Blame It on the Aphrodisiacs

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Experimenting with aphrodisiacs leads to trouble.
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I, Zach Williams, think I was a normal guy sexually until I became introduced to my wife Serenity Williams nee Benson. I should point out that there is nothing serene about my wife - she is the most active person I have ever seen in my life with the possible exception of her mother Teresa Benson. Both of them have high metabolisms, lithe bodies, and strong personalities. While not obnoxiously obvious about it, it seems that everyone in Serenity's family is hyper sexual. The clothes they wear, the art that they display, their body language, and their touchy-feely mannerisms when not in public, make it clear that sex is very important to them.

I was no prude when I met them, but it took me a while to get used to the Bensons since my family was much more conservative when it came to affection. After I got used to it, however, I didn't really mind it, especially since the Benson women were extremely attractive, not just Serenity and Teresa but Serenity's two younger sisters Brit and Camilla.

There was one odd thing, though; although Brit, Camilla, Serenity's father Tom, and Serenity's younger brother Luke, were always warm to me, Teresa was slightly standoffish. I would often find her looking at me although never making eye contact, and her hugs with me seemed much more cautious than they were with others - even non-family members. I don't really know why but I somehow convinced myself that it was because I was so much bigger than Serenity and the rest of her family that she thought that it didn't make me a good match for Serenity. That is I'm 6 feet 5 1/4 inches (196 cm) tall and 226 pounds (102 kilos) while Serenity, Teresa, Brit and Camilla are all about 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) tall and about 120 pounds (55 kilos) and Tom and Luke are about 5 feet 10 inches (178 cm) tall and 160 pounds (73 kilos).

Actually, Serenity, Teresa, Brit and Camilla are so similar in body types that they almost could be quadruplets; the only real difference is that Teresa has narrower hips and larger breasts than her daughters.

In any event since Teresa was never anything but pleasant to me - even if not overly warm - so I had no issues with her.

My relationship with Serenity was sexual from the fourth date on. We really seemed to have personalities that meshed and our body parts and libidos did too. Despite our size difference we never had many problems with sexual compatibility; my cock fit her pussy just fine and any oral and vaginal sex was fair game. The only things that didn't work were anal - since I was too girthy for her puckerhole, which was all too clear the only two times we tried it - and titty fucking since her chest wasn't built for it. However, I was the most sexually satisfied I could ever hope to be and Serenity sure seemed like she was too, and often expressed that sentiment.

Serenity has a degree in biochemistry and worked in a lab for a couple of years, but found that too dry and became a pharmaceutical sales representative - she has both the mind and body to succeed at that profession. I'm an intellectual property attorney, mostly handling patent, trademark, and copyright applications with little trial or licensing work.

After Serenity and I had been married about three years and she became intimately involved in pharmaceutical sales she suddenly got on a supplements kick. She convinced herself - and maybe it's true - that magnesium, iron, vitamin D, and vitamin C supplements enhanced health and longevity. After about six months of taking those supplements she started experimenting with aphrodisiacs.

I didn't really see the need for aphrodisiacs because our sex life was just fine. However Serenity wanted to make sure that our sex life never waned, and thought that maybe we could achieve an even higher level of gratification. To that end she started experimenting with yohimbine hydrochloride, icariin, bremelanotide, horny goat weed, and several other aphrodisiacs. She was being extremely cautious because some of them could have adverse side effects. She bought her own lab equipment and was looking for ways to mitigate the adverse side effects in some people - such as for yohimbine - and to change the delivery mechanism for others - such as bremelanotide. She sometimes put them in smoothies that went down easily; we often had fruit smoothies and the ones with aphrodisiacs in them tasted no different.

Over about a nine month period Serenity seemed to be making progress with her aphrodisiac combinations; in fact I even filed two provisional patent applications for her on her aphrodisiac combinations that she and I had tested together with very desirable results.

We made sure to do testing in small to increasing amounts and only on days when we didn't have to work. I have to say that some Saturdays when we used her combinations we almost never stopped sucking or fucking. I - and apparently she was in the same predicament - was so fucking horny the last Saturday that we tested her latest combination that we were oblivious to exactly where we were during one of our fucks and gave our East next door neighbors a good show. Fortunately it wasn't the West neighbors because they had kids who played outside often on Saturday.

