Bianhua Ch. 07


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From the first day he had discovered her crying behind the temple by the hidden pond the Wuming had watched over her protecting her from being consumed by the things that surrounded her in her daily life. At that time, she was hiding from Fen's older brother who was trying to control everything she did. She didn't understand why she felt she was nothing but a prison in her uncle's house. She thought at first that the Wuming was much older and had been surprised to learn that there was just over a year's difference. She was not supposed to be where she was, and he knew it. Instead of calling out her conduct he had suggested that they keep their meeting secret and for now promise to tell no one else about the other. She had agreed and that's how their friendship started.

Slowly without being aggressive he had shared his insights and wisdom while leading her to discover for herself the points he had been making. It took a while for her to understand that he had grown up without a childhood which gave him a completely different outlook on life in general. They had been secret friends for almost a year before she learned that her secret friend was known as the Wuming. It was a name she had heard often in her uncle's house because the authorities were looking for him constantly. She at that time could not understand why a child like him was a concern to the Chinese authorities yet she knew it was a secret she could never reveal.

One of her fondest memories was when they had accidently broken a small branch from a large fern that had a small cocoon on it. He stopped to pick it up then looked for a way to reattach it. She watched as he carved a notch into the stem then place the broken piece into it. He reenforced it to make sure it had time to grow back into its natural state. They made a point to check on it daily until they were sure that the graft had taken. When she had asked him why he had done that he replied all things have the right to have a chance at life. The cocoon needed the branch to survive if it was going to be able to continue to transform into the butterfly it would become. She hadn't understood why he would feel that way until she had seen the fern being blown by the wind. The branch they had implanted was in part protected by the other branches around it. That was when she understood what he'd been implying. All the branches in the fern were in part protecting the cocoon so that it could continue to evolve.

For her it had been a live changing experience. From that day forward her attitude towards a lot of things changed because it gave her a uniquely different view as to what life was all about. It gave her the freedom to separate herself from all the things that twirled around her. Things that may have triggered a response from her seemed no longer important. It did not take long for her to understand that some of the things being done to her were being done to keep her frustrated and unbalanced. That was when she first began separating herself from Fen's brother and when the long terms problems with him started. With her not paying attention to the little things he did it didn't take long for her to understand that everything her cousin had been doing was to keep his control over her. The more he lost it the worse he became. Now looking back with her new freedom, she saw his conduct much like that of the Chinese Government who awarded what they called privileges based on ones conduct and loyalty to their system.

Thanks to the Wumings coming back into her father's life the way he did a lot of hidden truths had been released. Things that had made no sense for years had been explained giving her a better understanding in part why things had happened the way they did. Her father had given his word to protect the Wuming and the family wealth he had entrusted him with. She had cried when her parents revealed what had transpired during their imprisonment in the works camps for the first time. Seeing with their own eyes the public execution of both of Dirk's parents because of their refusal to provide the Chinese government representatives with the information they required and for refusing to renounce their faith had left them with a view that most would never see. The hardest thing for them was not opening their mouths because doing so would have earned them the same punishment. It was their silence which conveyed compliance that kept them safe from the final judgement Dirk's parents received. Sadly, she realized that for many in her new country they would never see what they had until they lost the freedom to speak.

Her father had said that thanks to the journey she had gone through so far in life that she had become the strongest and most determined of all his children and that his deceased father would be so proud of her achievements. All three of them were amazed by how much all of them had been involved with the Wuming each for different reasons. Looking back, she could see the wisdom her father had to have in leaving the Wuming with ones who shared the same views about the government that ruled them. Thanks to their involvement with the Wuming her relationship difficulties with her parents had healed because she no longer blamed them for some of things she had experienced. She would always believe that thanks to the Wuming her family was now whole.

Upon arriving in America, she had helped them to adjust to the new freedom and liberties they had. For all three of them it had been a struggle to adjust not only to a new way of life, its culture, and language but they after a few months had begun to excel. For her parents it was a harder adjustment because of their age. They at that time had been in their fifties and change was not so easy to accept. The freedom to publicly express their feelings and thoughts was something they had to learn how to do because it was the complete opposite to how they had spent their lives. They had been taken in by a Chinese Christian community where with their help they had flourished. With their help it had been easy for her parents to find what they were used to cooking with. It was quite a thrill for all to be able to express ones believes without the threat of being taken in the night. It's nice when things can be explained to you in your native tongue because it gave you a better understanding of the society you're learning about while trying to adjust to. Those first few years had been a period of personal growth and excitement as they began the process of not only learning about but understanding their new environment. It gave them a sense of the value of freedom that the majority native to America would never have.

