Between Siblings


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"That is horrible!" Lisa exclaimed as she set the lime on the counter.

"No! Don't think about it just go for the second one. Trust me it is better that way!" Camilla splashed more salt onto her hand and put the second shot glass full of tequila into her hand.

With her nose wrinkled yet again Lisa quickly took the second shot and set down the glass. "Whew, that is strong!"

Laughing Camilla pat her sister on the back. "You're alright. I don't plan to get you drunk. A little tipsy however is fair game!" as she handed Lisa a cup this one looked like coffee over ice. "Screaming Orgasm. Its vodka, Kahlua, and Bailey's Irish cream. It is like a coffee liquor heaven. You'll like this one!"

Lisa took a tentative sip of the cup. This time the liquor burned on its way down her throat but the other flavors soothed the feeling and left a much nicer after taste. "That is kinda nice." Lisa remarked.

"I know!" Camilla smiled. Then her faced turned serious as she leaned a little closer and whispered "Take it easy tonight 3 drinks is plenty. MAYBE one more later on tonight, but then you stop. Okay?"

"Okay. I'll be fine!" Lisa reassured her.

The guys bought a few beers and the group laughed as the girls finished their drinks. Lisa began to notice that she felt different. She felt warm inside somehow and she felt happy although she had no real reason to. She also felt a lot more comfortable than she felt earlier when she first walked in. Mark kept smiling at her and making her laugh. He kept touching her arm or her leg and Lisa kind of liked how warm his hands were on her body. When Mark asked her to dance she was more than willing to follow him out onto the dance floor even though Lisa didn't normally dance outside of her bedroom and certainly not in 3 inch heels. That didn't seem to matter much since the song currently playing was a slow song and Mark was standing so close to her that she didn't feel wobbly at all.

Standing chest to chest with Mark felt nice. Leaning in closer she wound her arms around his neck and swayed with him to the music. The warm feeling in her body felt nice and she felt sexy wrapped in his arms. Her heart began to pound harder when she felt Mark's hands begin to move lower and lower until she could feel his hands caressing the curve of her hips. She began to feel uncomfortable however when she could feel the bulge in Mark's pants harden and press into her stomach. When Mark began to pull her even closer to his body and rub their bodies together Lisa began to get nervous and backed away a step.

Across the room Chase was chatting with an attractive blonde at the bar when he noticed Lisa dancing with a Hispanic man a couple inches taller than her. He began to frown when he noticed that the guy was getting a little too touchy with his baby sister. Chase quickly scanned the room and saw Camilla sitting in the lap of a guy at a table near the other end of the room. Watching Lisa again he noticed that she had moved back a step and had a bit more space between her the guy she was dancing with but the guy stepped a bit closer again.

Chase said goodbye to the blonde at the bar and headed toward the dance floor. As he made his way toward Lisa he noticed the guy once again had moved his hands well below her waist and this time he was attempting to kiss her. Chase reached her side just as Lisa threw the guys arms off her body and stepped back. "Everything okay?" he asked frowning at the guy while placing a protective arm around his sisters' shoulders. The guy put both hands in the air and shook his head before backing away and heading to the bar instead.

"Hey kid. You alright?" Chase pulled her closer to his body and hugged her tight as he lightly ran his hand down her back.

Lisa thought that it felt nice when Mark was hugging her but this was ten times better. It felt like little tingles of electricity running between his body and hers. Ashamed of the heavy feeling of arousal in the center of her stomach she hung her head and stepped back away from Chase. Forcing a smile to her face she told him "I'm fine. Where is Cam?"

Chase nodded to their sister off to the side of the dance floor. Camilla was still sitting on the guys lap but now she was kissing him and appeared completely oblivious to anyone else around her. Frowning he tried not to dwell on the difference in reaction when his youngest sister was being mauled by some guy on the dance floor, while he felt only exasperated by Camilla's behavior on the other side of the room.

Lisa reached their sister's side before Chase and tagged her shoulder. "I think I'm about ready to clear out." Lisa told her.

Camilla nodded her head and saw Chase saunter up behind Lisa "Hey bro. Guess you're planning to leave too? I'm going to stay. I'll get a ride home later."

When Chase raised an eyebrow rather than leave, Camilla sighed heavily and raised an eyebrow. "Jerome, meet my brother Chase. Chase, meet my boyfriend Jerome. He goes to the community college as well." she explained.

Nodding the two men shook hands and Chase asked Camilla to call him if she wasn't going to make it home tonight. Lisa and Chase then headed for the door.

The cool fresh air felt great on her skin after the hot crush of bodies in the dance floor. Climbing into the SUV Lisa immediately moved the seat down so she could recline and kicked the shoes off her feet.

Chase slid into the car and pulled away from the parking lot. "Did you have fun?" he asked her softly.

