Black Manga


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I'll admit, I have had some pubescent dreams of Mom before that were...sexual. But nothing ever like this of Sara, and certainly not with her ever smoking. Has my own smoking the last month, stealing 1-2 cigarettes a day from Dad and Mom's packs, flipped a switch of crazy fantasies inside of me? Or is it something else?

He stopped writing and sensed that his breathing had grown heavier. He could easily climax if he masturbated with these images from his dream still vivid in his mind. He then put the pen to paper for one last line.

Do I really want to have sex with my sister?

He then crossed out the sentence and rewrote it.

Am I in love with Sara?

He placed the pen on the table, sat back in his chair, and read the passage again while slowly stroking his dick. He reread the last line several times, even whispering it out loud to let it sink in. Satisfied that he had all of the important details that he wanted noted, he tore the page off from the legal pad, folded it in half, and placed it into the paper shredder under his desk. He badly wanted a cigarette, and he knew just where he could find one. He then stood up and proceeded to take a shower before getting dressed.


Sara sat back into the cushion of the couch with her eyes closed. She had never been high before but she imagined that this feeling she was experiencing must be pretty close to it. It didn't take long at all this morning to cum. This was a two-cigarette orgasm. She didn't even need to read the hentai anymore (though she kept the pages open for some visual stimulation). Just the image of Kevin smoking was often enough to make her orgasm. Fantasizing about how she and Stacy smoked in the car the night before also gave her a real (and unexpected) thrill. She lit a third cigarette and French inhaled the initial puff. She let it slowly drift back out of her nose as she rested her head once again on the couch cushion.

There was one additional reason that Sara had never started smoking before that fateful day in the cabin a month ago. She assumed that once she started, it would be difficult to conceal. She didn't expect that she would become as addicted as her mother, priding herself on her own self-control. But even sneaking an occasional cigarette now and then could prove difficult if she decided to be a closet smoker. It's not that she wanted to hide it from her Mom whom, she figured, would probably raise an eyebrow but then welcome her as a new smoker into the family. She wasn't even particularly worried about her step-Dad whom she assumed would not interfere if his wife had no issue with her own daughter smoking. Besides, it was obvious how much he enjoyed watching her Mom smoke, and in a way Sara couldn't explain, she would like it if he watched her in the same way. No, the one person she would want to hide it from was Kevin.

Sara never forgot that she had told Kevin when they first met 8 years ago that she would grow up to be a smoker like her Mom. She was mortified by the memory. Since that time, she had never noticed if Kevin had shown any interest in smoking. Of course, he never showed any opposition to it either. He seemed totally comfortable around his Dad and step-Mom smoking, but that didn't mean he approved of the habit, or that he would accept her as a smoker. She cared very much as to what Kevin thought of her.

This had constantly been on her mind the last month since she began smoking in earnest, but it didn't stop her from increasing her daily intake. Indeed, she was nearly at half-a-pack a day already; and even more than that when she could masturbate in the cabin on the weekends while her mother was at the country club and Kevin slept in. She actually loved being a smoker, and was perplexed now as to the reasons she gave beforenot to start. They all seemed rather ridiculous. And what surprised her even more was actually how easy it was to stay in the closet. Smoking in her mother's car when she was driving alone was not a problem since it always smelled like second-hand smoke anyway. There was also nothing unusual about her going to the cabin when it was empty since everyone in the family knew of her obsession for manga. And if she couldn't smoke in the cabin, the woods surrounding the estate provided plenty of cover for her to feed that growing addiction. As long as she washed up afterwards, no one would be the wiser.

She looked at her watch. Stacy would be here soon so that they could study together. She knew she needed to head back into the house and thoroughly wash her hands and face, but she was so enjoying watching the smoke rise from between her fingers. Maybe another 5 minutes, she told herself as she took another puff.


