Blade/Underworld: The Walking Dead

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Blade and Selene fight the Walking Dead.
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"We shall see how well one type of Undead prevails against another," said Thanos, and the Lord of the Galaxy snapped his fingers, reaching out across the Multiverse. After being defeated by the combined forces of the Avengers, and various Marvel superheroes, Thanos dwelled within the netherworld between realms. He'd been snapped by the heroic Iron Man, at the cost of his own life. Thanos ceased to exist in that version of earth, but his consciousness still dwells in the place between worlds. The dark god is still up to no good...

Thanos wants to destroy the planet Earth and its heroes, and has seen that the Zombie Apocalypse is one of the best ways to achieve this. Since Earth's heroes have a habit of pulling off the impossible, Thanos wants to test some of the toughest heroes against the Undead threat, before unleashing it upon the Marvel Universe. Thanos, a warrior through and true, knows that the toughest heroes of the MCU often don't get much recognition. Those are the ones he would test...

Blade the Vampire hunter stood on a rooftop in downtown Detroit, Michigan. He'd been pursuing the Vampire overlord Marcus Van Sciver for a long time, but the blond-haired, suited and smug Undead son of a bitch proved to be too elusive. Even with tips from his ally, the Vampire acolyte Krista Starr, Blade simply couldn't get his hands on Marcus Van Sciver. Breaking into the House of Chthon, Marcus stronghold, was a suicidal enterprise. There were a thousand Vampires there. Blade would hold off on that, for the time being...

Officially, multi-millionaire Marcus Van Sciver was a successful businessman, the head of a major conglomerate, and the man who was going to rescue the City of Detroit from the Recession. Unofficially, Marcus was a century-old Vampire, and one of the major movers and shakers at the House of Chthon, one of the wealthiest and most powerful Vampire organizations in the world. The House of Chthon rose to power after Blade got rid of Deacon Frost and took down the House of Erebus. Vampire politics gave the half-breed a major headache...

"Blade, be careful, Marcus is dealing with that purebred Vampire bitch Charlotte, and both want you dead," Krista Starr said, and Blade thanked her, then hung up the phone. As one of Marcus lovers and confidantes, Krista Starr was in a position to keep Blade well-informed about the Vampire overlord's dealings. In exchange, Blade kept Krista Starr supplied with the blue Serum, which kept her Vampire thirst at bay. Anything to stay sane in a mad world...

"Blade, I'm getting some major activity on the network," said Shen, and the young Asian hacker then texted him some coordinates. Blade and Shen had been friends for a long time. They hunted Vampires together. A computer expert, weapons smith and all-around bad-ass, Shen is one of Blade's key allies in his fight against the Undead. They'd been a unit for a long time, traveling from place to place, slaughtering the heavy hitters of the Vampire underworld.

"Good stuff," Blade said gruffly as he read the text messages that Shen sent him. There was a Vampire nest in the east end of Detroit, and Blade would get to them before they could become a threat. The muscular, brown-skinned and bald-headed, stoic African American superhero leapt off the building ledge and landed effortlessly a hundred meters below. Being half Human and half Vampire had its perks. Blade got to his iconic car, and then hit the road. Time to kill some Vampires...

Thanos descended from the heavens, and the towering, muscular, helmeted and purple-skinned god materialized right in front of Blade's car. The half-Human, half-Vampire warrior cursed and nearly crashed his car, a gift from his late surrogate father, the hunter formerly known as Abraham Whistler. Stepping out of his vehicle, Blade confronted Thanos. The Daywalker had no time or patience for dealing with weirdly attired bozos from other worlds. Let Thor, Spiderman, Iron Man, The Black Widow, The Hulk or that lame-ass Archery Dude deal with them. Blade has one job, and that's killing Vampires...

"Yo, Thanos, nice skirt, you motherfucker, want to get your overgrown purple ass out of my way?" Blade demanded, hands on his hips. Thanos, who towered over the Black-clad, sword-wielding African American superhero, couldn't help but smile. Thanos snapped his fingers, and then Blade, and his car, found themselves transported elsewhere. Thanos transported Blade to the world of The Walking Dead. Since Thanos is no fan of Rick Grimes, Negan, Carl, Maggie or Carol, or even Morgan Jones, he transported Blade to the United Kingdom instead of America.