Freedom gave them something that they never had the ability to become whatever they wanted to be. As her father explained his path in life had been designed by the state before he had even become an adult. From kindergarten their training was geared for the role the state thought they should play. How far they progressed as adults depended on how loyal they were to the state because the state was always more important than family obligations. The first few years of teaching her students had been a thrill to her because she'd been able to implant within her students the importance of the blessings this country could provide them with. Hopefully in time they would learn to value what freedom really was meant to be. She now saw that the Chinese communist party survived by micromanaging everybody's lives once they were outside their own homes.

When Fen first showed her the picture of the ring that Alana had worn in secret her excitement had been consuming. She felt that it was his because of the uniqueness of the black lines but knew she needed further proof. That was the night that she learned that Fen believed she was bisexual. Suling gave her cousin her unconditional approval and was thankful of the trust Fen was showing. That was when they came up with the plan that she would attend the prom as Fen's significant other so that she could discover for herself if the person was the induvial, she was waiting for. Her uncle had approved of it because he still felt his daughter was still too young to date. From the moment they had entered the muti purpose room she noticed them. Fen acknowledged they were the couple she had been talking about. Suling's eyes had been locked upon him all evening as she looked for some telling signs. The way they were both dressed complimented the proms' theme, so they had all eyes on them.

She had hopped her dreams were about to come true and was in total wonderment as she watched the master of ceremonies who was of Chinese roots do the Chinese ritual dance with the American male in front of all in attendance. The dance itself had been done with perfection in mind because one would think they had been practicing it all their lives. It was clear to her that both had trained for a long time in order to have done it to perfection. Fen had already identified him as being Alana's boyfriend, so she knew he had lived in her native country. From conversations by others that she had picked up on they were the center of attention because of the tv shows dealing with their first date. When she asked what they were referring to she learned of how masterfully he had handled the release of the two sets of adult eagles. Suling's suspicions were heightened because she had witnessed his magic while dealing with the life of nature many times.

They had found a small days old bird that had fallen out of its nest. She was asked to stand over in silence and guard it. Dirk closed his eyes as if he was going to mediate over the complexities in the world. His breathing slowed down as if he was lost to the moment. She soon realized that he was tuning into the silent sounds of nature. Then he opened his eyes, knelt down picked up the bird placing it in his left palm. He leaped up about four feet grabbing onto a branch and began climbing up into the tree until he was hidden by its branches and leaves. As he moved, she was amazed because she could see no movement in the leaves that hid him. A few minutes later he was down without the bird.

"The young bird has been safely returned to its crying mother," The Wuming had explained. "The only fear I now have is that because of my human scent has been left upon the bird that its mother might reject it."

Suling was shocked by that statement because it was something she would never have considered. Dirk was concerned about something that could not be seen that could have serious consequences on a life to most would have no value.

For the next week they came back daily to that area to inspect the ground around the area because the Wuming needed to know if the young bird had survived. If she had not been with him that day, she would never have seen the hidden man inside. It had taught her that the littlest thing a human did affected everything around them. Now looking back, she remembered many situations like this with him that had shaped both of their lives.

The master of ceremonies a fellow female teacher had agreed to introduce them to them. But she still had been in shock when Dirk spoke those first few words in their native tongue to her after she had asked to see the ring his girlfriend wore around her neck. It was the voice she still heard daily in her mind. For her it was the moment that she felt all her dreams were coming true. To hear him say that she had indeed become the beautiful butterfly he always thought she would be had turned her inner soul on fire. In an emotional turmoil with tears bursting forth she had rushed into his arms, and he had held her as tenderly as he always did. When she was wrapped in his protective arms, she had never wanted it to end.

His physical appearance had been quite different from what she had imagined he would look like. He was taller and more refined than she had pictured. His height made him appear to be a bit thin for men his age in the North American culture but in their native country he would be considered the rock star. She was surprised that he wore no facial hair because his adopted father took pride in his. The Zen master's goatee had to be at least twelve inches in length. The Wuming's gentle soul was reflected in his mannerism and in his words when he spoke for the softness in his voice came out loud and clear. At that moment she's knew he would always be her only one because he had always been different from all the boys and men she had known in her life. The balance he had always had she had felt from him that same night. By the time they were done their first slow dance together she had been reenforced with the belief that they were meant for each other.

Fen had asked her as they headed home from the prom that night how she felt. She had replied 'wain cheng" which means whole or complete. Then she added that she felt that they were always meant to be. Seeing him in the Italian mandarin suit allowed her to see that he could walk in both societies without feeling displaced. Fen was not lost by the enthusiasm Suling was expressing as it seemed that love was now in full bloom. They had ended up stopping at an all-night dinner where Fen and she had spent hours discussing the shared adventures she had experienced growing up near him. For Fen, it gave her the chance to comprehend how deep of a role the Wuming had been in shaping her cousin's life. Fen had to adjust to the simple fact that all the stories she believed Suling was telling as they grew up had been the truth.