"Uhmmm." she tilted her head to the side and began pulling the bobby pins holding her hair up. "I guess I had fun. It was different. My feet are killing me. My head hurts from these tiny pins poking my head and now I just want to lie down and relax. But I liked the loud music and dancing. If I wore better shoes I think I would want to dance all night!" She told him. 'What about you?"

Chase shrugged "Well, I've been to a lot of bars and to a lot of clubs so it wasn't as exciting or different for Me." glancing over he saw her twist in her seat and began stroking through her hair. Licking his lips he looked back at the road. His baby sister was only 18 years old. She wasn't trying to be sensual but that seemed to only make her actions that much more attractive to him. Frowning he turned on the radio and tried to keep his focus on the road rather than on the fact that her short dress rode up on her hips and was showing nearly all of her thighs.

It seemed the more he tried not to think that way about his little sister the worse the feeling got. The heat blowing in the car seemed to be blowing the soft floral smell of her hair toward him while she leaned on the arm rest between them and continued to shake out her hair and rub her scalp.

It was a relief when they finally pulled up in front of the house a few minutes later. Chase was grateful for the long button down shirt that easily hid the sizeable erection growing between his legs. Lisa headed upstairs to her room and Chase decided to head downstairs to the family room instead. He was hoping that if he watched a movie he could rid himself of the weird thoughts that he kept having about his sister.

Chase grabbed a cool shower and was relieved to have his erection subside before tossing on a t-shirt and loose pants before heading to the family room to find a movie. Chase was in the hall when he realized that he could smell popcorn. When he reached the room he found Lisa in shorts and a tank top lying on the couch already with a bowl of popcorn on the floor in front of her. Apparently, he was in the shower much longer than he thought because Lisa had clearly showered, washed her hair and still had time to make popcorn.

"Hey. What are you doing awake? I figured you would be in bed already." Chase commented.

Sitting up and moving over on the couch Lisa replied "I stay awake reading a lot so I'm not quite ready to fall asleep. Figured I would watch a movie."

Chase grabbed a handful of popcorn and sat at the unoccupied end of the couch. "Anything good on?"

Lisa laughed, "At 2am? Nah! Watching the History channel. Romans are always interesting."

Chase raised an eyebrow. "Interesting? All they ever wanted to do was drink, eat, fornicate and watch fighting."

"That is interesting!" She defended while grabbing her foot and slowly massaging the foot in her hand.

Chase noticed the motion and asked "Feet still hurting you?" When she nodded her head yes he held out his hands. "Lay down." he told her and then proceeded to take her foot into his hand.

Lisa was uncertain at first considering the awkward moment at the club but decided it's just a foot rub and stretched out over the couch with her legs in her brother's lap. The hands kneading her sore foot felt amazing. Lisa let out a small moan and wiggled into a more comfortable position on the couch. Lisa began to grow tired and her eyes began to droop closed.

Chase sat watching the show and absently rubbing the feet in his lap and moving over the slim calves in his lap. Looking down he realized that his sister was falling asleep. She lay on her side giving him a good view of her profile. The gentle curve of her hip and swell of her breast. She looked so innocent laying there with her softly curling hair tucked behind her ear and swirling over the curve of her breast. Chase knew that touching her was wrong and that it was a very bad idea but with her laying half across his lap and the tiny pair of shorts she wore to bed showing so much leg he couldn't help allowing his hands to creep higher on her leg. His touch moved over her calve and over her knee and up her thigh.

Lisa was half asleep when she felt a warm hand move up her leg and over her knee. Lisa's heart immediately began to beat harder and she clenched her legs together in an attempt to stop the throbbing between her legs. Lisa first reaction was not to pull her body away from his. On the contrary her first response was to open her legs and turn over. Feel his hands run over more parts of her body. It was wrong she told herself. So wrong but she felt like she was on fire and she had never felt so on fire before. As much as tried to hold onto to the knowledge that this was her brother. That what she was thinking was wrong. The alcohol still in her system made her forget all the bad things that could happen. All she could think was how nice it would be. With that thought in mind Lisa reached over and captured the hand on her thigh and held it still as she turned over onto her back.

Chase looked down at the sister now lying on her back in front of him. He was prepared for recriminations and accusations. He knew that he shouldn't have given into the impulse to touch her. He knew that it was wrong. His innocent little sister was not the person who should have to deal with his random sexual urges. Chase never considered that she might have urges of her own. Judging by the wanton pose and the clear print of her pebbled nipples he could see through her shirt. He knew he should back off but he continued to stroke the smooth thigh beneath his hand. Moving up her tense body he softly stroked her inner thighs. When she moaned softly he slowly stroked his hand over her cloth covered pussy. Snaking his hand under the leg of the shorts he could feel her slit through the cloth of her panties. He rubbed his fingers up and down over her slit before pressing onto her top of her slit onto her clit.

