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Mum hesitated for a moment as she searched for the right way to continue. "It seldom worked because my upbringing was too strong, but a few days later curiosity got the better of me, and I did it again. This time I tasted nothing unusual, so I gave it a few days then had another try, which of course both surprised and delighted your father. It was third time lucky because I tasted it again, and I knew it could only have come from you, because his routine never varied by more than two or three minutes, so he could not possibly have been seeing anyone else. I started doing it more often, telling myself I was just trying to be sure of my facts before confronting him. It was more than a week before I tasted you on him again, and by then I was learning to like how he felt in my mouth, although it took me a little longer to enjoy the taste of his stuff. I think that liking how you tasted helped. Before I knew it all the inhibitions of my upbringing had disappeared, and sucking him became second nature to me. He didn't even have to ask any more, the more I did it the more I wanted to."

She laughed. "Your Dad must have thought he died and went to Heaven. I still intended to challenge him -- or you - about him doing you, but I was like a child with a new toy. Then Hamish booked the holiday, and I didn't want to spoil it for everyone, so I put off saying anything. When I let Hamish shag me in France I couldn't bring myself to be a hypocrite and complain about you and your Dad doing what Hamish and I had done."

I really didn't know what to say to that. It was a relief to know she hadn't objected to Dad shagging me, but the manner in which she found out had me lost for words. Had she truly liked how I tasted, or was she just saying that to make me feel better?

Suddenly she laughed and hugged me. "Aren't we wicked?"

'If you only knew', I thought to myself, remembering how willingly I had let Chuck and Wilbur fuck me, and how shamelessly I had barged into Armand's room and leaned over the bed, but I simply laughed in return and hugged her back.

After a few moments of silence she spoke again. "Now that we know about each other I sort of wish Hamish was here."

One of these days my mouth is going to get me into trouble, because without thinking I replied. "He might not be here here, but I am." And then I did the unthinkable. I put my hand on her breast and squeezed gently.

Her mouth went wide with shock. "Oh!" She looked down at my hand. "Oh. Oh dear. I never thought... I mean I... Only three people ever..."

I knew she was including Chuck in the three, but she didn't try to move away so I rotated my palm until her nipple stiffened. "Four now." I whispered. She still didn't move, but she shivered as I started to unfasten her blouse. When the buttons were all undone, I hooked a finger in her bra cup to pull it aside, and she tensed. "It's OK Mum," I soothed. "I've seen them before, remember."

Careful not to take things too quickly, I let my hand fall into my lap and looked at her exposed breast for several seconds, before pulling the other cup down. Once again I sat in silence, studying her pale mounds until she relaxed, and then a sudden light flick of my fingertip stiffened her nipple even more. She drew in a shuddering breath when I slowly ran my tongue across one puckered bud, and she pushed me away, covering both breasts with her hands.

"You'd better stop that before we go too far." Her tone was shaky and unconvincing, and I pulled her hands down.

"What's too far?" I asked quietly, sucking first one nipple, then the other.

"I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to find out. It's all too much too quickly. Please stop."

I sucked for a few seconds longer, then raised my head to Mum's obvious relief. I stood and picked up the empty teacups. "How about another cuppa?" She nodded absently, looking down at her breasts as though unsure that I really had sucked them.

As I put the kettle on I glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall, surprised to see it was almost lunch time. I put my head round the door to ask what she fancied for lunch and stopped. Her bra was back in place, but her blouse was still open, and she gazed unseeingly into space as she pinched and twisted her nipples through the fabric.

Ducking back into the kitchen before she noticed me watching, I raised my voice. "Fancy some scrambled eggs Mum?" Her reply was indistinct, so I took it as a yes, and as I cracked the eggs into a bowl I thought about what I had seen. There was no way of knowing if what she had done was prompted by our revelations, or by my sucking her nipples, but whatever the case it was clear to me she had certainly been aroused to some degree. We didn't say much as we ate, and after I had rinsed the plates I suggested we fill the afternoon looking round the shops.

She seemed very subdued and distracted as we wandered from shop to shop, hardly speaking except to reply to my comments, and only then in monosyllables. Her usual enthusiasm for trying on expensive fashions she had no intention of buying just wasn't there, and I began to wonder if she was trying to avoid being with me wearing only her underwear. If maybe I had indeed gone too far for her comfort. The afternoon dragged on, with Mum's seemingly dark mood starting to rub off on me, so I was only too happy to agree when she suggested we return home.

