Bleeding Heart Ch. 01


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"Then make your move, 'mad pirate'."

Heart saw the subtle manipulation of the captain's right hand fingers and knew that his time to act was shorter than he anticipated. There were two ways to cast a spell -- by word or by gesture. The latter was harder to accomplish, but could be done without alerting others to your intentions.

With surprising agility for one built like Heart, the pirate sprung toward Stella. Instinctively she sent out a weak bolt of energy that Heart's shield was able to deflect easily. He bowled into the witch, interrupting her silent spell and knocking her onto her back. Sitting on Stella's chest, Heart pinned her arms to the deck with his knees and reached into his coat, pulling out a thin silver chain.

Physically stronger than the struggling woman, Heart was able to easily wrap the chain around Stella's thin neck and secure it. She let out a howl of rage and pain as the chain did its work in blocking Stella from accessing her magic. Heart got off the Charon's captain and stood just as Marcus and Devin came rushing up behind him.

"Are you ok, Sir?" Devin asked while Marcus bent to inspect Stella, who had stopped yelling and now lay limp with shameful defeat.

"I'm fine," Heart nodded and pointed at Stella, "Take her to my quarters. Strip her and remove any charms you find on her person. Leave the chain in place of course."

"Yes, Sir," Devin nodded and hauled the witch to her feet. He dragged her across the deck of her ship past the bodies of her fallen coven toward the Bleeding Heart.

Lana was cowering in the corner of the raised aft staring at Captain Heart with wide blue eyes.

"Remove your robes and stand in front of me," Heart ordered the girl.

Lana made no move to obey so Heart walked up to her and pulled her to her feet. Gripping her robes at her shoulders, the pirate tore the fabric with one strong pull and the cloth slithered down her body to pool at her feet. The witch stood naked before Heart and Marcus, too shocked to make any move to cover her shame. Her body was petite and beautiful, with firm breasts and pale skin and Heart felt lust ignite immediately at the sight.

His eyes roamed over her body as he walked around her in a slow circle and he smiled as she flushed a deep red over her face and chest.

"Stand with your feet spread," Heart said roughly and was pleased when Lana did as she was told with minimal hesitation, fear overriding her defiance. Bending in front of the witch, Heart continued his inspection, smiling when he found what he was looking for on the inside of her thigh, just inches from her untouched slit. "Here is her mark," Heart said to Marcus, laying a finger on the small black star between her legs. Lana jerked at his touch so close to her center, but did not move. "Nullify it and bring her to my quarters when it is finished."

"Nullify?" Lana said softly, confused.

"See you later, pet," Heart sneered and walked down to the deck of the Charon where his crew was waiting. "Victory is ours! Torch the witches' ship and enjoy the rest of the day however you wish. Mourn the dead if you must, but remember that they fell for the greater glory of the Bleeding Heart and her crew."

With a cheer from the men, Captain Seth Heart stepped off the Charon and back to his own ship. He had acquired unexpected new treasure that day and it was time to play with his reward.


"Strip, witch," the huge first officer ordered Stella seconds after he roughly shoved her into the large room that she assumed was Captain Heart's quarters.

"I will not," Stella said defiantly, wishing that she had her magic to vaporize the brute.

The first officer growled and pulled out a large knife from his belt, "Do not make me force you. That would only be pleasurable for one of us. Now strip."

Stella looked at the iron knife and calculated her options. She could continue to defy the first officer and risk being seriously injured by his weapon, but gain a slim opportunity to take it from him in the process. Or she could strip naked and remain whole and alive to fight another day with only her ego injured.

"Fine," Stella sighed, and began to undo the buttons of her blouse, "But do not think I will not fight if you try to lay your hands on me."

"Just strip," the first officer grunted, crossing his giant arms across his massive chest.

Stella undid the last button and pulled her sleeveless blouse off her shoulders, baring herself to the waist. She had large, firm breasts and a slim, athletic figure with a number of small charms tattooed into her tan skin.

"Skirt," the officer said, his eyes roaming appreciably over her body, making Stella uncomfortable.

With slightly trembling fingers, Stella undid the tie that kept her split skirt attached to her hips. The fabric fell away, revealing the rest of her body and leaving her standing in nothing but her knee-high black boots. Between Stella's mile long legs was a completely shaved sex that the first officer eyed with unmasked hunger.

"Remove your boots and all your jewelry," the officer commanded, "And do not touch the chain around your neck. Captain Heart will be here soon."

"Great," Stella groaned and began to do as she was told. With so much exposed flesh, getting into a fight with the armed pirate would most likely be a death sentence. She would just have to go along with this humiliation until opportunity presented itself and she could take action.

"You have a delicious body, witch," the officer said in a deep, almost sexy voice, "The Captain will have fun playing with it."

Stella swallowed and removed the bandana and rest of the charms from her hair. It fell around her face and shoulders in thick waves. She wished that she could access the charms' power as she took them off, but the chain around her neck prevented her even that small ability. It made her feel even more helpless than standing in the mad pirate's bedchambers naked with his first officer leering over her body.

The sound of boots suddenly echoed outside the door and the first officer sprang to attention as Captain Seth Heart himself strolled into the room.

