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A short Story of my love that was Betrayed.
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This story and or any portion of this story may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the copyright owner, except for the brief quotations used in a review.

This is a work of fiction, names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously, and resemblance to any actual person, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

I would like to thank my fine editor who worked on this story, Barneyr. Thanks Barney for making this story read better. As always I did some final revisions and any mistakes are mine. This is a short story around 3000 words, hope that you enjoy it.

Copyright Red Tempest 2017



My name is Nick Johnson. It's Wednesday a few days before Christmas. I'm standing in the hallway of a Holiday Inn Hotel in front of the door to room 408. The hallway was similar to many other hotels. The walls are painted in a light color and the carpet was a neutral color. The pop machine and ice maker are in a room located near the elevator.

You might be wondering why I am standing in front of this particular door? Well it all goes back to a party I was attending with my girlfriend and overheard a conversation between her and a former boyfriend. The information that I gathered from them lead me to be here in front of this door to a room that my girlfriend now occupies with another man. I'm stand here wondering just how to handle this situation, and what actions this possible confrontation will create. I thought back on my life for a moment. Ever think back on your life and your accomplishments? It's odd how you can sum things up in a real short period of time, like in minutes.

I'm a standard middle class American citizen, with an 8-5 job, married with two children, wife who worked part-time. I have four weeks' vacation; of which I took two weeks and we went to Florida. I generally take a week off in the summer, and of course I take a week to go deer hunting. I get five sick days and seven personal days to take off. I lead the customary boring life of a middle class citizen.

Then in our late 50's disaster struck, my loving wife of thirty-five years, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battled the disease for a few years before we lost the fight, and she passed on. I had plenty of time to prepare myself for her death, but when it happened, you are really never prepared for it.

I mourned her death for a few months, before moving on with my life. I joined a few dating sites and started chatting with a few ladies. After a few weeks of chat talking, I graduated up to talking to them on my cell phone, which lead to lunch meetings and dating. Dating was expensive with flowers and dinners, it added up fast when dating three different women.

Now I am not here to tell you that I am Mr. Senior America, but just your average male closing in on the age of 65. I did find out something rather quickly, that dating three different women and keeping it a secret from each of them, was damn hard on me. The hours were hard on me also. Getting home around 2 in the morning almost every other night and getting up at 6 am, just about killed me. You young guys may be able to handle it, but us old farts need eight-hours of sleep. Thank God for weekends where I could sleep in.

Can you remember back when you were in your early twenties? I can. I member dating more than one girl at the same time. The only problem was that I was usually short of money, which made it difficult to take the girls to expensive places. Obviously, I didn't take them out on the same night and dating more than one girl at the same time never seemed to last long for me before they wised up and moved on (yes I got fucking dumped). When I reached my sixties, I could afford to wine and dine the ladies, but by eleven at night all I'm thinking about was getting home to bed.

Then comes the sexual aspect of dating. In my twenties, it seemed that I could fuck forever and never get tired or soft. When I reached my sixties, I seemed to have forgotten most of what I had learned on how to please the ladies and I needed some type of chemical help to get it up and keep it hard. It was especially difficult if you haven't had sex in the past few years, due to your spouse's illness. There are a few products out there that might help a male achieve sexual powers, like Horney Toad Weed. When I saw that product, I wasn't sure if you smoked it, baked it in a brownie, or took it with a beer. When I looked at the package, it said it will help with male enhancement. I'm not sure if I want a toad to help me get hard.

Things settled down for me and I chose one lady to concentrate my time and affections on. Her name was Doris. She was a couple years older than me and she had soft black hair and stunning blue eyes. She was about five feet-four inches tall. Around average weight for that height. How the hell do I how much she weighed? Do you really think I was going to ask her? She had a nice body, with average size breast and a great shaped butt. She worked out a lot to keep herself in good condition.

She lived in Midland in a small condo. I owned a house in Bay City. I was spending most of my time with her in her cramp condo, but we enjoyed each other's company. After six months of dating exclusively, Doris and I were talking about me moving in with her and put my house up for sale, when my Aunt Jolene contacted me. She has a two thousand square foot condo on a golf course in the Midland area. She offered to sell me her condo for half price. I was her only living relative. She was going into assisted living. I agreed and bought her condo for 150 thousand, and sold my house for 130 thousand, the other twenty thousand I withdrew from my back account.

