Betrayal Pt. 01

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After she loses a bet Jenny finds herself in over her head.
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Jenny's nipples screamed at her as the man pulled on the clamps that bit into them so viciously.

"Open that pretty little mouth of yours, slut." He commanded.

She looked to Megan who was standing impassively on the side, her form fitting latex suit glistening in the light. Megan stared back at her - no change in her demeanor. Her gaze shifted back forward when the man tugged on her nipples again sharply.

"I said open your mouth!"

Jenny obeyed, fearing yet more abuse to be visited upon her sensitive nipples. She opened her mouth as the man removed his already engorged cock from his pants. Slowly he guided it to her open mouth and rested it on her tongue.

"Suck it." Came the blunt command.

Jenny again looked to Megan who remained impassive. She closed her eyes. She really didn't want to, but in this case she had no choice. It'd been little less than 24 hours since she'd officially lost her bet with Megan, signed her life away to the other woman, and, Jenny feared, made a very serious mistake. For the next 90 days she was a complete slave to the woman that she had considered her best friend. All rights of bodily autonomy, freedom, even healthcare and other decisions were now in the hands of another....

The Previous Day:

As soon as the paperwork was signed Megan had taken her to the dungeon that she owned and operated. They'd started In Megan's private closet where she'd sat Jenny down and begun the process. Jenny couldn't believe it was but mere hours ago - everything had been so intense. Megan had disappeared for a moment and come back with a wooden box, which she sat down before Jenny.

"Open it." She commanded.

Jenny did, revealing an elegant stainless steel ring with a locking clasp on one side and a chain attached to the other.

"What do you think?" Megan asked.

"I'm... I'm not sure..." Jenny replied hesitantly, her fingers running along the smooth edge of the ring.

Megan transfixed her with her gaze. Her voice when she spoke was soft. "Out of love for you Jenny, I'll give you one final chance to back out and change your mind..." Jenny began to interrupt, her pride trying to speak out. She was silenced by Megan holding up a finger. "Once you put that on - you cross the Rubicon. There is no going back."

Jenny looked at the collar again. It was sexy, elegant, tantalizing - everything that Megan embodied. She looked back to the woman sitting across from her. From a chance encounter at a bar called the Devil's Lounge, they'd built a solid friendship over the last 6 years - one characterized by love, tenderness, support, mutual respect, and a shared sense of dark, sardonic humor. 90 days a bad could it be? She thought to herself. Keeping her eyes locked on Megan she reached down, opened the collar, and ever so slowly placed it around her neck. The cool metal sent a racing shiver down her spine as she clicked the first lock into place, and then the second. Done. Megan gazed at her, her expression unreadable. For but a moment Jenny thought she saw sadness and grief flash across her face, but it was quickly replaced by a stern practicality.

"It is done." Megan sighed. "From this moment onward, your are mine. You will do as I say, live as I command, and become what I desire you to be." Her eyes flashed darkly. "Now first things first. Strip," She commanded.

Jenny obeyed, shimmying off her tight fitting jeans and shirt, standing before Megan in her lacey black underwear.

"All the way."

Jenny nodded and obeyed, first removing her bra, allowing her modest sized breasts to hang free, before bending over to slide her panties to the floor. Megan looked her up and down with an appraisers eye before smiling and disappearing into the depths of her closet for a moment. She reappeared with a complicated cage harness made from black leather.

"Stand still," she commanded as she began the task of adorning Jenny's body. As the harness went on Jenny admired its design. Buckled straps with silver rings hanging from them ran around her calves, upper and lower thighs, waist, above and below her breasts, her upper arms, and neck. They were all attached by thin elastic bands that pulled a constant tension between the straps. As she finished Megan stepped back to admire her handiwork, She had chosen well. The harness accentuated Jenny's natural figure, while still providing access to nearly all of her skin.

"Let this uniform serve as a reminder - you are now of service at all times. No matter where you are, what you are doing, or who you're with, you are at my disposal. Do you understand."

Jenny nodded in affirmation, her nerves stealing her words from her.

"Good." Megan nodded in acknowledgement, pausing for a moment before moving back into her closet. She returned with three things - a red belt which she quickly wrapped around Jenny's thigh, buckling it tight. "This will mark you as one of my favorites." She stated seductively, "the others will know what to do about it." The next item was a pair of shiny silver handcuffs. Megan circled around behind Jenny drawing her hands together. Jenny heard the distinctive click, and felt the cold steel close around her limbs. The final Item Megan held in front of her face tantalizingly. It consisted of a leather strap attached to a metal contraption. Megan looked deep into Jenny's eyes.