It must have been later than I thought, because when we got home Angus was sitting at the table shovelling beans on toast into his mouth. "Hello Mum, Nan," he mumbled. "Going to the dance hall with some of the lads from school. Shouldn't be too late." He pushed the plate away with a satisfied burp. "Before I forget, Dad said he's knocking off early, and he'll be home about sixish to take you and Nan to the pictures." Leaving me to clear the table, he gave Mum and me a peck on the cheek, and disappeared into the street.

Taking the dirty plate into the kitchen, I put it on the draining board to be washed later, and when I returned Mum was sitting on the couch, wringing her hands nervously. She flinched when I sat beside her, and I took her hand. "Look Mum, I'm sorry I embarrassed you. I don't know what made me do what I did."

She shrugged. "What's done is done. It's too late to worry about it now."

"Maybe, but it ruined the afternoon for both of us."

"No, it wasn't that, it just reminded me of something else, that's all, and I couldn't stop thinking about it."

I knew it was probably none of my business, but I had to ask. "What was it then?"

She took a deep breath. "Chuck. It reminded me of the first time he made a pass at me. He didn't touch me right away. He just sat beside me on the couch for a while, looking at my cleavage, then he started to unfasten my blouse the way you did. I was a bit shocked, but I was flattered at the same time, and I told myself that after all he'd done for us it wouldn't hurt to let him see my brassiere. When he took my breast out I didn't try to stop him, because by then I didn't want to, so I let him take my undies off and do it. When you undid my blouse before you even touched my breast, it reminded me of him, and it started me wondering how you and your Dad started. I was thinking about that all the time we were out."

It suddenly struck me that telling me about Chuck was her way of leading up to this, and there was a gleam in her eye that was more than mere curiosity. I squeezed her hand. "Do you really want to know?"

She lowered her gaze and nodded. "Only if you want to tell me."

This time it was my turn to take a deep breath. "It was under the stairs during the blitz. You were in front of me and Dad was behind me holding us both. As you know, it was really cramped in there, and he was pressed tight against me. I could feel him getting hard against my bottom, and I recalled something Hamish had said, about dying without ever knowing how it felt to do it. Actually I nearly did it with him, but you and Dad came home just as he was about to put it in me."

I could sense Mum was becoming more and more agitated, and when I paused she urged me to continue.

"The bombs were getting closer, and Dad started pulling the back of my nightie up, and his hard dick was against my bare bottom."

I paused again, and she asked "Didn't it bother you that he was your father?"

"Of course it did, but I couldn't stop thinking about dying without knowing. He started feeling my fanny, and when a bomb landed in the next street I was sure the next one would be ours, and it suddenly didn't matter who shagged me so long as I knew how it felt."

Her eyes were gleaming, and she pressed her thighs tightly together. "Then what?" she breathed.

"Then he pushed his dick into my fanny. It hurt a bit, but not for long, and then he was pushing it in and out, in and out, and it was the best feeling ever. When he asked a week later if he could shag me again I just couldn't say no, and it was even better because we weren't so cramped for space. He could look at my fanny and I could look at his dick, and he was able to put it all the way in."

Just as I finished, Hamish came home. He kissed me and then Mum, and when she flinched he looked at her. "Is something wrong? Ye look a bit out of sorts."

"No, I'm fine. We've been talking." She hesitated, then blurted out, "Thelma knows."

"Knows what? I'm not with ye."

"She knows about us. You and me."

He tensed, "Oh, I see. What made ye tell her?"

"She didn't tell me," I put in. "I already knew."

"Oh? Since when?"

"Since the first time in France."

His scarred brow wrinkled in a frown. "And ye didna object?"

I shook my head. "Why should I? I didn't object when I watched you do it with Doris, and I didn't object when I watched you with her cousin Hannah, so why should I object to you doing it with Mum? I love both of you, so if it made you both happy it made me happy."

Mum's eyebrows shot up at the revelation that I had watched him shag Doris and Hannah, but she seemed a little more at ease knowing that I truly didn't mind. "Besides," I told him, "With Dad gone, Mum needs you more than ever now." Seeing the hunger in her eyes, I smiled encouragingly, and added "And I mean now."

