Betsy - Reawakened Ch. 03


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She spent her weekends balancing between the roles of mother and wife. She was still aware of her kid's needs, but Darren had some too. And his were more along the lines of hers. They needed to maintain that connection to each other. If she'd learned anything from what June went through, it was that she needed to savor every intimate moment with her husband.

She didn't fret when he left on a trip yet she'd be lying if she said it didn't cross her mind that first year, especially when he made his northern journeys. But she knew Earl's accident was just that. It was random, and while it could have been prevented, she knew her husband was a more cautious driver. Still, she so looked forward to those nights he'd return home.

After time, their life became more stable. Gene settled in, making new friends. In some ways, they were better friends. The turmoil came when he got to high school, where things were changing drastically. Desegregation and bussing were the order of the day. And while it created a lot of tension, he somehow took it in stride. He'd been raised by parents that saw people for who they were, and he was one of the first to embrace other races. Like his parents, he didn't see color. He saw character. And he associated with those who showed it.

That didn't mean it was a cakewalk or that he didn't have issues. On more than one occasion he had to take a stand for what was right and he lost a couple of friends because of it. He shrugged that off, though, saying if he'd known they were that bigoted beforehand he never would have been friends with them to begin with. His parents were proud of the young man he was turning into, and for the first time Betsy outwardly acknowledged that the move, as it were had turned out to be a good thing. For all its problems, she loved it where she lived.

What she didn't love was their house. They'd purchased it from the company at the five-year mark, knowing they were officially there for the long haul. It was odd that it didn't sink in until Darren came home to tell her they needed to decide what they wanted to do about where they were going to live in a couple of months. It never dawned on Betsy they'd have to leave. But once they bought the home, she realized she should have been looking at that sooner. If she'd done so, she would have been looking for somewhere else long before.

The fact was while she liked the home, she wasn't paying for it. So, she didn't get upset about some of the features it didn't have. Like a second bathroom for one; and a bigger kitchen for another. Now that they owned the home, she saw those kinds of things in a far more negative light. Darren saw her point. He only wished she would have offered those viewpoints before they made the purchase.

Instead of dwelling on what they didn't do before, they set their sights on what they could do going forward. The market in the area was beginning to grow, the town of fifteen thousand growing to over twenty in just the time they'd been there. And it appeared it was going to keep growing. After looking around for a bit they decided to build a new home again, feeling certain that they'd be able to sell theirs.

They found the right lot, using some of their savings to buy it outright. Then they began working with a contractor to design their home. Nine months later they were moving again, this time with the help of many friends and some of the company trucks. It was bittersweet for Gene, helping his folks move into a new home he wouldn't be living in very long. He'd been accepted to a state university, and he'd be heading off to college soon.


The sound of a vehicle going by startled Betsy. She'd been so lost in thought she hadn't seen it. Cars didn't usually pass the house because it was a dead-end road with a cul-de-sac at the end, and they were the last house before it. There were no homes built yet beyond theirs, those lots all unsold.

She knew it was too small to be the school bus bringing Neil home. It was far too early for that anyway. But she also didn't hear it pull into their gravel driveway, so she knew it wasn't Darren yet either. It was just someone that had driven down the road, thinking it led somewhere. It didn't happen often, which was why it made her jump. She didn't know who it was. All she knew was who it wasn't.

Her mind was still a whirl, having first daydreamed about her life in college. It was those carefree days that got her so worked up she used them as fuel to masturbate there on the couch. That was followed by her thinking of the choices she made to get married and have kids, staving off a career of her own for that of a housewife. It was a melancholy moment, one that didn't last long. There were too many highlights in her life to regret the path she ultimately chose.

But now she'd just been recounting the circumstances that brought her to Virginia in the first place. She'd thought of them all, starting with the awful day she learned they were being transferred. That's how her mind worked, thinking of things chronologically, as if her life were a movie of some sort. She could at least smile now, knowing June had remarried and her girls loved their stepfather, who treated them like his own. And that was important, since he was a widower with two young boys.

