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She thought for a few seconds before replying. "Actually it was easier than I would have thought. The first time I saw him naked on the beach I liked what I saw. As soon as I realised I wanted him to look at my vagina, I knew if he ever tried anything I wouldn't have the will power to say no. I didn't dare open my legs properly though in case your father noticed how wet I was. When your Dad suggested Hamish go with me to ask about a picnic lunch I thought my good fairy was smiling down on me. We were told at the kitchen there would be a short wait, so we went to our room where I sat in the chair with my legs open enough for him to have a clear view without making it too obvious."

Mum paused for a moment, but when I nodded for her to go on she continued. "At first he pretended not to look, but by the way he was sitting I could tell what he was thinking, and what it was doing to him. He tried to joke, saying he liked how my nipples puckered when they were hard, and if I wasn't his wife's mother I'd be in trouble. I pretended not to understand and he laughed and put his hand on my breast, saying that was what he'd do if I wasn't his mother in law. It felt like he started a fire between my legs and I couldn't stop myself from opening them wider. When he started stroking my vagina I knew there was no stopping. I tried telling myself it was wrong to have sex with my daughter's husband, but when he put it in me it just didn't feel wrong. The longer he was inside me, and the more he pushed in and out the more exciting it was."

Her reminiscences had the effect I hoped for and she was almost breathless when she concluded, so I took a chance and slipped a hand inside her housecoat. "Did he feel your breasts like this?" I whispered squeezing gently. She sighed and nodded. "Did he suck your nipples like I did last night?" Another sigh, another nod. I opened her coat and pushed my hand between her legs. "Did he feel your fanny like this?"

"Yes... no... I don't know... don't... oh god yes!" Her thighs parted and she gave a strangled moan, pressing back against my teasing fingertips. She didn't see my smile of triumph as I took her nipple between my lips. My seduction of my Mum was almost complete, but I knew I had to time it just right or risk ruining it forever. I took it slowly, stroking as I sucked, gently at first, encouraging her increasing wetness, then more insistently, caressing her the way I liked to be caressed, sucking the way every woman likes to be sucked and caressed. As only a woman knows how to.

When the urgency of her responses told me she was close to the edge, I slid down and pressed my lips to her pussy in the most intimate of all kisses. Considering that less than twelve hours earlier she had pushed my hand away, her reaction was startlingly dramatic. The instant my tongue parted the moist lips and centred on her clit, she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer, grinding her pussy against my mouth.

I don't know if it was my imagination, or simply the thrill of the forbidden, but Mum's fanny tasted nicer than Doris or Hannah's ever had, and I licked voraciously, lapping her lubricating juices as fast as they flowed. My tongue was as far inside her as I could get it when she started to cum, and the first creamy drops slid straight down my throat. I raised her knees against her chest, opening her fanny wider and making her clit protrude further, and attacked the swollen bud with my greedy tongue, pushing a finger deep inside her inviting hole and finger and tongue fucking her until she lowered her legs, pushing me away.

"No more. Please," she gasped. "I can't take any more."

My own fanny was on fire but I didn't want to pressure her into anything she wasn't ready for, so I just sat back on my heels and licked my lips. Mum's demeanour changed as she recovered her composure, and a tear rolled slowly down her cheek. "I'm sorry Thelma, that should never have happened."

I looked at her in confusion. "Why are you sorry Mum? You enjoyed it, didn't you? You wanted it as much as I did."

She shook her head. "I can't deny I enjoyed it, but I didn't want it. At least I didn't want it to go so far. It's just that when you touched me down there I couldn't stop until it was over. I had to know what was going to happen and what it would feel like."

"So long as you liked it what does it matter?"

"That's just the problem," she frowned. "Maybe I liked it too much. Maybe it will change how I think of men. I mean everything you did was just right, and no man was ever able to do exactly what I needed without being asked or told how."

I couldn't help laughing as I told her, "Just wait until Hamish puts his dick in you again. You'll soon see that you have nothing to worry about. A woman may be able to lick you better than a man, but that's only because she licks the way she likes being licked herself. The woman hasn't been born who can shag you as good as a man can. I loved it when Doris licked me, but a tongue doesn't compare with a hard dick. It's just one more thing to enjoy."