Hamish studied her thoughtfully, then said. "Look, I know I said I'd take ye both out tonight, but d'ye mind if we stay home?" He squeezed in between us and put his arms around our shoulders. "I must say it's a relief," he said, pulling us closer so he could slide his hands down on to our breasts.

Mum shifted position slightly, snuggling into his palm. "Yes it is."

We both sighed at the same time as he started stroking our tits, and I reached across to unfasten her blouse. Her need must have been more intense than I thought, because she quite surprised me when she hesitated for no more than a second, before easing her boobs from their restraining cups, and drawing his head to her nipples. It was difficult to believe that she could be so forward, but I knew from experience that when aroused, people were capable of acting in ways that would normally shock them. And at that moment it looked as if Mum was more aroused than I would have thought possible.

She seemed to have forgotten I was there as Hamish sucked her tits, and she freed his dick, watching her hand glide up and down as she slid her bottom to the edge of the couch, causing her skirt to ride up. Her eyes opened wide in surprise when I crouched between her knees to pull down her panties, inhaling the scent of her need as her pussy was revealed. I longed to cover her slit with my mouth, but remembering how she reacted when I had sucked her nipples, I controlled the urge, contenting myself with merely looking. Even with Dad gone, she had continued to shave, and her smooth lips were gleaming with moisture. Not daring to touch her myself, I took Hamish's hand and guided it to her fanny. A barely audible moan escaped her, and she raised her hips, opening up to his questing fingers.

She turned until she lay lengthways on the couch, one leg raised on the cushions, the other foot flat on the floor, and in less than five minutes, that which I had dreamed of since I spied on them in France, but never expected to see, happened. I avidly watched the pouting lips part as my husband eased his hard cock into Mum's wet and more than willing fanny. Not since he stopped seeing Hannah had I had the joy of watching Hamish shag another woman, in fact I had pretty much given up hope, but now, knowing it was my Mum's twat he was about to fill with cum made it doubly exciting. No longer able to contain myself, I stripped off my blouse and bra, and pressed my bosom to hers as I watched them fuck. I had half expected her to push me away again, but when she didn't I took a chance and fastened my lips on her nipple, fondling my own tits and watching from the corner of my eye, as his cock continued to slide in and out of her bald pussy.

I slipped my hand inside my panties as I sucked her tits, desperate to quell the inferno between my own thighs. The intensity and suddenness of my climax shook me, because I had given my clit no more than four strokes before my cum poured into my cupped palm.

I finished myself off quickly and turned my attention back to Mum and Hamish. His cock was coated with the milky sheen of her secretions, and her breathing was becoming more laboured as he fucked her closer and closer to orgasm. Suddenly she gave a most unladylike grunt, her tummy muscles tensing as her seeping secretions became a flow, and she began to undulate her hips slowly and purposefully.

"Yessssssssssssss." It was a long drawn out sigh as much as a word, and her face took on a look of absolute bliss as Hamish came inside her. She continued to thrust against him, milking his cock until it softened and slipped out.

Now that her passion was spent she seemed a little bashful, sitting up straight and pulling her skirt over her sticky fanny. Hamish went to the toilet to relieve his bladder, and Mum patted the couch beside her. Avoiding the cum that had pooled on the cushion, I perched on the edge as she took my hand. "I can't believe I let you watch me being shagged. If anyone had told me a year ago that I would let anyone see me do it I would have been horrified. Least of all you. But after you told me how your father did you I was too far gone to resist. And when you said you watched Hamish with Doris and Hannah, the thought of you watching him with me didn't seem so strange, although I never thought it would excite me as much as it did."

I was starting to really appreciate the frankness that was developing between us, and when Hamish came back downstairs and leered at our still uncovered boobs, I asked him to go out for some fish and chips. He had been gone no more than a few minutes when Mum broke the silence. "I know you watched Hamish with Doris and Hannah, so I wondered -- did Wilbur and Bert do it with you?"

I shook my head. "Bert didn't but yes, Wilbur did. He fucked me whenever Hamish fucked Doris, which was pretty much most weekends."