"Have fun in Zombie land," Thanos said, laughing, after getting rid of Blade. Thanos then traveled to another Universe, the world of the stylish Vampires of Underworld. For a time, Thanos observed that Universe and got to know its major players. Thanos watched the birth of the Vampire race, spawned by the immortal Marcus Corvinus, and the creation of the Werewolf species, spawned by his twin brother William Corvinus, the first Werewolf. Thanos yawned as he watched the struggles of Victor, the Vampire patriarch, his Vampire daughter Sonya, her Werewolf boyfriend Lucian, and their tepid stories. Thanos was about to get seriously bored, until he finally spotted the Vampire Selene...

"I can work with that," Thanos said to himself and then he snatched the Vampire Selene, the Death Dealer, who was prowling the streets of London with her half-Vampire, half-Werewolf boyfriend Michael Corvin, and transported her to an alternate Universe. Selene found herself in another London, UK, one that exists in the same Universe as The Walking Dead. His task complete, Thanos returned to the space between worlds, where Captain Marvel, the Ancient One, and all the great powers of the MCU couldn't get at him. Time to see what Vampire superheroes can do in a world full of Zombies...

"What the fuck?" Selene said, and the tall, slender, dark-haired and alabaster-skinned, leather-clad female Vampire looked at her surroundings, and gasped. One minute, Selene was in London, UK, with her lover Michael Corvin, and the next, she wasn't. They were on the run from both the Werewolves, led by Lucian and his second-in-command Raze, the stalwart African Werewolf, and the Vampires, led by Vampire nobleman Kraven. With nowhere to run, Selene and Michael had been about to make their final stand when some huge purple dude appeared, said something, and then vanished...

Selene looked at her surroundings, and saw that she was in London, UK, but a very different London. The Vampire could sense a weird smell, like death, but different, everywhere. There were no people, and no Vampires or Werewolves either. Selene descended from the roof where she stood, and took a walk. Moments later, Selene ran into...them. A dozen or so things that looked Human, only they were clearly not. They were emaciated, and Selene saw hunger in their gaze, and nothing else...

"Back off," Selene warned, and the Vampire suddenly realized that there were dozens of Zombies coming for her. Selene whipped out her guns, and shot the Zombies. Since these things were slow, Selene decided to use her Vampire's strength and speed instead to conserve her bullets. In no time at all, the female Vampire slaughtered the three dozen Zombies that had flanked her. Standing over their corpses, Selene suddenly remembered movies she'd seen, a long time ago. Yup, Selene is in a world full of Zombies...

"I'm going to kill Thanos," Blade growled as he found himself in some weird fucking place. The Daywalker realized he wasn't in Detroit anymore. Thanos had transported Blade to another city, and this one looked like London, UK, only decrepit as fuck and weirdly silent. Where were the people? The traffic? Blade shuddered. This London looked dead and gave him the creeps. Before the Daywalker could make any further assessments, he heard screaming. Like any superhero, Blade is obligated to respond during an emergency...

Moira Wesley, and her good friends Weston Snipes and his pal Maher Ali were scavenging in the ruined remnants of London when the Zombies came for them. Ten years into the Zombie Apocalypse, the cities were largely empty. When the Zombies, also called walkers, run out of food, they move elsewhere. The trio decided to make a run for it. They found themselves surrounded by the walking dead. Moira pulled out her machete, and her pals Weston and Maher hefted their guns. They wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Better dead than a walker," Moira shouted, and the tall, dark-haired, brown-skinned young Black British woman ran at the Zombies, machete held high. Moira decapitated several Zombies, but even with her pals Weston and Maher covering her back, it proved to be a futile effort. The trio killed dozens of Zombies, but hundreds more converged on their location. Just as they were about to get overwhelmed and eaten, a hero came to save the day...

"Slow-moving Zombie motherfuckers almost make me miss Vampires," Blade shouted as he exploded onto the scene. The Daywalker, brandishing twin AK-47s, proceeded to mow down the Zombies. Within moments, Blade slaughtered over a hundred Zombies. The half-Human, half-Vampire warrior easily figured out that a headshot is the kill shot on a Zombie. Come to think of it, a head shot is also the kill shot on a Vampire. The Undead frigging suck no matter which variety they came in...

"Wow, you killed those walkers like a boss," said Weston Snipes, and the tall, skinny Black British adventurer admired Blade as the Daywalker killed the last of the Zombie horde. Blade scowled at Weston Snipes, who looked like a punk. He looked at Maher Ali, a tall young Arab guy and nodded. Moira came forward and held out her hand, which Blade shook. The three wayfarers thanked Blade profusely for his help. Blade put his sunglasses back on, and shrugged. Killing the Undead is all in a day's work for the Daywalker...

