Binding Ashes


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With big tears forming, Amber's first words were, "When are you coming home?"

Richard turned his head and looked out the window, "I really don't know. I still have a lot of business to take care of... no idea of how long it will take."

Amber jerked on his lapels as she angrily shouted, "DON"T BULLSHIT ME RICHARD." His head whipped back around to face her onslaught as she continued, "Your disappearance for the last two years and your plans to leave again have nothing to do with business dealings."

Richard sat looking at her with a puzzled expression before quietly asking, "Then what does it have to do with?"

With a loving smile, Amber answered, "Oh Richard, don't play dumb, it doesn't become a gentleman. I wasn't aware that night, but you certainly were. It's about your love for me."

Richard once again turned to stare out the window, but not before she felt the vision of pain that crossed his face, "I don't know about my so called love for you or where you got that idea, but I do recall that night vividly. You seemed to have a love of your own, from what I remember."

Amber calmly stated, "That's pure crap. If you hadn't run off, I could have explained. Raoul was nothing more than youthful foolishness, a combination of curiosity and physical desire. If I had thought for one moment you could, or did, love me, I would never have even given him a second glance. Richard, I would die for the chance to have your love. At that time, I just had no idea it was possible. I still can't believe it, but I know it's true."

"Who or what has put that foolish notion in your head?" He asked, still refusing to look at her.

For the first time since latching onto his lapels, she let go. She took his face between her hands and turned it to her. While staring into his eyes, she said, "Look me in the eyes and tell me you don't love me. I'll go straight to Wetap, pack my bags, and be out of there before nightfall."

Richard's eyes turned misty, "You can't leave Wetap."

"Why Richard," she asked.

"Because it's your home," he replied.

"Not good enough. Again Richard, why?" she demanded.

"Because you love it there," he added.

"Still not good enough. Again Richard, why?" she continued to press.

After pausing while tears rolled down his cheeks, he whispered, "Because I built it for you."

Amber gasped, "What do you mean you built it for me? You didn't even know I existed when you built Wetap?"

With a deep breath, Richard opened his heart and shattered her misconception, "Oh but I did. I had just never met you, but I knew you were there. You had to be, I've loved you with all my heart before you were even born. I have loved you all my life.

I just didn't know where you were until that night you uttered those fateful words,'FUCK YOUand all the other assholes in the world. I would rather starve than degrade myself for food... or money... or anything else.'At that moment, I knew... the one I had been waiting for all my life, the one for whom I designed and built Wetap... it was you.

The first night you set foot on Wetap, I knew it was complete. There were no more dark corners, your light shined on everything. Even the employees spotted it right away; everyone knew you were the true 'Mistress of Wetap.'

So you can't leave, you and Wetap are synonymous, one with the other. You were created for each other. It's not only that you compliment each other... you actually complete each other."

Amber voiced her love so tenderly, if Richard's heart had been a diamond it would have melted. "Richard that's a beautiful picture but no artist leaves himself out of his own dream. Don't you understand? Wetap and I are nothing without you.

You were the one that visualized the beauty of Wetap and recognized your love in me. Neither Wetap nor I can exist to our fullest without you. We both need you.

The last two years have been miserable, not only for me, but for all of Wetap too. Didn't you see everyone searching for you today? They have missed you. Nothing's the same without the 'wonder of wonderland.' I beg you, please come home to us."

With sincerity, Richard responded, "The night I left, I was hurting, not just from the pain of seeing you with Raoul but more from facing the reality of the gap in our ages.

I came to grips with the fact that there was a reason you chose Raoul and not me, it was the difference in our ages. It hurt and even though I understood, I couldn't bear the pain.

So I left. It wouldn't have been right to separate the two loves of my life, not after bringing them together. Nothing has changed, I'm still twenty-four years older than you. There's no way it can work for us, we would always be living with that difference."

In defiance, Amber demanded, "So what Richard? Why wouldn't it work? We wouldn't be the first or the last to have an age gap in our love. I don't see any big issue over our ages.