It took Serenity and I most of Sunday to recover from our Saturday fuck-fest. My cock and balls were sore and my tongue and lips chafed or raw, and Serenity walked bowlegged and groaned with almost every step. Despite our physical conditions our minds were filled with endorphins and we were two contented bovines. Serenity made one scary comment Sunday evening, however: "I think with one more tweak I can make my last combo even better."

"I don't think that I could survive better," I chuckled - although after I thought about it I realized that I should have stated that opinion seriously rather than with a chuckle.

The week after our Saturday-to-never-forget, three unusual things occurred.

The first was that Teresa wanted to attend a conference for a charity that she was heavily involved in doing volunteer work in our city. She actually called me at work to ask if it was OK if she stayed at our house.

"Of course it is, Teresa. You didn't have to ask me; we'd be glad to have you," I replied. Even if she wasn't the warmest toward me I had no difficulties with her personality and she was really nice to look at. One of the many reasons that I married Serenity was because I believed the old adage that if you wanted to know what your wife would look like in 20 years (Teresa was 19 when she had Serenity) look at her mother. If that adage is true I would be one satisfied dude - as far as my wife's looks were concerned - because Teresa is the best looking late-40s, early 50s woman I've seen this side of Elizabeth Hurley.

"I didn't want to impose or have Serenity tell you that I'd be staying and have you miffed," Teresa replied.

"I really appreciate your politeness, Teresa, but I assure you that we'd be happy to have you. When will you be arriving?"

"Probably Thursday," she said. "I'm driving so there's no need to pick me up anywhere."

"If we're not at home when you get there let me tell you where you can find a key," I continued, and then told her where we hid a key on our property.

The second thing that happened that week was that Serenity had a rare business trip staying over Wednesday and Thursday nights so that she wouldn't be there when her mother arrived. That was bad in another sense since Serenity would still be too wiped out for anything more than cuddling and petting Monday night, but would love to get back at it after that.

The third thing that happened - bad, or at least inconvenient, things always seem to happen in threes - that week was that I made my first "emergency" (to the extent that there can be one in preparing patent applications) business trip staying out-of-town Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I was going to be one horny animal by the time that Serenity got home Friday late afternoon.

Serenity talked to her Mom on the phone, I talked to both Serenity and Teresa, and we worked it out so that there would be no glitches. We had many text exchanges and phone conversations until Thursday afternoon.

When I got home Thursday afternoon Teresa was already there, dressed casually in shorts that were attractive (thankfully not Daisy Dukes, however) and a tasteful blouse. She gave me her normal cautious hug, but was quite cheery and chatty. This was the first time that we had ever been alone together for more than a few minutes in the six years that I had known her, but fortunately it wasn't the least bit awkward.

I asked Teresa what she wanted to eat, and we settled on pork chops that I would grill and that she would make hash brown potatoes (one of my favorites and something that she did really well) and a salad. "Serenity left a big pitcher of smoothies that she told us to enjoy," Teresa said, pulling a blue pitcher out of the refrigerator. The pitcher of smoothies looked good.

The blue pitcher was different than the one that Serenity made her aphrodisiac combos in, which had a pink tint, but just to be sure I inquired "You're sure that she said for us to have the smoothies?"

"Absolutely; she made a point of telling me to drink up in the last text that I got from her before I arrived," Teresa replied.

Teresa and I each had a 16 ounce glass of blackberry, blueberry, banana smoothie; it was exceptionally good. I drained my glass, Teresa sipped hers, but by the time that we sat down to eat both of us had finished our glasses, and I even had a little more to finish off the pitcher.

Teresa and I had a lively conversation during dinner - at least for the first five minutes or so. After that I started feeling flushed. Ten-twelve minutes into the meal my crotch started hurting - my cock was tenting my pants. Teresa looked flushed herself and wiggled around in her seat. "Is it hot in here?" she asked as she undid two buttons on her blouse and wiped beads of sweat off of her brow.