She touched her pussy briefly. "I hope you're right," she whispered half to herself. "Anyway, let's get dressed and go out for some fresh air."

Walking along the street I tried to ignore the burning between my legs, whereas by contrast Mum's mood lightened as we wandered I and out of the shops. By the time we stopped at a small cafe for lunch she was almost back to her usual self. After we finished eating we resumed browsing. Passing the local cinema she pointed out that there was an afternoon matinee showing at half price, and suggested we go in to kill a couple of hours.

The run down old place was scarcely a quarter filled, mostly with elderly people sitting up front close to the screen, and we easily found a row to ourselves halfway down. When we were settled in our seats, Mum nudged me and glanced towards the back rows.

"It was in those seats back there that I first let a boy touch me" she whispered. "His name was Henry, and he was quite the handsomest boy in the whole school. All the young ladies were in love with him, and I was so flattered when he asked me out that I told a fib to my parents, and said I was going to see a film with some girls from school." She giggled. "Poor Henry had such a difficult time of it. Skirts were so long those days and we all wore petticoats. It was such a struggle for him to get his hand under all the layers without attracting attention, and then he had my knee length bloomers to contend with. He had only just put his hand on my vagina when the film ended, and he had to stop before the lights came back on. It was so naughty and exciting though. I never went out with him again, because he became angry when I refused to let him feel me on the way home, and I realised that that was the only interest he had in me."

The thought of my Mum sitting in the dark with a boy feeling her fanny set me off again, and I surreptitiously slid down the zip in the side of my dress. As the lights dimmed I slipped my hand inside and down the front of my briefs, quietly rubbing my wet slit until the flames were reduced to smouldering embers.

Back home later I made a steak and kidney pie, whilst Mum peeled potatoes and vegetables, and we watched television until it was cooked. Angus came home at his usual time, and after wolfing down his meal he disappeared again for the evening. Mum and I ate ours more slowly, and leaving Hamish's loaded plate in the oven to stay warm, we returned to the living room and the television.

Promptly at eight thirty Hamish came in from work, and after kissing Mum and me he sniffed appreciatively as he took a seat at the kitchen table. "Something smells good. I'm starving."

Mum took his plate from the oven and set it in front of him, sighing in exasperation when he pushed his hand under her skirt. "Don't you men ever think of anything else?"

He laughed good naturedly and pulled her closer. "Och, ye know how we are. Plenty o' food and fanny and we're happy."

She smiled indulgently and let him feel her pussy for a few moments, then stepped away. "Enough of that. Eat before it gets cold."

"Aye, OK," he leered. "And then we can finish what we started."

"Not with me you won't. I want to see you do Thelma again." Her no nonsense tone told him the matter was not open for discussion, and I followed her into the living room, pleased that she had put my needs before her own. Before I sat down on the couch, Mum reached under my dress and tugged my panties down then sat beside me. She unbuttoned the front of my dress, and was unhooking my bra when Hamish came into the room.

"Don't just stand there gawking," she commanded, pulling my dress up to my waist and parting my legs. "Take your clothes off and lick her vagina." He looked at her in shock but she stared him down. "Come on, you've licked mine often enough, so you can't say you never did the same for your wife. Now I want to see it before you do her."

I was just as flabbergasted as my husband because I'd never dreamed she could be so forceful and demanding, but as he capitulated and started to undress I smiled gratefully. Her eyes gleamed and her face was flushed as she leaned close to watch him lick up and down my fanny, alternating between poking his tongue into my slippery opening and prodding it against my clit.

It struck home to me just how much she was coming out of her shell when, with her eyes firmly fixed on my tongue filled slit, she raised the hem of her skirt and easing her panties to her knees she pushed a finger into her pussy. The squishy sounds of her thrusting fingers sent me over the edge, and I pushed Hamish away.

"Quick, put it in me now!"

Mum's fingers moved faster as she watched him fuck me, then I lost all awareness of everything but the plunging cock carrying me on a wave of ecstasy, until my cum was soaking the cushion under my bottom, and my husband's cum was flooding my twat.