"Amazing skills," said Maher Ali, and Blade nodded. Looking at the two men and the lone woman among them, Blade pegged them as survivors of some sort of Zombie Apocalypse. Blade needed to know more about the situation, if he was to survive long enough to get to Thanos and figure out a way home. Surely the evil space god didn't drop him on this parallel Universe for his basic amusement. There was a reason Blade was here instead of roaming Detroit, with his pals Shen the techie and Krista Starr, looking for Vampires to slaughter...

"Alright, people, not from around here, so fill me in on what's happening," Blade demanded, as he took out his sword. Maher Ali and Weston Snipes exchanged a nervous look and swallowed hard. Moira Wesley on the other hand looked at the tall, dark-skinned, muscular hero standing before her and smiled appreciatively. Blade is one fine brother and as far as this Black British female survivor was concerned, he could get it any day of the week and twice on Sunday...

"Alright, Blade, let me tell you about the world of The Walking Dead," Moira said, and Blade listened attentively. There were Zombies converging on their position, so Blade let them into his car and drove away. As they sped through the remnants of London, UK, Moira filled Blade in on what happened to their version of earth. The dead began to rise ten years ago, and the world was fucked up as a result. Whole countries were gone. There was no global response to the Undead, so Humanity lost to the damned Zombies...

"Damned, and I thought Detroit was bad," Blade muttered to himself. They sped through the ruins of London, and Blade looked for a gas station. He needed to refuel his car, pronto. They found a ruined gas station, and filled up the tank, plus two gallons of extra juice to keep them going. As Moira, Weston and Maher helped themselves to canned goods and bottled water from the gas station's shop, Blade looked around. The Daywalker scowled. There was a smell in the air and it wasn't the sickly scent of the Zombies. Blade growled, for he'd smelled a Vampire, something that supposedly didn't exist in the world of The Walking Dead...

Selene leapt from rooftop to rooftop, gliding effortlessly by using the preternatural strength and agility that were hers to command. As a Vampire, and one descended from Victor the Elder, Lord of the Vampires, Selene is immensely powerful. The Vampire didn't like this version of London, which had zero people and was crawling with Zombies. Selene didn't sense any Vampires or Werewolves either. Was the whole world just a barren landscape full of Zombies? The sound of a car racing through the streets gave Selene hope, and she changed directions...

"Good evening," Selene said as she approached the foursome. There were two guys and a young woman, who seemed like they'd seen better days. They carried weapons, wore drab clothes, and stank to high heaven. Selene could take them on easily enough if they got hostile. Since they were the first living things Selene had seen since getting whisked to this Zombie world by Thanos, Selene hoped she wouldn't have to. The fourth person, though, seemed like he would be a problem. The tall, muscular and leather-clad African American guy looked like a warrior, carried a sword and guns, and didn't smell Human...

"Vampire," Blade said and he bared his fangs, and drew his sword. Selene whipped out her guns, and just like that, the Death Dealer took on the Daywalker. Blade leapt into the air, sword ready, intent on decapitating Selene. Roaring, Selene took to the air as well and fired upon Blade, who blocked her bullets with his Titanium sword. Blade struck, and Selene twisted in the air, narrowly avoiding getting skewered by Blade's sword. Gasping in surprise, Selene landed on her feet. Blade stood a short distance away, scowling.

"You're not Human either, not fully, I can smell Vampire on you," Selene said as she faced Blade. Just as the Death Dealer and the Daywalker got ready to fight to the death, the Humans screamed. Thirty or so Zombies lurched toward them. Blade swore, and looked at Selene. In this world, and other worlds, Blade's duty is to protect Humanity from the Undead. Blade moved at superHuman speed, placing himself between the Humans and the Zombies...

"Get behind me," Blade shouted, and he began cutting the Zombies down with his sword. Selene blinked in surprised, stunned to see the half-Human, half-Vampire warrior actually defend his Human companions. Moira, Maher and Weston cheered Blade on as he cut the Zombies down to size. Selene decided to join the fight. The Death Dealer waded into the Zombies, putting them down with carefully placed shots. Within moments, the Zombie horde was no more...

"You two are awesome, like, wow, seriously, you should team up," Moira said cheerfully, and the young Black British woman looked at Blade and Selene, honestly impressed by the two Vampire warriors who just slaughtered the Zombie horde. Blade looked at Selene, and she looked right back at him. The Death Dealer didn't think Blade was the enemy, not if he was willing to risk his life to protect Humans, but she wouldn't let him kill her either. The Daywalker hesitated, and then his scowl softened somewhat. He put his sword back in its scabbard, weirdly attached to the back of his leather coat.

