Blackhawk Hall Ch. 06


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Joshua shook his head and smiled, "Yes, I'm sorry. I come to enjoy your company, and then don't return the favor. It's quite rude of me."

Ari smiled back at him and reached out to grasp his hand on instinct. "It's okay I..." She stopped and screamed then, as a goblin appeared in the room next to the bed.

Joshua leapt up and drew his sword, slashing the goblin across the throat before it could focus through the disorientation of teleportation. Arilee snatched up her new dagger and drew it at the same time.

A moment later, the door burst inward, revealing Christi with a drawn sword. "Are you okay?"

"We're fine. It just startled me," Arilee answered.

Kronk's voice rang out from down the hall. "Christi, we've got monsters everywhere — trolls, goblins, and orcs!"

Christi cursed, "Trolls — son of a bitch!"

"You should go to your chambers and prepare a defense, Duchess. This is no nuisance attack. Trolls and orcs are a dangerous threat," Joshua suggested.

Christi frowned and spit out, "Damn that."

"Duchess, you should stay away from this fight," Kronk agreed, the use of her title meant to convey the depth of his concern.

Christi growled, "Fine. You two get down there and help, though."

"I won't leave you undefended, Duchess," Kronk argued.

"I doubt she needs my protection, but I will stay. Go, lend your strength to the defenders," Joshua said.

Kronk considered the offer for a moment, and then nodded with a grunt. He turned and ran back toward the stairs to join the battle in the Hall.

Christi growled, "Men.” She then stepped out into the hallway and said, “Come on — we'll fort up in my room. I have plenty of extra weapons in there, and it has some protection against magic, too."

The three hurried down the hall and into the Duchess' room. Christi turned to lock the door behind her, and to activate some magical sigla on the door as well.

"Is it really that danger..." Ari began, but her words suddenly trailed off.

Christi turned just in time to see Ari slump to the floor, unconscious. Joshua had a wide smile on his lips as he reversed his grip on the sword hilt he had just used to rap her on the head.

"You son of a bitch!" Christi screamed, bringing her sword to the ready.

"You let me destroy too many of your defenses," Joshua laughed, and then spoke a few words while pointing at her.

Christi struggled against the crimson bands of energy that wrapped around her, snapping her arms tight to her side, and forcing her to drop her sword when the blade bit into her flesh. The weapon fell through the bands to clatter on the floor, completely unobstructed by the magic.

Joshua's appearance shifted, and Christi snarled as another familiar face appeared in place of the young man's features. The hollow cheeks, the close-set eyes, the beak-like nose — and most prominently — the scar on his cheek identified him. "Telamont... I knew one of Drax's lapdogs had to be behind this."

The wizard scowled and cast another spell, paralyzing Christi's lower body to prevent her from escaping. He then released the bands spell and freed her arms. "I owe you for this, bitch," He said, pointing to the angry scar on his cheek. "You and that half-breed."

Christi struggled against the magic holding her, feeling a slight tingle in her legs, which told her that she was winning the battle. She knew that she had to keep the wizard distracted long enough to fight off the magic, and attack. "Not my fault that you're on the wrong side. I knew Joshua was too good to be true."

"He was — the noble idiot. He resisted my charm, ruining a perfectly delightful twist that would have left him devastated by killing his little girlfriend and the Duchess. Well, for as long as your half-breed man let him live, anyway. No matter. She will believe that she brought the man who killed you here, and her torment will suffice, I suppose," The wizard bragged.

"I can see why Draxnog likes you — you're a degenerate just like him," Christi taunted, now able to barely wiggle her toes.

"I wish I had delayed my plans long enough to get between that one's legs, and that I had time to take what I want from you as well, but I'm afraid this distraction will only last so long. So, you die now. I want to savor this, bitch."

The wizard again chanted, and Christi's eyes went wide as she felt unseen hands close around her throat. The invisible hands slowly squeezed, cutting off her breath. The wizard walked forward, and grasped the front of her blouse to tear it open. He pawed her breasts, staring into her eyes as his magic continued to tighten around her.

Blackness swam at the edge of Christi's vision as he tore away her skirt, roughly shoving two fingers into her dry sheathe. He laughed in her face, the sound distant and echoing in Christi's ears as consciousness started to slip away from her.