"My, my, my," Heart sneered as soon as he closed the door, "Look at this beautiful thing, Devin. I bet you could barely keep your hands off."

"Saving her for you, Sir," the officer, Devin, replied in reverent tones.

Stella stood stock still as Heart inspected her naked body. She had not had time to remove her boots before the captain arrived and so she stood almost as tall as him, able to meet his gaze with her own.

"Do you recall when I offered to let you go free if you had surrendered Lana?" Heart asked Stella.

"I, unlike some people, have honor," Stella responded, "I swore to protect her to the death."

"I've never believed in honor," Heart said, standing in front of Stella with his arms crossed across his chest, "It has never gotten me anything. And it has gotten you here."

Stella watched as Heart turned from her and strolled across the room. As he walked he removed his red coat and threw it on the bed, following it with his shirt so that he was bared to the waist. His body was strong and sculpted from hard labor, his chest and stomach covered with a light smattering of course hair. Stella had to admit he was an attractive man, and unwanted warmth gathered in her belly as Heart sat down on a large, armless wood chair and patted his thigh.

"Come have a seat, Captain Stella," he said, "You look tired."

Devin met Stella's eyes and flashed his knife, daring her to disobey the captain's orders. With a sigh, she crossed the room, her boots clicking hollowly on the wooden floor, and came to stand before Heart. Turning around, she lowered her bare bottom to rest lightly on his thighs, her legs held shut in front of her.

Hooking his boots around Stella's ankles, Heart spread his legs, forcing Stella to do the same. A large arm wrapped around her stomach and pulled her body back so that she was leaning against the hard wall of Captain Heart's chest, her head resting on his shoulder.

As the arm around Stella's body angled upward toward her breasts, Heart's other hand skimmed along the folds of her sex, startling her and making her gasp. His body felt warm and strong against hers and the busy fingers at her breast and sex were eliciting reactions from Stella's body that her mind did not condone.

"She has such a pretty cunt, doesn't she, Devin?" Heart growled close to Stella's ear, and a shiver to raced through her body.

"Beautiful," Devin agreed, and Stella could see the evidence of his arousal tenting the front of his pants. Did they intend to share her? And why did the prospect send a jolt of heat straight to her sex?

Heart continued to rub his fingers along her rapidly moistening slit, spreading her juices around as he played with her lips and clit. Stella bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning as Heart pinched and toyed with her nipple. She could feel the hard length of Heart's cock through his breeches pressed up hard against her ass and she resisted the urge to rub along it. Stella blushed crimson with humiliation at her reaction but was finding it increasingly difficult to deny that it felt good.

"That's right, witch," Heart whispered against Stella's neck, "Get nice and wet for me. I'm going to teach you how to be the perfect slave."

"No," Stella moaned, but it turned into an involuntary cry of pleasure as Heart licked the length of her neck while simultaneously pinching her nipple between two fingers and dipping the tip of his index finger into her cunt, pressing through the tight walls, aided by the copious lubrication she had provided him.

"Oh yes," Heart growled, and began to pump his finger in and out of her snatch. The tight suction made a sucking sound that turned Stella on further, and she allowed her eyes to drift downward to watch Heart's assault on her most private place. He added another finger and Stella bit her lip at the erotic display as her cunt began to leak out over his hand, staining his breaches. She could the heat of Heart's chest and his cock jerk beneath her and was on the verge of asking for the unthinkable when the door to the bedchamber opened and Lana was shoved inside, followed closely by an old man in heavy black robes.

Heart stilled, two fingers still buried deep inside Stella while the witch came to her senses and tried to remove herself from the pirate's lap. He held her tightly with strong arms, and Devin growled deeply, flashing his knife again. But Stella did not care, what they had done to her and Lana had gone on long enough.

The younger witch was stark naked and trembling before the gaze of the three men, too scared to try and cover herself. And here Stella was, writhing against of her would be rapist on the verge of asking him, she had sworn to protect Lana and to do so she needed a clearer head.

"Let her go!" Stella demanded, struggling against the strong grip of Captain Heart. Her movements caused the fingers still lodged inside her pussy to thrust shallowly in and out, bringing her a surge of pleasure she did not want.

"Stop struggling or I will do to her what I have done for you," Heart growled, "Only she will not find the experience so enjoyable. Marcus," he addressed the old man, "Go find our guest some clothes. Miss Lana, please have a seat on the bed while your previous captain and I continue enjoying ourselves."

The old man nodded and slipped out of the room while Lana did as she was told, perching at the edge of the bed facing Stella and Heart.

"You will not...?" Stella asked, jerking her head toward Lana.

"Not yet at least," Heart said, returning to thrusting his fingers into Stella and reigniting her arousal, "For now she can watch." Heart pulled his fingers out and held them up. To Stella's embarrassment, they were dripping with her thick cream. "Looks delicious, doesn't it Devin?" Heart asked his officer and then held the glistening digits out in front of Stella's mouth, "Why don't you have a taste, witch?"