When Kevin came downstairs, he made a beeline for the kitchen. He noticed when he got home from school yesterday that there was a pack of B&H on the kitchen counter that his Dad had left before leaving that morning for Singapore on business -- something he often did. He would be gone several weeks, and Kevin knew his father would never even remember leaving a pack there. And with his SUV sitting in the garage just waiting to be driven to a secluded parking lot, Kevin was fantasizing about that luscious, creamy smoke that would soon be floating in his lungs. So his heart sank when he didn't see the pack. Had his Mom put it somewhere? "No, no, no," he murmured in a panic as he searched through the cabinet drawers with no success. He then noticed some newspapers on the counter where the pack lay the day before. He slowly picked up the newspapers and was suddenly filled with relief. There was the green pack just waiting to be retrieved. He picked it up and flipped the top. The pack was nearly full, minus his own cigarette yesterday that he took and, he assumed, one his father had smoked before leaving for the airport. Kevin felt like a wealthy man with 18 cigarettes to his name. He brought the pack up to his nose and smelled the menthol aroma. It smelled like his step-Mom.

Suddenly Kevin heard the toilet flush in the bathroom just outside the kitchen. He turned with a jerk towards the hallway and saw the door opening. "Shit," he whispered as he quickly put the pack into his coat pocket. "Hey," he said as casually as he could to his sister while leaning against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed.

Sara immediately sensed that something was amiss with his behavior. "What are you looking so guilty about?" she asked as she walked towards the refrigerator, opened the door, and began to drink straight from the orange juice bottle.

"Me?" Kevin said, clearly nervous that he had almost gotten caught. He sought to quickly deflect the question. "It's not me who should be feeling guilty. I know what you were doing in Mom's cabin."

Sara froze. How could he have known that she was even out there? Did he catch her masturbating?

Kevin sensed that he had the upper-hand. "Oh, yes," he said playfully, "I saw you walking out there this morning from my window. You were reading manga again rather than doing your homework, weren't you?"

Sara relaxed. He was clueless. "You got me," she said putting back the orange juice and closing the fridge door. "But in my defense," she added turning towards him, "Stacy is coming over later for a study session."

"Stacy?" Kevin said with a perk in his voice. "Maybe I should stick around and do my homework with you guys."

Sara's heart sank at hearing him say this, even though she knew it was in jest. She continued, however, to play along. "No way. You know how she can't concentrate when you're around."

Kevin was genuinely perplexed by that comment. "What do you mean?" he asked sincerely.

Sara guffawed. "You really are Mr. Oblivious, aren't you? For reasons I cannot fathom, she likes you."

"Are you serious?" he asked with great interest.

"Of course!" she practically hollered in exasperation. "Along with every other Asian American at our school with a vagina between their legs!"

Kevin was flabbergasted. He knew that he had his Stans at school, but this was news to him that Stacy was one of them.

"Well," he deadpanned, "there's nothing wrong with a little cultural appropriation."

Sara began playfully hitting him with both fists. "You're just an imperialistgaijin pig!"

"Now be careful," he said wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close while she continued to hit him, "you know how much I love it when you call megaijin."

"Pig!" she said with pouting lips as she dropped her arms to her side. Then she grew calm as she looked up into his face. She liked being held by her brother. "I love your eyes," she said softly.

When she first said that to him 8 years ago in Osaka, Kevin didn't know how to reply. Today he did. "I love yours, too." All at once, Kevin began experiencing that feeling of bliss from his dream. He wanted very much to kiss her. It would be so easy. All he would have to do is move his face towards hers. He imagined the feel of her lips as soft as rose petals. He wondered what he would taste when their tongues would begin to gently touch. She smelled so wonderful with that floral fragrance her mother wore mixed with a smoky aroma...

Wait.What? A smoky aroma? Kevin took a breath through his nose as they stared into each other's eyes. The odor was unmistakably cigarette smoke. Their Mom had been gone for nearly two hours, so this wasn't second-hand smoke from Akemi; and Sara had just come out of the bathroom. As if a thunderbolt had struck him, he now understood why she went out to the cabin that morning, and probably why she so often has been leaving the house for brief periods without explanation for at least the last month. She's started smoking.His sister was a smoker! Kevin's heart leapt for joy. He hugged her close, pressing her head between his chin and shoulder. "You'll always be my best girl," he said softly.

"I better be," she replied in a sassy tone.

"I'm gonna go to the library," he lied. "Tell Stacy that this imperialist pig will catch her another time."

"Leave!" Sara hollered.