From there she ran though the passing years in her mind, finally landing on the weekend they moved into the new house she was sitting in. She still considered it new, even though they'd been in it for two years. She liked to think it was because of how immaculate she kept it, and there was some truth to it. But mostly it was because of the way she was feeling about her life at the moment.

That final thought, of the day Gene left for college was now stuck in her mind. She couldn't help but compare it to her own experiences. She wondered what he might be doing at that very moment. She smiled slyly as she considered that he might be doing something along the lines of what she had. She wanted that for him.

"I hope he's fucking some cute little co-ed senseless right now," she said to herself in a surprising moment of pure honesty. But it was easy for her to wish him to be having mind blowing sex. After all, that's what she did when she was in school, playing the part of the slutty sorority girl, always ready for a good time.

Indeed, those four years in college had been the best four years of her life.

That is, until the most recent four.


It started with a family vacation, returning to the Midwest.

Darren had a go back to Beck every year for management meetings. The company would pay to bring in the three managers of the East, South and Midwest districts. While he was stationed in Virginia, there was also an office in Alabama, and another one in Wisconsin. The company had strong ties to the Midwest, with the main plant being somewhat centrally located, as most of their customers hailed from east of the Mississippi.

Darren would schedule his vacation for after the weeklong meetings, taking his three weeks all at once so he and his family could visit relatives in Illinois afterward. They'd leave for a month, and that first week, they would stay with family friends while Darren went to the plant each day. It was great for the kids those first few years, allowing them to see friends they'd left behind after they moved. It did the same for Betsy was well.

From there they would travel to southern Illinois to see his folks for a week, before heading back up to northern Illinois to spend ten days with hers. That would leave them a couple of days to drive back home. It was the beginning of what would become a wonderful tradition. While the trip itself was grueling because they drove, once they arrived, it was exactly the relaxing break Betsy needed. Or so she thought.

When Darren received his fourth week of vacation for time of service, she at first wondered if they would save it for another trip at another time. But he had a different he'd already discussed with a couple of friends of theirs. He kept it a surprise, needing to pass it by Betsy's parents first. But they were more than happy to help them out. After all, they didn't get to see their grandkids all that often.

It was at the end of the ten days at her folks that Betsy suddenly questioned when they were leaving. She was getting ready to pack, but Darren seemed in no hurry.

"Are we leaving tomorrow?"

"Yes," he replied as he sat on the patio, allowing the warm summer breeze to blow across his bare chest.

"I should go start packing the kids up then," she said, beginning to get up from her lawn chair.

"We're not taking them with us."


"They're staying here another week."

"Don't be ridiculous. I have a lot of stuff to pack for them."

"Well, first of all, Gene is almost seventeen. He can pack his own stuff up. Your Mom can handle Neil's things."

"Why would Mom do it?"

"Because I asked her to, and she said she would. In a week." His grin made her realize he was up to something, but he didn't say anything more. Well, other than, "You can go pack for yourself if you want. I already know how to live out of a suitcase."

"We're here for a long time, Darren. Why in the world would I keep my things in a suitcase when mom has a dresser I can use?"

"So you won't have to pack up so much when you leave," he laughed.

"Will you be serious?"

"I am being serious, Bets. We're leaving, they're staying. We'll be back to get them in a week."

"Where are we going?"

"On a vacation from our vacation," he winked.

The next day she was on pins and needles, her excitement brimming over. She could see the mighty skyline of Chicago in the distance, and it was getting taller every mile as they drove toward it. An hour later, they were checking into a ritzy downtown hotel.

"How can we afford this, sweetheart?" she asked innocently as she looked around the luxurious lobby.

"I got a bonus at the management meeting last month."

"Last month?"

"Well, we've been gone from home for four weeks, so yeah... last month."

