Black Dress and Mistletoe

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Married woman led astray at a xmas party.
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Black Dress and Mistletoe.

Christmas was coming and with a couple of friends we had been invited to a Holly and Mistletoe party to be held on Christmas Eve in Mountjoy Hall, a big house on the outskirts of Durham. We didn't actually know our wealthy hosts, but, our friends did. So, I suppose, we were lucky to get an invite.

Then, immediately, I had thought "Gosh, I haven't got a suitable dress to wear. Well, not a dress that I could wear for a party like that. So, suitably encouraged by my husband, I began looking for one. Well, like any woman, I found it difficult to find something that was special and really suited me. There were so many to pick from. What colour? what type of dress? How much should I spend on it?

In the end I got a bargain. A tight fitting black dress in a sale. It was a perfect fit for my figure. A bit on the short side? Yes it was. As my husband pointed out.

Do you think it's too short? I asked. " doesn't need to be any shorter, that's for sure." he grumbled. "Couldn't you have found anything a bit more conservative?"

"No, Alex," I said straightaway. "I tried really hard to find something like that, but there just wasn't anything, believe me."

I was lying, of course there were plenty like that, but, nothing that had the wow factor.

For the umpteenth time I stared into the full length mirror examining myself wearing my new dress.

"You look really sexy in it, my inner voice told me. As well as showing off your legs, it reveals a fair bit of cleavage and emphasises your curves and everything."

Well, my husband was lukewarm about it, but, I couldn't help thinking, would other men like it? I mean really like it? Would they see me in it and lust after me, I wondered...............Otherwise, what was the point?

After he left the bedroom, I pulled the dress up at the front, all the way up, to fully expose my long shapely legs in the full length mirror. I posed them sexily.

"And would my admirers like these," I whispered?

(naughty little giggle)

I know Mark likes them (more giggles) because I've seen him staring at them....a lot. (Mark and his wife are friends of ours)

"Well... we'll have to see what we can do about that, won't we?" (wicked chuckle)

But,..... back to the matter at hand.

There was only one problem with the dress. You could see the lines from panty elastic underneath and it rather spoiled the effect. The saleslady in the shop, had in fairness, pointed that out to me, but, it was such a bargain and fitted me so well that I bought it anyway. What Alex didn't know was that when I showed it to him I wasn't wearing underwear.

I looked at myself, yet again and had to admit that it had the wow factor.

And so, I kept it. In truth I'd never had a dress like it before. Secretly, I was quite pleased that I would be wearing it at the party. Every girl likes to make an entrance, turn a few heads etc. I felt so sexy in it. And I had gotten fairly used to not wearing panties when going out on various girls night out. It seemed to be the thing to do on those type of outings.

Then, I just forgot about it, until the night of the party, when I slipped on the dress after I'd spent the best part of an hour putting my make up on. In full make up and high heels I was very happy with how I looked. Panties wouldn't have looked right, so I put them back in the drawer. Now I was ready to go.

Then our lift came to pick us up. Our friends Mark and Sheila in their posh Jaguar. (Yes, the very same Mark who ogles my legs)

It wasn't a long way to the party venue. Less than 5 miles from our housing estate and so we were soon there. Lots of chat in the car, what with Xmas nearly here and a party to go to........everyone was in great spirits.

The car pulled up on a large driveway with plenty of space to park. There were 6 or 7 cars there already, so we weren't too early. Sheila got out fairly quickly, but, I took my time. I wanted to give Mark sufficient time to witness my leg show. He was just in time to get an eyeful, because, getting out with difficulty, I managed to show quite a bit of stocking tops and bare thighs. I saw him looking alright. His eyes were popping out. But, I don't think Sheila saw as she was on the other side of the car talking to Alex.

The house was all lit up when we arrived and there were Xmas lights and decorations everywhere. A warm glow emanated from inside as we made our way through the hallway. Already, there was music playing and people were dancing and laughing. Everyone seemed in a good mood. As soon as we walked in to the main rooms, we were met by a waiter and a tray full of drinks. I had a glass of white wine and Alex went for red.