Kevin could hardly contain his giddiness as he drove his Dad's SUV out of the garage. "Sara's a smoker," he repeated over and over. He wondered for how long she had been smoking. How and when should he come out to her? Soon, he concluded, but he needed practice first. He didn't have the patience to find a secluded parking lot. He wanted a cigarette this very instance. He pulled off to a country road that had no traffic, rolled down the window, and lit a B&H. He took a full puff, inhaled it, and felt it do its magic. The first puff of the day, he had read online, was always the best. He agreed. Images of he and his sister smoking together filled his thoughts. If Kevin had been reluctant over the last month as to whether to become "a smoker," all hesitation now vanished. After a few minutes as the 100 was shrinking, Kevin was already thinking about the next one he would light.

CHAPTER 6 -- "Ut fumus mirabilis"

"If I have to memorize one more Latin phrase," Sara said as she slammed her textbook closed, "my eyes are going to start bleeding."

"That's a pleasant image," Stacy said as the yellow marker in her hand glided over a list of vocabulary. "Now can you say that in Latin?"

"Shall we take a break?"

Stacy paused her highlighting and looked up from her textbook. "You mean," she said in anticipation.

Sara gave a wicked smile. "Umm-hmm," she said softly with a nod. She stood up and moved towards the side door leading to the backyard.

"But what if we get caught?" Stacy asked worriedly as she followed her friend.

"My Mom's at the club," Sara replied as she walked outside and headed down the long path to her mother's cabin. "She won't be back for hours." She then turned around to face her companion. "Besides," she said mysteriously, "there's something I want to show you."

Sara pulled a key out of her pocket and inserted it into the lock. When she opened the door, she reached for a switch and turned on the ceiling light.

"How come there aren't any windows," Stacy asked as she waved her hand in front of her nose.

"My mom doesn't like any distractions when she's working," she said as she flipped another switch to turn on the wall fan. She was planning on smoking a lot.

"She does manga, right?" Stacy said as she picked up one of the many comic books strewn across the coffee table.

Sara didn't answer. There was only one thing on her mind at the moment. She unearthed the cedar box from under the comic books, lifted the lid, and pulled out an all-white 120 cigarette. Placing it between her lips, she grabbed a lighter from the work desk and lit the cigarette freehanded with a confidence that showed she had done this many times before. She then offered the flame to Stacy who held her cigarette at its base between two fingers, and turned the tip a bright orange. Stacy exhaled a gust through her nose after the initial puff, and then snapped back a second puff which she let float down through her nostrils. Both of the young women sat down on the couch and puffed slowly on their 120's.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to get caught?" Stacy asked.

"You see this box?" Sara said pointing at the humidor. "My mother always keeps it full. I don't think she wants to know how many cigarettes she actually smokes when she's working out here, so she never lets it get empty. There's no way she's gonna miss what I'm taking."

"I don't know," Stacy said just before taking a puff. She inhaled, enjoying the cool river of menthol filling her lungs, and she cocked her head upwards and exhaled a beautiful cone. "Seems like an awful risk."

Sara put her cigarette between her lips, sat up from the couch and walked over to one of the two metal cabinets in the room. She opened the door and revealed what appeared to be hundreds of Virginia Slims 120's Menthol Gold cartons. "My Mom's not gonna find out," she said with the long cigarette bobbing up and down between her lips. She took a puff, removed the 120 from her mouth, and snapped back what appeared to be two parallel mini balls of smoke.

"Holy shit," Stacy said with smoke pouring out of her mouth. "Is your Mom a survivalist?"

"No," Sara replied as she closed the cabinet, "just paranoid. She doesn't ever want to be in lockdown without her smokes like we were at the beginning of COVID."

"What's in that cabinet?" Stacy asked with the point of her cigarette.

"I dunno," Sara replied as she sat back down. "My Mom keeps it locked." She then reached between her legs and under the cushion, and pulled out a thin comic book with Japanese writing. "But I have an idea," she added mysteriously as she handed it to her companion.

"Hentai!" Stacy shouted with a squeal. She put the cigarette in the ash tray and began thumbing through the pages. She felt her nipples tighten as she viewed the graphic pictures.

"Your Mom is into hentai?" she asked in disbelief.

"Not just into it," Sara said holding the dwindling cigarette millimeters from her lips. "She draws it." She took a 4 second puff down to the filter and stubbed the VS120 in the ashtray.