Suddenly, the pressure vanished, and Christi sucked in a gasp of air. She grabbed her throat and coughed, struggling to draw enough air into her lungs. She faintly heard a thump, and felt something against her legs. When she was able to open her eyes, she saw Arilee standing in front of her, a dagger dripping blood clutched in her hand.

Looking down, Christi saw the wizard Telamont lying at her feet, a wet spot spreading across his dark robes, and a very surprised look on his face.

Arilee dropped her new magical dagger — which had cut through his defensive magic — to the floor. Christi moved away from the dead wizard, to take the other woman in her arms. Arilee softly sobbed as Christi tried to comfort the shaken woman.

* . . . *

Crystania and Ashtar had to free townsfolk from charming magic all the way through town. Despite sharing the duty, both magic users looked nearly exhausted, and it greatly concerned the Duke.

Now within sight of the building that served as the seat of government here, Mindblind could see a group of well-armed men standing in front of it.

Ashtar studied the men and said, "These are not being charmed by magic."

A wicked smile spread across Cerebus' lips as he raised his sword. “Good. After all this bullshit, I'm itching for a fight. Let's go, ladies. We have a Governor to remove from office."

Mindblind's men charged forward, all as eager as he to engage in a fight where they could actually fight back. The forced restraint throughout the trip, taking wounds that they would have otherwise never sustained brought the soldiers’ blood to a boil.

Battle cries rang out as the two groups clashed. Mindblind blocked a sword stroke on his shield, and then immediately smashed the metal into the man's face. When the man stumbled back, the Duke slashed him, opening his belly. Cerebus’ opponent crumpled to the ground, trying to keep the coils escaping from the cut inside, where they belonged.

Screams and death rattles erupted everywhere in the chaos. The Duke squared off against a man wielding a sword and dagger, blocking the dagger with his shield and parrying a thrust from the man's sword at the same time. Mindblind wiped his blade into an offensive strike, but his opponent deflected the blow with his own sword and stabbed out with the dagger again.

The attacker was not properly balanced, and when Cerebus turned to the side, the man's back was exposed. The Duke smashed the bottom edge of his shield into the back of the man's neck, dropping him to the pavement, and then ran him through.

The battle rapidly turning against them, the men facing the Duke began to toss down their weapons and throw up their hands in surrender. A few continued to fight, but these were quickly cut down. Those who surrendered were checked for hidden weapons, and then placed under the guard of the villagers who had joined the Duke during his journey.

Many men had sustained wounds — especially amongst the untrained villagers who had joined the cause. Healing potions produced by Ashtar and Crystania, and prayers from the town's cleric ensured that none of those who fought under Cerebus' banner died that day.

The Duke’s men had spread out to surround the building even before the fighting began, and so Cerebus knew that whoever was inside was trapped. Once the needs of the wounded and the securing of the prisoners were complete, Cerebus brought his Captain and a small group of handpicked men to stand before the front entrance of the building. Crystania and Ashtar also stood behind the fighters, prepared to use magic if necessary.

Mindblind kicked in the front door, splinters flying and one of the hinges breaking loose from the force of the blow. As he stepped into the building the Duke shouted, "Knock-knock, asshole!"

When no attack or answer greeted him, the Duke briskly walked through the building. He kicked open doors, finding each room as empty as the main hall.

Finally, upon kicking open the door to the bedroom, he found someone. The woman screamed and covered her nude body with a blanket when the door burst open.

"Who are you? Where is he?" The Duke demanded.

"I-I'm Clarine. Please don't kill me," the woman sobbed.

Mindblind restated the second half of his question, "Where is this so-called Governor?"

The woman cringed and replied, "He left a few hours ago. Who are you?"

"I'm the Duke," Mindblind replied.

The woman's eyes opened wide, and then she smiled, letting the bedclothes drop to reveal her naked body once more. "The Duke? You look like you've had a difficult journey. Why don't you let me take your mind off your troubles for a while?"

Cerebus rolled his eyes. "No thanks. I'm not partial to another man's leavings. You should get out of here and back to wherever you belong."