We all were very impressed by the house, 2 large reception rooms a lounge, dining room, study and at least 5 bedrooms. There were two staircases and a wide hallway. Also a large cloakroom and, as I was to discover later, lots of nooks and crannies for private liaisons. In other words, a perfect venue for a party with so many guests. Apparently, the owners ran a very successful business and loved hosting special parties. There was also rumours that they led a swinging lifestyle.

It seemed that everyone had made an effort to dress up. Men in suits and ties and woman in a wide variety of dresses and gowns. Many reflected the Xmas season, lots of reds and capes, but I felt that my choice of black was quite appropriate. I felt really smart and sexy in it. Not wearing panties certainly contributed to that.

We had never been to a party where drink was in such plentiful supply. Throughout the evening, it was continuously being offered. There seemed to be an inexhaustible supply and the more it was offered the more it was being drank away. As a result, the guests got into the Xmas spirit pretty quickly. I remember thinking at the time that a lot of people would be inebriated before the evening was even half way over.

Yes, the drinks were flowing and everyone was really enjoying themselves. I think there were 25 to 30 people there, mostly couples, but some on their own. A group of men came in after us to add to the numbers.

That first hour or so we enjoyed dancing and chatting with Mark and Sheila. Then some other couples we knew joined us at our table and we had a good time just socialising and sipping our drinks. As I say, everyone was guzzling down the free drinks and I was no exception. I am ashamed to say I had more than I should have, so early in the evening

I headed for the ladies toilet about then. As I stood up, the alcohol went to my head and I giggled as I felt my way along the backs of the chairs. On the way out, I was grabbed a couple of times for a kiss. The mistletoe was everywhere. The first guy was quite polite and was satisfied with a quick peck, but, I had trouble with the second. He had alcohol fumes on his breath and had his hands on my bottom as he tried to pull me closer than was decent.

Then, I had to negotiate the lounge, up the stairs and along the landing. From what I could observe, everyone had been drinking too much. There was a strange kind of atmosphere all around. Unreal almost.

On the way up, I looked around and saw just how friendly couples were getting on the dance floor. That's when I noticed how much mistletoe there was all around. On doorways, hanging from the ceiling. It was everywhere. Someone, probably the hostess, had really gone to town with it. All part of the Xmas atmosphere I supposed. In fact, I was so busy looking around that I failed to notice I was standing right underneath some. Some guy grabbed me tight and gave me a kiss full on the lips.

Then I felt his hand slide down the back of my dress, going lower and lower until his hand was caressing and squeezing the contours of my pert bottom.

"Excuse me," I protested, breaking away from him. He was clearly taking liberties. I recognised him as the same man who had grabbed me earlier.

"Nice arse, lady," he growled, "maybe we can get together later."

Not if I can help it, I thought. The man was a menace.

I ignored him and his lewd comment and walked on, noticing that other women were being accosted in a similar kind of manner. There were obviously men, fuelled by drink, roaming around and using the mistletoe as a means to getting to grips with women they fancied.

I got caught again on the way back down by another bloke. On the half landing. More mistletoe up above. He actually pointed it out, as if he couldn't kiss me, except under mistletoe. "Oh Mark, it's you" I fluttered. Sheila nowhere in sight. Mmmm.....had he been waiting for me? I wondered.

So, another kiss. A little disappointing, but, a kiss nevertheless. So I kissed him back with a bit more oooooph in it to give him some encouragement. As I did so, I imagined I was alone with him in his car, kissing.... his hand up my dress.......

My face blushed at the thought of it. Naughty girl.......But this wasn't the place for any of that. Besides Sheila wasn't far away.

However, I carried on walking down the stairs. I was beginning to enjoy myself. And the music was thumping out all the famous hits. People were getting in the groove. Groups of girls dancing together around their handbags, swinging their hips and pulling their skirts up. I joined in, dancing and pulling my skirt up too, not too far of course, remembering that I wasn't wearing panties, but, It was great. If you've got good legs why not show them off. We got wolf whistles, maybe one or two for me, even. Finally, I was right in the spirit of it, enjoying a great party.

Half an hour later, the hosts, Maria and Jacob emerged out of the crowded dance floor and announced a few party games. Maria, the lovely blonde wife, was dressed or "half dressed" in a sexy and revealing Xmas costume showing off her long tanned legs and curvy figure. To be fair, she looked sensational.