Doris was born in Midland, got married and raised her family there. She was married to her first husband for twenty-five years and they had two boys and one girl. He was killed in a car crash. She remarried and moved to New York City, where she lived for ten years, until her second husband passed away. She then moved back to Midland to be closer to her children and grandchildren. She had been a widow for close to ten years before we hooked up.

I purchased the condo and we proceeded to clean it out. The furniture was the first to go, along with the appliances. I had the condo repainted and new carpet installed. I bought new appliance. Doris had a lot of real nice and expensive antique furniture that she brought back with her from New York, that was in storage. We had that delivered to the condo. Now the condo was furnished and it looked real sharp.

Doris had told me she had been in three relationships in the last ten years. The first guy was James and it lasted a couple of years. It was one of those on again off again type of relationship. A few years later she dated a guy name Dan pretty steady for a couple of years, but he wanted to get married and she didn't. Later she met Kevin through a girlfriend and dated him up until about six months before we met. He was still working and traveled a lot for his job and that was not what she was looking for.

So you're wondering if things were going so good, then why am I standing here looking at a fucking stupid hotel door? I knew what was going on in there, she was getting a good fucking. How did I know or find out you might ask? Well we went to a party a couple of weeks before Christmas on a Friday night. I'll be damned if Dan was at this party. Introduction were made and before I knew it I was by myself and he had whisked her off to the bar. I was watching her and trying to catch her eye, but she had seemed to have forgotten that I was here.

I should have gone over there and reclaimed her from Dan, but I figure if I did that, then she would be pissed at me. So I sat there watching the two of them acting like long lost high school lovers. After a couple of hours of her and Dan talking with a number of other party goers, they moved off to a secluded area. I quickly made my way over there to see what was happening.

I have an IPhone 6 with an app to record on it. Works just like a cassette player. I quickly turned on the recorder and listen to them talk.

"Why are you still with that guy?" Dan asked.

"He's a great guy and I am in love with him," Doris replied.

"Well if he was so great, then why are we still having lunch and sex at my house," Dan said.

"Nick treats me like I am someone special and is always so sweet and caring to me. He has a problem getting and maintaining an erection and sometimes I just need a good fucking and both Kevin and you are great lovers," Doris said.

"Are!! Are you still fucking Kevin?"

"Yes, every four weeks or so he comes to town and we get together for lunch and afternoon sex. Just like I do with you, matter of fact he is coming next Wednesday."

They talked about some more about them, me and other stuff, but you get the idea on what was happening. Now I have to figure out how to react to all of this new information.

So there I am still standing in front of this fucking door, contemplating a million thoughts, when I hear the lock on the door rattle and the door started to open. I quickly moved to stand right in front of the door, so the first thing they see was me. The door opened and Doris stood there in shock as she saw me standing there. It was one of those priceless moments.

"Well it looked like you're surprised to see me," I said as I took a couple of steps forward, forcing her back into the room.

She just looked at me with her eyes wide open and shocking look on her face. She just nodded her head as I forced her back into the room. She backed up until she bumped into Kevin who had his back toward us while he was talking on his cell phone.

The door closed behind me and I made my way into the room. I made a quick glance through the open bathroom door. The lights were on and there was a shaver and toilet kit on the sink counter. The toilet seat was down and wet towels were scattered on the floor. The curtain on the bathtub was opened and I could see water moisture on the tub walls. I moved forward and stopped by the foot of their used bed. It was a typical hotel room, two queen size bed, one used with messed up covers and a wet spot in the middle of the bed. The other bed had a suitcase on it. There was a chair with a table lamp next to the bed and a table and chair next to the TV. The window curtains were a third of the way open, letting in the afternoon sun.

Kevin turned around after being bumped by Doris and looked at me in surprise. He quickly ended his phone call and just stared at me. Again another priceless moment.

"So you must be Kevin. I am sure that Doris has told you about me her unsuspecting boyfriend," I said.

He just nodded his head.

"I guess I must be the only here who can talk, or at least isn't shell shocked." I said.

"So Kevin just how long has this sordid affair been going on?" I asked.