"Well shouldn't we save it for something?"

"I did... our vacation," he winked. "We deserve this, Bets. Even your mother thought so. I really thought I would have to beg and plead with her to convince her to watch the kids, but she never batted an eye. She said she was thrilled that we found a way to get a week for ourselves without taking time away from our visit with them. Instead, she got more time with the boys."

"Gene is hardly there. He's off goofing around with his cousins all the time."

"She sees him enough. You can't hide in that small of a town."

"Not like this one," she sighed, gripping his arm, her head resting on his broad shoulder. "So, what are we going to do first?"

"We're going to find you a nice dress to wear for dinner tonight."

"Shopping? Are you sure?"

"Sweetie, it was a pretty big bonus. Don't worry about money while we're here. I'm in charge of that this week."

Three hours later, they were waiting in the lobby of a stylish restaurant. Darren was in a sharp business suit; one she hadn't seen before. She was wearing a mid-length red cocktail dress, showing a bit more leg and a lot more cleavage than she was used to. To add to that she wasn't wearing a bra; the cut of the dress not lending itself to one.

At first, she was self-conscious, even mentioning it. But he was quick to remind her, "If you remember, a long time ago, you once went to a church service once without one, and you went without panties as well."

"O... oh my," she gasped, her voice catching in her throat. The desire in his eyes made her knees weak.

"I'd like to spend this week finding that woman again," he said with a hint of a growl.

She blushed as he ran his hand long her firm ass, actually gripping it, but she didn't resist. For the first time in a long time, she felt like more than a mother. Hell, she felt like she was more than his wife. She felt like his plaything. She was arm candy. And that made her pussy tingle.

It was obvious to her that she was caught up in the bright lights of the big city. But it was more than that. It was so much more in her imaginative mind. He was now a dashing man in a hip suit, out on the town to find a good time. She was his muse, wearing a tight-fitting dress that showed off her best assets. The thought made her wet and she secretly wished she'd left her panties at the hotel.

It was such a radical thought to pop into her head. But her husband was right. She'd stopped thinking that way since Neil was born. Their sex life was incredible, but it wasn't what it could be. It wasn't like it was that Christmas Eve night they conceived their second son. Darren just made it clear he wanted her back. And now she was thinking of ways she could give herself to him.

In truth, she'd been feeling something out of sorts in the bedroom for a while. She hadn't put two and two together just yet, but it became clearer when he took her shopping for a dress, practically insisting she be more daring in the one she chose. He rejected the first five she wore, saying she wasn't showing enough skin. He was encouraging her to fulfill some of the things she'd been saying to him in passing. It was part of the time, the late 60s. It was last summer of 68 to be precise.

The country was in the midst of turmoil. Chicago itself had witnessed rioting just four months before. And while that would have normally kept tourists away, Darren didn't waver in his desire to take his wife there. After all, he traveled for a living. He'd seen the country at its best and in many ways, at its worst. He knew the areas they would be going to were relatively safe. The Democratic National Convention was going to be held there in a few weeks. If they could come, he wasn't going to shy away from going because of what might happen.

Betsy's mind was more on the other things that were changing in the country. It was also in the middle of a sexual revolution. Their oldest was on the cutting edge of it at almost seventeen and she envied him being that age. She felt like it came too late for her. She was already married, and being in her thirties, she cursed the fact that she was missing out. Oh, what she would give to be a year away from entering college now. With the way she was when she went away to school, she would have been dangerous.

She knew she needn't be jealous of Gene though. First, it was silly. And unfortunately, he lacked the confidence his father had around women, being shier and introspective. It didn't help that he was one of the youngest in his class. He liked girls and he dated a bit in high school, but he didn't exactly project poise. It was Neil that she was sure would end up being the real ladies' man. He was too young to know it yet, but everything about him spoke of self-assurance. Even at eight she knew her youngest was going to be smooth, just like his Dad.