All I know is that I love you with all my heart. The happiest time of my life was the two years I spent every day with you.

I also believe you love me with all your heart and I don't believe that you have been any happier for the past two years than I have. Why are we denying ourselves the happiness we are entitled to and have within our grasp?"

Richard pleaded, "Think about it, what would we talk about? By the time we have kids... if we have any, I will be getting up there in years.

By the time you are my age, in another twenty-four years, hell, I'll be... seventy-two. You'll just be reaching your prime and I'll be leaving mine.

What about sex? Forget sex, how about sharing? What the hell would we have in common to even talk about?" Richard slumped in what he perceived to be hopeless reality.

For the first time since that fateful night, Amber began to grasp the pain Richard had been suffering, she vehemently responded, "NO, NO, NO, Richard, no more! I refuse to let us suffer any more.

I'll tell you what we do about sex, we do it until we can't do it anymore, then we will take long walks together, arm in arm. After we can't walk any more we will sit holding hands until the end, but we will be together. That's all that matters.

What will we talk about? Us, our plans for the future, our past, our kids, and by the way, I hope you want a lot of kids. I want to have kids until we can't have any more, and don't try to tell me we can't afford them, I know better.

After talking about our kids and their futures, we will talk about our grandkids, and we will have plenty to talk about because I plan on having a lot of grandkids. Richard, we talked for two solid years, why would you believe we couldn't talk forever?

As far as you getting old, you'll only be in your fifties and sixties, still young enough to throw soccer passes and shoot football hoops with your sons... and your daughters if they want." Richard laughed, there were still areas for her to continue to improve... soccer passes and football hoops?

After taking a deep breath, a confused but undeterred Amber continued, "Richard, it's all right there within our grasp, please don't let it go or throw it away. There will never be anyone else for either of us, I know that for a fact."

Richard glanced out the window before replying, "Amber, you've given me a lot to think about. I need to absorb and sort it out. Just give me a little time."

Amber grabbed his face and pulled him to her for a deep passionate kiss. Her tongue began that ageless dance as it entwined with his.

As they floated in the emotional abyss of their own desire, all Richard heard was a sexy moan escape Amber's throat.

After slowly breaking apart, their eyes remained in a loving embrace. "While you are absorbing and sorting, then absorb and sort that. It will be waiting for you forever," Amber said.

"I will come back and give you an answer," Richard promised.

Amber made one last request, "Please do me one favor?"

"And what would that be?" Richard asked.

"If you decide against us, send word and let me leave before you return. I can't face living at Wetap any longer without you and I don't want to see you again if I'm not going to have you for the rest of my life," she pleaded with deep resolve.

Richard nodded his understanding.

After hearing a tap on the glass, Daryl opened the door and extended his hand to help Amber out of the limo. He looked at her face, hoping to see more than the weak smile she gave him. His heart dropped.

Amber solemnly watched as the limo drove out of sight before she rejoined her graduating class. Picking from the many parties to which she had been invited, Amber tried her best to join everyone in celebrating.


That evening as she walked up the steps to Wetap's front door, Amber felt so alone. Neither the party nor her friends had been able to lift her gloom.

She loved Richard so much, why couldn't he understand? They needed each other, they always had.

Just as she reached for the door handle, it swung open. Gordon had seen her coming up the steps. Before she could say a word, Gordon greeted her with a smile, "Good evening Miss Amber and congratulations."

Amber managed a feeble smile as she thanked him. As she started to remove her jacket, Gordon stepped up to help and proceeded to hang it up for her.

Glancing down at the umbrella stand, Amber couldn't resist. She reached out and ran her thumb over the beautiful hand crafted gold and silver wolf head that adorned Richard's cane.

Just touching it made her feel closer to him. If only Richard were here... his cane? His cane!!! He was never separated from his cane. Unconsciously, she clasped his cane to her chest as she spun around looking imploringly at Gordon.

Even though she already knew, his robust smile confirmed it. Without thinking, Amber ran to the door of Richard's study shouting, "He's home, he's home, Richard has come home."