"I see." She frowned at my use of the F-word, which she had never heard me say before, and fell quiet for a while. Finally she glanced down at her breasts, and in a barely audible whisper she said. "What you did before when Hamish was doing me, did you do that with Doris?"

"Yes, many times." I didn't need to ask what she meant. "That and much more."

Hamish returned before Mum could say more than "Oh", although I could see that she longed to hear more, but not in the presence of my husband. We sat on the couch with him between us and ate the fish and chips with our fingers straight from the wrapping, wiping our hands afterwards on the discarded paper. Almost shyly, she reached for his hand and rested it on my bare breast. "Thelma's turn now" she whispered in a shaky voice, and when his fingers closed on my nipple, she crouched between my knees as I had done with her and pulled off my soggy panties.

Hopefully I lifted my skirt and spread my legs wide, wanting her to touch me, but she merely stared, studying my exposed inner folds before unfastening Hamish's trousers. "Do her" she demanded urgently. "I want to see you do her."

In her crouched position, for a brief moment I could look up her skirt at her slit and picture it again filled with my husband's prick, then she moved to stand beside me as he dropped his trousers and positioned himself between my legs. Her eyes were gleaming as she watched him take aim, and I took advantage of her distraction to caress the smooth skin of her inner thigh. She backed away before I could explore higher, but when Hamish thrust into me she gasped and moved closer, so I tried again.

This time I managed to get as far as touching her fanny, but when I tried to part the soft lips she grasped my hand. "Please don't. It's too much, too soon. I just want to watch him do you."

Reluctantly I took my hand away and pinched my nipples, watching the changing expressions on her face as Hamish fucked me. She sucked in a breath through pursed lips when he came inside me, then she smiled. "Thank you both for a wonderful evening. I think I'll have an early night." With a lingering look at my cream filled fanny, she kissed us both goodnight and went upstairs.

We were wakened early next morning by Mum singing at the top of her voice as she clattered around in the kitchen. Glad to hear her so happy, but wishing she had chosen a more reasonable hour to show it, I groaned and buried my head under the pillow. Soon the smell of frying bacon wafting up the stairs lured Hamish out of bed, and I snuggled further under the blankets. My few moments of peace were disturbed ten minutes later, when Angus yelled out that he was off to work, and as the door slammed behind him I wrapped my housecoat around my shoulders and trudged downstairs.

Hamish was seated at the kitchen table holding the remains of a bacon sandwich, whilst Mum filled his teacup. She was smiling indulgently, and it wasn't until I moved around the table to sit down that I realised he had one hand busy between her thighs. When she saw me she made no attempt to stop him feeling her, other than to say quietly, "Now, now Hamish, you'll be late for work, and what sort of example would that be setting for your staff?"

He laughed as he rose from his chair. "That's the best thing about being the boss. I canna be sacked, but ye're right. If I'm no there to crack the whip there'll be nae work done."

Mum seemed a little regretful as we watched him leave, which made me wonder just how long he had been feeling her fanny before I came downstairs. It also made me wonder if last night had made her more adventurous. After all, she hadn't tried to stop me sucking her tits when Hamish shagged her, so maybe with a bit of persuasion she might let me do it again.

She sat facing me across the table as I tucked into my bacon and egg breakfast, and trying to sound casual I asked her, "How was last night? Did you enjoy it as much as you seemed to?"

Her smile spoke volumes. "Once I overcame the awkwardness it was exciting. I never thought I could ever do anything so outrageous. How about you? Did you like seeing Hamish doing it with me? Was it as good as watching him with Doris?"

She seemed to be seeking reassurance, and I reached across the table to take her hand. "It was much better than with her. Seeing my Mum shagged by my hubby added that little bit of naughtiness and made it extra special. How did you like seeing me do it?"

"It was interesting to say the least. I've never seen anyone do it before. As you said it was rather naughty watching my daughter and I found it quite exciting, but not as much as having you watching me. I'll even go as far as to say I didn't mind your mouth on my breasts when Hamish was in me."

I guessed from this admission that our conversation was having a similar effect on Mum as it was having on me, so I decided to see how far I could push her. I finished my breakfast and we took our cups of tea into the living room. "OK." I said, settling down beside her on the couch. "I told you how Dad started with me, so it's your turn. How did you and Hamish start?"