Still, she tried to keep up with what was going on in the world. She read the latest literature, both books and magazines, and she loved the music of the current generation. She professed that it was all a way to stay connected with her kids. But in reality, it was a way to fuel her desires. She couldn't help but wish she were younger with what was going on around her sexually in the younger generation.

Darren countered that her age was irrelevant. She was already an incredibly sexual woman. She always had been. He asked her why she shouldn't take advantage of a culture shift that was becoming more accepting of that dynamic. Simply being a few years older shouldn't matter, especially since she looked young enough to be mistaken for someone in their early twenties anyway. He also said rather bluntly that her being a mother shouldn't factor into it.

"So you're a mother. You still have needs, don't you?" he asked.

"Well, yeah. I suppose."

"You suppose? The Betsy I married would be taking this city by the balls. And then, she'd hold them while she sucked them empty."

"DARREN," she gasped, not believing he'd been so crude. And yet his expression spoke to her, and she softened. "Really? You think so?"

"You've been a mother a long time, sweetie. But you've been that wild, untamed beauty I married a lot longer. It's time you let that hot college girl out to roam again, and I can't think of a better place or time to start than here and now. You can be both. That's what you were that night."

She knew he meant the night she'd been daring, wearing a dress to a Christmas Eve service at their church, but neglecting to wear anything underneath it. It was hard be believe that was some eight years before. It seemed like a lifetime ago.

With them being in a big city where they didn't know anyone, Betsy decided to play to Darren's suggestion, at least for the week. If he wanted her to be more spontaneous sexually, as well as being more open and freer with how she dressed, why not take advantage of the anonymity an exciting setting like Chicago provided. It wasn't like showing a little more skin or going without a bra was going to get her arrested.

The long walk to their destination was exhilarating. She loved the perceptive glances she was getting. Even more of a turn on was the blatant stares, feeling the hungry eyes of men as they passed by on the sidewalk. There she was, a thirty plus mother of two, attracting attention because of her body... and that had her becoming wet as she clutched Darren's strong arm.

She was still brimming with anticipation of what the night might bring as they waited to see the handsome Maître D at his podium of the crowded Italian restaurant. Darren eventually stepped forward and announced a reservation for Thomas.

"Of course sir. A table for six... we'll have that ready for your party in just a few minutes."

"Six?" Betsy asked, her cute nose wrinkling slightly.

"Yes, six," he Darren smiled, pointing to the two couples coming in through the elaborate front door.

Betsy nearly dropped her clutch as she saw Carrie and Paula heading in her direction, their husbands right behind.

"Darren!" she gasped, her smile widening. "What did you do?"

"I called a couple of old friends to see if they'd like to have some fun in the city."

Paula was wearing a dress very similar to hers. It was a sharp navy blue, with a hint of sparkle in the material, making it shimmer as she walked. Carrie's black dress was a bit longer, coming past her knees, but it also was alarming in how much cleavage she was showing. Her huge chest was nearly spilling out for all to see. Betsy had never seen her wear anything so revealing before but she had to admit, it was striking.

The three couples spent over two wonderful hours at their table, eating incredible food while catching up. Betsy was thrilled to find out they were all staying at the same hotel and that like them, her friends would be there through Saturday, leaving Sunday morning. It was a remarkable surprise. While she'd been looking forward to a nice romantic vacation alone with her husband, somehow this seemed even more exciting to her.

It was hard not to be excited, because Mack had turned the conversation toward sex. He brought up some of the things the girls had done together in college, trying to pry more details out of Paula and Betsy because Carrie wouldn't share them. He knew they were sexually active, going so far as to say he knew all about Paula trying to steal Carrie's boyfriend, and ending up being with Rob's brother John instead. But there were things that Carrie wouldn't divulge.

Paula and Betsy quickly declined to talk about anything other than what their men already knew. Betsy brought up the bond of sorority sisters, and how what happened at the house stayed there.