We didn't really finish our meal before Teresa stood up and said "Wow - I'm really feeling funny, Zach." With that she unbuttoned the rest of the buttons of her blouse; I could easily see a sheer bra underneath and it looked like her tits were swelling up and about to pop it.

I stood up myself. By that time I realized that Teresa had gotten it wrong and that we were NOT supposed to drink the pitcher of smoothies. I was sure that it had the enhanced combo of aphrodisiacs in it that Serenity had mentioned after our fuck fest. I grabbed Teresa's hand and said "We'd better go to different bathrooms and get in the shower - I think that there was something in the smoothies that is going to lead to odd behavior."

We didn't make it to the showers, however. When our hands touched an electric charge went up my spine, and I saw Teresa shiver. The next thing I knew we were in a passionate embrace, both of us acting like octopi in trying to pull the other's clothes off. I think that I was the one that swept my hand over the table, knocking plates and uneaten food everywhere, as I lifted Teresa up and put her back down on the now barren tabletop. It was soon after that that my impossibly hard more steel rod than cock was buried in her pussy, her heels were on my shoulders, and she was screaming some unintelligible words.

As fast as an inexperienced teenager I deposited an enormous charge in her surprisingly (for a mother of four) tight cunt. It didn't make any difference that I had pulled the trigger so quickly as far as her pleasure was concerned, however, since she screamed even louder, clamped her vagina like a vice on my cock, and clawed my back with her fingers.

As I recovered I mauled her tits - that is when I wasn't sucking on them. She kept on mumbling "Holy Shit."

I finally gained some clarity. For several seconds we stared at each other with our eyes saying "That was SOOO wrong!" However, our bodies were apparently not listening to our eyes.

With my cock still buried in her channel I lifted her off the table and started walking toward my bedroom, and she clung to me like a baby monkey to its mother. As we walked she alternated between moaning "This is real bad," and "Fuck me again." I listened to the latter.

That night I enhanced my sexual experiences. Unlike her daughters, Teresa was built for titty fucking, which she seemed to love as much as I did, including orgasming herself from a titty fuck alone (maybe enhanced by a clit flick). Also, she apparently was enamored with anal because even though her anus seemed to be just as tight as her daughter's she did deep breathing until my cock moved past her sphincter, and then we both enjoyed it when I deposited a load in her bowels.

Teresa often expressed the view - during the next nine hours of almost constant sex, interrupted only by two catnaps and two showers - "How can this be so fucking wrong when it feels so goddam right." I was thinking the same thing but never verbalized it and every time that it did cross my mind I just sucked or fucked harder.

Teresa and I were two profligates by the time that 7 a. m. rolled around on Friday. As I sucked on one of her prodigious tits while lightly pinching her labia she moaned "I'll never be the same. What the hell happened to me, and what can I do about it? How can I go back to normal sex after that?"

While I didn't say it, I was thinking the same thing.

We took another shower together - our sex parts too wiped out to fuck again despite what seemed to be a mutual interest in doing just that - ate some breakfast, in the messy kitchen after only a token cleanup, because great sex makes you famished, and then got dressed. We exchanged lecherous kisses before we left, me to go to work, Teresa to her conference.

I wasn't worth a shit that morning at work. I did just enough to get the patent applications that I had prepared on my business trip on file, and then just closed my office door, leaned back in my chair, and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't believe what I had done the previous evening and early morning. I probably had really fucked up my life. I cheated - well it was way worse than just cheating. I had fucked and sucked my mother-in-law the whole goddamn night. I not only couldn't get enough of her then, but the images of the orgasmic expression on her face when I fucked her, her big tits with oversized nipples, and her sleek thighs, ran rampart through my brain.

I finally gave up about 1:15 and decided to drag my ass home. I figured that I at least had to clean up the messes in the kitchen and master bedroom, wash the sheets, and make up another pitcher of smoothies - without Serenity's aphrodisiac compounds in them - to make it look like we hadn't consumed the liquid. I was still unsure of what I would tell Serenity; could I really admit to her that I had fucked her mother comatose over a nine hour plus period, and justify it by the consumption of aphrodisiac compounds? If she had fucked my father would I accept "blame it on the aphrodisiacs" as an excuse?