"Party Games" was the sort of thing Alex hated and I noticed he had crept away to ensconce himself in the snooker room. Someone had organised snooker and darts tournaments and I knew I wouldn't be seeing much of him for the rest of the evening.

Meanwhile, the games got going and were quite successful. Everyone laughing and having fun. The party was going well, very well.

Then came "Dustman's knock." As Maria, the hostess joked, "It's like "Postman's Knock, only dirtier."

Maria would not countenance anyone left in the main room not participating. So men got numbers and women chose from letters in the alphabet. I got letter K, having drawn it out of Maria's bucket. I laughed when I saw it. K for Kathy, quite appropriate. Men in the games room were ignored for these purposes, but, the small group of men who had arriving late were included.

Maria, with help from her friends, efficiently got 3 of these games going at the same time. So there was constant comings and goings in different locations. Lots of kissing etc. All of which were in cupboards or closets behind closed doors. Needless to say, there was plenty of mistletoe hanging around in these places lest anyone forgot why they were in there.

And these "naughty kissing games" as Maria's described them, got underway in an atmosphere of rising excitement, fuelled by all the bottles of wine that had been emptied up to that point. "Come on ladies," went on Maria, ratching it up even further, "it's a chance to misbehave and kiss a man other than your husband or partner."

My letter soon got called and Maria ushered me through a door into a walk-in cupboard. I didn't know who had chosen me, but, I soon found out as the door closed behind me. It was the guy who had molested me at the top of the stairs. My eyes widened in shock, knowing he would be at it again. In fact, not wasting a moment, he grabbed and squeezed me. Then he kissed me hard. I was his for 5 minutes and already he had knocked the breath out of me.

He kept on kissing me, as his hands went a roving. I felt my dress being pulled up at the back, rising up and over my bum. His hands feeling and exploring the curvaceous, silky expanse, of womanly bareness he now found there, taking possession of my arse, as he explored everywhere. I opened my mouth to protest, but, his tongue gleefully slid inside. Now our kisses were open-mouthed and wet, his very obvious erection pressing into me, hard. There was just no avoiding it.

He had quickly realised I wasn't wearing panties, so, his hand slid round the front. He growled when he encountered pussy. Probably couldn't believe his luck. He stopped kissing me on the lips at that point, then concentrating instead on the nakedness he had unveiled. He sank to his knees then kissed my thighs and vagina while his hands ravaged all over..........

"Oh, Oh," I gasped......I couldn't cope with him.....

Our time should be up, I thought, but, apparently Maria, herself, had been called for kissing and groping purposes to another "Dustman's cupboard" so she was otherwise engaged. And I imagined that whoever had her in there must have taken full advantage of her skimpy costume, exploring her delectable body for all he was worth. Dirty girl.

Meanwhile, my man was making full use of the additional time now available. That's how my exposed vagina got lovingly caressed and explored by knowing fingers.

He even had time to get his hand inside my dress and release my heaving breasts.

"Oh, Oh, Ohhhh"..........I groaned, resistance forgotten, as he busily groped them.

During all this time, I was protesting urgently, but, there was no stopping him. The man was a beast.

Finally, at last, someone knocked. Time was up.

We both came quickly to our senses.

As I frantically pulled down my dress, he hissed in my ear. "Say number 9, that's my number, number 9"

It seemed like an order, not a request.

He left and I was on my own.

My turn to choose, meanwhile, I tried, desperately, to regain my composure; smoothing down my dress, my heart humping madly.

Maria's deputy regarded me quizzically. "What number do you want, love?" she asked, "Hurry up, please."

The only number in my head was 9 and that's came out of my mouth.

What was I? Crazy or something? After what had just happened?

Eyebrows were probably raised outside, as HE bustled back in.

"Good girl," he said, as he firmly closed the door behind him.

Thanks to my featherbrained blurted response, he owned me now.

And the first thing he ordered me to do was hoist up my dress. "All the way past your tits," he growled.

And, in a dizzy daze, I did what he wanted. My high heels scraping the floor. HE was in charge.

"Hands on the wall," he said. "Push that arse up and out. Spread those legs."

This I also did, sinking even further under his control. My eyes closed, my heart beating madly....

