing Amanda out, Sofia wasn't sure which was the weirdest.

"I totes had this whole thing planned about putting you in your place and all that, but honestly that other one took too long bringing you here, so I'm gonna skip ahead. I'm gonna fuck ya, and then you're gonna be my little cock worshipper. Fair trade?"

"I don't... understand..." Sofia shook her head in an effort to clear the delirium.

"You will." Amanda snapped her fingers, causing both Mary and Brenda to perk up. "Bring her here, on her knees." She pointed at the ground right in front of her.

"Yes, Amanda!" They both said in unison.

Sofia took a step back. "This is too weird... I'm gonna g-" Hands grabbed her, forcing her towards Amanda. "Hey! What the fuck! God damnit, Mary, stop this!"

"I have to please Amanda. It's the only way she'll fuck me." Mary said it so dispassionately, as if it didn't sound absolutely insane.

Sofia fought against the two, leaning back as far as she could away from Amanda. Her feet failed to find traction, each slip causing her to lose ground.

"LOL, have you heard anything so pathetic?" Amanda asked. "And don't bother with the other one, she's already fully on the winning team."

"Mary, please, snap out of it!" Sofia noticed the distinction. She wasn't sure what the fuck was going on, but if she had any hope, it was through Mary. "We're friends, right? You hate Amanda! She slept with Oliver, remember?! And you're just gonna do what she says? You don't do what anyone says! You're stronger than this!"

"I..." Mary said. A Tennyon should... follow?... Be formidable... Not for you? Her thoughts jumbled in her head.

Mary's grip hadn't loosened, but she remained in place. Sofia still couldn't wrest herself away, but at least she could fight against the only person now pushing her forward. "That's it! Yeah! Remember how much of a cunt she is!"

"S... Sofia...? When..." She felt like she was forgetting something.

Amanda huffed. "So annoying." She walked right up to Mary and grabbed her by the chin. Mary could only let out a puny squeak as Amanda leaned in.

"No! Stop!" Sofia cried. But it was too late as she watched Amanda plant the most casual kiss onto Mary's lips. The worst part for Sofia was watching Mary melt into it right in front of her. Any meager sense of struggle was obliterated in seconds.

As Amanda pulled away, Mary kissed at the air in hopes of just one more moment of Amanda's lips on hers. Amanda returned to her spot and said, "Continue."

"Yes, Amanda." With renewed purpose, Mary returned to her task, her only goal once again to do anything for Amanda.

Whatever fate awaited Sofia, it was clear that Amanda wanted to savor it. But against the strength of two girls, she was helpless to do anything but delay the inevitable. As she drew nearer, the air grew thicker with the scent of Amanda's cum.

She found her legs didn't have quite the same strength they did a moment ago. Once one gave out, the other collapsed right after like a domino, until she was on her ass, her legs tucked to the side, and both arms in a vice. The tip of Amanda's dick was one relaxed breath away from kissing Sofia's on the nose. Sofia was unable to look anywhere else, just like the two girls that held her.