With my mind still in turmoil as I pulled into my driveway about 1:40; my mother-in-law's car pulled in right behind me. After I exited my vehicle in a zombie-like state I asked "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't concentrate, and some old farts at the conference were starting to look good to me, so I had to get out of there. Since we're both home, we can clean everything up," she said.

We were able to get the kitchen cleaned up from the mess made the previous night when I ravaged my mother-in-law on the tabletop. We also changed the sheets on my bed. Unfortunately, that is as far as we got.

Even if Teresa was a pig the leftover aphrodisiac compounds still coursing through my veins probably would have caused me to ravage her. Since she was the epitome of a sexy woman, I had no chance. Within a minute after the last clean pillowcase was put on a pillow we were entwined like a pair of jungle cats as we bucked on the mattress with my cock as far up her pussy as it would go while she loomed over me with her tits swinging above my face while she yelled "Suck my nipples you bastard."

When Serenity got home about 4:30 Teresa was on her back on the cum-stained sheets on the king sized bed in the master bedroom with her eyes closed and massaging her own tits as my face was buried in her heavenly crotch and my hands stroked her sculptured thighs.

"What the hell is this?" Serenity screamed, although it was obviously a rhetorical question.

Both Teresa and I gazed at her with glazed eyes. "I'm so sorry - I couldn't fucking help myself," Teresa moaned. I remained speechless - in fact I continued stroking Teresa's thighs.

"You drank the fucking smoothies, didn't you assholes - after I told you not to!" Serenity shrieked.

"You texted me to drink them," Teresa sobbed.

Teresa shinnied over to her cellphone which was on the end table; still mostly out-of-it I shinnied after her still tonguing her pussy. Through her tears Teresa got to the last text she received from Serenity before showing up at our house. In relevant part it read "Be sure to drink the smoothie in the blue pitcher in the frig."

"I'm sure that I put 'NOT' in there," Serenity yelped as she pulled out her own iPhone and checked her texts. I knew that she had seen the same thing on her screen when she moaned "Oh fuck," then sat on our bed with her head in her hands sobbing.

Serenity's sobs seemed to snap both Teresa and I out of our sex stupors. We separated and while I showered and dressed Teresa hugged Serenity, and then we exchanged places.

Eventually we knew that the three of us would have to address the problem head-on. We had a quiet simple dinner, and then each with a glass of wine went into the living room to talk. It was very uncomfortable for many reasons; unfortunately the foremost one was that I continued looking at my mother-in-law with lust in my heart, but hopefully not on my face.

Teresa and I said that we were sorry until we were blue in the face. Sometimes Serenity seemed accepting because of her role of making up the smoothies and mistyping her text, other times not. Finally we resolved to just see how things went from there.

We all went to bed emotionally exhausted. Serenity and I touched in bed, but didn't really cuddle. We fell into a troubled sleep - at least I had a troubled sleep until I woke up when the beside clock read 3:06 a. m. I saw that Serenity was fast asleep. I felt a tingling at my crotch, pulled the top sheet back, and saw my still red, overused, cock saluting. In my brain all I could see was images of a naked Teresa.

Of course I knew that it was wrong when I snuck out of bed and entered the guest room where my naked mother-in-law was tossing and turning in a troubled sleep. It was only a few seconds after my tongue hit her clit before she moaned "We can't Zach; please; we can't."

Five minutes after that I was fucking her tits until just before I ejaculated when she pulled my cock into her mouth and finished me off. I munched her clit until she orgasmed, and then snuck back into bed with Serenity.

Teresa did go to the Saturday session of her conference. Serenity and I had an uncomfortable Saturday around the house while Teresa was gone, trying not to address the elephant (hell blue whale) in the room head on, but recognizing its presence. When Teresa returned we went out to dinner together and tried to keep things light.

After Serenity fell asleep on Sunday night, without the excuse of aphrodisiacs, I did it again. I snuck into Teresa's room and this time fucked her pussy. This time she didn't mention anything about how wrong it was. This time is was more like making love than animalistic aphrodisiac-fueled fucking. As we lay next to each other in post-coital bliss I wiped away a few tears from Teresa's eyes.

"Why the tears," I stupidly asked.