After throwing open the door, she discovered he wasn't there. She knew where he would be if not in his study.

Screaming, "He's home, he's home," she took the stairs two and three at a time. She was on a quest and nothing could stop her as she headed to the second level and Richard's bedroom.

A pair of feminine eyes watched the entire scene from the partially cracked door of her office. After Amber had ascended the stairs, Maria quietly slipped from her office to the study.

Flipping on the lights, Maria made her way to Richard's desk and opened the center drawer; reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the mobile home key.'I don't think Amber will ever need this again... for any reason.'She dropped the key back in the drawer before pushing it closed.

After she turned off the lights Maria headed off to bed to join her husband. Her last thought for the evening was,'Richard will be happy now, no more pain for either of them, Wetap is finally right.'

On the second level, Amber had reached Richard's bedroom door. She hesitated, debating whether to knock or barge in. If she knocked, she would have to wait for him to answer. Throwing the door wide open, she barged into Richard's bedroom, quickly closing it behind her.

She immediately spotted him standing by his big bay window which had been designed to overlook a huge portion of Wetap.

With his back to her she was able to take in his masculine shoulders while he leaned against the window sill, just standing there in his pajama bottoms. As she checked out his sexy looking butt, her only thought was,'Damn girl, you could very easily get used to this.'This time, she knew she would.

Richard turned. She excitedly gasped in a half sob, "Your smile is back."

'Why do women always do that?'he wondered as tears suddenly adorned her smiling face. He replied, "Hmmm... I never knew it was gone...MISS AMBER."

For years to come, whenever he would recall the precious events of that evening, he swore he never saw her move. What he remembered next was after she had crossed the room and leapt into his arms. She almost bowled him over when she threw her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist, her summer dress flaring out in the flurry of action

His first conscious realization was their tongues again engaged in that now familiar dance. His second was holding her ass in his hands, a cheek in each. His third was,'Damn man, you could very easily get used to this,'and he knew he would.

For the second time that day, he heard that sexy moan escape Amber's throat. It was a sound he decided he not only liked, but hoped to hear every day for the rest of his life.

As they slowly disengaged, he let her slide down gently. Before he could speak, Amber started unbuttoning her dress.

By the time she had undone the second button, Richard snapped out of his reverie. With a smile she easily recognized, he asked, "What part of my speech concerning the sanctity of Wetap didn't you understand, Miss Amber?"

Amber froze, fingers locked on the third button. Her face reflected the adventure taking place in her mind as she searched its corners for the correct response to his teasing question.

Somewhere in the deep recesses she evidently found the answer she was looking for. As a smile spread across her face, she glared at him through narrow slits. "Okay, on your knee Richard."

He queried with a chuckle, "Beg your pardon Miss Amber."

"Look, you're the one that told me I am the true 'Mistress of Wetap.' Were you telling me the truth?" she light heartedly demanded.

Without hesitation, he replied, "Absolutely! And you know it Miss Amber."

"Then do as you're told. On your knee, that's an order," she playfully commanded again.

With a big smile, Richard slipped down on one knee. He already knew what was coming as he thought, 'Damn I love this girl.'

Through gritted teeth, she demanded, "Repeat after me. Miss Amber, I love you and want to marry you if you will have me."

Richard laughed out loud, "Isn't that an awfully big leap Miss Amber?"

"If you want to have a happy marriage Richard, you'd better start learning to follow orders, so repeat what I said Mister." Richard could see the merriment dancing in her eyes, even through the narrow slits.

With a deep sigh representing his total surrender, Richard reached out gently grasping her legs behind each knee. "Miss Amber, I've searched all my life for the perfect woman. One I could give not only my heart but also my second greatest love, Wetap.

The greatest honor I could ever have bestowed on me would be for you to accept both. If you would agree to become my wife, I pledge all that is mine to you.

I trust no other with my most beloved possessions. If you find it in your heart to share it with me, you will make me the happiest man alive."