"Say AH."

"Ahhhhhh" Jenny opened wide as Megan inserted the cold spider gag into position. She tightened the strap around the back of her head, and then began opening it, one click at at time until it rested snuggly between Jenny's teeth. Megan stared deep into her eyes, a look of satisfaction as she viewed her work.

"One final touch." She took her finger and flicked Jenny's bottom lip downward, releasing a small dollop of drool that landed upon her bared chest. She looked at Jenny seductively. "Perfection. I think we're ready for the next phase." Megan grabbed hold of the chain that connected to Jenny's collar and began leading her. Deeper into the dungeon they went, down several flights of stairs, past many rooms which emitted a variety of carnal, primal moaning sounds, and finally through a thick wooden door into an expansive, darkly luxurious space. Megan turned to Jenny.

"Welcome to my inner sanctum. You'll be spending the next few nights here with me while your space is prepared. Once that is ready you'll stay there during the duration of your training as my personal slave." She allowed Jenny to observe the room. A large inviting bed with specially designed bed frame occupied one half of the room. Above it, implements of both pain and pleasure neatly adorned the walls. The other half of the room held a desk with computer, and a comfortable looking L-shaped couch. Overall, the impression Jenny derived was - dark, tidy, modern, sleek, and elegant - reflective of Megan herself. After a moment Megan looked down at her watch and then turned sharply to exit the room. "Come Slut. Your first treatment should be ready and we don't want to be late."

She led Jenny by the collar and chain out of the room. Jenny noted they stayed on the same level, though they wound through the labyrinth that was the dungeon. Finally they came to a clean modern door that opened automatically. In they stepped, to Jenny's surprise, into a bright well lit clinic. It was sterile, though comfortable as well. The lights were a warm yellow-daylight hue rather than the stark white that often filled such spaces.

"Good Evening Mistress," a cheery secretary called from behind a light wooden desk. Her dark eyes and tanned skin tone signaled an ancestry that traced back to somewhere in northern Asia. "We've been expecting you. Is this the new piece of work?" She joked as she stood. Around her neck was a black metal collar, similar to Jenny's that elegantly connected with a beautiful latex suit that hugged her body, bared her breasts, and accentuated her curves. Her body was both lithe and supple in a very noticeable way. Jenny was minorly shocked - both at her beauty, and at the candid, slightly insulting way she had just referred to her. As she came around the desk to greet them Jenny noticed that her suit lacked a crotch as well - her well trimmed pubic hair created a seductive line leading between her legs.

"Hello Anna," Megan replied, "Yes, this is my newest, project... a special project." Her eyes glanced down at the red belt that graced Jennys thigh.

Anna followed her eyes, her face lighting up. She licked her lips as she intoned, "A special... Project, you say...?" Her dark eyes hungrily ran over Jennys almost nude form. "Just how special...?"

Megan brought Anna's attention back to herself, locking eyes with the beautiful woman, "Extra special, the Royal Treatment."

Anna's eyes began to glow, excitement painted across her visage, "You mean... are you saying... I get to.... make a queen?"

Megan smirked, her hand coming to rest upon the small of Jenny's back. "No my dear," Excitement began to be replaced by confusion on Anna's face. "I want an Empress."

At these words, Anna's jaw dropped. "No... are you... you better not be messing with me."

"I'm not." Megan replied, "Full Empress."

Anna turned back to Jenny, her dark eyes once again ravaging her body. "You my dear," she began seductively, "You are a very lucky girl."

"A lucky girl indeed," Megan echoed darkly. Jenny watched as she handed her leash to the lithe woman. "I trust I leave her in good hands - take all the time you need. I'll be back to check on her periodically, otherwise, just let me know when to pick her up."

"Yes ma'am," Anna cheerfully bowed. They both watched as Megan strode from the clinic, the door closing behind her with a quiet whisper. Anna smiled invitingly at Jenny, "Come with me babe, let's get started."

She led Jenny down a short hallway and then turned into another large room. It buzzed with computers, low color-changing lights, and quiet EDM music. It looked like a sleek mix where sci-fi lab meets rave. In the center of the room was an imposing medical restraint chair complete with stirrups.