"No way," Stacy squealed again. She turned the page and stared at the drawing of two teenagers, a male and a female, staring at each other seductively while they each puffed on a cigarette. "No...fucking...way," the preacher's daughter exclaimed. She flipped a few pages forward and discovered the teens were both in bed smoking up a storm. "I can't read Japanese," Stacy said, flipping to another page with a dick ejaculating all over the female's body. "What's it about?"

Sara had already lit a fresh cigarette which she was holding vertically alongside her face. "Incest."

Stacy slapped the magazine down on her thighs. She looked at her friend with her mouth agape. "You're shitting me," she finally said. She reached over to the coffee table, picked up her cigarette for one last puff, and then stubbed the butt in the ashtray as she exhaled a stream of smoke with a hiss. She opened the magazine again and noticed that every page had a drawing of the main characters smoking. "Your Mom has the smoking fetishbad, doesn't she?" She reached into the humidor and pulled out another cigarette for herself, feeling a tremendous urge to light up as she soaked in the images of the smoking characters.

"Hmm," Sara said, feeling her own nipples harden and pussy moisten as she looked at the pictures. She took a deep puff and inhaled through her nose until the smoke was floating in the pit of her stomach. Somehow the smoke just felt better when she was looking at these drawings. As Stacy lit her second cigarette freehanded, Sara took the opportunity to nonchalantly move her hand between her own legs and gently begin to stroke her panties. Her maneuver, however, did not go unnoticed by her companion.

"This magazine turns you on, doesn't it?"

"What?" Sara replied with embarrassment as she rested her hand on her thigh. "No, of course not," she said matter-of-factly.

"You were masturbating!" Stacy said with a giggle.

"Pfff," Sara responded. "I noticed how your shirt tightened when you opened the magazine."

"Cunt," Stacy murmured as she returned her gaze back to the hentai and took a puff deeper than she had since they entered the cabin.

"Slut," Sara replied.



"Girls,please!" a voice outside the cabin exclaimed as they heard a key enter the lock. "Is that what they're teaching in Latin at this private high school?"

A second later the door swung open, revealing a beautiful Japanese woman with long black hair. The smile on her thin, pale face was radiant. But this smile quickly melted into an expression of shock when she realized the two girls sitting on the couch were each holding a long cigarette between their fingers and reading one of her hentai comic books.

Sara gulped. "Hi Mom," she said with a whimper as she and Stacy both rapidly stubbed their cigarettes out in the ashtray.

CHAPTER 7 -- "I like it."

Akemi had never fit the stereotypical role of the demur Japanese woman. She had a hearty laugh and a wicked sense of humor. She was everyone's best friend. The Korean American mothers of her children's social circle who would never be caught dead smoking in public knew that they could indulge their occasional desire for a cigarette with a visit to her cabin. She was so glad to be back in America where she could finally let her hair down -- literally as she let it grow now to shoulder length. Most of all, she loved having easy access again to 120's.

Unlike her daughter, Akemi was tall and slender -- the kind of body made for holding a slim 120 cigarette such as a Capri. However, she enjoyed the larger circumference of a Virginia Slims 120, not to mention the richness of its smoke. Holding that round, long cigarette between her fingers conveyed confidence, even dominance. She knew that she was a beautiful smoker, and she wanted the world to know that she knew it.

For a few seconds, however, that confidence was shattered when she saw Sara and her friend flipping through the hentai comic book which SHE of all people was the mangaka of. All she could feel was panic. She would need to reestablish dominance, and quickly. She walked into the cabin and closed the door behind her.

"So," she said as she walked towards the chair at her work desk and sat down to face the teens, "looks like I have a predicament." Dominance; she had to reestablish dominance. She reached over to the coffee table and pulled out a 120 from the humidor. This would help her. She would know instinctively what to do once that lit cigarette was between her fingers and the smoke filling her lungs. She pulled out a lighter from her pocket and lit the Virginia Slim freehanded, turning the tip nice and hot as she took successive puffs. She brought her fingers up to the base, took a 4 second puff while looking intently at the girls, and opened her mouth to let the smoke gently float out before snapping it all back in one quick motion. Sara and Stacy were mesmerized by the sight and in awe of her technique. Dominance had been reestablished.