She seemed embarrassed at having given in to her urge to finger herself in front of Hamish and me, and she scarcely said a word as we sat watching telly and drinking tea, until around ten thirty she yawned and went upstairs to bed.

The next morning Mum stayed in her room until Hamish left for work, and then she moved back into her own house without any explanation. After washing up the breakfast things I went to ask for an explanation, but no matter how hard I pressed her she remained tight lipped. As the day passed I formed the impression that she was avoiding Hamish, and to some extent me, but I couldn't for the life of me understand why. Things became more and more strained over the next couple of days, and it wasn't until the third morning when I was thinking about the conversation we had after I licked her that it came to me.

I went over immediately and confronted her. "Look Mum, this silliness has to stop. I know why you've been avoiding us, especially Hamish, and you're wrong. I know you're worried that what we did -- what I did -- might have changed your thinking, but you don't know for certain, and not knowing can be worse than knowing. If you will just let Hamish fuck you again you'll see that I'm right. Being licked by another woman can be fun, but only for something different. It could never be as good as having a hard dick in your fanny. At least think about it." I added, and left before she could think of an excuse to refuse.

After Hamish and I made love that night he was lying on the bed beside me, admiring my body as he so often liked to do, and we heard stealthy footsteps on the stairs. Thinking it might be a burglar, he reached for the heavy bedside lamp ready to brain the intruder, when the door opened and Mum came in wearing a determined expression, and, as we discovered moments later, little else. She dropped her coat on the floor to reveal her nude body, and kicking off her shoes climbed on to the bed beside Hamish.

"Move over!" Her breasts were heaving and she sounded like she had been running, and as if she had been working up the courage all day, she leaned over him and took his limp cock into her mouth. She sucked and stroked until he had regained his erection, then knelt astride his hips and lowered herself on to his shaft.

This was a vastly different Mum to the one I had first watched my husband fuck. On that occasion she had been calmly compliant, sedately accepting his thrusts, but now she rode him fiercely as though intent on devouring his cock with her pussy. Since Hamish had flooded my fanny only minutes earlier, it would be quite some time before he was able to cum a second time, and I watched spellbound as Mum went through climax after climax after climax. She was flopping about like a rag doll on a stick, with her cum pouring unchecked down his shaft and on to the bed covers when his cock finally erupted and sent a fountain of thick goo into her slippery twat.

The strain of her exertions was etched on her face, and she gave me a weary smile as she raised up enough to allow his spent prick to slip from her thoroughly fucked and dripping hole. For fully five minutes she sat motionless, the only sounds being her deep breathing, then she leaned forward and kissed Hamish firmly but without passion. "Thank you" she murmured, "If you two don't mind I'll sleep here tonight." Without another word she picked up her coat and left the room.

Hamish shook his head as the door closed behind her. "What the devil brought that on? She ignores us for three days then she does that! Not that I'm complaining." he added with a dirty grin.

I suspected I knew the answer but I couldn't tell him, because I had no way of knowing how he would react if he knew I licked my own mother's fanny. Besides, she had made it quite clear at the time that it wouldn't happen again, so there was no point mentioning it.

When Mum came downstairs in the morning wearing her coat loosely wrapped around her, Hamish looked up from his breakfast. "You going out this early?"

She shook her head. "No, my housecoat is at home so I had to put this on."

"That makes sense." He flipped her coat open and looked appreciatively at her freshly shaven fanny. "Did you walk through the streets like that?"

"Yes, it didn't seem to matter in the dark. It was late at night and I had other things on my mind anyway."

His mouth twisted in a familiar grin. "I noticed." He put out a hand and she shivered as his finger traced the dividing line of her slit.

"You'll be late for work." she muttered, contradicting her weak protest by moving closer.

Pushing his chair away from the table he leaned back and slipped a finger into her. "If the boss canna be late now and then where's the point in being the boss?" he reasoned, as he worked it in and out.