"Lets get you settled in babe." Anna said cheerfully, leading Jenny to the chair. In expert fashion Anna removed her hand cuffs, arranged Jenny on the chair, and began strapping her into the restraints. Jenny's legs spread wide, arms overhead, Anna stepped back to assess her work. A nod from her communicated that she found it satisfactory. She moved to a set of controls and Jenny heard and felt the whirring of the mechanized chair as it began to move and tilt beneath her. Now she was staring up at the ceiling, flat on her back, legs in the air, wrists together over her head.

"Perfect," Anna said running a hand over Jennys immobilized body." "Now let's exchange that gag for something maybe a bit more comfortable, yes?" Jenny nodded appreciatively. Anna reached down to begin removing the spider gag, speaking as she worked. "This procedure can be a bit intense - especially the first time," she winked at Jenny, "so, we do our best to keep you safe and comfortable, but remember that safe always comes first." She finished removing the spider gag from her face and Jenny moved her aching jaw appreciatively. The relief was short lived as Anna quickly produced another gag - a panel one this time. It had a large rubber nub on the back that sat between her teeth, a large ring on the front that looked like it might be used for attachments, and a layer of latex on the back of the leather that created an airtight seal. Jenny communicated her concern with her eyes to Anna. "Don't worry babe, we just use this one because we don't want to be waking up and worrying the WHOLE dungeon. You ever had to deal with a sleep deprived Dominatrix?" She finished strapping on the gag. "Not Fun." Anna turned away and Jenny heard the click of her heels as she crossed the floor. She retrieved a stainless steel metal cart and rolled it to a stop next to Jenny. She picked up a syringe filled with a pale pink liquid and transfixed Jenny with an intense, almost manic smile. "Alright babe," she said in a husky voice, "I think we're ready to get this party started."

Anna held up the needle in front of Jenny. "This babe, is filled with a beautiful cocktail of aphrodisiacs, hormones, and particular chemicals that act as sensory agonists - meaning rather than down-regulating the bodies response to stimuli - they increase it - close to 100 fold. It also contains a few chemicals that are used to reset the static baselines that your body operates at." Jenny looked at her not fully understanding what she was saying. Anna caught on, "In essence - it makes your body both, more sensitive, and then resets your neurology to keep it that way." She winked at Jenny, "You'll see." Jenny felt the needle as it penetrated into her right butt-cheek. Anna pressed the plunger and quickly spun to the cart, grabbing a second needle and explaining. "Normally we only give one dose the first time, but lucky little slut you are, you're getting two." She winked again, "This is because the body tends to build up a resistance to this fairly quickly, and we want to reset your levels as high as possible and get you off..." She stabbed the second needle into Jenny's left butt-cheek this time and pushed the plunger, "to a good start."

Immediately Jenny felt something wasn't right. First she felt a peculiar numbness, and then her ass cheeks exploded with sensation like nothing she had ever felt before. It was like cold, ecstatic fire burning her from the inside out. She writhed in her bonds as the fire slowly began spreading through out her body. First it reached the local areas surrounding - her pussy and thighs thrummed with sensation. She felt the blood rushing through them - that sensation alone almost bringing her impossible bliss. Steadily the feeling built throughout her body, down her legs, into her belly, her breasts, her arms, her head and neck - she felt the chemicals flood through her system, the gates of ecstasy thrown wide open. She opened her eyes, Anna staring at her intently.

"Good, good," she cooed her fingers slowly running up the center of Jenny's belly. Even that lightest of touch was too much for Jenny. She felt her muscles clench, contract and then rhythmically release, waves of pleasure rolling through her body... did.. did.. did she just cum from a light graze? Anna was smiling now, "Yes, Breathe through it, the first time can be quite the shock - but don't worry, it only gets better from here."

Jenny couldn't believe the incredible, powerful, ecstasy that rolled and thrummed through her body. The rubbing of the restraints and belts from her harness were almost too much, and then add in the gentle caresses from Anna that continuously supplied, sent her spiraling over the edge, time and time, and time again... Suddenly she heard a beeping sound that sounded like a timer. Anna quickly turned off the noise and walked over to her. She wore a hungry smile, her eyes penetrating into Jenny's. "That's phase one, time to start turning things up." She clicked a remote and the music that had been quiet came to life. The darkly pulsing baseline ran through Jenny like a freight train. How had music never sounded this good before? Before she could answer that question she saw Anna grab a set of small, cute looking clamps that had thick, rounded ends. Jenny had never seen anything like them before and shot her an inquisitive look. Anna responded with a smile and by applying them to Jenny's nipples. She then hit a button and they buzzed to life.