Her tears began to flow before he even finished. Releasing the button, her hand stroked through his hair, grabbing a handful playfully.

She lovingly tugged his head back so that he was looking up at her. "Oh Richard, I see that we are going to have problems before we even start. You don't obey orders well at all. But I'm glad; I liked your version much better than mine.

My answer is 'YES, YES, YES,' a thousand times 'YES," as she bent over to give him one of his now favored kisses.

By the time Richard had risen to his feet, her dress was sliding to the floor. Before he could speak, she had unhooked her bra, literally peeling it off her beautiful breasts.

Dumbfounded, he could only watch in fascination as she hooked a thumb in each side of her panties and rolled them down her hips until they broke free and fell to the floor, where she gracefully stepped out of them. She was more beautiful than he had ever imagined.

She jumped into his arms, once more locking her legs around his waist. This time, he found himself holding two naked ass cheeks in his hands.'Damn, there is no doubt, I do love this,'he thought.

Temporarily regaining his composure, he started to ask, "Miss Amber, what about the sanctity..."

"Richard, I have the sanctity of our house well covered," she interrupted him. "We are now engaged. I don't think anyone is going to lose any respect for us or themselves from this point forward. Speaking of points, is that thing I feel pointed between my legs loaded?" Amber giggled.

All of a sudden, he realized his pajamas were covering an erection trying its best to knock at her door. Red faced, he apologized, "I'm so sorry Miss Amber."

"I'm not," she responded immediately. "You once told me'never mistake gentlemanly behavior for a lack of desire,' and I don't intend to. Richard, I love the gentleman, but I don't want to see him the rest of the night, I want and need my man filled with desire.

"I want him to tuck me in bed, join me there, and make passionate love to me for the first night of the rest of our lives. With any luck, we might even start that big family tonight."

She pressed her lips to his as they lost themselves in a long passionate kiss. Richard slowly turned until he was facing the bed. As he stepped forward, Amber broke the kiss and implored, "Please be gentle the first time Richard."

His puzzled expression begged her explanation, "Thisis my first time, I'm still a virgin." To this day, she can't figure out where the smile Richard had that very moment came from. She had never seen it before and has never seen it since, but she knew it displayed his immense pleasure.

Just as they reached the bed, Richard looked slightly perplexed, "Just one more question Miss Amber."

Confused she responded, "Okay, what is it."

"Are you going to put my cane down before we get into bed?" he implored.

"Nope, get used to it," she firmly stated.


Richard did reach seventy-two; actually he lived to be eighty-two. They had been able to intertwine their lives and love for thirty-four wonderful years. It amazed the employees; they never recalled seeing them apart.

It turned out that first night probably did start their large family; nine months later their first son was born. Not to be the last though, their love produced several offspring. They figured nature would set the final number and it eventually did.

During those thirty-four years, Amber and Richard were devoted parents, spending hours upon hours with their kids.

As Amber had predicted, Richard became very proficient at'throwing soccer passes and shooting football hoops.'Richard laughed every time he thought about it. The boys at their daddy's behest became pretty good golfers.

Richard didn't live long enough to see any of the great grandchildren, but he did get to spend time with several of the grandkids. He never tired of spoiling them rotten.

Amber and Richard had constantly strolled about the estate side by side, almost as if continually dancing with each other. Occasionally when she did one of her abrupt spins, Richard would be looking or moving in another direction. Amber never failed to stop and hold out her hand until he noticed and caught up with her. The employees would chuckle, if it was a dance, then she always led.

Over time age began to wear on Richard's abilities. The many long walks were slowly replaced with more and more time spent relaxing in rockers. Amber's love proved to be total and devoted. After years of keeping Richard at her side, she lovingly and happily remained at his, sitting together, holding hands, doing the one thing they did from the start, they talked. Amber proved correct; they never ran out of things to talk about.

Richard did eventually tell her the story, she absolutely loved it. At last, she understood his sentimental affection for the name Wetap and why he chose it for his beloved estate. From that time forward the name Wetap carried a very special place in her heart.