"Around August sometime," he shrugged.

"Once a month, twice a month or more?"

"I am generally in town generally just once a month to see my kids and grandchildren."

"So once a month for the last five months was that correct?"

"Yes give or take in that time frame."

"Really, how interesting that all this was happening right under my nose and I did not suspect a thing," I said.

It got quiet for a few moments, which was odd, because Doris never shuts up.

"Nick, I am so sorry..., "Stop I don't want to hear it right now, I will give you a chance to speak when I am ready," I snapped.

After another few minutes of silence, which seemed like an hour, I looked at Doris.

"I want you to listen to this recording I made," I told her.

I played the recording and watched her shocked reaction from hearing the tape recording. When it finished I turned off the recorder.

"So, you are still banging good old Dan?" Kevin asked her.

Doris nodded her head and had tears in her eyes.

"Do you find that surprising that she was doing others besides you?" I asked Kevin.

"She never told me she was banging him, but she always had a thing for Dan. I don't know if she was banging any other guys," Kevin replied.

"Ok, my loyal, trusting, faithful girlfriend, go ahead and say your peace," I said as I looked at Doris.

"Nick, I am really sorry for what has happen and what Kevin has said. I don't know what to say. I didn't think that you would ever find out. I only love you not Dan or Kevin, it was just sex with both of them. I am not sleeping with any other guys but Dan and Kevin. You know that you have trouble preforming and I just needed more," she said.

"Really, it was just sex? What about all that pillow talk where you never cheat and was always loyal to the person you were with. I assumed that living together made us an exclusive couple. I guess I figured wrong. I know that I am a weak sex partner and have some problems preforming, but the lack of sex from August to December, I guess that I should have put two and two together and figured the problem out. But really having sex with two different guys and cutting me off... just blows my mind. You know you could have discussed the problem with me, instead of going around behind my back fucking other guys. If you really love somebody, then you don't go pulling this kind of shit."

Everyone just stood there looking at each other. After a long pause without anyone talking.

"Well, I guess we were all talked out," I said.

"OK, this is what is going to happen. I have given this a lot of thought since I made the recording. I can no longer trust you, nor do I want you as my girlfriend. All this pain that you inflicted on me hurts. It hurts me to the core. I have some things to do this afternoon and I bowl tonight. When I get home from bowling, I want you gone from my condo, pack what you need and get the fuck out. I will be kind and give you until the end of January to get what furniture you want and the rest of your belongings out of my condo. Also make sure to take all those Christmas presents with you."

She just stood there with a shocked look on her face. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. Her mouth was open and she was trying to speak, but no words seemed to escape her mouth.

It was kind of cruel punishment this close to Christmas, but fuck it I was not going to live with a cheating slut. Christmas was a big holiday for Doris. She has a big Christmas Eve party planned and had us going to visit people on Christmas day. She needed punishment and I hope that by messing up her Christmas, she will be miserable.


We talked a few times over the next week and a half, and by the first week of January she had all of her stuff and what furniture she wanted out of the condo. She turned in her keys, which didn't matter as I was planning to have the locks changed. I had taken the garage door opener from her car at an earlier date. Where she put her stuff and where she went to live, I didn't really give a good fuck.

She kept trying to apologize for her action. I told to forget it, the damage was done and it was time for me to move on. And move on I did. I rejoined the dating sites. I met some women on the sites and had some dates, but nothing that excited me. Somewhere out there is a good woman for me and I will take my time finding her. But not too much time, because I don't have a whole lot left in this lifetime.

The End

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So much "easier" before they are married!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Actually she was broken up because the other two guys at that age are just sex. She has no future with either Dan or Kevin in the twilight of her life. Fear and uncertainty of the future can be heartbreaking. Finding somebody that you at least think you love at that age that doesn't have terrible baggage health problems, economic problems, or addictions, etc is damn hard.

Of course breaking up with her is the only option. And if anything it just accentuates for him the wonderful marriage he had with his first wife. At least he can look back at that with fond and living memories. Doris is trash.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Pretty sure she wasn't all that broken up over this loser finding out she was fucking around on him. He thinks pretty highly of himself for a guy who can't fuck his woman. Sorry, don't feel any pity for either of them.