The woman gasped and made a face that revealed her disbelief that he would refuse her beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As the woman dressed, Cerebus asked, "What did this man who called himself the Governor look like?"

"He was blonde, strong, had a big dick, and a scar across his chest," the woman snapped back.

Recognition dawned on Cerebus' face and he questioned, "From his right nipple to his hip?"

"Yes," was the reply.

Mindblind growled. "Garvin. Christi gave him that scar. I knew Draxnog was behind this, and it makes sense the damn coward ran before we got here. Let's get this mess cleaned up and get things back in order. I bet the bullshit at the Hall has something to do with this. Ashtar, Crystania — get back to the Hall as soon as you're able."

* . . . *

With assistance from the thieves in the city, one of the city watch found Joshua's body hidden away beneath some construction leavings, several hours later. Arilee was beside herself with grief, and so Christi sent her back to the Hall.

When Crystania summoned up the strength to return to the Hall, she discovered what had happened, and used her magic to inform Cerebus and Ashtar. Mindblind had already found a solid man to serve as Governor in Darius, and so left him and his men to deal with putting things back in order. Ashtar transported them both back to the Hall.

They buried Joshua in an honored place amongst the soldiers of the city who had lost their lives in battle. Arilee was teary-eyed and distant throughout the ceremony, and retreated to her room almost immediately after it was complete.

Christi tried not to press too hard, but did her best to convince Arilee that Joshua's death was not her fault, and that he would not want her to shut down completely with grief. The young woman appeared to recover a little as the hours passed, but the progress was slow.

Christi was just about to go to Ari's room the second morning after the funeral to try to talk to her again, when a knock sounded on her door. When she answered it, Ari was there with a wan smile on her face.

"I have everything else ready, but we still need to pick out your dress."

"Oh, Ari — you didn't have to deal with that right now. It's not that important," Christi said, wrapping Arilee in her arms.

When Christi released Arilee from the hug, Ari explained, "It helped me take my mind off things, and I told you everything would be ready in a month's time. I'll be okay. I just want to do what I told you I would do, so you can be wed, and not make the Queen cross with you."

"Arilee, you are a treasure. I'm so glad I walked into the Ogre that day and found you."

Again, Arilee smiled. The smile was weak, but it was genuine, "Shall we go get you a proper gown?"

It took most of the day to pick out a style, and get Christi's sizes. Christi kept pushing for gowns that were simple, and a little provocative. Arilee kept leading her back toward more traditional and ornate dresses, citing the fact it was a State Wedding, and that the Queen expected certain things.

In the end, Arilee found a seamstress who managed to combine both women's ideas into something both were happy with, and who was willing to make a promise that it would be done in time for the wedding.

The final preparation for the wedding complete, with plenty of time to spare, Christi felt as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Arilee still was not herself, though — obviously continuing to fight off the sadness of Joshua's death.

When the pair returned to the Hall, Christi asked her to come upstairs and join her for some wine. Arilee accepted, though she sipped her wine without a word.

Christi walked over and laid her hand on Arilee's shoulder. "Ari, you can't let this take your life away. Joshua wouldn't have wanted that. He would have known what Telamont was planning when the wizard tried to charm him. He fought, and won that battle for you — for us. Don't take away that victory by hiding away."

Arilee sighed, and then closed her eyes. She growled and said, "It just makes me so angry, that he was used like that. I don't understand how people can be that way — why they do things like that. I killed that evil man, but it didn't take away my anger. I'm mad that I didn't get to know Joshua better, too. I never know whether I'm going to be growling or crying any more."

"You need some stress release. How about a sparring match with Cerebus?"

"He will be fearful of hurting me. It wouldn't be much of a match," Ari speculated.

Christi laughed and retorted, "After you've shown him what you're capable of, he'll rise to the task. He's competitive, and it's not like he's afraid to fight a girl. He knows a woman can be just as dangerous — if not more so — than any man. My spell will protect you both from any serious damage, but I have to warn you that you'll probably have a few bruises before it's over."

"I don't know if that would be such a bad thing right now."

"I'll go let him know. You need this, and I'm going to enjoy seeing the surprise on his face," Christi admitted.

* . . . *

"Careful with those, I'd like them to keep working," Christi shouted across the courtyard, and then laughed.