When his sister began to move her hips upward and moan on the couch he moved up between her legs positioning his tall frame over Lisa. The loose pants he was wearing did nothing to hide or stop the erection pushing at his clothing. Chase was beyond thinking about whether or not his actions were acceptable when he moved his hand from beneath her shorts and placed his hips to hers so that she could feel his throbbing cock right pressed to her pussy with only clothing separating them. With his hands now free he pushed the tank top up over her head and then pulled down the sports bra to release her breast. Licked and sucked at her neck before moving down and tasting the sweet skin now open to his view. The small rose colored nipples were already pebbled before he even touched them. He stroked a hand over the small tip before leaning down and drawing the nub into his mouth.

When the heat of Chase's mouth closed over her breast Lisa threw her head back overwhelmed by the riotous sensations coursing through her body. The probing between her legs and the hard, hot body pressed to hers was driving her crazy. The tongue swirling over her breast had her forgetting all the reasons they shouldn't be doing this. Chase is her brother. They were lying on a couch in the basement while their parents slept upstairs. Lisa knew she should push him away but the hands that moved to his head didn't push him away. They held him tight to her body as he moved from one breast to the other.

Lisa moaned wanting more and pushing her hips upwards she began to tug at the clothes covering Chase's body.

The sudden ringing of a phone was like a splash of cold water to her system. Chase froze above her and then slowly moved his body back away from her.

Guilty and shocked by her actions Lisa drew the bra back over her chest and pulled the t-shirt on the arm of the couch down over her head. Refusing to look at her brother she picked up the bowl of popcorn and quickly moved upstairs. Leaving the bowl in the kitchen she headed up to her bedroom and closed the door quietly. Lisa lay in her bed wondering what in the world got into her. Sure she wanted someone she could be with but to try and seduce her own brother? How pathetic can you get? What if her mother had gone downstairs and found them that way? Groaning into her pillow Lisa tossed and turned in her bed that night filled with feelings of guilt and she ignored the unsatisfied throb between her thighs.

Downstairs Chase was shocked at his actions and incredibly guilty. His baby sister falls asleep on the couch and he decides to molest her. DAMN! What the hell did he just do? What if she never talked to him again? Chase wanted to go upstairs. Apologize and beg her to forgive him, but afraid of upsetting her further, he decided to let her cool off and he would find a way to make things better between them in the morning. Part of him was grateful for the phone call from Cam saying she would be home in the morning. The other part of him was extremely disappointed that things had stopped before they could go further. The same side of him was satisfied to be falling asleep with the smell of her hair on his body and the taste of her body on his lips. What kind of pervert would lay in bed disappointed that there were other parts of her body that he hadn't gotten to sample? But try as he might he couldn't stop himself from wishing he'd draw those shorts over her hips. That he had pulled the panties from her body and tasted the wetness he felt between her thighs. With a groan he rolled over and attempted to think of anything but his baby sister lying in the bedroom upstairs.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I think that you should not write a chapter two. Just to piss everybody off. lol Or make the next installment more tantalizing and still no consummation. Just keep going that way for an endless string of chapters until the readers begin committing suicide. Then write a last chapter in witch brother and sister are on the brink when Zombies kill them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great story!

Sequel should be gr8! Older sister sounds slutty but I guess that's what makes the story a whole lot more interesting:) Itll be fun to see chase go all the way with Lisa;) it should be good:) gr8 job!

Jeff81Jeff81about 12 years ago

I do hope that you write a sequel. I'm dying to know what happens!

WarriorWomanWarriorWomanabout 12 years ago
Good start

Definitely cannot wait for the sequal. ^.^

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
My wish

Your story makes me wish you were my sister

RydersRydersabout 12 years ago
i like

Can't wait fo more

RockyStoneRockyStoneabout 12 years ago
Great start

I had to sit up and take a deep breath knowing there is more on the way. You've done very well so far, can't wait for the next. I had to laugh at the anonymous promising a 5 score with more writing later and a 1 if this is it. I can't imagine what I've read to be the end of the story. This much of the story got to me, so you get another score when I read the next chapter! LOL The whole anonymous thing is so bizarre at times.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Good stuff. Erotic without being lewd, with characters presented in a way that we want to care about them. Outstanding for a first submission.

Shadow_ChildShadow_Childabout 12 years agoAuthor
Part 2

I've gotten a few emails wondering if this is a series or stand alone story.

This is just the start of a longer story. There will be another posting in a week maybe less. Currently working on edits.

Thanks for the feedback.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Check Out Lane

I feel like a customer stuck in the check out lane with half my order. The clerk has promised the rest before I get to the cashier, and I'm perfectly willing to pay...when I get the remainder of my order.

Nothing til then. '5' IF. '1' IF NOTHING MORE.

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