CaptainbklCaptainbkl11 months ago

I liked the story.....I like btb but this was realistic and he moved on with his life, to hell with her

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Bummer story. And it is about nothing more than a cheating slut breaking the trust of an honorable man. Yes, total nuclear payback would have felt good and honestly, I don't know why the author didn't use it. 2 stars.

BSreaderBSreaderover 1 year ago

Real retribution from prior experience this age of a woman would have had to lather herself in lube to be ready for penetration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ughh. No payback, hardly any pain in the cheaters. Bad story.

Rolando1225Rolando1225over 1 year ago

Guys, the story revolves around the difficulties of continuing living after your significant other dies or leaves you after a 20-year marriage in an ever-changing world. If you add to that the insecurity in his sexual performance an older man feels when trying to please an attractive older woman after being away of the seduction game for years, it makes an interesting challenge to write about it. Yes, younger men, there is still live and sex desires even as you have aged. Sooner or later, you, the young buck, will also age and realize you are aging and are not any longer the man you used to be. There are no magic exercises, pills, or devices to stop and prevent aging. There is no Dorian Grey's portrait painting to stop it. It sucks, but you have to live with it and write about it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Okay story. 3 Stars.

Screw the hotel show down. I would have left her at the party. Our next conversation would be pretty short: "Dan, Kevin, pack your things and get out."

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I hve no interest in hearing about sex lives of geriatrics …! Hearing this tale is like watching a Nat Geo series on sex lives of tortoises!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

All ur stories suck… especially the ending! It’s as if at your advanced age you just can’t seem to have the Stamina to go the whole hog!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Really a half assed effort. Way too many holes. They go to a party. He doesn't say it's in a bar, but I guess it is because that's where his girl and her ex BF go to get cozy. She leaves him on his own for "hours." He just sits by and does nothing? I'd sure like to know what the ride home was like that night, or at home? A person does one of two things in that situation, he either leaves or he goes over and breaks It up after a few minutes. And if she's pissed, too damn bad. The story left me flat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
He will be okay.

She was a skank and a parasite. Someone to spend time with to help the sorrow of his wife dying. Not much difference between Doris and a sock.

Doris wasn't the love of his life, just a body. She convinced herself she she love him only for a decent lifestyle he gave her and for the money he spent on her.

Actually, he was quite civil about getting her out of his place. He sould ha e just went home and tossed all everything she owned in the road.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 4 years ago
I still like it, but there is a part I cannot understand.

It says, "...they moved off to a secluded area. I quickly made my way over there to see what was happening. I have an IPhone 6 with an app to record on it. Works just like a cassette player. I quickly turned on the recorder and listen to them talk."

How? They obviously did not let him sit down with them. Did he slide it across the floor, have a waiter plant it, what? It doesn't make sense.

LoejtcLoejtcover 4 years ago
A bit illogical

She’s banging two guys on a regular basis. She dumps Nick at a party for hours to spend time with one of her fuck buddies. She packs Nick’s head with BS about honesty and faithfulness and goes through all the trouble of moving in with him. How stupid could she be? Did she honestly think she could get away with two simultaneous affairs while cutting him off?

If she was going to cheat on a regular basis, the last thing a reasonable person would do is NOT move in with her boy friend and risk being homeless when, not if, he finds out and throws her out.

This is one heartless selfish woman. She doesn’t deserve the consideration NICK showed her.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

That old buddy as busy with everyone but her man.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
I needed more sex than you could give me

which is why I was turning you down for sex when you wanted it

Fucking cheating cliches

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I guess old people are passive. I would have put all her presents and clothes in a garbage bin. Good luck trying to take me to court, would never amount to anything. I don't need to suffer with honor, or have the moral upper hand, just some kind of satisfaction. She would remember the Christmas she had to give everyone gift certificates and had to explain to each family member why.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Reap what you sow.

She got exactly what she had coming to her. Good story. Nothing wasted.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 5 years ago
Cruel punishment close to Christmas?

No more cruel than leading him on through months of lies and cheating. Hell, that wasn’t even a punishment, it was just ending a bad relationship. Punishment would have been sending the recording to her kids and grandkids.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 5 years ago

little slow on the uptake but he handled it.

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