Arilee called out, "Point!"

Mindblind knelt on the ground, nursing the pain in his groin from Arilee's kick, and breathing hard. He mastered the pain and slowly stood back up. "Okay, you've been training this one hard while I've been gone."

"You're lucky Crystania hasn't had time to teach her any more magic," Christi taunted.

"No more playing around," Cerebus warned, bringing his sword and shield into line. "I don't like losing."

Arilee brought her sword up as well, and asked, "Are you going to fight, or talk?"

The Duke laughed. "I like that. You'll get your fight."

Arilee was the first to attack, launching an attack to his shield side. Cerebus blocked the blow with his shield, and then hooked the foot flying toward his opposite side on his weapon wrist and hurled it upward.

Ari landed on her bottom, her sword dropping out of her hand when she hit the ground, the wind blasted from her.

Mindblind put the tip of his sword against her chest and said, "Point," a moment later.

Christi instructed, "I warned you about that, Arilee. He's not surprised any more. Fewer risks — more studying him."

The Duke helped her up and said, "If it's any consolation, she lectures me the same way."

"Don't go easy on me," Ari requested.

"If you want a fight, you'll get it."

The pair set once more, and this time the Duke led the charge, swiping at Ari's head. The woman recognized the strength behind the blow, and knew that any attempt to parry it would be risky. She dived to the ground instead, lashing out with a kick.

Mindblind was hardly off balance, but the recovery from his swing forced him to do no more than avoid the shin kick, spinning all the way around to face her when she popped back up. He blocked a swipe of her sword just in time. He smashed forward with his shield, just recovering in time when she dived out of the way again.

Arilee popped to her feet, slashing with her sword. The Duke caught the blow on his shield, and answered with a blow of his own. Arilee’s feet weren’t properly planted, and she had to backpedal to get out of range of the blade. The Duke pressed his advantage, his blade ringing off the young woman's weapon as he kept her moving backward.

Ari stumbled over a small rock, and Cerebus launched a kick to her midsection before she could recover. The air blasted out of her lungs, and she fell hard to the ground again, sucking in a loud breath.

Mindblind wiped sweat out of his eyes. "Point. I say we call this one a draw. I know you can't be feeling too good right now. Not to be crude, but my damn balls are still aching. You've got quite a kick. You kept your blade in line really well, considering how off balance you were."

Christi walked up as Ari nodded her head in agreement, and the Duchess helped her rise. "You work out some of that stress?"

Ari smiled — a real smile — and replied, "Yes. It felt good to let out a little of that anger."

"It never hurts to practice with different people. Cerebus fights a lot differently than I do. You should probably do it more often," Christi advised.

Arilee nodded, still having a little difficulty catching her breath.

"Go get in the bath. I'll join you in a little bit," Christi suggested. Arilee nodded and turned to leave the courtyard. The Duchess walked up to her man and kissed him. "Surprised you, didn't she?"

The Duke inclined his head and responded, "Yeah, she did. You would never expect that kind of fire in a little slip of a girl like that. She does have a hell of a kick on her."

"Still hurting a little? I taught her that. She learned it well," Christi said, reaching down to cup his crotch in her hand. Her eyes popped open a little wider and she said, "Hmm, that's interesting. I would think it would be a little difficult to get hard with crushed nuts."

The Duke shrugged. "You know how it is. All the adrenaline, and her nipples poking at that blouse are a little hard to ignore."

Christi moaned, and then let out an aroused laugh. "Oh, I know — believe me."

Cerebus, knowing his woman, could tell from those words and her tone that she and Arilee had shared more than a few battles. "Is that so?"

She pulled his head down and kissed him, and then huskily whispered into his ear, "Once she's had a little time to recover from losing Joshua, maybe I can show you some other things I've taught her. I think you'll like them too."

Those words prompted the Duke to grasp Christi's hand and pull her toward the armory.

She didn't resist in the slightest.

* . . . *

Over the course of the next week, Arilee slowly pulled out of her depression. She talked more often, and returned to helping the Duke and Duchess with their daily routine. She constantly made sure everything for the wedding was in order, not letting any of those commissioned to provide something slip off schedule.