"I dare say you're right" she sighed, parting her thighs a little more and pushing her hips forward. "I suppose someone had better take care of this for you." she murmured, laying a palm against the growing bulge in his trousers. It wasn't exactly the sort of question that needed an answer, and she undid his pants and sank down to take him into her mouth. I half expected her to suck him until she was ready to be shagged, as she had last night, but she didn't stop sucking and stroking until he exploded in her mouth. Rising again she wiped a couple of stray drops of cum from her chin and grinned. "OK mister, you'd better get to work and let us girls get on with the housework."

When he had left she looked at me uncertainly. "I hope you didn't mind me doing that? It's just that I like using my mouth and I was still excited from last night."

I smiled and shook my head. "Of course not. I enjoy seeing it almost as much as you seem to enjoy doing it, and I'm sure Hamish will never complain." Her relief was almost tangible and I couldn't resist teasing. "Just be careful of your bottom, he gets a bit carried away sometimes."

She surprised me by laughing gleefully. "Don't I know it? He's done me there several times. I was a bit horrified the first time, but now I don't mind so long as he takes it easy and isn't too energetic about it. Not that he does it often, although when he does it makes a pleasant change."

Her enthusiasm hadn't waned when he came home from work that evening, and she was almost joyful as she spread her legs for him. I must confess I was a little concerned that she might wear him out, but he seemed indefatigable when he shagged me an hour or so later, and again when we were alone at bedtime.

We fell into a comfortable routine as the days passed. Two, sometimes three mornings a week Mum would start his day by sucking him, and although he didn't shag her every day, he did her often enough to keep her content. Nor did he neglect my appetite, so none of us had cause to complain.

After she had sucked him one morning before he left for work, we were sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of tea, and she reached across to take my hand. "Can I ask a favour?"

She seemed a little edgy, so I squeezed her fingers to reassure her. "Of course, what do you want me to do?"

"Well, I was wondering," she said hesitantly, "what it's like to touch another woman. You know... intimately."

My eyes widened in surprise. Ever since that first time, apart from occasionally stroking her breast when Hamish was inside her, I had been careful not to alarm her by making any more advances, so her suggestion took me off guard. I recovered quickly, unfastening my house coat as I moved around the table to stand beside her. Now that we were so close she seemed almost afraid to make the first move, and I turned her face gently and guided my nipple to her mouth. After a moment or two her lips parted, and she pressed the tip of her tongue against the stiffened bud. She still seemed a little uncertain, so I encouraged her by lifting her hand and pressing it to my unoccupied breast, and as her fingers moulded themselves to the curves she opened her mouth wider, ringing my nipple with the tip of her tongue.

As her confidence grew she became more eager, changing from tit to tit, constantly caressing the pliant flesh as she sucked and nuzzled. Moments later I felt her palm against the inside of my knee, and momentarily relinquishing my nipple, she whispered, "Can I touch your vagina now?"

Pushing my hips forward in reply, I smiled with amusement at her outdated terminology. Despite her determination to appear 'modern', there remained aspects of my Mum's more prim upbringing that she could not quite bring herself to discard. To her thinking, what was between a woman's legs could only ever be a vagina, never a fanny or a pussy. Just as she was more comfortable saying 'do', rather than 'shag' or 'fuck'. In its own way I found this quaintness strangely arousing, and I held my breath with excitement when she parted my pussy lips.

"It's like warm wet silk," she whispered, running a finger along the length of my slit and pressing gently but firmly on my clit. "I can understand why men like to do this." She went back to sucking my tits as she twisted her finger in and out, spreading my wetness over my bald mound. Just as my climax was beginning she spoke again. "Do you want to do me again like last time? I think I'm more prepared for it now than I was then."

I tried to slip her housecoat from her shoulders, but she rose quickly and took my hand. "Not here. Let's go upstairs." I allowed her to lead me up to her room, where I saw she had prepared by laying a towel over the bed covers. Her hands shook as she removed my house coat, then taking off her own she lay on the bed and raised her arms to me. She was still a little nervous so I started slowly, gently caressing her trembling breasts and nibbling her nipples until she began to calm down. As she became more relaxed I kissed my way down her body and parted her legs, releasing the exotic scent of her arousal. I eyed her moist pink folds with hunger, and slowly lowered my mouth to her smooth lips, but she put her had on my head.