"Nice sword, I'm Selene," said the Death Dealer, and after holstering her guns, she held out her hand. Blade looked at Selene, and after a brief hesitation, he shook her hand. Thus, the Death Dealer and the Daywalker met. Moira, Maher and Weston looked on as the two superheroes faced one another. In a world overrun with Zombies, where Humans are almost extinct, the arrival of two extra-dimensional heroes is the best news that Humanity has gotten in over a decade...

"I got tossed into your world by a purple-skinned, wannabe-deity called Thanos, I thought the Avengers and the other superhero types killed him but I was wrong," Blade said with a shrug. The Daywalker was on a rooftop with Moira, Maher, Weston, and of course Selene the Death Dealer. As it turns out, the only other Vampire in the Universe of the Walking Dead had come from another reality. Courtesy of Thanos. Will wonders never cease?

"I must get back to my world, but if this Thanos is a god, as you say, how can we beat him?" Selene asked, and Blade flashed her a sad smile. Blade was used to being in impossible situations. In Blade's world, there were close to a million Vampires living secretly among the Human population, and he was the only one fighting them. Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Wanda the Witch, the Black Widow, Spiderman, Vision the android, and even punks like Doctor Strange, the X-Men, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Daredevil couldn't be bothered to deal with the Undead threat. Blade hated them for that...

"I'm sorry you two got plucked out of your respective worlds, but maybe it's a good thing you're here, in this world, the population went from seven billion to mere millions, due to the Zombie Apocalypse, we could use your help," Moira said simply. The young Black British woman looked at Blade and Selene as she spoke. The Daywalker and the Death Dealer looked at the trio of Humans, and silently nodded. In a world where Humanity is an endangered species, superheroes are needed...

That's how it began for Blade, Selene and their new companions Moira, Maher and Weston. The Daywalker and the Death Dealer soon realized how disorganized the Humans of this post-Apocalyptic alternate world were. Instead of uniting against the Zombies, the Humans fought among themselves. According to Moira, the largest Human stronghold left was the heavily armed and fortified, walled enclave known as the Civic Republic, over in America, and they had under a million inhabitants.

A year after Blade and Selene landed in the Universe of the Walking Dead, they made some progress. They trained Moira, Maher and Weston in the art of war, and they in turn taught to other recruits. Blade and Selene organized their own pro-Human stronghold, an enclave of a hundred Humans, located in a fortified fortress in the British countryside. At Blade's insistence, they called the new fortress the Whistler House. The two superheroes spent their days and nights fighting the Zombies and recruiting Humans, and thus, they gave Humanity a fighting chance against the undead...

Dusk had fallen, and Blade stood on a roof, on one of the five buildings comprising the Whistler House. A forty-foot-high wooden wall was erected around the sixty-acre estate, which included a training facility, an armory, a garden, a library, and the all-important command center. They had a hundred people, their own refueling station, and a fleet of twelve armored cars. They survived by hunting wild games and conducting raids in nearby towns and cities. Blade admired what he and Selene had done, and allowed himself a smile...

"So you can smile," Selene said, and Blade swore, for he hadn't heard her coming. As a half-Human, half-Vampire warrior, Blade possesses the strengths of the Vampires, but none of the weaknesses. He was super-strong, super-fast, had sharp senses and healed quickly, but he wasn't invincible. Selene on the other hand was super-strong, super-fast, had sharp senses and healed quickly, but she was also far more durable than the Vampires from Blade's Universe...

"Sneaky dame," Blade said, and Selene grinned, flashing her pearly white fangs. Not for the first time, Blade noticed how truly beautiful Selene looked. Selene reminded Blade of the honorable Vampire princess Nyssa Damaskinos, whom he was once allied with. The two of them felt a strong attraction to one another. Nyssa had feelings for Blade, but died at the hands of her brother, the Super Vampire known as Jared Nomak, whom Blade slaughtered. Blade banished thoughts of the past, and focused on the here and now.

"Part of my charm," Selene retorted, and she stood close to Blade, until his face was inches from hers. The Daywalker looked at the Death Dealer, and then they kissed. Blade kissed Selene passionately, and just like that, throwing caution to the wind, the two immortal warriors began exploring one another. Swords, guns, Shurikans, knives and throwing stars were discarded, along with copious amounts of Black leather. A dark-skinned, muscular man stood before a tall, slender, pale-skinned woman. They embraced tenderly.