Holy Fuck!!! Jenny bucked on the table as the clamps turned on. She'd never had particularly sensitive nipples so the way the sensation rocked her took her by surprise. She tried to turn, to shake them off, to get away from the stimulation but her efforts only served to enhance their effects. She looked at Anna pleadingly, who only smiled back cruelly, enjoying the show. Steadily Jenny's body succumbed to the stimuli and she felt a powerful orgasm beginning to roll through her body. Again this was unlike any orgasm she'd ever had. The power and intensity of it left her speechless. Body trembling, she tried to breathe through it but the feeling was unrelenting. Her eyes rolled back and she clenched them shut only to throw them wide open again. Anna was standing between her legs now, insistently pressing a large vibrating dildo into her pussy. Between the nipple clamps and this new sensation Jenny began panicking. It was too much, too fast - and it all felt too fucking good. Her body writhed and she moaned, her pleas for mercy muffled by the gag. Anna just laughed, dragging her nails down Jenny's inner thigh while slowly working the dildo deeper and deeper into her sopping wet cunt.

"Don't worry babe - it won't be like this forever... just the next 6-8 hours." Jenny's breath caught as she transfixed Anna with a panicked stare. Did she say...hours... 8 hours of this! Anna responded by driving the dildo even deeper causing Jenny to release a torrent of cum as her pussy spasmed out another orgasm. Anna laughed and spoke, "Sweet Mary, what a good little slut you are, babe." She then secured the dildo inside of Jenny using the straps on Jenny's thighs.

Jenny thought she might never breathe again - the way her body was contracting tighter and tighter around the dual sensations from her pussy and her nipples. She felt Anna's hand on her belly. "Breathe babe," she spoke, "I know it can be intense, but just keep breathing." Jenny sucked in a shaky breath as a fresh wave of pleasure rolled over her. She didn't understand how it continually seemed to intensify moment by moment the unbearable ecstasy building and building and building, rolling through her with ever greater force. Anna watched her intently with a mixture of desire, hunger, and envy painted across her face. She smiled as she caressed Jennys body, leaving tingling trails of fire down her skin.

Jenny didn't know for how long she lingered in that haze, of cumming, heaving, sucking down gulps of air, and then cumming even more. She was in the middle of another powerful orgasm when the timer sound went off. Anna again turned it off and retrieved an item from the cart. "Well done babe," she congratulated Jenny, "that's phase 2, time for number 3." Jenny whimpered piteously into the gag. She'd never experienced such intense and prolonged pleasure before in her life. Her body was glistening in the low light, beads of sweat dripping from her. She watched as Anna moved between her legs again. Anna held up a moderately sized butt plug for Jenny's inspection. It wasn't the largest she'd ever seen, but it was definitely larger than any she'd ever taken. Her eyes went wide as the reality of her situation dawned on her. Oh Fuck. She thought to herself, beginning to squirm and register complaints into the gag. Her bonds held and her writhing only served to worsen how turned on she was.

Anna spoke, "Don't worry babe, it's not that big. The Mistress said you didn't have much experience with anal, but she wanted you to be prepared - so here we are." She shrugged her shoulders in a gesture of 'what can you do.' Jenny wanted to scream, wanted to weep, wanted her body to stop betraying her - all she got was Anna's finger first lubing, and then penetrating her ass. This was quickly followed by the tip of the plug, Anna insistently driving it home. She delighted in the way it made Jenny squirm and wriggle. "C'mon babe, just reeeeelax," she cooed, "All we need to do is get it it in, and then let the fun begin." Jenny tried to follow her directions, but the contractions of her body and the size of the plug left her panting in pain and ecstasy. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God She prayed. The feeling of the plug going deep inside of her, only intensified the feeling of the dildo that was already parked there. Another wave of orgasmic energy blasted through her. She screamed and roared, the gag muffling her cries. It felt as though her pussy was exploding - over and over and over again - sending wave after wave of pleasure and ecstasy through her body. All the while Anna continually pressed the plug deeper and deeper into her ass. After what seemed like an eternity Jenny finally felt herself crest the plug and the contraction of her ass naturally pulled it in deeper. She paused for a moment - one more ordeal dealt with - before her situation forced her back to present. She looked down at the expression painted across Anna's face - like a satisfied predator. Anna looked up and stared back at Jenny - her eyes alight with mischief, passion, and lust.