"No!" Stella gasped, mortified, but immediately regretted the outburst when Heart took the opportunity to shove his fingers deep into her mouth. She moaned around him, tasting her own arousal and swallowing it down as Heart rubbed his fingers across her tongue. With a pop he removed the invaders and hooked his arm under her armpit, pulling her body back hard against his and leaving her immobile and spread open.

"Devin?" Heart said, and the officer smiled a little before approaching Stella in a few large strides. Lana continued to watch the show before her, never making a sound or a move. Devin put his knife in his belt and knelt down the on the floor in front of Stella.

"Don't," Stella begged halfheartedly, realizing his intention, but squealed when the huge man leant in and licked her weeping slit from base to clit, sucking in the hard nub when he reached it and biting down roughly. The pleasure the pain brought was too much to contain and Stella let out a long, pent up moan, releasing a wave of fresh juices as the officer began to lick and suck at her cunt, lapping up the cream that Stella provided him and bringing her closer and closer to release.

Heart had taken to pinching her nipples with both hands and rolling them between his fingers, which along with Devin's efforts were ensuring a quick and powerful orgasm.

She came with a cry of pain, pleasure, and humiliation, her walls spasmed around Devin's invading tongue, spilling a wave of cream into his mouth which he swallowed eagerly as it came. Heart had latched onto her nipples and was squeezing them roughly, prolonging the already intense orgasm.

"Do you want me to fuck you, witch?" Heart growled into her ear, and Stella nodded weakly, dazed with pleasure and completely forgetting her situation for a moment. "Hold her up, Devin," Heart said, and Devin stood to grip Stella's arms and hold her above Heart's lap as the captain worked on freeing his cock.

"Pay attention, Lana," Heart said as his impressively long and thick shaft popped free of his breeches at least, "This is the cock that will be taking your virginity later tonight. I hope you like what you see. Let's find out if Stella enjoys it as much as I think she will."

"Wait!" Stella cried, coming back to her senses and understanding the implication of Heart's words, "Don't!"

"Too late, witch," Heart growled, gripping his cock and positioning its thick head at the leaking entrance of her cunt.

Devin lowered the witch's body slowly, and Stella moaned as she was completely filled by the pirate's member. It had been a very long time since she had taken a man inside her and she was stretched to an almost painful degree. When she was fully seated on Heart's cock, Stella squirmed on his lap, trying to get used to the size.

"Please," Stella cried, "It's too big."

Heart chuckled and flexed his cock inside of her, stretching her even further. Stella cried out in surprise. "Get used to it witch," Heart said, grabbing her hips and lifting her upward so that most of his cock slid out of her, leaving her achingly empty, before slamming her back down onto himself.

Heart continued to fuck himself with Stella's lithe body, sliding her along the sweaty, hard plane of his chest and stomach while his cock stretched her to the limit with each stroke. She came again quickly, spilling her cream down his shaft and coating his balls and breeches with it. It was shameful, but the brutal pirate was bringing her pleasure like she had never felt. Stella could not tell if it was the brutal way he used her body, being watched by Lana and Devin, or the feeling of his body against hers, but there was no denying that no matter how wrong the situation was, it was not altogether unpleasant.

The pace of Heart's thrusting increased, and Stella swirled her hips against him, trying to draw more pleasure out of his actions. He groaned and fucked her harder still, toying with her breasts while Stella clawed at the hard forearms that held her upright.

"Fuck," Heart groaned eventually, and held Stella to his hips while he shot white hot cum into her channel, filling her completely so that it slid out around their juncture.

Unbidden, Devin held out his hand and helped Stella off Heart's lap and onto her feet. She felt their combined pleasure seeping out of her used, red cunt and down her thighs. Looking around she blushed to find that Lana was staring with wide, shocked eyes from her spot on the bed. Devin's pants were loosened, and Stella suspected that he had been stroking himself during the show. The old man had also returned, and was leaning casually against the door to the bedchamber with a plain cotton dress clutched in his arms.

Heart stood up and tucked his softening member back into his breeches. "Welcome to your new life, Captain Stella," he sneered and then glanced at Lana, "I'm sure both of you will enjoy your stays here. Devin, please escort Stella to one of the empty officer's quarters. You may do with her what you wish. Marcus, the other witch will need that dress and Miss Lana, you will remain here while I prepare for the ritual."

Marcus held out the dress and Heart took it, but Stella did not see what happened next or what he said that made Lana whimper for Devin was already roughly dragging her out of the captain's room and down a short hallway.

"Please," Stella moaned, "Let me go." With the pleasure Heart had brought her fading to a memory, the humiliation of what had just occurred was weighing heavily on Stella's shoulders. And it was not over yet. Hadn't Heart told Devin that he could 'do with her what he wished'? Was this to be her new life? A fuck toy for pirates until they lost interest in her and threw her overboard? And what of Lana? What ritual did Seth Heart have in store for the poor young witch?

Devin opened a door and practically threw Stella inside, closing the door and locking it behind her with a devilish grin. "Round two," he grunted and Stella had no time to react before the hulk of a man was upon her.....


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AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Can't wait to read the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Autocorrect Gremlin…

appears to have attacked a few words on page 1.

Otherwise, an entertaining read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Do you plan on finishing Hell's Gate?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

That was fun! More would be great!

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