He knelt down and felt me up all over. Every part of my naked body was available to him now. The sensation of his hands on bare flesh making me swoon. There was mistletoe hanging from the ceiling so he bent forward, kissing and feeling bare flesh, all over.

He turned me round, with me still clutching my dress up high. Then he kissed and licked my shaven vagina, now fully exposed and available to him. After that, I got fingered there, good and proper, making me whimper and gasp. Finally, he helped himself to another good, long, feel, over my naked arse and thighs before the knock came again.

"So soon?" I gasped, not really wanting it to end.....

It was a struggle to get my dress down again and adjust it to a decent fit, more difficult this time, over my breasts and hips. So, Maria's friend must have seen that when she opened the door. There was a knowing smirk on her face as I went past.

But, there was no disapproval in her manner. Quite the contrary actually, I got the impression she was rather pleased about what she suspected we were doing.

As another girl went in, I shamefully left the cupboard, went past the scornful looks of couples and groups standing around in the room. They would be judging my dishevelled appearance and double session, with the same man, and coming to obvious conclusions. But, it was too late for regrets. I needed to get up the stairs to the ladies to re-arrange my dress and sort myself out.

While there, I splashed some cold water on my flushed face. "That was torrid," I acknowledged to my reflected face in the mirror. But, in reality, I was still shaking from the intensity of his lust in those brief sessions. My body was tingling with the physical memory of those roving hands and probing fingers. My heart was still thumping too. I closed my eyes and realised that I wanted to be back in there, in that cupboard, having my body groped fondled and explored.

I bit my lip and saw my cheeks were red with shame. My fingers felt my wedding ring. Why had I allowed myself to be ravaged like that? I was a married woman and should have better standards.

Carefully, I made my way downstairs. At the bottom there was a tray full of drinks so I took a glass and gulped it down. The party was still in full swing. People talking in groups, laughing and drinking. I recognised nobody.

In my distressed state, I found a chair and sat down. It was time to calm down; get myself together. It was another ten minutes before I was able to move on. My knees still weak.

I looked around as I went, because, despite the drink which fuddled my thinking, I was concentrating on looking out for HIM and seeking to avoid another confrontation. Or was I?

Thinking it safe, I walked into the hallway area and out towards the games room. If I could find my husband, maybe, we could go home, because, I didn't trust myself to be good. Not here and not now, with my head still dizzy with the drink and me in such a weak and vulnerable state.

But, before I got there, a manly hand grabbed my wrist. I gasped with shock. It was him, my molester. He started to pull me in another direction. "I've found somewhere private," he confided....."we won't be disturbed and I've just got to have you...."

"No,....that's not what........," I started to say, but damn it, we were under some mistletoe again.. It was my undoing, because, it allowed him to pull me towards him, hard. Then kiss me like a lover. Once again, the breath was knocked out of me. I felt my knees almost buckle in surrender. There was an erection pressing into me and there was the immediate prospect of raw sex. Oh God, please help me...........My heart was thudding, again, out of control.....

Now, still firmly holding my wrist, he was taking me somewhere and there was nothing I could do about it.......He just assumed I would be willing to go with him. And he had assumed right.

I had nearly got free and was only yards from the arms of my husband, but, HE had other plans for me. Dirty plans. And wherever he was taking me, I knew that this time my new black party dress would be coming all the way off. I closed my eyes and shuddered, accepting my fate.

I blamed it on the mistletoe. It was always there to trap me.

Along a corridor, up some back stairs and we were in a quiet little room all to ourselves. How he knew about it I don't know but it was perfect for his evil plans to ravage this vulnerable married woman. He guided me in and closed the door. There was only a single bed in there, but it was enough for what I anticipated was going to happen. And even here, there was a sprig of mistletoe up above to undermine any resistance.

He helped me off with my expensive sexy black dress. Easy done. Now, apart from my stay-up stockings, I was naked and at his mercy. And with that mistletoe looming over us, the kissing started up again, passionate French kisses with open mouths and tongues.

And Intense, passionate kissing like that usually leads to only one thing........fucking.

And there was no way I was going to be allowed to back out now.

His hands were all over me, again, as I was kissed and ravaged all over.