Fen asked, "is he the one you have been waiting for? I ask that because of the look of joy you have on your face. It's as if it has reached a level that has never been seen before."

She had replied in their native tongue, "The night I gave him his father's ring back to him was the last night we were in China. He told me that I was a butterfly that was about to bloom and that he would find a way to get to America. I told him then that I had always seen us as walking through life together as man and wife. He told me then that he would find a way to get to America. My love for him is as strong today as it was back then. Fen, you have to understand that I had always believed that he would find a way to escape the life he was in. I had faith that the Wuming would be true to his values. Remember Fen I knew by that time that not even time would stop the Wuming from achieving what's written in his mind because time to us is not seen by any of the Zen Monks in the same manner. They see time in part as seasons of a person's life. To them death is just the point that they evolve into the next stage of their lives. That belief frees them from the fear of dying."

Before they had left the restaurant they had agreed not to discuss or mention the Wuming in the presence of others because of the way he had been hunted for years. Her father after having had him come back into his life had praised her for wisdom in her decision. He explained that he had to live his life as if he was being watched because of the conduct he was seeing from others. She really didn't comprehend what he was saying until her father said that he still believed that some of their relatives were still in contact with their mother country. That was when she began to see how big a reach the Chinese government had. His insights had also served to confirm the Wuming's suspicions. It had awakened her and now she had things to discuss with him that may be of importance because of what they were now all facing. Too many new teachers during teachers meeting were asking too many questions about matters that were none of their business. She hadn't noticed it until it was announced to all of her name change.

Circumstances had drawn Fen, Alanna, and her together and as a result any first thoughts of competition, jealousy, and envy had dissipated quite quickly. Slowly as their relationship grew the depth of the lifelong relationship between Suling and the Wuming had come out. It allowed Allana to see the uniqueness of their relationship and the unusual strength of it. Surprisingly, it had been Alana that had first brought up the idea that they should become sister wife's since she by that time she was already chosen to be his consort. Suling at first had to be convinced that Alana had been serious, but time had verified that she was.

Suling in a private moment had asked the Wuming why he had never stopped wearing the cross she had cut off of his neck. His answer had been simple but revealed so much. "It had been given to me to hold onto it until the person it belonged to returned to get me when it was safe. As long as I held it, I had the believe that my grandfather would come back for me so that I could be reunited with my parents."

Later she had told his father what the Wuming had said he had shed a few tears in his eyes before softly saying, "ping xin xin jiui neng yi shan" which means with faith one can move mountains. It made her see that everything the Wuming did since their first meeting was an expression of his believes. He also said that even as the child that the faith he carried within himself gave him the strength to overcome the obstacles he had growing up with.

"Suling no matter what happens in his life," La Chey stated, "the Wuming's understanding and logic which is hard for most to discern will guide him to make the right decision at the right time. His only problem is that his intellectual has to try to balance the two faiths he was raised in. Thankfully, it leads him to trying to figure out the good for the benefit of all."


� � � � � � � � � � � � � Fen had been tip toeing around her father and brother for weeks because of the private one sided conversation she had overheard. She had walked into it by accident and thankfully her father had not discovered her in the closed off back corner of their basement. She was searching through family records in their storage area to see if there was a way to confirm what they thought was true. Her father had informed whoever he was talking to on his cellphone about the event that had taken place in his restaurant's kitchen while revealing that the Wuming had been found and that he had unknowingly been in possession all along of what they were looking for. It had led to him explaining in detail how that fact had come out. What he did not know as he had explained was if the Wuming had found a way to decode the information that was embedded in the chip. She had been afraid to make a move as long as she heard his father's voice because she had no clue what he would have done if she'd been caught.

For a long time, she had believed her father's treatment of his older brother had been over the top even though it was common in their culture for one who had brought shame to the family. It had been a real shock for her to learn that his conduct had been deliberate because he had been following the instructions of who he was talking to because they were trying to find a way break him so that it would force him to open up and reveal what they wanted. It was believed that if her uncle was surrounded by family that he trusted he would let his guard down and let something slip out. It seemed that those her father was answering to had believed that her uncle was the key to finding the data that they needed to find so it could be destroyed.

In a way they had been right because no one knew that the Wuming had been the protector of what they had been searching for all along. As a result, she had a deeper respect for her uncle because even with everything stacked against him, he had remained true to his values and what he believed in. To be able to hide himself in plain sight and maintain a mask so deep that the Chinese Communist Party could not get to him spoke volumes about his character. She had to warn Suling, Alana, and Dirk that they were being kept under surveillance because they needed to know what the Wuming had learned.